Showing posts with label Tragedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tragedy. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Tragedy Strikes: 17-Year-Old Passes Out in the Shower and Drowns

Sometimes, tragedy strikes without warning or reason or even an intelligible sequence of events.



Brianne rapp 01

This awful, tragic story may remind some people of the Final Destination horror films.

But Brianne Rapp was a very real 17-year-old girl whose family, friends, and classmates are all grieving.

On Friday morning, it appears that she either slipped or lost consciousness while showering while getting ready for school.

What sounds like a frightening accident became worse when, it is believed, her hair somehow stopped up the drain of the shower, causing water levels to rise.

Brianne remained unconscious despite the water, and investigators say that she drowned in her own shower.

This is a senseless tragedy, and her family is deeply in mourning.

Brianne rapp 02

Brianne was a junior at Butler Area Senior High School. 

Her father, Michael Rapp, who is still reeling from the loss of his daughter, does his best to describe what unfolded on Friday morning.

He says that, because of her thyroid condition, Brianne had to take a medication that could occassionally cause blackouts.

"We’re thinking she blacked out in the bathtub and fell and hit her head and was found by my ex."

Brianne"s mother was asleep while Brianne got ready.

Michael can only guess as to some details.

"We don’t know if maybe hair clogged the drain but the tub overflowed."

Brianne rapp 04

Michael says that he learned this when his ex called him.

"She was hysterical on the phone and she told me she was gone."

That is a vague way of telling him, but sometimes people have trouble putting such dire news into words.

"I thought maybe she ran away or something."

That would be any parent"s nightmare, but still preferable to this tragedy.

"I didn’t realize she meant she passed away."

He says that he is proud that his daughter was such a beloved person to have so many people saying such kind things about her.

Brianne rapp 05

As we mentioned, Brianne is mourned by many of her friends and classmates.

Her friend Kaylee eulogised her on social media, writing:

"RIP Brianne Marie Rapp."

This must have been so difficult to write.

"I am gonna miss you so much, we had so many plans that we didn"t get to. But that"s okay because I got tons of memories with you."

When you lose a friend suddenly, you treasure what you had together.

"You were always there for me and I was always there for you. We were sisters."

She is not the only one to describe Brianne that way. That is so sweet.

"So while you are up there, so show them people the crazy you because if you don"t show them that then they won"t know the true you."

She signs off.

"I love you so much [black heart emoji] Fly high babe."

Brianne rapp 03

Brianne"s parents — and her brother — aregrappling with this unimaginable loss.

So are her friends and classmates. A sudden tragedy like this can change how you view the world and the entire rest of your life.

And very few teenagers have the experience that would prepare them to deal with this. 

We hope that all who are grieving get the support that they need.

Rest in peace, Brianne.

Anton yelchin in star trek

Tragedy strikes 17 year old passes out in the shower and drowns

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Olivia Munn Says She"ll Never Fly United After Dead Dog Tragedy

Olivia Munn’s had it with United Airlines, and vows to never fly with the company after its latest debacle … which involved the death of a poor dog. We got the actress at LAX Wednesday, who tells us she’s done with United not only because it…


Olivia Munn Says She"ll Never Fly United After Dead Dog Tragedy

Olivia Munn’s had it with United Airlines, and vows to never fly with the company after its latest debacle … which involved the death of a poor dog. We got the actress at LAX Wednesday, who tells us she’s done with United not only because it…


Monday, October 2, 2017

TMZ Live: Las Vegas Concert Shooting: Tragedy on the Strip

ON TODAY’S SHOW Khloe Kardashian Baby Bump Update  Las Vegas Terrorist Attack Hugh Hefner: Playboy Fortune In Limbo Marilyn Manson Crushed By Stage Prop


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Skrillex says Burning Man is Lawless Wonderland Amid Tragedy

Skrillex still sees Burning Man as a wonderland … even after last weekend’s tragic death. The DJ was leaving Catch Tuesday night when we asked him how he thinks Burning Man would be affected after a 41-year-old man ran into the festival’s…


Friday, July 28, 2017

Chester Bennington"s Widow Releases Statement: My Life Is a Tragedy

Last week, the music world was shocked by the news that beloved Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington had passed away at the age of 41.

