Showing posts with label Parrish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parrish. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Angel Parrish From My 600-lb Life: See Her Insane Transformation!

Not every reality star gets a happy ending, and that is certainly true for those who appear on My 600-lb Life. Sometimes people concern fans with behavior that has nothing to do with their weight.

But sometimes, people really do dramatically transform their bodies. And that is clearly the case for 

She is absolutely unrecognizable.

At her largest, Angel Parrish weighed 570 pounds.

Her backstory was heartbreaking, and not simply because of her size.

Angel revealed that she had begun to accumulate weight after having been forced to surrender her baby for adoption at the age of 14.

It seems clear that there is more in her youth than the emotional loss of her adoption that filled her with a deep and lingering sadness.

Like so many, she used food as a coping mechanism. Over time, and combined with genetic and environmental factors, she increased in size.

Angel Parrish at Full Size

Fans last saw or heard from Angel Parrish in 2016, but she remained in the thoughts of many.

She had dropped her weight all of the way down to 230 pounds thanks to weight loss surgery.

But she has spent years in silence on social media.

Now, however, she has reappeared in a single photo.

When we say that she is unrecognizable, we are not exaggerating.

Take a look:

This is such a dramatic body transformation.

But we have to remember that, since we last saw her in 2016, Angel has had a lot of time to lose further weight and to adjust to her new figure.

Beyond that, the shock that fans may experience at seeing the photo — a sort of mild mental whiplash — comes from the total radio silence before this.

You don’t always notice weight loss when you see it happening at an imperceptible rate every day or every week.

After two years, the difference is staggering.

We do not, however, know her new weight.

But if we were to guess, it sure seems that her weight is now below 230.

Congratulations are definitely in order.

Angel Parrish and Dr. Now

There is more to dramatic weight loss like this than simply undergoing surgery with Dr. Now.

(Dr. Nowzaradan has a clinic in Houston that is featured on My 600-lb Life)

Weight loss in this manner, when the volume of the stomach is artificially reduced to limit how much food can be consumed at a time, is only part of the equation.

And it is agonizing — the human body excels at storing energy, and people who suddenly begin consuming less food on a daily basis feel as though they are starving.

Even with all of that, regulating what she eats and when she eats it, coupled with exercise, would also be vital for Angel to be a success story.

Judging from the new photo, we would guess that she also had some excess skin surgically removed. That is often necessary for people who have undergone massive weight loss.

Angel Parrish is Frustrated

Angel’s dramatic reveal may put to shame even Amber Rachdi’s insane transformation.

But it is not a competition, folks. This is about people who choose to change the shape and weight of their bodies getting the opportunity to do so with assistance and guidance and with the support of fans.

Not every story ends happily. Some have health complications from their initial weight or even their sudden weight loss.

Others have underlying problems that may have led to weight gain but continue to plague them even as they transform their bodies.

We are so glad to see that Angel is doing so well.


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Eniko Parrish Won"t Allow Kevin Hart Out of Her Sight!

After a lot of denials, Kevin Hart admitted that he screwed up. In a public video, he apologized to his wife and children … without being specific about what he’d done wrong.

Maybe he figured that he’d embarrass his family further if he said the word “cheating.” Clearly, he’s ashamed and is willing to do anything to make it up to them.

And apparently that includes putting up with his wife, Eniko, keeping him on a very short leash.

Based upon Eniko’s Instagram post celebrating “8 years” together and the power of math, it looks like Eniko and Kevin Hart’s relationship began before his previous marriage ended.


Kevin’s ex blasted him as a cheater and liar, which honestly sounds kind of fair, from her perspective.

But Kevin and Eniko are married now and, until very recently, things seemed all sorts of happy.

Until, reportedly, a blackmailer tried to extort a seven-figure sum from Kevin, claiming to have a sex tape of him with his alleged mistress.

Kevin decided that he’d rather keep his money and fess up.

Since this story became public, Montia Sabbag has identified herself as Kevin Hart’s alleged mistress. We don’t know who the blackmailer with the video is.

(Montia is gorgeous, but whether she’s jeopardize-your-marriage-and-public-standing levels of hot is a personal matter)

Some would say that, because of how their relationship began, Eniko deserves this, now.

We … don’t really agree.

HollywoodLife reports that Eniko is keeping a close eye on Kevin Hart

“Eniko is keeping extra close tabs on Kevin, especially during her final weeks of pregnancy.”

