Showing posts with label Nancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nancy. Show all posts

Friday, January 25, 2019

Golden State Warriors Meeting with Obama ... And Nancy Pelosi

Breaking News

They boycotted #45 … but the Golden State Warriors got LOTS of love for #44 — with the entire team meeting with Barack Obama on Thursday before taking the court against the Wizards. 
Steph Curry, Kevin Durant, Draymond Green, Klay Thompson and the rest of the squad ...
Golden State Warriors Meeting with Obama ... And Nancy Pelosi

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Nancy Pelosi is Not Scared, "I"ve Been a Target for a Long Time"

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi — a favorite target of Donald Trump for years — seems to concede she’s on a list of possible targets for the bomber, but she says she’s used to it. We got Pelosi Wednesday night in WeHo leaving Craig’s, and her tone was…


Friday, July 27, 2018

Nancy Grace Says Jenelle Evans Might Lose Her Child Over Gun Incident

Nancy Grace thinks the lack of self-control and recklessness shown by Jenelle Evans during a fit of road rage could land her in legal hot water … and even cost her her child. We got the ‘Crime Stories’ host at LAX and asked for her take on…


Nancy Grace Says Jenelle Evans Might Lose Her Child Over Gun Incident

Nancy Grace thinks the lack of self-control and recklessness shown by Jenelle Evans during a fit of road rage could land her in legal hot water … and even cost her her child. We got the ‘Crime Stories’ host at LAX and asked for her take on…


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Nancy Grace On Larry Nassar Prison Attack, "Oh, Boo Hoo"

Nancy Grace ain’t shedding any tears for convicted sexual predator Larry Nassar — essentially saying the fact he was attacked in prison is nothing short of karma. “Oh, boo hoo!! Nassar is having to be bullied and attacked by people bigger…


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Nancy Grace Says Weinstein Will Get a Fair Trial Because of O.J. Simpson

Nancy Grace says Harvey Weinstein needs to stop bitchin’ about not being able to get a fair trial because he’s not a victim here. We got the former prosecutor and current TV host Wednesday at LAX, where we asked what she made of Weinstein’s legal…


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Nancy Grace Says Scott Peterson Can Never be Rehabilitated

Nancy Grace is heated about Scott Peterson, who she believes has NO shot at rehabilitation … but she says granting him a new trial would be a travesty of justice. We got the famed legal analyst Tuesday in Atlanta, and talked to her…


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Nancy Grace Says Cosby Should Get Hard Prison Time

Nancy Grace says Bill Cosby’s conviction on sexual assault charges is a long time coming — and he needs to go to prison … and immediately. We spoke to the former prosecutor and TV host on the heels of Cosby being found guilty Thursday on all…


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Baron Davis: "There Ain"t No Discrimination" in Basketball, Look at Nancy Lieberman!

Former NBA star Baron Davis is pumped Nancy Lieberman got tapped to head coach a BIG3 team … and says her hiring proves their sport is inclusive of all people. “That’s my girl. Well deserved,” Baron — a recent BIG3 signee – told TMZ…


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Ted Cruz Gives Nancy Pelosi Advice on Record-Long Marathon Speeches

Nancy Pelosi’s record-setting speech in the House of Representatives probably would’ve gone longer if she’d consulted with the modern-day king of filibusters … Ted Cruz. We got the Senator Thursday at the D.C. Prayer Breakfast, where we…


Friday, February 2, 2018

Nancy in "Groundhog Day" "Memba Her?!

Marita Geraghty is best known for playing the hot local lady Nancy Taylor — opposite Bill Murray as Phil — in the repetitive 1993 film “Groundhog Day.” Guess what she looks like now!


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Nancy Kerrigan Joins Patriots Cheerleading Squad ... On Ice!!

I, Nancy … am now a New England Patriots cheerleader!! The figure skating superstar dusted off her skates and hit the ice with the Pats cheer squad Tuesday in Minneapolis … teaching the ladies how to nail some of the basic moves right before…


Sunday, January 14, 2018

Nancy Grace Says if Allegations are True Harvey Weinstein Needs to Do Hard Prison Time

Nancy Grace wants the courts to show Harvey Weinstein no mercy … but she has grave reservations that will ever happen. Nancy arrived at LAX late Saturday when our photog asked about Weinstein.  Listen carefully … she says on the one hand…


Friday, January 12, 2018

Tonya Harding: I Knew About the Nancy Kerrigan Attack Before It Happened

Tonya Harding is back in the news, and if you’re Nancy Kerrigan or any other human being with a sense of decency, you probably have very mixed feelings about that.

For the sake of our younger readers, we’d like to take a moment to explain why Harding is … well, not quite the OJ of the figure skating world.