Shortly thereafter, investigators confirmed Bennington’s cause of death.

Perhaps mimicking the recent suicide of his friend Chris Cornell, Bennington had hung himself in his Los Angeles home, where his body was discovered by a housekeeper.

He died on what would have been Cornell’s 53rd birthday.

Hundreds of thousands have paid tribute to Bennington online, including many of the famous friends he made over the course of his 17-year music career. 

Today, the singer’s grief-stricken widow made her first public statement since Bennington’s passing.

Her words reflect not only her own heartbreak, but also the grief endured by those who knew Bennington best, including his six children.

“One week ago, I lost my soulmate and my children lost their hero – their Daddy,” Talinda Bennington wrote.

“We had a fairytale life and now it has turned into some sick Shakespearean tragedy.”

Talinda went on to say that she hopes her love for her children will sustain her through this incredibly difficult time.

She also reminded fans that their words of support are deeply appreciated.

“How do I move on? How do I pick up my shattered soul? The only answer I know is to raise our babies with every ounce of love I have left,” Talinda stated.

“I want to let my community and the fans worldwide know that we feel your love. We feel your loss as well. My babies are so young to have lost their daddy. And I know that all of you will help keep his memory alive.”

She concluded with a tribute to her departed husband that’s sure to leave many fans in tears.

“He was a bright, loving soul with an angel’s voice,” Talida wrote.

“And now he is pain-free singing his songs in all of our hearts. May God bless us all and help us turn to one another when we are in pain. Chester would’ve wanted us to do so. Rest In Peace, my love.”

Bennington’s family members have stated that while they appreciate the well-wishes from fans, they plan to lay the singer to rest in a private ceremony.

Our thoughts go out to Chester’s loved ones during this difficult time.


Friday, July 21, 2017

TMZ Live: Linkin Park: The Tragedy of Chester Bennington

ON TODAY’S SHOW R. Kelly Allegedly Targeted Girls for ‘Slavery’ New Plans for the Notorious O.J. White Bronco Justin Bieber Banned from China Meek Mill Fires Back Against Nicki Minaj


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Ariana Grande and Mac Miller: Closer Than Ever Since Manchester Tragedy

The Manchester bombing was a despicable act that targeted the most innocent in our society.

It’s one of those attacks that sort of changes things and makes you wonder when the next concert will be hit. It’s also a tragedy that’s likely to be linked to Ariana Grande’s name for a long time.

And Ariana, personally, was devastated.

Fortunately, we know that she’s hanging in there. We even know how — through the support and presence of boyfriend Mac Miller.

According to an insider, Ariana has been having nightmares — a pretty standard PTSD symptom — but Mac has been there for her every step of the way.

“Mac has not left her side, holding her at night, helping her fight back the tears.  While the bombing has been terrible in every way, it has brought Ariana and Mac closer together than ever as a couple,” the insider says.

“She doesn’t know how she would be getting through this ordeal without her loving boyfriend.”

That’s not surprising. Holding her at night is pretty par for the course as her boyfriend. But he’s also canceled some of his own gigs — remember, he has a music career, too, and they collaborated a couple of years ago — to stay by her side. That sounds like exactly what she needs, and he sounds like a very devoted boyfriend.

We could be cynical and say that this is the advantage of dating a guy when you’re totally out of his league, but let’s not. This is just a super loving relationship.

Unfortunately, political opportunists have given Ariana more need for emotional support than just the horrific attack.

Her critics have stated that her sexy persona made her a “perfect target,” effectively blaming her — one of the victims — for what happened.

Conservative commentators have lamented that she hasn’t made xenophobic or Islamophobic statements about “border security” or other usual racist euphemisms.

In their minds, not agreeing with their politics means that she doesn’t care. It’s kind of the literal opposite.

Let’s remember that Ariana is a victim in this, too.

