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Kyler Murray Can"t Play Both Football AND Baseball ... Says Drew Henson
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Kyler Murray Can"t Play Both Football AND Baseball ... Says Drew Henson
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
Justin Bieber All Smileys for Clothing Launch ... $250k in Drew Drip
Justin Bieber wanted the members of his Drew crew to have a nice day … so he hooked them up with some serious smiley face bling.
The Biebs’ company, The House of Drew, is launching a line of clothing and merch early in 2019, and to celebrate the occasion … he ordered...
Justin Bieber All Smileys for Clothing Launch ... $250k in Drew Drip
Friday, December 7, 2018
Brett Favre Sorry, Drew Brees ... Mahomes Is My MVP!
require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Brett Favre Sorry, Drew Brees ... Mahomes Is My MVP!
Brett Favre Sorry, Drew Brees ... Mahomes Is My MVP!
require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Brett Favre Sorry, Drew Brees ... Mahomes Is My MVP!
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Drew Brees More Deserving of GOAT Title Than Tom Brady, Says Ex-Teammate
Drew Brees deserves the MVP this season … AND it’s time we start talking about him as the greatest of all time ahead of Tom Brady — so says his ex-Saints teammate Lance Moore. TMZ Sports spoke with the WR who won a Super Bowl with Brees back in…
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Sarah Drew Had a Problem with Her Grey"s Anatomy Exit
Can Sarah Drew be honest for a few minutes?
Can she just go ahead and keep it real for a moment?
Okay, great. The actress really appreciates it.
As you very likely know by now, Drew was let go from Grey’s Anatomy in March, about two months before the end of Season 14.
She had starred as Dr. April Kepner for years and was considered a fan favorite, which is why both Drew and millions of viewers out there felt blindsided by ABC’s decision.
While producers have not come out and said it, both Drew and Jessica Capshaw were not brought back to the series for budgetary reasons.
This is the assumption most fans have been making at least.
As for how April was written off the drama?
Her storyline wrapped up for good up when she got married to former fiance Matthew Taylor and left Seattle.
And now Drew has spoken out for the first time about whether she thinks April received a proper send-off.
“In the moment it felt rushed, to be perfectly honest,” the actress told Entertainment Tonight about her depature, adding:
“I felt like it wasn’t really earned because we just didn’t get enough time. We [had] like a scene together that whole season and hadn’t seen each other for four years before that.
“I would’ve liked to have actually grown their relationship to a point where it felt earned for them to get married.”
That’s a very fair point.
It’s reasonable to wonder how far in advance ABC made the choice not to bring Drew back for Season 15.
Still, Drew wants to make it clear:
She isn’t really complaining.
She’s grateful for her time on the show and she can even see how her character’s closing arc made a special kind of sense.
“In hindsight, I think there is something beautifully redemptive that goes along with April’s return to faith and rebirth,” she told ET, continuing as follows:
“The person that she hurt the most in her life was the man she left at the altar, and the redemption story comes full circle in the reconciliation between the two of them.
Even in the darkest and the most painful of relationship experiences, there can still be healing and hope and love and joy, so there was something about that that I could totally get behind.
“I just wish we’d had a little more time to play it out.
Finally, while Drew has moved on (she’s currently starring in a movie called Indivisble), she isn’t bitter toward producers or anything.
Heck, she’d likely make a return to Grey’s Anatomy if the opportunity ever presented itself.
“I’ll never say never because they are my family. I still love everyone over there,” she said when ths topic was broached, concluding:
“I love that community and I still have such an incredible space in my heart for everyone over there, but I really do feel like, because of how it went down, I really had to part ways with April.
“I just had to.
“There was no way for me to live in a space of possibility of her returning and also be healthy in my letting go of all of it, so I really have said goodbye to her.”
Monday, September 3, 2018
Drew Brees Hit with $7 Mil Bombshell In Jewelry War
Imagine being told the rare diamond you sold for $ 3.75 MILLION is now back on the market for around $ 7 MILLION … and could be worth more than $ 10 MIL. How would you react? Drew Brees could only shake his head … according to legal docs obtained…
Friday, August 17, 2018
Sarah Drew Finally Speaks Out on Grey"s Anatomy Firing!
This year’s Grey’s Anatomy casting shocker impacted a lot of fans. Some even proposed a boycott of the series.
