Showing posts with label #Squad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Squad. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

James Gunn Hired to Write "Suicide Squad" Flick After "Guardians" Firing

That didn’t take long — fired “Guardians of the Galaxy” director James Gunn is bouncing back from controversial tweets by landing a gig writing “Suicide Squad 2.” As you know … Disney canned Gunn in July over a bunch of years-old, yet horribly…


Friday, July 13, 2018

Taylor Swift"s Squad Likes Snakes ... Just Ask Gigi Hadid

Taylor Swift’s squad is still going strong — she reunited with several members Friday in NYC, including Gigi Hadid, who is repping her homegirl’s newly adopted snake theme. Gigi and Taylor haven’t been seen together in a while. In fact, Taylor…


Sunday, June 3, 2018

Rick Fox is Building Elite Fortnite Squad, Gunning for $100 Mil

Rick Fox says he’s got the $ 100 MILLION Fortnite prize money in his sites — and he’s got his people scouting the world looking to put together the best squad he can find.  Fox is one of the big dogs in eSports — his team, “Echo Fox,” is a…


Rick Fox is Building Elite Fortnite Squad, Gunning for $100 Mil

Rick Fox says he’s got the $ 100 MILLION Fortnite prize money in his sites — and he’s got his people scouting the world looking to put together the best squad he can find.  Fox is one of the big dogs in eSports — his team, “Echo Fox,” is a…


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Meek Mill Chilled with Villanova Squad Before 76ers Game

Did you know … the Villanova basketball team was SUPPOSED to ring the bell at the 76ers game Tuesday night until they bumped for Meek Mill? It’s true … but they seemed VERY cool with the change of plans and kicked it with the freed rapper in…


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Rich The Kid Says Drew Brees Got Finessed, Needs Goon Squad

Drew Brees got clean finessed by his jeweler — and the only way to stop it from happening again is to get some gangstas on his squad … so says rap star Rich The Kid. We broke the story … Drew filed a lawsuit against San Diego jeweler Vahid…


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Nancy Kerrigan Joins Patriots Cheerleading Squad ... On Ice!!

I, Nancy … am now a New England Patriots cheerleader!! The figure skating superstar dusted off her skates and hit the ice with the Pats cheer squad Tuesday in Minneapolis … teaching the ladies how to nail some of the basic moves right before…


Saturday, September 23, 2017

"Odd Squad" Child Actor Filip Geljo Will Bank $150k for "Avatar" Sequels

Teen actor Filip Geljo will make some serious green for playing one of the blue people in “Avatar 2” … TMZ has learned. The 15-year-old’s set to appear in the next 2 sequels from director James Cameron, and will rake in at least $ 150,000 for…


"Odd Squad" Child Actor Filip Geljo Will Bank $150k for "Avatar" Sequels

Teen actor Filip Geljo will make some serious green for playing one of the blue people in “Avatar 2” … TMZ has learned. The 15-year-old’s set to appear in the next 2 sequels from director James Cameron, and will rake in at least $ 150,000 for…


Friday, September 1, 2017

Taylor Swift: Abandoned By Her Squad?

Taylor Swift has been experiencing a lot of ups and downs recently.

Her return to the music world was less triumphant than expected, as “Look What You Made Me Do” was met with a mixed (at best) response from both critics and the ear-having public in general.

Her fortunes seemed to turn around with the release of the single’s music video, which was hailed for its daring take on Taylor’s many reinventions.

Less than one week after the release, however, many who initially applauded Swift are re-assessing the video, thanks in large part to what many perceive as petty shots at fellow celebs, including what might be a truly tasteless sight gag inspired by Kim Kardashian being robbed at gunpoint.

As one of the music industry’s biggest names, Taylor is well acquainted with what a fickle mistress the public can be, but even she’s never inspired such rapid changes in opinion.

In the past, whenever Swift was at a low point, be it the result of a breakup or one of her many, messy feuds, fans comforted themselves with the knowledge that she still had her “squad” of famous friends to lean on for support.

These days, however, several members of Taylor’s clique seem intent on distancing themselves from the singer.

Rumors of Taylor’s “squad problems” are nothing new, but this time Swift herself seems to be acknowledging that she’s not as popular with fellow young female celebs as she used to be.

The “LWYMMD” video cleverly acknowledges the dissipation of the squad with a scene in which Taylor sports a shirt signed by such A-list friends as  Lena Dunham, Selena Gomez, and Gigi Hadid.

Many have noted that some notable names – including that of Taylor’s supposed best friend Karlie Kloss – are glaringly absent from the shirt.