We don’t mean that her brand is a victim, or that lost revenue makes her a victim.

She was there when the bomb went off, just like everyone else. You don’t have to be hit by the blast to come away shaken.

Trauma is a very real thing and it’s very likely that she’s feeling a misplaced sense of guilt. It was her concert, after all.

Obviously, acts of terror are the fault of the perpetrators, not of the victims. And she’s going above and beyond for the victims.

That’s why it’s so good that she has support mechanisms. Not just Mac Miller, of course.

Just look at her incredible mother, Joan Grande. This is a strong, wonderful woman — you just have to follow her on Twitter to know that.

This is also the same woman who reportedly ushered a group of nearby audience members backstage when the blast hit. She’s the sort of person who’s always going to help as many people as she can.

And let’s not forget Ariana’s fans. Sometimes referred to as Arianators, because why not, they’re a passionate collective covering a pretty large age range.

They love Ariana and they know that it was fellow fans who were the direct victims of the Manchester attack. Her fans are supporting her online, and they probably always will.

It sounds cheesy, but it’s kind of beautiful to see love and hope in the face of adversity, you know?


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Katy Perry Slammed for Controversial Statement on Manchester Tragedy

This week, many, many celebrities have taken the time to make statements about what happened Monday night at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester.

That night, a man named Salman Abedi set off a bomb in the venue, killing himself and 22 others.

Over 50 people were injured, and countless others were undoubtedly traumatized by the attack. Abedi’s brother has been arrested in connection to the horrific events, and ISIS has taken responsibility.

Details are still coming out about the bombing, but the basics are that at least one man plotted to kill numerous teenagers and children during what should have been a happy event.

The whole thing is just too horrific for words, but still, people are trying.

And Katy Perry is one of those people.

In an interview, Katy said “I think the greatest thing we can do now is unite as people, as fan bases, all of it.”

“Whatever we say behind people’s backs, the Internet can be a little bit ruthless as far as fan bases go but I think the greatest thing we can do is just unite and love on each other.”

“No barriers, no borders,” she said, “we all just need to co-exist.”

It’s a harmless statement, right? Katy obviously means well, and she’s just trying to spread a simple message of love and peace — and she’s specifically talking about fan bases here, too.

But to some people, her words were really and truly offensive.

A writer for The Blaze theorized that with this point of view, Katy is “putting at least some of the blame on the people who were blown up.”

“The terrorist was led to strap on an explosive vest stuffed with nails because the world has failed to ‘unite,"” the article read.

“It was not his own decision and his own wickedness that caused him to massacre kids; it was our society with its borders and its barriers and its intolerance.”

The writer criticizes Katy for talking about unity when she couldn’t even stay united with her former husband, Russell Brand, and for saying “no barriers, no borders” when she hires bodyguards.

Fox & Friends’ Michelle Malkin also commented on Katy’s “bodyguards and security systems,” adding that she has “no sense of reality.”

Katy actually responded to Michelle on Twitter, writing “The media has edited my words out of context, I was talking about online fan culture and how we must unite now.”

Speaking of Twitter, many users have also been slamming Katy for her remarks — one person wrote “Katy Perry lectures that we need to co-exist with ISIS but she can’t manage to co-exist with Taylor Swift.”

Which, to be fair, is pretty good.

But the point is that it doesn’t make any sense that all these people think Katy Perry is going to give a thoughtful, intelligent statement on national security.

She made her statement, which wasn’t even about the world at large, it was about pop stars and their fans, and it didn’t hurt anyone.

Let’s save the outrage, just this once.


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Little People, Big World Recap: Tragedy Strikes

Zach and Tori Roloff faced an unexpected tragedy on last night’s episode of Little People, Big World.

Thankfully, it did not have anything to do with their baby son.

But the couple learned on the latest installment of this TLC hit their their beloved dog, Sully, had been diagnosed with cancer.

Just a few days later, the illness has quickly spread to the canine’s major organs and the three-year old was dead, with Zach and Tori burying him on the family farm alongside three other pets who had passed away over the years.

