Priyanka Chopra couldn’t make it to Meghan Markle‘s baby shower — a sure sign there’s trouble in paradise for close pals … normally, anyway, but these 2 are a different breed o’ BFF.
Sources close to Priyanka tell TMZ … the actress did NOT m...
Priyanka Chopra Missed Meghan"s Baby Shower ... But They"re Still Besties
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Priyanka Chopra Missed Meghan"s Baby Shower ... But They"re Still Besties
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Meghan Markle It"s Baby Shower Time ... American Style!!!
require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Meghan Markle It"s Baby Shower Time ... American Style!!!
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Andy Cohen Baby Shower Brings Bravo Power ... So Many Housewives!!!
require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Andy Cohen Baby Shower Brings Bravo Power ... So Many Housewives!!!
Monday, December 31, 2018
Model Hallie Uhrig Feeling Bubbly ... Sexy Champagne Shower!!!
require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Model Hallie Uhrig Feeling Bubbly ... Sexy Champagne Shower!!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Demi Lovato: Stars Shower Her With Love After Overdose
After recent revelations that she had lapsed from her sobriety, Demi Lovato was hospitalized with a reported overdose.
Though we are still learning more about the situation, it was initially reported as a heroin overdose. Some reports of what caused the overdose are conflicting, however.
When the news first broke, it was unclear if she would even survive the night, and thoughts and prayers from countless millions of fans poured in.
Many celebrities, friends and exes and colleagues of Demi"s and even just those who are fans or familiar with her struggle with addiction, took to Twitter to shower Demi with love.
Take a look:
1. Joe Jonas

2. Nick Jonas

3. Ellen DeGeneres

4. Camila Cabello

5. Lady Gaga

6. Ariana Grande

Saturday, July 21, 2018
Post Malone In Talks For "Queer Eye" and in Need of a Shower
Post Malone fans might get what they asked for because the rapper’s “Queer Eye” cameo might actually happen, and Post’s already got a new look in mind. We got Posty outside Chin Chin in WeHo and he admitted he was in need of a shower because he’s…
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Cardi B Tore Up the Dance Floor at Her Baby Shower
Cardi B’s baby shower wasn’t exactly a lady luncheon or backyard affair, it was more of a baby bumpin’ club night with the soon-to-be mama still shaking what she’s got. Cardi’s party was anything but standard. It was dubbed “Bardi Shower: A Bronx…
Monday, June 25, 2018
Cardi B Adds Boujee Items to Baby Registry Leading Up to Baby Shower
Cardi B blinged up her baby registry … just in time for her baby shower. Sources close to the rapper — who’s in her final month of pregnancy — tell us she’s asking for a few more big-ticket items for her daughter … including a…
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Tragedy Strikes: 17-Year-Old Passes Out in the Shower and Drowns
Sometimes, tragedy strikes without warning or reason or even an intelligible sequence of events.
This awful, tragic story may remind some people of the Final Destination horror films.
But Brianne Rapp was a very real 17-year-old girl whose family, friends, and classmates are all grieving.
On Friday morning, it appears that she either slipped or lost consciousness while showering while getting ready for school.
What sounds like a frightening accident became worse when, it is believed, her hair somehow stopped up the drain of the shower, causing water levels to rise.
Brianne remained unconscious despite the water, and investigators say that she drowned in her own shower.
This is a senseless tragedy, and her family is deeply in mourning.
Brianne was a junior at Butler Area Senior High School.
Her father, Michael Rapp, who is still reeling from the loss of his daughter, does his best to describe what unfolded on Friday morning.
He says that, because of her thyroid condition, Brianne had to take a medication that could occassionally cause blackouts.
"We’re thinking she blacked out in the bathtub and fell and hit her head and was found by my ex."
Brianne"s mother was asleep while Brianne got ready.
Michael can only guess as to some details.
"We don’t know if maybe hair clogged the drain but the tub overflowed."
Michael says that he learned this when his ex called him.
"She was hysterical on the phone and she told me she was gone."
That is a vague way of telling him, but sometimes people have trouble putting such dire news into words.
"I thought maybe she ran away or something."
That would be any parent"s nightmare, but still preferable to this tragedy.
"I didn’t realize she meant she passed away."
He says that he is proud that his daughter was such a beloved person to have so many people saying such kind things about her.
As we mentioned, Brianne is mourned by many of her friends and classmates.
Her friend Kaylee eulogised her on social media, writing:
"RIP Brianne Marie Rapp."
This must have been so difficult to write.
"I am gonna miss you so much, we had so many plans that we didn"t get to. But that"s okay because I got tons of memories with you."
When you lose a friend suddenly, you treasure what you had together.
"You were always there for me and I was always there for you. We were sisters."
She is not the only one to describe Brianne that way. That is so sweet.
"So while you are up there, so show them people the crazy you because if you don"t show them that then they won"t know the true you."
She signs off.
"I love you so much [black heart emoji] Fly high babe."
Brianne"s parents — and her brother — aregrappling with this unimaginable loss.
So are her friends and classmates. A sudden tragedy like this can change how you view the world and the entire rest of your life.
And very few teenagers have the experience that would prepare them to deal with this.
We hope that all who are grieving get the support that they need.
Rest in peace, Brianne.
Monday, June 4, 2018
Farrah Abraham Shares Shower Selfie of Daughter, Can"t Stop Failing at Motherhood
Farrah Abraham is … she"s just so … it"s like she"s always …
Look, she"s just a lot, OK? She"s a lot to handle, she"s got a lot going on, and it takes a lot to comprehend how she even exists in this world.
Lately — or, all right, for nearly the entire decade or so that she"s been famous — it seems like she"s really been intent on being the biggest mess she can be, and we appreciate that.
Except her wild and crazy decisions have had quite the impact on her daughter, Sophia … and that"s not so cool.
In the past few months, Farrah"s been making increasingly poor parenting choices, so now seems like as good a time as ever to do a retrospective on her biggest fails, right?
Buckle up, because this one"s going to hurt.
1. The Dream Team

