Layzie Bone‘s getting dragged to court in a new paternity case … TMZ has learned.
According to legal docs obtained by TMZ … the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services has filed a paternity complaint against the Bone Thugs-N-Harmony rapper (government name,...
Layzie Bone 1 Step Closer to Getting Maury Povich"d Over Baby Girl
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Layzie Bone 1 Step Closer to Getting Maury Povich"d Over Baby Girl
Friday, October 19, 2018
Jenelle Evans 911 Call Released: David Eason Broke My Collar Bone!
Earlier this week, Teen Mom 2 fans learned that Jenelle Evans was rushed to the hospital after calling 911 to report an assault in her home.
For obvious reasons, Jenelle"s temperamental husband, David Eason, immediately emerged as the prime suspect.
Evans attempted to protect Eason, however, claiming through her reps that she had simply fallen and injured herself during a party at her home.
Now, the truth has come out via a shocking 911 call — and it"s every bit as ugly as we suspected:
1. Public Enemy #1

2. A New Low

3. Jenelle’s Hell

4. Drunk Dave

5. David’s Rage

6. The Shocking Truth

Sunday, October 14, 2018
Charles Manson"s Bone Fragments Headed to Haunted Museum
This is creepy, even for Charles Manson – the hospital gown the notorious murderer was wearing when he died, along with the coroner’s toe tag and ALL of his bone fragments are headed to Zak Bagans’ Haunted Museum … a…
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Streetball Legend Larry "Bone Collector" Williams Going for NBA Deal at 37 Years Old
Can Bone Collector really ball at the NBA level at 37 years old? He thinks he can … and tells TMZ Sports he’s seriously making a push to get a shot with a pro team. Bone Collector — real name Larry Williams — famously killed EVERYONE on…
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Counting On Recap: Joe Duggar Cannot Wait to Bone Kendra Caldwell!
This week on Counting On, Kendra Caldwell headed to Kentucky to pick out her wedding dress in anticipation of her special day.
She and her husband-to-be were also focused on other aspects of tying the knot, though … specifically what comes after that.
As Joseph Duggar and Kendra’s wedding day quickly approached on Counting On Season 6 Episode 3, the anticipation began to build.
Sexually. We’re talking about temptation.
Yes, the couple’s sexual desires were running ever so high as they geared up for their impending nuptials, but this is par for the course.
In this family, patience is a virtue.
Joe’s sister Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth, her husband, interestingly talked about getting through the challenges of waiting.
It was this couple that allegedly engaged in massive amounts of courtship rule-breaking and didn’t delay physical intimacy until marriage.
Of course, a lot of that speculation was just that – speculation. Talk of Joy-Anna having premarital sex made for great gossip, but that’s it.
The birth of Joy and Austin’s son Gideon did nothing to disprove her consistent claim that the couple got pregnant on their honeymoon.
In any case, Joe confessed to Austin that as he gets closer and closer to his wedding day, it’s impossible not to think about Kendra.
He means in a sexual manner.
“I spend the evenings with Kendra and then during the day I’m just working. It keeps me busy and not thinking about it,” Joe admitted.
The 23-year-old Joseph later added that “Joy and Austin have been a great example for us as far as relationships.”
“They say when you get closer to the wedding it’s always so much harder,” he said, and in his estimation, “it’s true.”
For her part, Kendra chimed in:
“You just start loving each other more and more and you just get excited about the wedding but I think having chaperones allows us not to fall.”
Joe spoke about the “physical boundaries” he and Kendra set, and they are strict … think side hugs and not a whole lot else.
“We’re not kissing before we get married, we’re just saving ourselves for each other,” he explained, and that’s not out of the ordinary.
The Duggars’ upbringing basically forbids all types of contact pre-engagement and marriage, even unsupervised alone time.
Of course, without a lot of practice beforehand, there’s going to be a learning curve of sorts after they do finally get married.
Not that he’s not up for the challenge.
Challenges and lessons don’t get much more entertaining than this one, and besides, his siblings seem to have figured it out.
Still, a Counting On producer continued to press them on the subject, probing for cringe-worthy details and asking awkwardly:
“What have you guys done to prepare yourselves for the physical side of marriage, as far as education on such things?”
Joe’s response?
“At this point, we figure that we don’t have to educate ourselves completely … if we had questions we can ask people who we trust.”
“I know there’s a lot of books out there, a lot of things you can read,” he said, though it’s unclear what things he meant.
Given the family’s limits on media consumption (see below), we’d be interested to see the reading material in question.
It’s a moot point anyway.
“We don’t want to make it harder on ourselves thinking about all the things we can’t actually carry out,” Duggar added.
“Also, I think that in marriage, I think it’ll be fun understanding more as we go along and just learn together.”
Clearly it worked out in the end.
Soon after their wedding – VERY soon after their wedding – we learned that Kendra Caldwell is pregnant with their first child.
Who needs books anyway?!
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Ken Bone Keeps Trump Fame Alive with State of the Union Drinking Game
Ken Bone, the red sweater-wearing star of one of President Trump’s 2016 debates, has an admittedly sloshed review of 45’s first State of the Union address. Bone’s giving Trump an 8 out of 10 for his speech because he wasn’t contentious, and…
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Bizzy Bone Can"t Stop Smiling About Bitcoin
Bizzy Bone ain’t dishing deets about scoring in the Bitcoin biz … but his ear-to-ear grin’s the only clue you need to know he’s raking. We got the rapper at LAX Tuesday and asked him about the Bitcoin craze that’s sweeping global markets.…
Javi Marroquin to Kailyn Lowry: Bone Estrada is Using You!!
If you thought that the long-simmering beef between Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin had finally been squashed, you better think again.
We have no idea why you’d possibly think that, since that beef is extremely likely to be squashed, but hey, that’s a thing people say.
Terrible intros aside, the former spouses are feuding harder than ever these days, usually about their co-star Briana DeJesus.
Javi and Briana are dating, after all, and with things heating up between them, it’s understandably led to some tension with Kail.
Lowry has questioned their motives, as well as Briana’s intensions, but Javi isn’t buying it, calling his ex-wife out on Twitter as a result.
According to Javi, instead of worrying about Briana, the mother of his son may want to keep a closer eye on her own inner circle.
Some of her supposed friends may not be loyal.
Specifically, Kail’s best friend Bone Estrada (we did not make that name up) was the target of his oh-so-clever tweeting wrath …