Fans were not happy to see April leave the series. And no one was more disappointed than the actress herself, Sarah Drew.
For the first time, she is speaking out in detail about how the news was broken to her, how she reacted, and what she wishes had been different.
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Sarah Drew finally details how she found out that she was leaving Grey’s Anatomy.
First of all, she explains the reason that she was given.
“I was told that the show had too many characters,” Drew reveals. “And that they needed to downsize because they couldn’t service all of the characters effectively.”
So we shouldn’t blame Ellen Pompeo and her huge salary, in other words.
Drew explains: “They didn’t want any of us to be left in the background and not getting much of a story.”
Writing a book and writing a TV series are not the same, and have different considerations because there are real people involved.
Drew also shares that a showrunner explained why her character in particular went to the chopping block.
“Krista Vernoff said that she felt like April had been through so much and had come out the other side,” Drew says. “And that she didn’t know what she could put her through again.”
Viewers are familiar with watching a beloved character suffer again and again and wanting them to get their happily ever after.
Well, shows are built on conflict. Most characters don’t get a happily ever after and to get to stay on the show.
“It was really hard to hear that,” Drew admits. “But Krista had a lot of very complimentary things to say about the work that I had done — especially this past season — and that April was going to have her happy ending.”
The news was, of course, difficult to take.
“It was in the afternoon and I went back to my trailer and I did my crying and called my people,” Drew shares. “A whole bunch of people came into my trailer to give me hugs and cry with me and tell me they were so sad I was leaving.”
Thta sounds devastating.
“I was supposed to be shadowing Kevin this whole episode with the hope that I would get to direct an episode of Grey’s,” Drew reveals. “But [after being let go] it seemed like wasn’t a possibility anymore.”
She says that her Emmy nomination was a source of comfort.
“My confidence had gotten a bit shaken in the wake of being let go,” Drew confesses. “And the nomination after the fact made me go, ‘I don’t need to be worried about anything or have my confidence shaken.”
Like many Japril shippers who watched at home, Drew had imagined that things would go differently for her character.
“In the midst of it, I was devastated that Jackson (Jesse Williams) and April wasn’t an end game,” Drew confesses.
She thought that April would be looking into those famously beautiful eyes for the rest of her life.
“I thought Jackson and April were meant to get back together,” Drew admits. “And they were going to get married again and realize they’d been crazy and it was just going to be this long, slow burn.”
So many viewers have been there.
Drew acknowledges: “But after thinking about it, there’s a real sweetness to that story of April’s faith.”
Drew says: “She ran off with Jackson and loved him and wouldn’t regret a single second of that relationship because it made her heart grow and she got a beautiful daughter out of it.”
“She grew as a woman and as a person of faith,” Drew affirms. “All of that had to happen.”
That was not endgame for the character, however.
“But,” Drew says. “There was something beautiful about the redemption story between April and Matthew.”
When the show you love doesn’t end a character or storyline the way that you’d like, well, that’s why fanfiction exists.
Reggie Bush Says Drew Brees Will Retire This Year If He Wins Super Bowl
Reggie Bush says Drew Brees will call it a career after this season only if the Saints do one thing … WIN THE SUPER BOWL!! There’s been a lot of talk about Brees’ potential retirement lately — the dude does turn 40 in January — so, we went to…
Reggie Bush Says Drew Brees Will Retire This Year If He Wins Super Bowl
Reggie Bush says Drew Brees will call it a career after this season only if the Saints do one thing … WIN THE SUPER BOWL!! There’s been a lot of talk about Brees’ potential retirement lately — the dude does turn 40 in January — so, we went to…
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Drew League Legend Explains Why He Busted Denzel Valentine"s Ass
NBA player Denzel Valentine got embarrassed at the Drew League in L.A. recently … and now the man responsible for dropping 44 on DV is telling us why it had to be done in such savage fashion. The man’s name is Frank “Nitty” Sessions … the…
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Drew Brees" Kids Get SonBurned Trying To Cover Golden Tate
SonBurned: When a man or woman is forced to watch their offspring (in this case, sons) get ruthlessly burned on the football field by an elite NFL WR who’s taking no prisoners. Drew Brees’ kids should now know this definition well, having been…
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Drew Brees Gets "Absolutely Thrashed" On Kelly Slater"s Epic Surf Wave Machine
Drew Brees took more hits on Kelly Slater’s surf wave machine than he does on an NFL Sunday … saying learning to ride the waves from the surfing legend caused him to get “absolutely thrashed.” It all went down recently when the Saints quarterback…
Monday, June 11, 2018
Drew Brees Admitted He"s "Cash Poor," Jeweler Claims
The jeweler being sued by Drew Brees claims the QB is trying to shake him down because he’s “cash poor” and needs the money … this according to new court docs obtained by TMZ Sports. We broke the story … Brees is suing Vahid Moradi…
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Grey"s Anatomy Fans: Sarah Drew Begs You to Be Nicer to Kelly McCreary
Just last month, Sarah Drew departed from Grey’s Anatomy.
