Showing posts with label FIRING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FIRING. Show all posts

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Report: Hue Jackson Cussed Out Browns Owner ... After Firing

Breaking News
Hue Jackson was so furious after getting the axe from Cleveland Browns owner Jimmy Haslam after a Week 8 loss to the Steelers, he cussed at his boss and threw him out of his office. 
This is all according to an explosive new ESPN report which says … if you couldn’t ...
Report: Hue Jackson Cussed Out Browns Owner ... After Firing

Monday, November 19, 2018

Enzo Amore Booted from WWE"s "Survivor Series" After Firing, Rape Allegation

Fired WWE star Enzo Amore got tackled to the ground and kicked out of a wrestling event Sunday that he probably (definitely) shouldn’t have been at. The former two-time Crusierweight Champion crashed WWE’s ‘Survivor Series’ and made a fool of…


Saturday, November 10, 2018

Surveillance Footage Shows Gunmen Firing at Tekashi69, Kanye West Music Video Shoot

This surveillance video, obtained by TMZ, captures in graphic detail the shooting at the home where Tekashi69 and Kanye West were about to film a music video. You see 2 cars pull up to the Beverly Hills home Thursday night at around 10:30 PM. Two…


Monday, November 5, 2018

Farrah Abraham Working on Her Own Show After "Teen Mom" Firing

Farrah Abraham is on the brink of locking down her own show after getting the boot from “Teen Mom OG” … and she’s setting up meetings with Hollywood producers to make it happen. Abraham was spotted leaving a lunch meeting Friday in Studio City…


Monday, October 29, 2018

Earnest Byner Says Hue Jackson "Earned" Browns Firing, Look At His Record!

Hue Jackson deserved to be canned after two plus seasons of losing AND looking like crap against the Steelers on Sunday … so says Browns legend Earnest Byner. It’s nothing against Hue personally — E.B. tells us the coach couldn’t have been a…


Ty Lue is Better Off After Cleveland Firing, Says Cavs Champ Dahntay Jones

Ty Lue getting fired is actually a GOOD THING … so says NBA champ Dahntay Jones, who tells TMZ Sports the coach is better off with a new team, hopefully a legit contender. Lue is currently unemployed after the Cavs started the season 0-6 … and,…


Friday, October 26, 2018

Megyn Kelly"s Character in Roger Ailes Movie Will Not Be Rewritten After NBC Firing

Megyn Kelly’s spectacular fall at NBC will NOT affect the movie about Roger Ailes that features her … because we’re told her character as written is “very flawed” and consistent with what people know. Sources connected with the production tell…


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

James Gunn Hired to Write "Suicide Squad" Flick After "Guardians" Firing

That didn’t take long — fired “Guardians of the Galaxy” director James Gunn is bouncing back from controversial tweets by landing a gig writing “Suicide Squad 2.” As you know … Disney canned Gunn in July over a bunch of years-old, yet horribly…


Friday, August 17, 2018

Sarah Drew Finally Speaks Out on Grey"s Anatomy Firing!

This year’s Grey’s Anatomy casting shocker impacted a lot of fans. Some even proposed a boycott of the series.

Fans were not happy to see April leave the series. And no one was more disappointed than the actress herself, Sarah Drew.

For the first time, she is speaking out in detail about how the news was broken to her, how she reacted, and what she wishes had been different.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Sarah Drew finally details how she found out that she was leaving Grey’s Anatomy.

First of all, she explains the reason that she was given.

“I was told that the show had too many characters,” Drew reveals. “And that they needed to downsize because they couldn’t service all of the characters effectively.”

So we shouldn’t blame Ellen Pompeo and her huge salary, in other words.

Drew explains: “They didn’t want any of us to be left in the background and not getting much of a story.”

Writing a book and writing a TV series are not the same, and have different considerations because there are real people involved.

Drew also shares that a showrunner explained why her character in particular went to the chopping block.

“Krista Vernoff said that she felt like April had been through so much and had come out the other side,” Drew says. “And that she didn’t know what she could put her through again.”

Viewers are familiar with watching a beloved character suffer again and again and wanting them to get their happily ever after.

Well, shows are built on conflict. Most characters don’t get a happily ever after and to get to stay on the show.

“It was really hard to hear that,” Drew admits. “But Krista had a lot of very complimentary things to say about the work that I had done — especially this past season — and that April was going to have her happy ending.”