Now, Kail and Bone are extremely close.
She is often featured on Kail’s social media pages, and has stood by her friend’s side throughout all the drama she’s dealt with.
Bone was there when she went to the hospital and when she legally named her third son Lux, who she babysits as well (below).
Given their history, Javi’s message about Bone is a little perplexing … but it may date back to previous drama between the pair.
Your friends talk a big game, but forget they are the ones that told me everythinggggg,” he says, going on to make it clear who he means.
“No need to expose cause that shit is so old and for the birds. Let me go back to staying off this so no ‘bones’ are resurrected.”
In March of this year, Javi and Teen Mom 2 co-star Jenelle Evans were both under fire after somebody leaked Kail’s pregnancy news.
The narrative that Jenelle tweeted out a faux-congratulatory message as a sly, passive-aggressive maneuver was widely disseminated.
Was that really how it went down, though?
Not according to Evans, who claimed Javi was the one who revealed it to the media; Javi begs to differ, but he doesn’t blame Jenelle.
Marroquin denies blabbing to the public, but says he found out about the pregnancy because one of Kail’s close friends told him about it.
He posted a screen shot of their text message exchange in order to make his point, albeit with the name of the other party redacted.
His recent tweet seems to implicate Bone as the one who also told Javi about Kail’s pregnancy, and implies that she talked to the media.
All very interesting, to say the least.
Kailyn has yet to respond to Javi’s latest salvo (neither has Bone), but we suspect it’s only a matter of time until more shade is thrown.
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Kyrie Irving Better Watch His Back in Cleveland, Says Bone Thugs Rapper
Kyrie Irving could have some serious issues when he returns to Ohio … so says Bone Thugs-N-Harmony’s Wish Bone, who thinks Irving’s DEAD WRONG to say Cleveland’s not a sports city. ICYMI — K.I. struck a chord with Cavs fans for saying he was…
Kyrie Irving Better Watch His Back in Cleveland, Says Bone Thugs Rapper
Kyrie Irving could have some serious issues when he returns to Ohio … so says Bone Thugs-N-Harmony’s Wish Bone, who thinks Irving’s DEAD WRONG to say Cleveland’s not a sports city. ICYMI — K.I. struck a chord with Cavs fans for saying he was…
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Bone Thugs-N-Harmony"s Bizzy Bone Ordered to Stay Away from Ex-Fiancee
Bone Thugs-N-Harmony’s Bizzy Bone is being accused of physically abusing and repeatedly harassing his now ex-fiancee, and she’s gone to court to get protection. Ranna Royce says back when she and Bizzy were still engaged, in September 2016, he…
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
21 Photo Failures Guaranteed to Break Your Funny Bone
NOTE: The following photos all come to us from a sub-Reddit titled "Crappy Design."
FOLLOW-UP NOTE: They are all downright hilarious.
From posters to ads to designs on the side of a school bus, the following images don"t depict what the people behind them originally intended.
At least we assume that"s the case.
Scroll down and all around to view a handful of complete and utter photograph failures that may cause you to literally die of laughter…
1. We’re Pregnant!