The episode was filmed in March, during Tori’s third trimester, about two months before she gave birth to her first child.

“We were supposed to make a family together,” Zach said of how he envisioned himself, his wife, their dog and their son, prior to this awful development.

He added in a confessional:

“Sully was supposed to take care of the baby and be his friend. Just tons of dreams and visions were crushed.”

“It was the hardest goodbye I’ve ever had to make,” Tori wrote on Instagram at the time, adding that Sully was “the best big brother baby Roloff could ever ask for.”

Heartbroken over the sudden loss of her four-legged pal, Tori opened up multiple times in late March.

She shared three different Instagram posts about Sully, writing on March 23 as a caption to the adorable photo below.

There are still some moments where the pain is unbearable. Where I swear I’m going to walk through the door and you’ll be there wagging your tail with your favorite stuffy in your mouth.

Losing sully has been incredibly hard on both zach and I and I think we’re both just waiting for the loneliness to subside.

We know our house won’t be quite for long and we are in for the ride of our lives with baby roloff on the way but it’s hard to not think about the best of friends the two of them would have been.

We’ll never have another friend like #inspectorsullivan but we do look forward to the day we’re able to give another Berner a forever home.

I celebrate you Sully on #nationalpuppyday because you will forever have a place in my heart. Love you goobies.


This photo and those words received nearly 900 Comments and 34,500 Likes.

Fans of this family clearly felt Tori’s pain and sympathized with her at the time.

Of course, she and Zach were also preparing for a baby (born on May 12 and named Jackson Kyle) back when this episode was filmed.

After Tori went in for an ultrasound, Zach told his mother that it looked like the impending infant would, indeed, be a little person.

“The skull is measuring above average and all the limbs are measuring below average,” he said.

The Roloffs are yet to confirm whether little Jackson is a dwarf, but Zach said on the episode that all “measurements were indicating” this would be the case, while doctors dubbed the possibility as “likely.”

Despite being a little person himself, Roloff had previously admitted that he was concerned his son would through the same bullying and potential health issues that he has suffered.

“I didn’t think it would affect me until the doctor said it to me,” Zach told his mother, Amy, who responded as best she could in an attempt to alleviate her child’s worries.

“Even if it is a dwarf, you don’t know that they’re going to have all your problems as well,” she said, to which Zach replied:

“Totally, physical problems. I’m talking about the emotional problems right now, though.”

Things then turned emotional when Zach recounted all the times he would come home “crying” because he couldn’t “keep up” with his friends.

In the end, though, Zach laughed that he turned out “alright” as a little person, while Tori took the long view of their situation.

“He’s healthy, he has a great heartbeat – he’s cute as a button, and that’s all that matters,” she said of her son, adding:

“His quality of life is not going to change, and the amount of love he receives is not going to change.”

Amen. Well said, Tori.

To find out what else transpired last night, click on the above video to watch Little People, Big World online.

Then, join us in sending your condolences to the Roloffs on the loss of Sully.


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Times Square Tragedy Caught on Video

Surveillance cameras caught the moment Richard Rojas plowed down more than 20 people in Times Square Thursday … and the scene is gruesome. You can see Rojas coming at full speed in the wrong direction before he literally mows down a huge crowd of…


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Lamar Odom: A Timeline of Tragedy, Love, Loss ... and Redemption?

With Lamar Odom fighting for his life in a Las Vegas hospital, it"s worth sadly remembering all the former basketball star has been through.

1. Left All Alone

Left all alone

Lamar’s mother died of cancer when he as 12 years old. His father, Joe Odom, was addicted to heroine and scarcely in the picture when Odom was a child.

2. Off-Court Troubles

Off court troubles

Odom was a high school phenom on the basketball court. However, academic troubles (along with a citation for soliciting prostitution) plagued Odom prior to him transferring from UNLV to the University of Rhode Island.

3. On to the NBA

On to the nba

Odom was selected fourth overall in the 1999 NBA draft by the Los Angeles Clippers. A couple years later, he was suspended twice in an eight-month span for marijuana use.