The news was, of course, difficult to take.

“It was in the afternoon and I went back to my trailer and I did my crying and called my people,” Drew shares. “A whole bunch of people came into my trailer to give me hugs and cry with me and tell me they were so sad I was leaving.”

Thta sounds devastating.

“I was supposed to be shadowing Kevin this whole episode with the hope that I would get to direct an episode of Grey’s,” Drew reveals. “But [after being let go] it seemed like wasn’t a possibility anymore.”

She says that her Emmy nomination was a source of comfort.

“My confidence had gotten a bit shaken in the wake of being let go,” Drew confesses. “And the nomination after the fact made me go, ‘I don’t need to be worried about anything or have my confidence shaken.”

Like many Japril shippers who watched at home, Drew had imagined that things would go differently for her character.

“In the midst of it, I was devastated that Jackson (Jesse Williams) and April wasn’t an end game,” Drew confesses.

She thought that April would be looking into those famously beautiful eyes for the rest of her life.

“I thought Jackson and April were meant to get back together,” Drew admits. “And they were going to get married again and realize they’d been crazy and it was just going to be this long, slow burn.”

So many viewers have been there.

Drew acknowledges: “But after thinking about it, there’s a real sweetness to that story of April’s faith.”

Drew says: “She ran off with Jackson and loved him and wouldn’t regret a single second of that relationship because it made her heart grow and she got a beautiful daughter out of it.”

“She grew as a woman and as a person of faith,” Drew affirms. “All of that had to happen.”

That was not endgame for the character, however.

“But,” Drew says. “There was something beautiful about the redemption story between April and Matthew.”

When the show you love doesn’t end a character or storyline the way that you’d like, well, that’s why fanfiction exists.


Friday, August 3, 2018

Tim Allen Defends Roseanne Barr, Asks Very Dumb Question About Comedian"s Firing

Tim Allen just doesn’t understand.

Speaking Thursday at the Television Critics Association’s press tour, the veteran actor basically asked those in attendance was simple question:

Can’t someone just be overtly racist in public without suffering consequences in this country?!?

Allen spoke on the topic of Roseanne Barr’s firing by ABC with journalists at the aforementioned gathering, with his remarks generating both headlines and many raised eyebrows.

(Barr, of course, was let go by the network and had her revived sitcom canceled after she referred to an African-American political advisor as an “ape.”)

“I go away back with Rosie and that’s not the Rosie I know,” Allen said, expounding about his friend and her situation as follows:

“She was the most diverse and tolerant woman I’ve ever known for a long time. Whatever got in her head, isn’t the Roseanne I know.”

Allen then expressed sympathy and shock for the ways of the world, especially when it comes to supposedly funny people who dare to utter controversial statements.

“It’s a very icy time. I’m a veteran comedian for 38 years and I’ve never seen it, like Lenny Bruce said at the Purple Onion, ‘We’ve gone backwards.’ There are things you can’t say. There are things you shouldn’t say.

“Who makes up these rules? And as a stand-up comic, it’s a dangerous position to be in because I like pushing buttons. It’s unfortunate.”

Who makes up these rules?

We can answer that ridiculous inquiry, Tim.

In Roseanne’s case, ABC executies made up the so-called “rules.”

Roseanne was an employee who was fired by her employer for actions the latter deemed inappropriate and/or actions it felt no longer made her a worthwhile employee.

It’s that simple.

People get fired from their jobs everday. Roseanne is just one of those people.

Allen is one of the few outspoken Republicans in Hollywood.

In May of 2017, he said he was “stunned” by the cancelation of the sitcom on which he starred, Last Man Standing, hinting strongly that he thinks it was yanked off the air due to his Conservative views.

(It has ran for six seasons at the time and ratings had been falling for years.)

Allen also once compared life in Hollywood for a Republican to life in Nazi Germany for Jewish people.

He’s back in the news now because FOX has actually brought back Last Man Standing, hoping it finds a similarly impressive audience to the one Roseanne enjoyed before the network axed that show’s comeback.

As for Barr?

She has oscillated between being regretful for her actions and blaming others for taking them out of context.

She recently swore to Sean Hannity that she is not racist and she has received support from non-Tim Allen celebrities as well.

“Roseanne Barr is my sister in comedy and she is my universal sister and what I won’t do… is throw her away for making a mistake,” Mo’Nique told KTLA last Friday, July 27, adding at the time:

“We’ve all said and done things, baby, that we wish we could take back… but when you’re in the public eye, you can’t.

