Showing posts with label Cleveland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cleveland. Show all posts

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Cleveland PD Launches Internal Investigation Into Handling of Kareem Hunt Case

Breaking News
The Cleveland Police Dept. says one of its officers leaked a copy of the Kareem Hunt police report to the NFL back in February — and now it’s launched an internal investigation. 
“Following an internal review, it has been determined that in February 2018 a member ...
Cleveland PD Launches Internal Investigation Into Handling of Kareem Hunt Case

Cleveland PD Launches Internal Investigation Into Handling of Kareem Hunt Case

Breaking News
The Cleveland Police Dept. says one of its officers leaked a copy of the Kareem Hunt police report to the NFL back in February — and now it’s launched an internal investigation. 
“Following an internal review, it has been determined that in February 2018 a member ...
Cleveland PD Launches Internal Investigation Into Handling of Kareem Hunt Case

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Condoleezza Rice Says She"s Not Ready to Coach the Cleveland Browns

The Cleveland Browns are reportedly mulling over interviewing George W. Bush’s former Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, for a head coaching job … but she says she’s not quite there yet. ESPN reported Sunday that the Browns’ front…


Cleveland Browns Gunning for Playoffs This Season, Says Rashard "Hollywood" Higgins

The Cleveland Browns haven’t sniffed the playoffs since 2002, but that drought could end THIS YEAR … so says Rashard “Hollywood” Higgins, who believes his team is destined for the postseason. Baker Mayfield and the Browns are currently dead last…


Monday, October 29, 2018

Ty Lue is Better Off After Cleveland Firing, Says Cavs Champ Dahntay Jones

Ty Lue getting fired is actually a GOOD THING … so says NBA champ Dahntay Jones, who tells TMZ Sports the coach is better off with a new team, hopefully a legit contender. Lue is currently unemployed after the Cavs started the season 0-6 … and,…


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Cleveland Cavaliers Tickets Sold for Just $2 Before Tip-Off Wednesday

The Cleveland Cavaliers are bad without LeBron James — like, 0-wins bad — but that’s not such a terrible thing if you’re a fan looking to score a REALLY cheap ticket last minute. The Cavs squared off with the Brooklyn Nets in Cleveland Wednesday.…


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Snoop Dogg Visits Cleveland Browns Practice, Joining the Dawg Pound?

The Dawg Pound turned into the D.O. DOUBLE G. Pound on Wednesday … ‘cause Snoop Dogg was in attendance to watch Baker Mayfield and Co. at Cleveland Browns practice!! Just one tiny issue here — Snoop is a MASSIVE Pittsburgh Steelers fan … and…


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Kanye West Says LeBron James Shouldn"t Have Left Cleveland

Kanye West thinks LeBron James made a mistake leaving Cleveland for Los Angeles — claiming the people of Northeast Ohio need him there. It’s not a diss — in fact, it’s the opposite.  Kanye believes LeBron is so powerful and influential,…


Friday, September 21, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: Moving to Cleveland For Tristan Thompson?!

Bad news, Khloe Kardashian fans

If you were hoping the reality star would kick Tristan Thompson to the curb for cheating on her on while she was pregnant with his child, it appears you’re out of luck.

When the Cleveland Cavs were eliminated from the NBA Finals by the Golden State Warriors back in June, Tristan followed Khloe back to LA so that he could be close to his daughter and work on earning back her trust.

Amazingly, in the span of a few short months, he seems to have done directly that.

The 2018-2019 NBA season is drawing near, and insiders now claim that when Tristan relocates to Cleveland semi-permanently, Khloe will be joining him.

One source tells US magazine that Khloe arrived at that decision just recently after concluding that Tristan’s cheating days are behind him.

“Tristan has promised Khloe he will never betray her again,” the insider revealed.

“She believes him.”

The source adds that Khloe and Tristan are  “doing better than anyone could have expected.”

There’s no word yet on whether Khloe is still hoping to marry Tristan, but it certainly looks as though the couple is headed in that direction.

While her family was initially opposed to the idea of Khloe giving Tristan another chance, insiders claim Kim and company have slowly come to embrace him as part of the family.

“Tristan is a part of Khloe’s life,” the source says.

“They are together, so he will be there. They’re continuing to work on their relationship.”

Hey, maybe this will turn out to be the rare case in which a tiger changes his stripes.

Maybe Tristan feels genuine remorse for his actions and is ready to be the kind of spouse Khloe deserves.

Or maybe he’ll backslide right back into his old ways once his team hits the road again this season.

Whatever the case, it’s a safe bet that Khloe will be watching him closely.

Here’s hoping Tristan is able to keep it in his pants, as it seems highly unlikely that he’ll be given a second chance.