Even more telling is the fact that few of Taylor’s friends have voiced their support for her in the week since “LWYMMD” was released.

That’s not terribly surprising, as the single has been scathingly critiqued not only for representing some of the weakest songwriting of Taylor’s career, but also for alleged bullying and cultural appropriation.

The truth is, befriending Taylor used to be a quick and easy way for a lesser-known celeb to boost her public and earn instant cool cred.

These days, however, being besties with Swift can serve as a liability, as the members of her squad often find themselves in the position of being forced to defend flimsy arguments and problematic missteps.

As The Daily Beast points out, Selena Gomez became a victim of this phenomenon last year.

In the early days of Swift’s feud with Kim Kardashian, Gomez rushed to her friend’s defense, reminding fans that “there are more important things to talk about” than a petty squabble among celebs.

This prompted fans to seek out Gomez’s stances on important topical issues, such as the Black Lives Matter movement, only to find she rarely addresses such issues.

The situation proved to be no more than a minor road bump in Selena’s career, but it sort of thing one avoids entirely by not joining Swift’s squad, and thus, implicitly co-signing the shade she throws at other public figures.

That’s not to say that all of Taylor’s friends buddied up to her solely for the attention, but it does seem that Taylor’s inability to let go of a grudge is having a negative impact on more than just her music.


Monday, August 28, 2017

Taylor Swift: Guess Who"s Out of the Squad!

Taylor Swift’s “Look What You Made Me Do” music video is out and, honestly, it’s a real work of art. Controversial, to be sure, but powerful and stunning.

As you can imagine, Taylor’s fans and detractors have been working overtime to analyze every piece of subtle and not-so-subtle symbolism and

One thing seems clear: Taylor Swift’s famous squad is different from what it used to be. Like, conspicuously so.

“Look What You Made Me Do” isn’t quite the best Taylor Swift song.

We’re not even sure which one is, but it’s from 1989.

(I’ve listened to “Look What You Made Me Do” dozens of times, don’t get me wrong, but she’s had stronger songs) 

The video, however, is next level.

Not only is it stunningly gorgeous beautiful and enthralling, but the aesthetic of it all was breathtaking. We think that it’s safe to say that this video represents Taylor at her very best.

The symbolism’s pretty in-your-face (and far from cryptic), but there were subtler messages in the video.

But when we see Taylor’s personas towards the end and then at the very end of the video, one of them is of the Taylor from the “You Belong With Me” video.

That’s from nearly a decade ago, back when Taylor’s music still sometimes had that off-putting country twang.

This time around, Taylor’s loose-fitting white tee is covered in the names of her squad members.

Her current squad members.

Because it looks like there have been some definite shake-ups.

We knew that some things had changed over time.

(And Taylor’s squad had so much overlap with the Kardashians that there was bound to be some fallout)

But numerous sleuths watched the video again and again, catching every appearance of the shirt, and here are the names that they believe make up Taylor’s current squad:

Selena Gomez, Gigi Hadid, Ed Sheeran, Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Lena Dunham, Patrick Stewart, Abigail Anderson, Martha Hunt, and Claire Kislinger.

Also the Haim sisters: Esta, Alana, and Danielle.

And Todrick Hall, who actually shows up in the video wearing the “I [Heart] TS” shirt.

Lorde and Ruby Rose aren’t seen, but their names could have been on the shirt but not made it on camera.

(Also they’ve both been very supportive of Taylor, even recently, so they’re at least on friendly terms)

You know who sure as hell isn’t on that list?

Karlie Kloss.

Karlie Kloss used to have a room in Taylor’s home, you guys.

There’s no telling what happened between them or how it went down, but … yikes.

(Maybe a song from her album will tell us more)

Some even suggest that the part of Taylor’s video in which she swung back and forth within a gilded cage was targeted at Karlie.

It’s possible.

In some cases, people aren’t so much analyzing as they are reaching.

Jumping to conclusions doesn’t make you seem smarter, folks.

Is Taylor’s current squad a little different from her old one?


Is Taylor trying to copy Beyonce’s “Formation” or whatever?


Is Taylor bathing in jewelry just her making fun of Kim Kardashian for being robbed at gunpoint?

No, you guys. Of course not.

There’s always this danger to analysis, where people start to see connections and conspiracies when none exist.

That’s why conspiracy theories and Alex Jones types are so successful — humans are wired to look for connections and hidden things, even when there aren’t any.