Said Barr to Fox News the day before that:

“I’ve apologized a lot. It’s been two months. I’ve apologized and explained and asked for forgiveness.”

Oh, well, if it’s been two months… nevermind then!

All automatically gets forgiven after 60 days, right?




Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Chicago Cop Who Dragged Dr. David Dao Off United Flight Sues Airline Over Firing

The officer who violently dragged a United Airlines passenger last year says the airline set him up to take a fall, and he believes he was wrongly fired… according to a new suit. James Long was one of the Chicago aviation officers seen on video…


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Isaiah Washington Says Shonda Rhimes Blames Racism for His "Grey"s Anatomy" Firing

Isaiah Washington insists he was ousted from “Grey’s Anatomy” in 2007 over false accusations fueled by an allegedly racist ABC exec … and he says Shonda Rhimes knows it too, and has his back. The actor tells us Shonda — creator…


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Clyde Drexler Named BIG3 Commish After Roger Mason Firing

Clyde “The Glide” Drexler is the NEW man in charge of Ice Cube’s BIG3 basketball league — replacing Roger Mason Jr. … who got the ax earlier this week.  As we previously reported, Mason and BIG3 are in the middle of a legal war — so BIG3…


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Farrah Abraham Sues Viacom for Teen Mom OG Firing!

Before we get started, let’s take a moment to reflect on Farrah Abraham and the many, many hate crimes she’s endured these past few months.

Let’s consider how hard it’s been for her, and how the things she’s been going through have definitely, without a doubt been hate crimes.

… Are we good now?

Yes, so our beloved Farrah has been in a bit of a tailspin since October, when she was fired from Teen Mom OG.

It’s taken a while to get the full story, mostly because for the first couple of months after it happened Farrah had been the only one telling the story.

And as you may have noticed, she’s not the most reliable narrator. And also she has a hard time with words and figuring out how they work.

To hear her tell it, she was fired because of her work in the sex industry, and to be fired for such a reason was literally a hate crime.

She was sex-shamed by Teen Mom producers, she and her family had been manipulated for years into ruining their lives for good storylines.

She had a lot of accusations.

As it turns out, the powers that be didn’t love all the porn stuff, but another very big issue was the way Farrah treated crew members.

Because she honestly treated them like absolute garbage.

There was a little confusion over whether or not she was actually fired though — MTV owns the show, obviously but a separate production company films it, and they were the ones who did the firing.

But regardless, she hasn’t been filming, and it seems like she’s really and truly done with Teen Mom.

Well, she’s done being on Teen Mom — she still has some loose ends to tie up, though.

Yesterday, Farrah marched down to the courthouse and filed herself a lawsuit against Viacom, Teen Mom’s production company, and Teen Mom executive producer Morgan J. Freeman.


According to the documents, she’s suing “to hold defendants responsible for (1) harassing her because she did not conform to gender stereotypes; (2) wrongfully terminating her employment because she did not conform to gender stereotypes; and (3) terminating her employment in retaliation for complaining about the gender-stereotyping harassment she suffered.”

It’s already amazing, right?!

She also suing for “breach of contract, conversion, unjust enrichment, negligence, negligent hiring, retention, and/or supervision, tortious interference with business relations, defamation, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.”

Now, we’re no lawyers, but you don’t really have to be a lawyer to see that she’s really just going for it with all of this.

The documents also state that on the day she was fired, the production crew “harassed, humiliated, discriminated against, disrespected, ridiculed, degraded, and sex shamed” her for working in adult entertainment.

She also claims here that Freeman threatened to sabotage any other deals she’d ever make with MTV, and that “given Freeman’s hostile tone, mannerisms, and body language,” she actually “feared for her life.”

See what we mean about how she’s going for it?

Farrah and her lawyers are suing for “emotional pain, emotional suffering, inconvenience, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life,” and the rest of the money she was supposed to earn for this season according to her contract.

She’s suing for $ 5 million.

Five million actual dollars.

Actually, she’s asking for “an amount to be determined at trial but exceeding $ 5,000,000,” as well as her lawyer’s fees, so it’s even more ridiculous than that.

It’ll be interesting to see how this all plays out, to say the least.

There’s absolutely no doubt Viacom has an amazing team of lawyers, but there’s also no doubt that Farrah has zero sense and would keep pushing this until she bankrupts herself.