Sunday, September 16, 2018

Josh Gordon to be Released by Cleveland Browns

Josh Gordon’s very strange 6 years with the Cleveland Browns have gone up in smoke … the team just decided to release him. Browns GM John Dorsey issued a statement Saturday, saying … “This afternoon we informed Josh Gordon and his…


Friday, September 7, 2018

Cleveland Replacing LeBron Banner with Guardian of Traffic

LeBron is out … and now the City of Cleveland has announced they’re replacing the legendary banner with a new icon … a Guardian!!! No, not Groot. Or Rocket. Or even Mantis … it’s the “Guardian of Traffic!”  ALL HAIL THE TRAFFIC GOD!!…


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Cleveland LB Mychal Kendricks Cut by Browns After Insider Trading Charges

White collar crime doesn’t sit well with the Browns — the team just released linebacker Mychal Kendricks in the wake of his insider trading charges. Kendricks has admitted to breaking federal laws by trading perks for tips in a scheme to make an…


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Cleveland Browns Players Deny Involvement In Rape at Their Apartment

A woman claims she was raped in an apartment where 2 Cleveland Browns players live — telling police a friend of tight end David Njoku had sex with her after she fell asleep at their pad.  Njoku is NOT accused of any wrongdoing but has been…


Friday, August 10, 2018

LaMarr Woodley Says Cleveland Browns Will Be Dangerous

The Steelers have been dominating their rivalry with the Browns for YEARS … but LaMarr Woodley says that’s all about to change … telling TMZ Sports Cleveland is finally a legitimately dangerous team. FYI — the Stillers has had their way with…


Mark Wahlberg On Baker Mayfield, "Cleveland Got Another Star!"

Baker Mayfield only threw 20 passes Thursday night … but that’s all Mark Wahlberg needed to see, saying, “Cleveland got another star!” Mark’s been Baker’s biggest fan — the dude bet actual money on the Browns to win six games this season — and…


Friday, July 20, 2018

Khloe Kardashian to Tristan Thompson: Cleveland Sucks! We"re Living in LA!

Many were shocked when Khloe Kardashian made the decision not to dump Tristan Thompson after he was caught repeatedly cheating on her.

But perhaps no one found the news more surprising than Tristan himself.

You have to figure that dude thought he would be promptly kicked to the curb after footage of him canoodling with various strippers and NBA groupies made the rounds online.

And yet, all these months later, he and Khloe are still an item.

But if you were worried about Tristan getting off scot-free, fear not.

While it’s certainly true that he did plenty of getting off, it looks like he’s paying the price for all of that extra-marital activity.

For starters, Khloe and Tristan are in couple’s therapy these days, and we imagine those sessions consist of Tristan staring blankly at a wall and wishing death on J.R. Smith while Khloe and the therapist just unload on his ass.

On top of that, Tristan can kiss his carefree days in Drew Carey country goodbye.

Yes, it seems that just like LeBron before him, Tristan is moving to LA.

But while King James made the leap in hopes of securing another ring, Tristan did so because Khloe is holding all the cards these days.

It wasn’t all that long ago that the Kardashians issued Khloe an ultimatum — dump Tristan, or we’re dumping you.

They seem to have mellowed on that stance, but it still can’t be totally comfortable for Thompson to be living in the heart of Kard clan country.

Khloe, on the other hand, is loving every second of it.

She recently took to her personal website to gush about the joys of life in Calabasas:

“I’m over the moon about being home!” Khloe wrote.

“Of course, I missed my actual house immensely while I was in Cleveland — there’s nothing like enjoying your own home.”

Khloe went on to state that the best part of the experience is watching baby True interact with her cousins:

“I’m most excited about being so close to my family,” she added.

“Getting the kids together and having True do all of her classes with her cousins is a great feeling!” 

As for Tristan, well — he’s reportedly making the best of it.

Sources say the situation remains uncomfortable, but he’s managing to get along with Khloe’s mom and sisters.

One of the few upsides to being a bad Kardashian boyfriend is that it’s almost impossible to be the worst Kardashian boyfriend.

Sure, Tristan is bad, bus is he worse than, say, Scott Disick? Hardly.

Khloe and Tristan will reportedly spend the entire NBA offseason in LA, and then temporarily relocate to Cleveland.

We’re sure Thompson is counting the days.

In fact, he might be the only one looking forward to this Cavs season.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Mark Wahlberg Bet Money On Cleveland Browns to Win 6 Games

Mark Wahlberg says he believes in Baker Mayfield — so he placed a REAL bet on the Cleveland Browns to win 6 games in 2018.  Yeah, he’s being serious.  Don’t worry, he also made some less risky wagers — betting on the Patriots and the…


Mark Wahlberg Bet Money On Cleveland Browns to Win 6 Games

Mark Wahlberg says he believes in Baker Mayfield — so he placed a REAL bet on the Cleveland Browns to win 6 games in 2018.  Yeah, he’s being serious.  Don’t worry, he also made some less risky wagers — betting on the Patriots and the…


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

LeBron James Banner Coming Down In Cleveland

It’s over … again.  The famous LeBron James banner in downtown Cleveland is officially coming down — after the NBA superstar decided to leave the city and sign with the Lakers.  The banner — a 10-story tall billboard — has become an…


Monday, July 2, 2018

Cleveland Cavs Scrubbing LeBron from Team Shop, Slashing Jersey Prices

Well, that was quick.  LeBron James is no longer on the front page of the Cleveland Cavaliers online team shop — and they’re already slashing prices on his jerseys.  Don’t worry, the new star getting the front-page treatment is Cavs…