Since then, some of her fans have apparently been harassing her friend and colleague who continues to act on the long-running ABC drama.
Sarah is speaking out … and pleading with her fans to be kind.
Taking to Twitter, Sarah Drew writes to her followers:
“I need to say something to some of you.”
Note that she is not blaming everyone for the actions of bad apples.
“I say ‘some’ because I know that many of you are not participating in this.”
She acknowledges that fans are, of course, passionate about the media that they consume.
“Look, I know these characters mean so much to you — believe me, they mean a lot to me, too — but I do not feel defended when you attack my friends.”

Some of her fans have been giving Kelly McCreary a very hard time.
“My beautiful, loving, loyal sister, Kelly, is a brilliant, fiercely talented team player who ALWAYS shows up and dedicates herself to the stories she is asked to tell.”
Actors should not be attacked for the roles that they play. Obviously.
“Please stop attacking her for doing her job.”
She implores them to remember that the actors are friends.
“When you hurt her, you hurt me.”
She hopes that people will support McCreary as they supported her.
“When you show kindness to her, you show kindness to me.”
She then has a message that we should all take to heart.
“Please be Kind.”
See, Sarah Drew’s character on Grey’s Anatomy, for those of you who haven’t watched the series since the Bush Administration, was in a relationship with Jesse Williams’ character.
A lot of fans, as they watch a show, grow attached not only to characters but to relationships. These fans are known as “shippers,” whether the relationship that they adore is canon or exists only in their hopes and dreams.
Now that Drew’s character has departed from the series, Kelly McCreary’s character is in a relationship with Williams.’
Though these fans, of course, are perfectly aware that these are fictional characters played by actors, sometimes, when you’re passionate about something, it can be easy to blur the lines.
And they’ll send real hate to real people.
Drew is absolutely right for speaking up in defense of her friend. Obviously.
One of the problems with the ready accesibility of actors these days is that they can see their fans at their worst.
For every few dozen people who just tweet politely at their faves, there is some bad apple who tries to ruin social media for everyone else.
A lot of people don’t realize that they are sexually harassing their favorite celebrities. Telling your friend that you’re crushing on a hot actor is one thing. Tweeting to them what you’d like to do with them is … something else.
Livetweeting can then become a hazard, because people might tag an actor as they tweet their hate at a character.
That’s not appropriate. it’s harassment. It’s toxic. It’s also, quite frankly, embarrassing.
It may be that what has fans really upset is the shocking departures of two beloved actors — and their characters.
But that wasn’t McCreary’s fault.
There were also people who tried to blame series star Ellen Pompeo, claiming that her hard-fought salary increase was responsible for the series thinning its cast to save money.
That has been widely dismissed as absurd.
Sometimes, when fans are angry, they blame the wrong people.
We just wish that social media did not make it so easy for them to lash out. Please think before you tweet.
Please be kind.
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Drew Barrymore: Headed to Rehab For Alcoholism?!
Before she embarked on one of Hollywood’s most monumental comebacks, Drew Barrymore’s name was synonymous with the dangers of childhood stardom.
Barrymore checked into rehab for the first time when she was 13 years old after first experimenting with hard drugs when she was only nine.
It would take a second round of in-patient care for Barrymore to get sober for good, but by the time she was 14, the actress had kicked the habits that could have claimed her young life.
One might think that after struggling mightily and finally getting clean at such a young age, Barrymore would steer clear of intoxicants for life.
But many former addicts can attest to the power of the complacency that often accompanies especially long periods of sobriety.