Anyone who’s ever read one of those goofy (but frightening, when you remember that these people take it seriously) “Halftime Show Analyzed” videos where people point out “illuminati rituals” that they believe a secret elite cabal carry out brazenly for, like, devil-related reasons or whatever.

As far as the very real symbolism is concerned, the best bit of shade that Taylor threw as when she was very transparently dressed as Katy.

She poses in front of the cameras, seeming to relish in the attention, while holding up a Grammy award.

Now, that whole thing about Katy is funny.

But the best part is the Grammy Award, because Katy Perry does not have even one Grammy.

She’s been nominated thirteen times, so she’s having a Susan Lucci “always the bridesmaid, never the bride” situation with that particular award.

One to which Taylor, of course, is no stranger.

Anyway, Taylor’s whole video was art and also pure Slytherin excellence, but we love that she used something as subtle as a t-shirt prop to let people know who’s in and who’s out.


Friday, August 11, 2017

Kylie Jenner to Squad: Do Not Take Advantage of Me!

Kylie Jenner just turned 20 years old, and she has already accomplished a lot.

No, we’re not talking about her selfies or drama with Tyga. We’re talking about her businesses. 

It was revealed earlier this week that her brand, Kylie Cosmetics is on track to become a billion-dollar beauty brand by the year 2022. 

That’s an accomplishment that people can only dream of, but it’s especially astounding when you consider Jenner’s age. 

Being one of the most popular youngsters on the planet, everyone wants to be her friend, and sometimes members of her glam team take that a little too far. 

In a new sneak peek for Sunday’s episode of Life of Kylie, designer Tokyo Stylez turns to Kylie’s assistant, Victoria to find out some more information about why he is no longer allowed to bring his boyfriend to the workplace. 

So I need to talk to you. I wanted to ask you something,” Tokyo says to Victoria.

“My Chris said that he can’t be around no more during glam sessions and stuff and this and that.”

Victoria counters, “So we’re trying this new thing where whenever she needs glam, only the people that need to be there have to come. Kylie said. ‘If I request Tokyo, I just want Tokyo. I don’t need someone else to come."”

“Is he mad?” Victoria says, and Tokyo confirms that Chris is “hurt” by the whole situation. 

Why is Tokyo even bringing his boyfriend along with him to work? It’s a little unprofessional if you ask us. 

With the crazy things going on in Kylie’s life, she needs a team that she knows will be there for her when she needs them. 

Having people on her team who bring people along with them to work is a bit much, and it’s no wonder she had to put her foot down on the matter. 

For what it’s worth, Victoria tries to diffuse the situation in the best way possible … by circling back to what happened to Kim in Paris. 

“I think after what happened to Kim, they’re trying to keep it more professional,” Victoria explains. “It wasn’t personal.”

Kylie then opened up about her views on the matter via a confessional, and we have to agree with her. 

“I do have limits as a boss,” she begins.

“I hate conflict, but I also learned you can’t really let people working around you get too comfortable because that’s when you get taken advantage of. It’s happened way too many times with my family.”

Kylie has grown up with her family in the spotlight, so she knows first hand that there are opportunists in the world and how far they will go for fifteen minutes of fame. 

In short, there is no such thing as being too careful. 

What do you think about all of this?

Should Tokyo have been allowing Chris to tag along with him in the first place?

Sound off below!


Friday, July 7, 2017

Lorde: I"m Not In Taylor Swift"s Squad Anymore!

We probably don’t need to tell you it’s a strange and difficult time in these United States.

It’s a time in which many Americans feel that institutions that we’ve relied upon since the dawn of our republic may not be with us much longer.

We’re talking, of course, about the most beloved and historically significant symbol of the best this nation has to offer: Taylor Swift’s squad.

There was a time, children, when the #squad seemed nigh indestructible.

These days, however, the once-merry band of singers, models, actresses, and Kendrick Lamar is suffering a crisis in leadership from which it may never recover.

Taylor is lying low after a series of PR nightmares; Lena Dunham is out here killing dogs or whatever; and despite the fact that she’s back in the news in a big way thanks to her long-awaited second album, Lorde hasn’t been spotted with any fellow squad members this year.

Now it seems we know the reason for that:

She simply doesn’t roll deep with those peeps anymore.

Asked by an Australian TV host about what it’s like to party with a bunch of A-listers the Kiwi Vampire Queen set the record straight:

“I don’t hang out with these people at all,” Lorde responded.

The host – obviously chagrined by the news that Lorde doesn’t spend her weekends guzzling rosè out of a 30-foot swan-shaped ice luge in Taylor’s Connecticut backyard – at first refused to believe his guest:

“You’re part of Taylor’s squad, all the magazines tell us,” said the host.