Yeah, we’d imagine so.

“Eniko is making Kevin call, text, or facetime with her constantly, throughout the day, whenever they are apart.”

Oh … that’s next-level.

(And, in most relationships, it would be toxic and a huge red flag — we’ll get to that in a bit)

“After his latest blunders, Kevin has agreed to check in with Eniko practically every hour they are apart to give her more security in their unstable relationship.”

You know, “blunders” is exactly the word for it, right?

Not only having the affair, but letting someone record it.

And we can see why she would need a lot of reassurance.

We imagine that it will take more than constant check-ins to repair the damage that Kevin’s blunders have done.

But at least it’s a start.

“She has zero trust in him right now.”

According to this source, Eniko has some very specific concerns.

“The last thing she wants is for Kevin to be absent for the delivery of their child or worse, for him to be caught stepping out on her again while she is in the hospital.”

Honestly, unless Kevin Hart has way less self-control than we suspect, that doesn’t seem like a mistake that he’s likely to make any time soon.

And nobody wants to miss the birth of their child. Well, except Anthony Scaramucci.

It’s important to note that this kind of behavior is usually toxic and a huge red flag in relationships.

If your significant other is checking in with you like this, it’s usually a sign of emotional abuse and you’re usually dealing with someone with control issues.

In many cases, you may want to leave the relationship before it turns violent.

In this case, it sounds like Kevin has signed up for this in an effort to apologize to his wife and to restore trust.

So it’s probably mostly okay.

Just keep in mind that anyone doing this preemptively … well, that’s a huge red flag.


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Eniko Parrish to Kevin Hart: If I Weren"t Pregnant, I"d Be GONE!

Just a little over a month ago, Kevin Hart was laughing off cheating allegations. And not for the first time.

Well … he’s not laughing now.

And neither is Eniko, his wife. In fact, she’s reportedly so distressed that she’d leave him … if she weren’t so very, very pregnant with his child.

Reportedly, Kevin Hart had a mistress and even a sex tape. But, when faced with a hefty blackmail amount, he came forward rather than pay out.

Only time will tell whether what he did was smart.

Speaking in a public video but directing his words at his wife and children, Kevin Hart apologized for cheating.

Not in so many words — but you can read between the lines.

And keep in mind that this was after months of dodging accusations and memes that suggested that he was a cheater.

This was after Eniko Parrish made a post celebrating their 8 years together, when fans could do the math and work out that Kevin Hart was still married to his ex wife 8 years earlier.

These fans and mild cyber-sleuths accused Eniko of having been Kevin’s mistress when he’d cheated on Torrei Hart.

(Well, he’d been accused already — so they saw this post as confirmation)

Eniko insisted, in response to the backlash, that Kevin’s marriage to Torrei had been basically already over.

Maybe she truly believed that

(Ladies, if a guy ever tells you this … wait to see the divorce documents or move on. Listening to one side of the story isn’t hearing the whole story)

We imagine that Eniko is viewing things through a different lens, these days.

Oh wait, we don’t have to imagine that — because HollywoodLife‘s source claims that Eniko is so outraged by Kevin Hart’s cheating and the ensuing scandal that, under different circumstances, she’d leave him.

Kevin is doing everything in his power to make it up to Eniko, and he swears that he will never mess up again.”

We’re sure that he’s very, very sorry … that he got caught.

(And maybe for the deed itself, who knows?)

“Eniko is so hurt and humiliated though, and she doesn’t know if she can ever really trust Kevin again.”

Yeah. Patterns are hard to break, even when the intention to change is sincere.

“If she [weren’t] pregnant then she would have walked away from him, but she doesn’t see that as an option right now.”

That’s … a big deal.

“Eniko has told Kevin that if he ever disrespects her again then it is over, but in the meantime she is trying to put it all behind them for the sake of the baby.”

Well, as we all know, nothing makes a marriage stronger or a kid emotionally healthier than a strained marriage that only remains intact because of shared offspring.

(That, folks, was sarcasm. Stay together or don’t, but don’t set up a situation where your kid is going to feel that it’s their fault that you’re both still together and miserable)

Kevin broke Eniko’s heart during a time that she felt her most vulnerable, and only time will tell if she will ever be able to truly forgive him.”


The long-term consequence of how her relationship with Kevin Hart began, for Eniko, is that a lot of people who might have been on her side … suddenly find that they don’t have a lot of sympathy for her.