Alcoholics, in particular, are said to be vulnerable to the false sense of security that comes with several years off the sauce.
They might look at family and friends enjoying a drink socially and believe that they’re capable of doing the same.
In many cases, they might be right.
More often, however, the situation ends in disaster … and friends of Drew’s believe she’s in the process of learning that lesson the hard way.
According to Life & Style, friends of the actress were shocked to see her exhibiting signs of intoxication during a recent appearance on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen.
Cohen often drinks with his guests, and Drew has her own brand of wine, so there was nothing terribly surprising about her decision to enjoy a glass while on the show.
But Barrymore’s alleged slurring and out-of-character behavior.
“They’re very concerned about Drew,” a source tells tabloid.
“They fear it’s only a matter of time before she crashes and burns.”
The insider says Drew’s friends have already staged an informal intervention in hopes of convincing the actress to seek help”
“The bottom line is that Drew’s an alcoholic and she’s drinking again,” the source continues. “She’s not hiding it.”
The insider adds that Barrymore’s inner circle has implored her to “rein it in before she hits rock bottom again.”
Here’s hoping Drew is able to find whatever sort of help she needs.
Friday, April 20, 2018
Mackenzie Standifer to Dr. Drew: Ryan Edwards Doesn"t Need Your Help!
Part two of the Teen Mom OG reunion special will air on MTV this Monday, and judging from a newly released preview clip, it’s a doozy.
The segment – obtained by The Ashley’s Reality Roundup – shows an irate Mackenzie Standifer butting heads with Dr. Drew Pinsky during a discussion about Ryan Edwards’ heroin addiction.
The trouble began when Pinsky pointed out that by failing to properly follow his doctor’s orders Edwards is putting himself at risk for a relapse.
Standifer talked over Pinsky for a few awkward seconds before the doctor attempted to bring some order to the conversation by asking, “Are you ready to listen to me?”
“Excuse me? No, I’m not,” Mackenzie replied, dialing the sass factor up to 11.
Drew pressed on because allowing himself to be shut down by an irritable 21-year-old would make a pretty crappy therapist.
He reminds Mackenzie that in his ongoing custody battle with Maci Bookout, Ryan has claimed that he’s currently being treated for his addiction.
By refusing to take his Suboxone as prescribed, however, Ryan is being negligent about his treatment.
Pinsky pointed out that as a result, he can’t, in good conscience, advise Maci to trust her child to Ryan’s care.
“Then, I could argue to Maci that he’s under doctor’s prescription, he’s following it to the letter and you can check with that doctor and that doctor will take responsibility for any problems,” Dr. Drew explained.
“But if [Ryan’s] taking [the medication] ad-lib, I can’t vouch for that.”
That’s when Mackenzie clapped back with an argument that makes it sound as though she doesn’t fully understand whats being said here:
“I don’t think you can vouch for anything Ryan does, honestly,” Standifer snapped.
“But that’s just my opinion.”
We can see why Mackenzie saw fit to question Pinsky’s judgment.
After all, what could a medical professional who specializes in addiction possibly have to say about Ryan’s substance abuse issues?
Going forward, she might want to be a little nicer to old Doc Drew, however.
After all, when she inevitably divorces Edwards, she’s gonna want Pinsky on her side.
Watch Teen Mom OG online to relive all the madness of this season before Monday’s wild conclusion.
Thursday, April 5, 2018
First Photo of Drew Brees" $8 Million Diamond
Here it is … the first photo of the 4.09 carat blue diamond Drew Brees bought for $ 8.1 MILLION. It’s pretty incredible … but the QB says he overpaid by roughly $ 6 MILLION! TMZ Sports broke the story … Brees purchased the stone as an…
First Photo of Drew Brees" $8 Million Diamond
Here it is … the first photo of the 4.09 carat blue diamond Drew Brees bought for $ 8.1 MILLION. It’s pretty incredible … but the QB says he overpaid by roughly $ 6 MILLION! TMZ Sports broke the story … Brees purchased the stone as an…
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Rich The Kid Says Drew Brees Got Finessed, Needs Goon Squad
Drew Brees got clean finessed by his jeweler — and the only way to stop it from happening again is to get some gangstas on his squad … so says rap star Rich The Kid. We broke the story … Drew filed a lawsuit against San Diego jeweler Vahid…