2. Plane Shower!

3. Juice … or Not?


5. But Why?

6. Nope Nope Nope

Friday, June 1, 2018
Farrah Abraham Posts Photo of Her Daughter Taking a Shower, is Just Not Right
Will Farrah Abraham ever learn?!
You may not know what exactly we’re talking about yet, but you probably already know the answer is a resounding “NOPE.”
No matter how many years go by, no matter how much life experience she gets, Farrah still cannot seem to develop the least little bit of sense.
It’s pretty remarkable, really, how she hasn’t managed to learn one single lesson after all this time, isn’t it?
So Farrah is currently traveling the world with her daughter, Sophia — and just to refresh your memory, Sophia is still only nine years old.
They’ve been to Fiji, they’ve been to Cannes, but most recently, they’ve been in Dubai.
And, wouldn’t you know it, trouble is just following them every step of the way.
While in Cannes, Farrah got quite a bit of heat for some photos that were posted on Sophia’s Instagram.
It’s unclear whether she posted them for Sophia or if the girl is in charge of her own account, but basically it was a photo of Farrah’s ass with the caption “I love my mamas booty!”

Then, after spending some time in Dubai, there was more controversy when everyone saw a picture of Sophia holding a glass of a suspicious looking drink.
Lots of people thought Farrah was allowing her kid to drink wine or champagne, but it turned out it was just fancy juice in a fancy glass, complete with gold flakes.
But honestly, you can understand why people would think the worst here, right?
And on top of that, you can’t really be surprised when now, just a day after the juice fiasco, Farrah and Sophia’s followers are troubled by yet another bizarre photo.
This one, though, is a photo of Sophia taking a shower.
In the caption, she explained that she was taking the shower on a plane, which is admittedly pretty cool.