They feel that if someone cheats with you and then they cheat on you, you either deserve it or you should have known.

Or both.

I … don’t really think that that’s fair.

I’m of the unpopular opinion that if Person A and Person B are dating, and Person C doesn’t have any connection to Person A, they don’t really owe them anything and shouldn’t get the blame for hooking up with Person B.

That blame would fall squarely on the shoulders of Person B and, usually, no one else.

But, like I said, that’s not the most popular opinion out there.

In part because a lot of people who get cheated on would rather direct most of their anger at some stranger than at the person they love.

In the mean time … we wonder if Eniko is going to walk away after giving birth.

Or will the couple find a way to move on together?


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Kevin Hart and Eniko Parrish Hosting $118k Baby Shower with Sex, Extortion Scandal Looming

Kevin Hart and his pregnant wife, Eniko, are putting his sex tape/extortion case on a side burner, for at least one day, because they’re still putting on a super expensive baby shower amid the scandal. According to docs, obtained by TMZ, Kevin and…


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Kevin Hart and Eniko Parrish Do Lunch Together in L.A.

Kevin Hart and his wife, Eniko, are presenting a united front … just days after he publicly apologized to her for the sexually charged video at the center of an alleged extortion plot. The couple went out for lunch Tuesday in Woodland Hills — the…


Monday, September 18, 2017

Eniko Parrish Tight-Lipped About Kevin Hart, Extortion and Cheating

Eniko Parrish isn’t shying away from cameras in the wake of Kevin Hart apologizing to her for getting into a bad “situation” — but she’s also not throwing him under the bus. Eniko, who’s in her third trimester, was out running errands Monday…


Eniko Parrish Tight-Lipped About Kevin Hart, Extortion and Cheating

Eniko Parrish isn’t shying away from cameras in the wake of Kevin Hart apologizing to her for getting into a bad “situation” — but she’s also not throwing him under the bus. Eniko, who’s in her third trimester, was out running errands Monday…


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Kevin Hart Just Laughs Off Resurfaced Cheating Allegations as Eniko Parrish and Torrei Hart Feud!

Remember way back in 2014 when we mentioned the possibility that Kevin Hart cheated on Torrei Hart with Eniko Parrish? Rumor was that Kevin cheated on his now ex-wife by dating his current wife before they split.

Eniko made a post that seemed to confirm, mathematically, that her relationship with Kevin started with her as his mistress. Torrei was not pleased. It was a mess.

Kevin Hart’s response to the whole debacle? Literally just laughing it off.

This mess started up again when Eniko Parrish, Kevin Hart’s current wife, posted to Instagram to celebrate her and Kevin Hart’s wedding anniversary.

She’s since deactivated comments on the post, which tells you how bad things got.

See if you can spot which part of her message raised the alarm.

“8.13.16. I’m Grateful to God everyday for putting us together. When it’s real, no love/bond can ever be faked nor broken. My partner in life, My other half that makes me whole, My SOULMATE.”

Well, that’s just the usual romantic stuff, right?

“Thank you for always keeping a smile on my face.. I love you more everyday. 8 years together..1 year married..Forever to go! #HartilyYours. Happy 1 year anniversary babe! We made it!”

Did you catch it?

She says “8 years together.” 

Kevin Hart and his ex-wife, Torrei Hart, only divorced 6 years ago.


Obviously, commenters pointed out that the numbers didn’t add up, and that’s when Eniko started replying to defend herself.

And she didn’t try to brush it off as a typo, which is absolutely what we would have advised her to do.

“Their marriage was broken way before I came in the picture.. They were separated living in separate homes. I was never a secret.”

Isn’t that what a lot of mistresses say and believe?

Eniko also said that the initial cheating rumors that we mentioned were Torrei’s doing, “[because] she wanted to play the ‘victim’ and not own up to her wrong doing as well.”

Eniko even claims that Kevin Hart was seeing other women, but that Torrei felt animosity towards her because her relationship with Kevin had “stuck.”

“I never wrecked any home.”

We would point out that, you know, sometimes one spouse has multiple affairs of a sexual nature that the other spouse ignores because he always comes home to her … until one day he doesn’t because he’s fallen in love.

Falling in love is different and can hurt way more than some tangled sheets in a hotel room.

You know who took notice of all of this? Torrei herself.

And she commented.

“Eniko sweetheart normally I don’t feed in to this, but when you addressed me directly, you forced my hand to respond.”

Oh dear, she brought out “sweetheart” right off the bat.