2. You Really Should Quit Smoking

3. Ready to Workout?

4. Speaking of Unusual Female Private Parts…


6. WHAT Ourselves?!?

Friday, April 28, 2017
Charlotte Rae Diagnosed With Bone Cancer
Charlotte Rae has been diagnosed with bone cancer.
The 91-year-old actress confirmed the news in an emotional statement to PEOPLE.
“Last Monday, I found out I have bone cancer,” the Facts of Life star revealed.
“About seven years ago, I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer — which is a miracle that they found it because usually, it’s too late. My mother, sister and my uncle died of pancreatic cancer. After six months of chemotherapy, I was cancer-free. I lost my hair, but I had beautiful wigs. Nobody even knew.
“So now, at the age of 91, I have to make up my mind. I’m not in any pain right now. I’m feeling so terrific and so glad to be above ground,” she explains.
“Now I have to figure out whether I want to go have treatment again to opt for life. I love life. I’ve had a wonderful one already. I have this decision to make.”
She was supposed to start treatment on Thursday, but has confirmed she’s going to think on it for a while.
“I wanted to think about it first,” she says.
“I think I’m going to go for it. The side effects were not too bad when I did it originally. I’ve had a great life, but I have so many wonderful things happening. I’d like to choose life. I’m grateful for the life I’ve already had.”
Charlotte has a career in the industry that dates all the way back to 1954. She got her first big break on The United States Steel Hour as Ramona.
Her most recent appearance was on Disney Channel’s recently canceled, Girl Meets World.
Rae released a memoir in 2015 that chronicled some key events in her life, while confirming that she had a very positive outlook on life.
“At 91, every day is a birthday,” she says. “[In my book] I want to tell everybody to celebrate every day, to savor the day and be good to yourself, love yourself, and then you can be good to others and be of service to others.”
We wish Charlotte a speedy recovery.
Friday, March 31, 2017
Boyfriend Actually Tries to Bone Pregnant Teen Planted By GF
We begin this ridiculous tale of sexual entrapment with the obligatory caveat that sexual entrapment is shady and very much not cool.
Seriously, if you"re the type of person that does this, you probably need to reexamine your life, or date people who make you less paranoid.
With that said … this is insane.
Not only did a World of Warcraft gamer named Vanessa tried to catch her boyfriend two-timing her, she went all out in her effort to do so.
She filmed it, first of all.
That alone poses serious ethical questions, but at least she went all in, enlisting a pregnant teen (who was neither pregnant nor a teen).
With that kind of bait, her boyfriend had to turn down any sexual advances she made without giving it a second thought, right? Obviously?
One would think. But would we even be talking about this right now if he had done the logical thing and walked away like a gentleman?
No. Gosh no.
During their convenient run-in on the street, the knocked up teen pretended to be from out of town asked Vanessa’s boyfriend for directions.
He was quick to guess this was a set-up, asking her point blank of she was one of his girlfriend"s friends. But when she said no … GAME ON!
The sweet, innocent blonde from Kansas City proceeded to hit on him more overtly than any human being possibly would, but he went for it.
With lines about how pregnancy makes her horny all the time, but the best thing is that you can"t get pregnant again, she snared him.
Hook, line and sinker.
To make sure there was no misconception, she even asked flat out if it bothers him that she’s with child before they go off and bone.
He did not care. Not in the least.
On its own (if you take away the whole cheating on your girlfriend component, which we realize is the point), that might be understandable.
Pregnancy doesn"t make a woman less attractive (some would say more so). But when she says she"s 16 and that doesn"t bother him either?
Yikes. That is beyond wrong.
Here"s hoping Vanessa dumps him immediately if not sooner, and gets the guy some professional help, because clearly he has issues.
Watch the whole thing below.
Monday, February 27, 2017
Jinger Duggar & Jeremy Vuolo Take Cooking Class, Just Want to Bone on Counting On
Newlyweds slash hornballs Jinger Duggar and husband Jeremy Vuolo cannot stop being affectionate on this week’s all-new Counting On.
The honeymoon is REALLY heating up … in the kitchen.
This evening’s preview clip shows Duggar and Vuolo, who tied the knot on last week’s episode, enjoying their honeymoon in Australia.
There, the smitten couple partook in a cooking class.
“Being newlyweds … I think we’re both looking forward to cooking together,” the 23-year-old daughter of Jim Bob and Michelle said.
“That’s something that we’ll be doing from here on out.”
Vuolo, a 29-year-old pro soccer player turned pastor, immediately gets reprimanded for not knowing how to flip prawns properly.
He tells the camera, “I am not very experienced at all with cooking seafood, especially on a grill. I don’t think I’ve ever done it.”
Then comes the obvious, awkward sexual innuendo!
When the cooking instructor asks him what he’s most excited about to cook, Vuolo misunderstands the scope of this benign inquiry.