4. Goodbye to Grandma

Lamar odom in camo

In 2003, Odom’s maternal grandmother Mildred, who helped raise him, passed away.

5. An Unspeakable Loss

Lamar odom on bench

Three years later, Odom’s 6-month-old son, Jayden, died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome while sleeping in his crib.

6. Another Death in the Family

Lamar odom in a daze

In 2011, a 24-year-old cousin to whom Lamar was close was murdered while Odom was in New York to shoot a Nike commercial.

View Slideshow

Monday, December 5, 2016

Fetty Wap -- Oakland Tragedy Reminds Me ... Young Artists Need Protection Too (VIDEO)

Fetty Wap remembers his struggling days, and while he avoided tragedy like the Oakland fire — he knows exactly how up and coming acts can fall victim to disastrous venues. Fetty told us all the safety measures his crew takes when he performs…


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Blink 182"s Mark Hoppus -- Oakland Tragedy Exposes Danger of Underground Music Scene (VIDEO)

The Oakland rave fire hit close to home for Blink 182 singer Mark Hoppus, who says he and his band are probably lucky they didn’t suffer a similar tragedy. Mark was at the Grove in L.A. Saturday night when we asked about his experience coming up in…


Friday, October 14, 2016

Ken Bone -- Trayvon Martin"s Death Was a Tragedy ... Haters Are Trying to Destroy Me

Presidential debate darling Ken Bone says comments he made about Trayvon Martin’s death being “justified” were taken out of context and people are way too eager to make him look bad. Bone was doing an “Ask Me Anything” session on…


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Ferris Wheel Tragedy: 3 Girls Fall From Ride, 1 In Critical Condition

A ferris wheel at the Green County Fair malfunctioned on August 8th, causing three riders to fall thirty feet.

The victims were three girls – two sisters, age 6 and 10, and a 16-year-old.

The six-year-old remains in critical condition after suffering traumatic brain injury from the fall.

Yesterday, Johnson City Medical Center"s director of trauma services Dr. Bracken Burns updated reporters on her status.

According to Dr. Bracken Burns, director of trauma services for Johnson City Medical Center, the youngest of the victims, a 6-year-old, suffered the head injury and had to be intubated at the scene and taken to a hospital.

"She has been under the continual care of the pediatric surgery service, the pediatric intensive care unit team as well as the neurosurgery team," Dr. Burns explained during a press conference.

The girl"s older sister sustained injuries to her forearm.  The oldest victim"s condition has improved from critical to stable, though her family requested that further details not be released.

The accident happened around 6:15 p.m. local time, when police confirmed that the riders fell out of the car they were in when it flipped.

"One of the cars or baskets had overturned and three children had fallen out. They fell a distance of anywhere between 35 and 45 feet," Greenville police department captain Capt. Tim Davis told reporters, according to NPR.

One witness,Gregory Lynthacum spoke ABC News as well, recalling the horror he witnessed.

"I was hollering, "Please stop! Stop! Stop the machine!" It seemed like it was a millennium before it stopped," Lynthacum said.

"I"d seen blood coming from their mouth. I actually thought they were dead. It was so horrific." 

Authorities have not yet figured out what caused the malfunction, but prior to the accident, the Greeneville Sun reported that the amusement company that owns the ferris wheel was fined for safety-related violations in North Carolina in 2013.

Family Attractions Amusement was accused of tampering with a ride"s "safety feature" after it malfunctioned, so that it would continue to run.

The accident occurred just one day after a 10-year-old Kansas boy was decapitated by a water slide.


Ferris wheel tragedy 3 girls fall from ride 1 in critical condit

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Disney World Tragedy: Little Boy Dragged Into Water By Alligator

At around 9:00 p.m. ET, a Nebraska couple watch their two-year-old son wade in the shallows of Walt Disney World’s Seven Seas Lagoon at the Grand Floridian Hotel.

All of a sudden, the boy was snatched up by an alligator and dragged into the water.

“The father entered the water, and he tried to grab the child, but was not successful in doing so,” Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings told reporters during a press conference today.