In this context, folks, it is not a term of endearment.

“We have made successful strides to become a loving co parenting family, but you have now left it open for my character to be questioned. You, Kevin, and I know the truth.”

Oh boy.

“Either respond truthfully or don’t respond at all.”

Eniko deactivated all comments on that post, but the post is still up — with those 8 years proudly on display for anyone to see and do the math.

It’s an interesting choice.

Kevin Hart responded on his own Instagram, because obviously he noticed the whole thing.

“Going to be honest with you people, I’m at a point where I can’t even be shocked anymore. All I do is laugh man.”

It sounds like his thinly veiled ire is directed, not at his wife or his ex-wife, but at the initial commenters who pointed out what the math indicated.

“Even after writing a book, a very good book, about my life in great detail … [it’s] still not enough?”

Plugging and praising his own book there was almost Trumpian, but not quite.

“Even after talking about my life in my stand up specials, a lot of stand up specials, you actually see me grow as a man through my stand up specials, still not enough?”

He still didn’t, you know, actually address anybody’s allegations or talk about his wife for ex-wife. That’s probably wise.

“This will act as nothing but material for your boy.”

So … we may hear his take on this eventually, we guess.


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Chris Brown Blasts Kehlani Parrish After Suicide Attempt

Congratulations, Chris Brown.

You may never sink lower than the time you bludgeoned Rihanna’s face into a bloody mess with your hands… but that doesn’t mean you are gonna stop trying.

On Tuesday, we sadly reported that Kehlani Parrish attempted suicide the day before, as the singer shared a picture of herself in a hospital bed and made reference in a caption to how she had “wanted to leave this Earth.”

She also referenced talk that she had cheated on boyfriend Kyrie Irving, implying that these rumors were the cause for why she had “no wish to see tomorrow.”

Following this near-tragedy, celebrities such as Nick Cannon took to social media in order to send Kehlani their best wishes.

But not Chris Brown.

He took to social media to throw shade at troubled artist.

“There is no attempting suicide,” Brown on Wednesday night. “Stop flexing for the gram. Doing s–t for sympathy so them comments under your pics don’t look so bad.”

And that wasn’t even it for Brown.

“Girls be mad at a n–ga for f–king around wit b–ches but her DMs got more names then the Declaration of Independence,” he wrote, adding for good measure and complete understanding:


Of course you are. You’re Chris Brown.

The only thing you throw more often than shade would be punched aimed at women.

Still not finished, the 26-year-old loser concluded:

“They look like they have stank sex!!!! #KYRIEMVP…

“I’ll be the BIGGEST PIECE OF [poop emoji]. But ima ride for my Homies regardless.

“KYRIE is probably one of the only good guys left. IDGAF!!! The amount of followers I got and the amount of comments are the amounts of f–ks I give.”

Chris Brown, ladies and gentlemen.

To all of you who continue to purchase his music, way to go. You should be proud of yourself.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Kehlani Parrish Reveals Suicide Attempt, Denies Cheating

Kehlani Parrish, a Grammy-nominated artist who has been accused of cheating on her famous boyfriend, has revealed via Instagram that she recently tried to end her own life.

The suicide attempt took place yesterday.

In a now-deleted message, Parrish shared a photo of herself with an IV in her arm while she lay in a hospital bed.

“Today I wanted to leave this earth,” Parrish wrote as a heartbreaking caption to the image. “Being completely selfish for once. Never thought I’d get to such a low point.

“But.. Don’t believe the blogs you read .. No one was cheated on and I’m not a bad person… Everyone is hurt and everyone is in a place of misunderstanding..

“But as of today, i had no single wish to see tomorrow.. But God saved me for a reason, and for that… I must be grateful.. Cuz I’m not in heaven right now for a reason..

“On that note.. Bye Instagram.”

It sounds very much as if Kehlani’s suicide attempt is related to talk that she cheated on Cleveland Cavaliers point guard Kylie Irving with her ex-boyfriend, PartyNextDoor (PND).

The rumor mill churned quickly after the rapper posted a photo on Monday of himself allegedly between the sheets with Parrish.

“After all the shenanigans, still got the R&B singer back in my bed,” PND penned as a caption.

Irving is a three-time NBA All-Star. He is yet to comment on talk of Parrish cheating or on her attempted suicide.

Please, readers. Take note:

If you or someone you know is going through a very difficult time and if you or this person you know may be contemplating the worst, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).