But then again, this is a photo of a child in a shower on Instagram, so the ick factor beats out any coolness here.
And judging by the comments, people were really, really disturbed by this.
“Why the f-ck are we posting pics of a child in the shower?!” one person asked. “Farrah is a terrible mother and horrible example as a woman.”
“Plus she’s being desensitized to being naked with the camera out…. when I was 9 I was so modest I would have died if my mom tried to take my picture,” another person added.
And isn’t that the truth? Seriously, just think about being nine years old, taking a shower, and being photographed by your mom.
When you’re done cringing and flailing of just the imagined embarrassment, let’s get back to this.
As another commenter pointed out, “Millions of people have the ability to look at her profile and to have the pic up is just asking for trouble.”
“Honestly, I’m surprised CPS hasn’t been involved yet.”
Of course, in addition to all the haters, there are also those who will defend Farrah’s choices, no matter what.
“How is this inappropriate??” one of those deluded fans questioned. “It’s only inappropriate if you are sexualizing a child in a shower cap……so you’re the weirdo if you find this inappropriate.”
To that, the people said “she’s a young lady and there’s sickos in this world unfortunately.”
Another acknowledged that “after a certain age, around 4-5, these types of photos are inappropriate.”
And on top of all that, there were also many, many people confused followers asking why Sophia is taking showers in airplanes instead of, you know, going to school.
Listen, we could spend all day talking about the reasoning behind why Farrah thinks sharing these kinds of photos, or why she thinks giving Sophia juice with gold flakes is more important than fourth grade.
And it would be fun, honestly.
But at this point, it’s clear that Farrah is going to do whatever she wants to do with Sophia, no matter how many people think CPS needs to get involved.
So … whatever, just go take a nap or something, rid your poor, exhausted brain of this kind of nonsense.
Farrah is going to replace this with another unbearably awkward/awul moment soon enough anyway.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Taylor Swift: Interviewer Tells Her She Needs to Shower and Fans Go OFF!
Last week, Taylor Swift was dancing to her own music at the BMAs while sandwiched between Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello.
A week later, she performs in a hot, humid arena … and her interviewer immediately tells her that she needs to take a shower.
You can see that exchange in the video below. Yikes.
Taylor Swift had just dazzled a crowd of 26,000 at the BBC’s Biggest Weekend in Swansea.
BBC radio deejay Greg James did not sound so impressed.
Speaking to her on camera, he said:
"It"s nice to see you. I think you need to have a shower now."
It was hot and very humid.
Sometimes, when men talk to women about showering, it"s creepy and overtly sexual.
This wasn"t that, thankfully.
But many believed that it was rude.
Taylor, however, doesn"t seem to object.
"I agree," she says.
"And I"m not offended that you said that," she adds.
Well, Maleficent also said that she was not offended, and we all know how that ended.
Taylor explains exactly why she"s write, gesturing to her face and hair.
"There"s a lot going on, and none of it"s good, here."
She still looks great, to be honest.
Fans did not take it as well as Taylor did.
They tweeted their disappointment and their outrage.
"Taylor Swift has her first recorded interview after years of not doing them and she"s told that she needs a shower … "
"I can’t not believe someone had the audacity to tell Taylor Swift to take a shower in her first interview in 2 years.THE NERVE"
Diehard Taylor fans have been sorely missing her during her absence from the spotlight after many listeners and even fans decided to forsake their admiration for her because it was no longer fashionable.
Part of that was from overexposure. Part of that was through some shadiness by Kim Kardashian.
(Of course, as Kim Kardashian"s recent feud with Rhymefest suggests, Kim will go out of her way to destroy anyone who she thinks is a threat to Kanye, even if she isn"t necessarily justified)
Fans are disappointed to see Taylor return to the spotlight to face apparent rudeness from an interviewer.
Greg James joked about the Twitter backlash, tweeting:
"If anyone’s got a video of a cow that gets excited when it sees the Queen, now would be a good time to tweet it."
In other words, he was joking that a harmlessly but viral distraction would be welcome.
However, James also suggests that things are fine between him and Taylor.
When someone tweeted about how James and Taylor go way back, a mourning fan wrote: "Hope you"re right cuz we may have to go another 2 years without another live interview."
James responded:
"She really is right. TS has a great sense of humour and we have known each other for ages and had a good catch up after the interview. It’s all cool."
They really have known each other for years.
"It was hot up there. I almost said we should both go for a shower but after this reaction I’m glad I didn’t! X"
Oh. That self-censorship was definitely the right move.
It is, unfortunately, very natural to fear the worst. It"s also a good and healthy instinct to want to defend someone you admire.
Especially when that person has been besieged by haters who should really know better.
In real life, it"s not super polite to tell someone that they need a shower.
(In general, a good rule is to not comment on something that needs to be changed about someone"s appearance unless they can fix it in five minutes. Food in their teeth? Sure. Bad haircut? Not your business)
But when people know each other, there"s a different dynamic.
If Taylor were angry with Greg James, she"d probably let us all know.
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Iggy Azalea Loses Fingernail In Shower Fall
Iggy Azalea’s manicure went from fancy to just wrecked after she lost a fingernail in the shower … and warning it looks pretty gross and painful. Iggy shared her injury on her Instagram story. She says the fingernail shattered after she slipped…
Kanye West and John Legend All Smiles at Chrissy Teigen"s Baby Shower
Kanye West and John Legend clearly agree to disagree, because it was all love Friday night at Chrissy Teigen’s baby shower. Kanye and John had been doing some civilized beefing over Yeezy’s call to Make America Great Again … in other words…
Friday, April 20, 2018
Man Breaks into Taylor Swift"s NYC Pad, Takes a Shower
Taylor Swift had a real life version of Goldilocks play out in one of her homes, as an intruder got way too comfortable after breaking into the place. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … Roger Alvarado allegedly climbed up a ladder, smashed a…
Man Breaks into Taylor Swift"s NYC Pad, Takes a Shower
Taylor Swift had a real life version of Goldilocks play out in one of her homes, as an intruder got way too comfortable after breaking into the place. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … Roger Alvarado allegedly climbed up a ladder, smashed a…
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Amber Portwood: See Her Precious Baby Shower!
As Teen Mom OG fans are well aware, Amber Portwood’s baby is due in less than a month — May 13th.
Naturally, she and her family are preparing for the event — and that includes throwing a baby shower.
As you’ll see in the photos below, even her daughter Leah was there. This will be a big, exciting change for her, too.
Amber Portwood is pregnant with Andrew Glennon’s baby.
It’s an exciting time — even if a lot of fans still harbor some misgivings about her new baby daddy and his worrisome personal history.
Baby showers are a time-honored tradition in which friends and family gather to celebrate someone’s upcoming childbirth and motherhood.
While it’s true that it’s often a bigger deal for first-time mothers, baby showers are a wonderful time to celebrate any expected childbirth.
And celebrating is exactly what Amber and her family are doing.
In that first photo, you can see Amber attempting to quickly change the diaper of that baby doll. While blind-folded.
Additionally, fans can see Amber’s daughter, Leah Shirley, holding the doll.
Leah is her daughter with Gary Shirley, and she’s more than old enough to be excited about becoming an older sister.
We know that Amber is expecting a boy, and Amber revealed that his name will be James Andrew Glennon.
Leah is about to embark upon the experience of having a brand new baby brother.
This baby shower might be a second run for Amber, but for Leah, it’s a brand new experience.
It was sweet of Amber, and her mother Tonya, to share some glimpses of this happy occasion on social media.