The mother also went into the water to try and save her son.

The couple, who brought their 4-year-old daughter on the trip, alerted a nearby lifeguard who then called 911.

The father suffered only scratches while trying to remove the boy from the alligator’s jaw.

“They [alligators] were probably attracted to some motion on the bank,” executive director of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Nick Wiley explained, according to USA Today.

“That’s the way they stalk their prey.”

Wiley added that the alligator could have mistaken the child for prey, as the reptile was likely feeding.

The lake is being searched by wildlife specialists, divers and a trained alligator trapper.  Four alligators have been removed, but no traces of the child were found.

Demings told reporters this morning that this was still considered a “search and rescue operation,” adding that he and all though involved in looking for the boy were “very hopeful.

“Sometimes you get the worst, but we are hoping for the best,” he said.

As the search continued, Demings changed his tune.

The sad reality of it is it’s been several hours, and we’re not likely going to recover a live body,” he said, according to CNN.

No Swimming signs are posted to all beach areas of the land-locked resort, which has never had an accident like this.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

LeAnn Rimes: SLAMMED For Using Orlando Tragedy to Promote Album!

As you’ve no doubt heard, a mass shooting at an Orlando nightclub over the weekend has been declared the deadliest in U.S. history, with 49 dead and another 53 wounded. 

Most famous figures who spoke out on the tragedy have reacted in shock and anger, sharing their grief on social media and encouraging their fans to donate blood to help save those who are still fighting for their lives in area hospitals.

Sadly, whenever a large numbers celebrities are speaking out on the same subject, it’s a safe bet that at least one of them won’t be able to suppress their ego long enough to let something not be about them for a change.

In this case, the D-lister du jour is none other than LeAnn Rimes, who recently decided to plot a career comeback after years of being best known for stealing Brandi Glanville’s husband..

Oh, and posting a lot of bikini selfies. She does that, too,

Anyway, LeAnn shared a tribute to the victims on Instagram, but for some reason that defies logic, she also thought it would be an ideal time to plug her forthcoming album:

“These are lyrics from a song that I wrote w/ @darrellbrownmusic @tobygadmusic @lindyrobbins123 a few months ago. I felt moved to share these words in support of the #lgbt community and LOVE itself.

“This was written straight out of my heart and my beliefs. LOVE IS LOVE! Everyone deserves to love who they wish and receive love in return, free of judgement.

“I hope you join me in spreading this message. I can’t wait to share more of the song with you all soon enough.”

Okay, at least she stopped just short of posting a link to buy the song on iTunes (though that might be just because it hasn’t been released yet) but, really, LeAnn – “I can’t wait to share more of the song”?

It’s a little weird to get all giddy about the next stage in your career while you’re paying tribute to 49 people who were tragically gunned down. Just sayin’.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Lamar Odom: A Timeline of Tragedy

With Lamar Odom fighting for his life in a Las Vegas hospital, it"s worth sadly remembering all the former basketball star has been through.

1. Left All Alone

Left all alone

Lamar’s mother died of cancer when he as 12 years old. His father, Joe Odom, was addicted to heroine and scarcely in the picture when Odom was a child.

2. Off-Court Troubles

Off court troubles

Odom was a high school phenom on the basketball court. However, academic troubles (along with a citation for soliciting prostitution) plagued Odom prior to him transferring from UNLV to the University of Rhode Island.

3. On to the NBA

On to the nba

Odom was selected fourth overall in the 1999 NBA draft by the Los Angeles Clippers. A couple years later, he was suspended twice in an eight-month span for marijuana use.

4. Goodbye to Grandma

Lamar odom in camo

In 2003, Odom’s maternal grandmother Mildred, who helped raise him, passed away.

5. An Unspeakable Loss

Lamar odom on bench

Three years later, Odom’s 6-month-old son, Jayden, died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome while sleeping in his crib.

6. Another Death in the Family

Lamar odom in a daze

In 2011, a 24-year-old cousin to whom Lamar was close was murdered while Odom was in New York to shoot a Nike commercial.

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