Rather, he thinks the teacher is asking what he’s most looking forward to about marriage, and he responds to that question accordingly:
Being naked with Jinger all the time, basically.
“It’s like, ‘I’ll tell you what I’m excited about most in marriage,"” Vuolo says with a laugh, before realizing she just meant the cooking.
“Oh, right … back down to the food,” he adds.
As for Jinger’s take on the very same question, she said, “Well. Uh, yes. I think all of it.” These two have never been ones for subtlety.
The sexual tension continued thereafter:
Vuolo tells the TLC cameras at one point: “Watching Jinger cook, she’s beautiful, and so it was getting a little hot in the kitchen.”
“I think [the chef] Bec was uncomfortable with a couple of newlyweds in her kitchen, but we were there for a nice romantic time.”
“Must be the crustaceans and the garlic … natural aphrodisiac,” he adds, while Jinger quips, “It’s not like we just got married or anything.”
Wow. Honestly, get a ROOM you two.
It’s been a few months now since Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo got married, which means a pregnancy announcement is overdue.
We kid, of course. Mostly. Not really.
Modern Duggar women are permitted to enjoy married life for a time before starting a family. By a time, we mean like a couple of months.
Jinge and Jer are already speaking publicly about their plans to start a family, so it’s not like they may be holding off even that long.
After the couple’s honeymoon in Australia, the Vuolos have settled down in Laredo, Texas, where Jeremy is the pastor of a church.
“We have just so perfectly adapted, it’s been incredible,” Jinger says, calling her new life outside of Arkansas “the biggest blessing.”
Either she’s not allowed to express negative emotions, or adapting to life outside Duggar compound to be as difficult as she’d imagined.
Bottom line: Expect babies, ASAP.
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Brooklyn Beckham Shares Moment of Impact, Broken Bone X-Ray (VIDEO + PHOTOS)
Brooklyn Beckham’s collarbone snapped while he was hotdoggin’ it on his snowboard, and lucky for him — and us — he was recording the disastrous run. David and Victoria’s model kid was cruising downhill in Whistler when he wiped out, and…
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Krayzie Bone Wants The Cavs To Stop Resting LeBron James (VIDEO)
Memphis Grizzlies fans were PISSED when the Cleveland Cavaliers decided to sit their Big 3 earlier this week … and Krayzie Bone doesn’t blame ‘em one bit. LeBron James, Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love took the night off in the Cavs’ 93-85 loss to the…
Friday, November 11, 2016
Friday, October 21, 2016
Adrienne Bailon and Israel Houghton: We"re Waiting Until Marriage! To Bone!
Adrienne Bailon is getting set to exchange more than just vows with Israel Houghton.
She is also getting set to exchange bodily fluids for the first time.
For the first time with Houghton, that is.
The former singer and current talk show host was recently asked by People Magazine about a bridal shower thrown in her honor, with the publication inquiring:
Were any dirty games played at the event?
“I cannot even say what the games were! Just kidding,” Bailon responded, added by way of explanation:
“They were kind of risqué. We are saving ourselves for marriage so [Jeannie Mai] let the games be a little more risqué leading up to things.”
Wait, what?
We think the lede was buried on that one.
The party was hosted by West Hollywood eatery Fig & Olive and it feature a Paris theme. The City of Love, right? Makes perfect sense.
But, hold on. Back up, please!
Bailon is not having sex with her fiancee until they are Husband and Wife?!?
The ex-Cheetah Girl didn’t elaborate on the reason why, but we’ll go ahead and make one up ourselves.
Might she still be burned by her most famous relationship?
Remember, Bailon didn’t just date Rob Kardashian for a number of years. She claims she was also cheated on by Rob Kardashian.
She said back in September that Kardashian is a “great guy,” but…
“I will say this, I think anybody who’s been in a relationship where they were cheated on or hurt, it affects you… It affected me so much that I made it a conscious decision to not do that to the next person.”
She added:
“He was 21 years old at the time. We were super young… This is old news. With that being said, being cheated on will make you question yourself.”
So, who knows, right?
Maybe Bailon felt burned and maybe now she decided to go in the opposite direction.
Maybe now she decided to just take sex out of the equation, so that she and Houghton could focus on other things, unrelated to one another’s body.
Or maybe each has found God and/or religion.
It’s unclear.
But this isn’t the first time a celebrity has waited until marriage before getting it on with his or her significant other.
How did it work out for these other example? Click through the above photo gallery to find out.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Bone Thugs-N-Harmony -- Ken Bone Gives them Pregnant Pause (VIDEO)
Bone Thugs-N-Harmony were amped at the prospect of getting a new member who’s got the right last name for sure … problem is, he’s into something the group just can’t handle. We got the guys Friday night after they performed at Irvine Meadows…