Though Amber continues to battle a number of personal demons, including struggles with substance abuse and of course the explosive anger with which fans are familiar, she’s in a better place now than she was when she first became a mother.
In fact, that’s usually the case for people who become pregnant as teens.
These days, though Amber struggles with mental health issues during her pregnancy, she’s a reality star and a minor celebrity.
Her estimated net worth is around half a million.
Considering that Andrew Glennon, her new baby daddy, is reportedly from a well-off family of big-name filmmakers, we hope that Amber’s son will have the kind of stability and security that he deserves.
We do need to talk about Andrew Glennon, however.
As we have mentioned, he has a somewhat troubled history — though, especially in the world of the Teen Mom franchise, there are much more alarming men out there.
A couple of Andrew’s exes have complained and even filed restraining orders to keep him from allegedly harassing them after their breakups.
We hope that he is no longer prone to those sorts of alleged behaviors.
Amber seems to indicate that he has bonded well with Leah.
We certainly hope that Andrew will make a wonderful presence in the lives of Amber, Leah, and James.
(He has to be better than Matt Baier, right?)
Speaking of Amber’s baby daddies, Gary Shirley sent over his own gifts for her shower.
So it appears that things are going a bit better between them than they used to.
It is also possible that Gary just wanted to do the right thing, even if he and Amber are still on the outs.
Either way, it was a great gesture. Baby showers are not the place to hold grudges.
Even if you’ve been feuding like crazy.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Jinger Duggar Baby Shower: First Look Photo!
Jinger Duggar isn’t really all that close to having her baby.
The TLC star still has about 15 weeks to go.
But it’s never too early for a mother-to-be to get excited about said baby, is it?
This is why Jinger and husband Jeremy Vuolvo have been in the news often of late.
They just can’t wait to be parents!
A few days ago, Duggar shared a photo of herself at 25 weeks pregnant, comparing the size of her fetus to the size of a cauliflower and showing off her growing baby bump.
Not long afterward came even bigger news:
Jinger and Jeremy announced the gender of their impending child!!!!!!
Following weeks of anticipation and speculation (from fans online), the reality stars confirmed to People Magazine that a precious little girl is on the way.
“We are so happy to announce that we are having a little baby girl!” the twosome told this publication on Monday, excitedly adding:
“We could not be more excited and are eagerly anticipating meeting our little lady this summer.
“We especially love thinking forward and realizing that she will have excellent role models in both of her grandmothers, who cannot wait to shower her with love.”
But… wait!
Jinger and Jeremy are not done making pregnancy news!
A few hours after revealing the sex of their first kid, the stars attended a baby shower thrown in their honor by two close pals.
“My dear friends Juan & Margarita surprised me with a celebration last night for our little girl,” wrote Jinger as a caption to the following image on Instagram, adding:
“We felt so honored, cared for, and loved by our friends and family!”
True to the gender of the baby, their friends were sure to decorate the room with pink balloons, as you can partly see here:
Jeremy and Jinger told the world about their expecting state in early January.
They received the blessed news about 14 months after getting married and simply cannot wait to become first-time parents.
(Although they did wait longer than most members of this famous family to actually get pregnant, somehow earning flak in the process. Mostly because the Internet is a terrible place.)
Thankfully, neither Jinger nor Jeremy is letting the backlash get to them.
The former continues to post pregnancy pics online and both could scarcely contain their excitement upon announcing the future baby to their fans and followers earlier this year.
This is what they wrote in a statement at the time:
The past 14 months have been the best of our lives as we have had the wonderful privilege of beginning our journey through life together in marriage.
We both looked forward to the joys of marriage but neither one of us fully understood just how amazing the start of this journey would be.
Truly, the Lord’s mercies are new every morning! Now, the journey has taken an exciting turn: We are expecting our first child!
We are praising God for this beautiful gift and ask that you join us in praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy.
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Brandy Skipped Ray J"s Baby Shower After Fight with Princess Love
Ray J and Princess Love’s baby shower this weekend was missing two key people — Ray’s sister Brandy and their mom — and the absence is the result of bad blood … TMZ has learned. Sources tell us that both Brandy and her mother, Sonja…
Friday, March 16, 2018
Ray J and Princess Love"s Baby Shower Registry Reveals, It"s a Girl
Ray J and Princess Love are having a baby, and they’ve kept the sex of the kid under wraps — but if you peep the registry they got for their shower … it’s pretty clear they’re having a girl. Ray and Princess’ baby registry is littered with…