Grab your popcorn, friends, because this will almost definitely get good.


Tavis Smiley Sues PBS Over Firing, Sexual Harassment Allegations

Tavis Smiley says PBS firing him wasn’t just about sexual harassment allegations … he now claims it was racial, and it’s costing him millions upon millions of dollars. Smiley filed a lawsuit against his former network — which aired his talk show…


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Kate Upton Says Guess Needs to Clean House, Start by Firing Paul Marciano

Kate Upton’s calling for wholesale changes at Guess, and suggests the company’s problems go far beyond co-founder Paul Marciano. We got Kate Thursday leaving Nello in NYC and she did NOT rule out working with Guess again, but she’s got some big…


Monday, January 29, 2018

Meek Mill Suffers Setback, Judge Did Not Advocate Firing Roc Nation

Meek Mill’s legal team just suffered a big setback … because TMZ just obtained a copy of the court transcript which Meek’s lawyers claim proves the judge was trying to get him to dump Roc Nation for one of her friends … but the transcript does…


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Questlove, NBC Sued For Firing White Camera Guys Over Racist Text

Questlove demanded NBC fire two white camera guys on the ‘Tonight Show’ over a racist group text they never asked to be a part of … this according to a new lawsuit. Camera operators Kurt Decker and Michael Cimino just filed suit against the TV…


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Ann Curry Breaks Silence on Matt Lauer Misconduct, Firing

Ann Curry did her best to take the high road on Wednesday.

Sitting down with CBS This Morning to address a number of topics, Curry was asked early on about her former colleague, Matt Lauer.

Despite sharing a desk for many years, it was an open secret that Curry and Lauer never exactly got along well.

When Curry was fired five-plus years ago by NBC, most insiders believed it was Lauer who forced her out – and most viewers noted that she didn’t really acknowledge her co-anchor during her farewell address on air.

Fast forward to November of 2017… and Lauer getting fired under even more scandalous circumstances.

He’s been accused of sexual harassment and misconduct and even rape.

Some people remain shocked by these charges, truly taken aback that Lauer could even do such things.

But Curry is not one of these people.

“I can tell you that I am not surprised by the allegations,” the veteran journalist said flat-out this morning.

“Do you believe that Matt Lauer abused his power?” Norah O’Donnell asked.

Replied Curry, afraid of saying too much:

“Now I’m walking down that road and I’m trying not to hurt people. And I know what it’s like to be publicly humiliated.

“I never did anything wrong to be publicly humiliated and I don’t want to cause that kind of pain to somebody else.”

Fair enough, of course.

Like we said above, she really did try to take the high road.


“I can say that – because you are asking me a very direct question – I can say that I would be surprised if many women did not understand that there was a climate of verbal harassment that existed,” Curry continued.

“I would be surprised if someone said that they didn’t see that. So, it was verbal sexual harassment.”

Matt Lauer and Ann Curry dressed as Prince William and Kate Middleton for Halloween in 2011.

Lauer was let go bt NBC in late November after a colleague accused him of sexual misconduct in the workplace.

At the time, NBC News Chairman Andy Lack sent an email to employees just moments before Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb broke the news on the air.

(Kotb has since replaced Lauer as Guthrie’s permanent co-host.)

Since the initial accusation, multiple reports have been published that alleged Lauer sent underlings sex toys, asked them to perform sex acts and even forced himself on a woman in his office on at least one occasion.

A day after his ousting, Lauer issued the following apology:

There are no words to express my sorrow and regret for the pain I have caused others by words and actions. To the people I have hurt, I am truly sorry.

As I am writing this I realize the depth of the damage and disappointment I have left behind at home and at NBC.

Some of what is being said about me is untrue or mischaracterized but there is enough truth in these stories to make me feel embarrassed and ashamed.

I regret that my shame is now shared by the people I cherish dearly.

Lauer has said very little since then.

Sources say he’s just hanging out around his home in the Hamptons and spending time with his kids.

We can’t imagine he’s ever hired in the television industry again.

And if this is the case, we’d just like to say one thing:



Sunday, December 17, 2017

Omarosa"s White House Firing Spoofed on SNL

Turns out Omarosa WAS tossed out of the White House on her ass by the Secret Service because she wanted it that way … according to the folks at SNL. President Trump’s former adviser’s firing/resignation was roasted by Leslie Jones and Michael Che…
