NOTE: The following photos all come to us from a sub-Reddit titled "Crappy Design."
FOLLOW-UP NOTE: They are all downright hilarious.
From posters to ads to designs on the side of a school bus, the following images don"t depict what the people behind them originally intended.
At least we assume that"s the case.
Scroll down and all around to view a handful of complete and utter photograph failures that may cause you to literally die of laughter…
1. We’re Pregnant!

Did you really need a test for this? You could have just looked down.
2. You Really Should Quit Smoking

But not school. Do not quit school.
3. Ready to Workout?

We’ll give you a few moments to stop looking at that woman’s unusual chest first.
4. Speaking of Unusual Female Private Parts…

We really don’t mean to stare, but… ummm… you’re sort of calling our attention to it.

We’re frightened.
6. WHAT Ourselves?!?

Oh… “suit” ourselves? That is what this magazine is saying… right?