Again, Lorde was dismissive:

“You know, you make friends in different places, but I think for the most part I’m not like, calling my idols for advice necessarily,” she replied.

We’re surprised the host didn’t open a vein on the spot and end it all.

Eventually, he’ll recover from not being able to live vicariously through a 20-year-old pop singer, but will his life still have meaning?

It will not.

Of course, the big question now is – why doesn’t Lorde roll with her famous homies anymore?

Is it because she’s simply decided the A-list life isn’t for her?

Or does it have something to do with her comparing Swift to an autoimmune disease?

We won’t know until Taylor releases a scathing diss track on the subject.


Monday, May 8, 2017

Lil Wayne Stage Crasher Steps Up, Gets Beat Down by "Goon" Squad (VIDEO)

Some Lil Wayne fans just gotta learn the hard way … like this guy in Miami who jumped onstage and caught a beating at the hands and feet of Weezy’s bodyguards. Wayne performed at the Rolling Loud music fest in Miami this weekend, and some clown…


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Taylor Swift to Meghan Markle: Pleeeasseee Join My Squad!

Will she or won’t she?

That’s the question now dogging Meghan Markle wherever she goes.

In relation to the actress accepting a wedding proposal from handsome boyfriend Prince Harry?

What? No?!?

In relation to Taylor Swift asking Markle an even more important question.

According to anonymous OK! Weekly sources, the singer is planning to befriend the Suits star and see if she’s willing to help Swift rebuild her infamous Squad.

As fans have likely noticed of late, Taylor hasn’t just been absent from the red carpet scene or the concert scene or the awards show scene over the past several weeks.

She hasn’t been filling up her Instagram feed with photos of herself and any members of her typically-viral clique, either, such as Selena Gomez, Bella Hadid or Lorde.

“Taylor’s team has reached out to Meghan requesting a girly lunch,” the tabloid alleges, hilariously adding:

“Taylor’s determined to include her in her inner circle and is willing to fly to Canada to meet up with her if necessary.”

Oh, yes. ALL the way to Canada! You know Swift is serious in that case!

Swift’s squad is more depleted these days than the roster of the New York Jets, whose outlook for 2017 is so dire than many fans are lamenting the loss of terrible quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick.

With no salary cap restraining her friendships, however, it’s unclear what has caused Swift’s Squad to splinter in such epic fashion.

Although it was dealt a severe blow when Gomez started dating Hadid’s ex, The Weeknd, causing major tension between two of Swift’s best friends.

But that at least means there’s an opening for the type of person to join on whom Taylor has kept a close eye for years.

“Taylor’s always wanted to crack the aristocratic set and is trying to reconnect with Ed Sheeran, who’s in with the Royal Family,” the OK! source explains.

“She’s met Prince William in the past, but befriending Meghan is her top priority.”

By the end of this year, we may have a new Taylor Swift album on our hands.

When the artist is not begging and pleading with Markle to meet her for a meal, she’s allegedly been holed up in a studio, cranking out fresh tracks.

We can’t wait to hear them, but we really can’t wait to see whether or not Markle joins up with Swift in the near future.

In the end, if may come down to a decision for Markle:

Does she marry Harry and join The Royal Family?

Or does she pretend to be tight with Swift in order to pose for pictures that she can caption with the hashtag #SquadGoals?

It’s a tough one. Which would YOU choose?


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Taylor Swift Works Out After Squad Drama With Bella and Selena (PHOTO)

Taylor Swift has a major rift in her girl squad — and the only way to patch it up is to work things out … or just work out. Paps got Taylor leaving fitness studio Body By Simone in WeHo Wednesday, looking pensive amid the Selena Gomez and Bella…


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Love & Hip Hop Season 7 Episode 8 Recap: Firing Squad

Did Yandy’s secrets come out?

That was one of the main questions on Love & Hip Hop Season 7 Episode 8 as her feud with Erika reached new heights of craziness. 

We kicked things off with Yandy finally dropping the bomb that she was not legally married to Mendecees.

“I never sent off the paperwork. We signed it but I never sent it off. The person that married us is my best friend and she doesn’t even know that I haven’t sent it off yet.”

That’s a crazy twist and it will probably come back to bite her when these women in Mendecees’ life get wind of it. If you watch Love & Hip Hop online, you will know fine well that Yandy has been having a tough time trying to keep a string of baby mamas at bay. 

“I’ll be damned if I allow these baby mamma’s to come after my money because of some legal piece of paper.”

Her gal pals were shocked to hear the truth, but Yandy did not seem remorseful saying, “Thank God for friends and spiced lemonade.”

With that ourt of the way, we moved on to Mariahlynn chatting to Cardi B about what was going on with Bianca. Cardi was quick to point out that Mariahlynn looked like the one in the wrong. 

She asked if the girls could just put their differences aside to allow them all to hang out again. Mariahlynn was against this, pointing out that that she has enough going on in her personal life to deal with Bianca. 

We switched gears back to Yandy, who received a shocking phone call from Mendecees about the way she had been treating Erika. 

“I spoke to Erika and she told me that she had to call the cops. She also told me that you called my son a break baby.” Yandy gets annoyed and says “Have I ever called her a break baby to you or the world?” Mendecees says “We know that, but we need to let the world know that.”

Yandy then felt the need to let him know that she never sent the marriage certificate off. Mendecees was taken aback and said that she should have no issue with sending it now. 

Yandy says “As long as there is a commitment between me, you and God in front of our friends and family a piece of paper does not matter because I can rip it.”

Sweetie, that’s not how marriage works. Mendecees decided he had heard enough and concluded the phone call. 

If you thought the drama between Snoop and J was over, then you were most certainly wrong. J stopped by Snoop’s work place and the pair prayed together. 

J then asked if they could work together on Gorgeous Gangsta and Snoop accepted, but she said they were keeping it professional. We’ll see how long that lasts. 

Erika met up with her lawyer to discuss what Yandy did to her, but the lawyer revealed that Yandy had no power because she was not a wife. 

Erika took this news to Samantha and the pair gloated about how they could use it to their advantage. Yes, the producers clearly told that lawyer about the marriage certificate. 

It would not be Love & Hip Hop without a fight to close the hour off. Cisco and Peter attempted to go at it because of what went down with Mariahlynn, but security pulled them apart. 

What did you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!


Friday, October 14, 2016

Taylor Swift Adds GOAT to #Squad: See the Pics!

Attention, all of those throwing a Taylor Swift is Over and It’s Totally Awesome Party:

You may need to kick out your guests right about now.

Because Taylor Swift sent a subtle, yet very clear, message on Thursday night:

She is so NOT over.

On Thursday evening, the controversial singer spent a few hours with her famous squad in New York City, attending a concert by Eliot Sumner, Sting’s daughter.

The event took place in the Bowery Ballroom and those in attendance with Swift included Karlie Kloss, Cara Delevingne, Zoë Kravitz, Dakota Fanning.

You know, the usual suspect.

The normal members of Taylor’s Squad.

But … wait. She doesn’t done.

Cameras also caught Swift and company hanging out with the greatest female athlete in the history of the world.

Heck, one of the greatest athletes in the history of the world period. Full stop.

Oh, yes, people, that’s Serena Williams out and about with Taylor Swift.

new member

Game. Set. Match, right?

Swift has remained relatively quiet for several months now.

She was exposed over the summer as somewhat of a liar by Kim Kardashian, after the reality star dropped a Snapchat video that depicted a phone conversation between Kanye West and Swift.

The conversation proved that West had run certain lyrics from his song “Famous” by Swift before releasing it to the public, despite Taylor’s previous claim of the opposite.

Then, earlier this month, Demi Lovato called out Swift for having only skinny friends.

“I don’t see anybody in any sort of squad that has a normal body,” Lovato told Glamour, adding:

“It’s kind of this false image of what people should look like. And what they should be like, and it’s not real.”

It was an odd criticism, and it was shot down in epic fashion by Swift on Thursday when she included Serena with her group of friends.

Williams is beloved for a number of reasons, but one of those reasons is how she’s served as a role model for muscular, curvy women.

Martha Hunt, meanwhile, shared a picture of the Squad backstage at the aforementioned concert, including with it the caption “Sober.”

And while Serena isn’t among the famous people posing above, Internet users still fell in love with this image.

Based on the following comments, it seems as if Swift is as popular as ever:


The only question that now remains is this:

Will Swift release a new album before 2016 is over?

She’s come out with a studio record in the fall of every other year since 2008. She’s due for one now.

And she should have plenty material, following breakups this year with both Calvin Harris and Tom Hiddleston.

It does seem like Swift is inching her way back into the mainstream conversation little by little, perhaps preparing us for yet another Taylor Swift Takeover.

We’re ready, aren’t you?

The world is just a more fun place when Taylor Swift is prominent in the news.

And, let’s face it, her music is really catchy!

We want to hear more of it.