She’s more like Tom Brady, if instead of ordering his equipment managers to deflate game balls, he had them bludgeon the other team’s quarterback.

Just weeks before the 1994 Winter Olympics, Harding’s biggest rival, Nancy Kerrigan, was clubbed on the knee in an attack that initially looked as though it would eliminate her from competition.

It was later revealed that Kerrigan’s attacker, Shane Stant, had been hired by her bodyguard, Shawk Eckhardt, and her ex-husband, Jeff Gilooly to carry out the assault.

Harding claimed the whole thing happened without her knowledge or approval, but she later pled guilty on several felony charges, striking a deal with prosecutors that allowed her to avoid jail time.

These days, Kerrigan is very much back in the news, thanks to I, Tonya the acclaimed, award-nominated film in which Margot Robbie portrays the disgraced ice queen with tremendous humor and compassion.

Biopics about scandalous figures are nothing new, but seldom have we seen an anti-hero treated with such admiration as Harding.

These days, Harding is being feted and celebrated across the media landscape.

She worked the red carpet alongside Margot Robbie at the 2018 Golden Globes, and she’s the subject of a popular new ABC News special that premiered this week.

Mostly, the doc just re-hashes the facts of the case and brings viewers up to date on what Harding has been up to in the decades since her name became synonymous with public disgrace.

But it occasionally sheds some new light on both the Kerrigan incident and Harding’s undeniable involvement with it.

The biggest bombshell, of course, is Harding’s admission–after decades of staunch denial–that she was aware that her ex and her bodyguard were planning something criminal.

Asked whether or not she had any role in planning the attack, Harding replied:

“No. I did, however, overhear them talking about stuff. ‘Well, maybe we should take somebody out so we can make sure [Harding] gets on the team.’

“And I remember telling them, I go, ‘What the hell are you talking about? I can skate.’”

If you’re thinking Harding could’ve done a hell of a lot more to make sure no one was “taken out” on her behalf, then you’re absolutely right.

Journalist Connie Chung, who previously interviewed Harding was stunned when told about the former skater’s admission:

“Unbelievable,” Chung remarked. “I can’t believe that she said that.”

Neither can we, Connie. Neither can we.

Memo to Margot Robbie: Maybe find a different date for the Oscars? Please?

Ray Liotta didn’t bring trot out Henry Hill on the red carpet, ya know.

(That’s a Goodfellas reference for all you under-30s out there.)


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Tonya Harding Gets Pissed at Piers Morgan Over "Real Victim," Her or Nancy Kerrigan

Tonya Harding kneecapped Piers Morgan, or at least her interview with him … abruptly cutting it short when he called her out for acting like she was the victim, and not Nancy Kerrigan. Tonya was on “Good Morning Britain,” and clearly expecting a…


Sunday, December 10, 2017

Nancy Kerrigan -- Good Genes or Good Docs?

Nancy Kerrigan’s good looks are nothing to skate over! Here’s a 25-year-old version of the former Olympic figure skater back in 1994 (left) and 23 years later … the now 48-year-old mother of 3 was photographed at a dance school in…


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren Blast Trump for Getting Political Over Terrorist Attack

Nancy Pelosi has a few choice words for President Trump after he blamed Chuck Schumer and the Dems for the recent terrorist attack in NYC … and he’s not going to like them. We got the House Minority Leader on Capitol Hill Wednesday … she…


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Nancy Cartwright Shocks Student with Bart Simpson "Impression" (VIDEO)

Nancy Cartwright is awesome … slowly and slyly revealing to a kid on a mission he’s lookin’ at the voice of Bart Simpson. Nancy was at a shopping mall in Sherman Oaks, CA when she happened upon an 8th grader who was hawking sweets. You gotta…


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Kristi Yamaguchi Tells Nancy Kerrigan to Break A Leg; Twitter LIVES

Once upon a time, many years ago, there was a very talented professional figure skater named Nancy Kerrigan.

Nancy did her best, she put a lot of work into skating, but in January of 1994, while Nancy was practicing for the U.S. Figure Skating Championship, she was attacked.

The husband of Tonya Harding, a fellow figure skater, hired someone to break Nancy"s leg so that she couldn"t compete.

Nancy"s leg wasn"t broken, but it was bruised enough to prevent her from competing.

And now, when you think of Nancy Kerrigan, the first thing you think of is that attack.

Which makes it so amazing and horrifying and hilarious that Kristi Yamaguchi, another figure skater, tweeted at Nancy to "break a leg" during her time as a contestant on Dancing with the Stars.

Yeah, she really did that.

And Twitter absolutely cannot handle it.

1. How It All Began …

How it all began

Kristi, girl, you did NOT.

2. Jay Z Knows

Jay z knows

When you see Jay Z make that face, you know you messed up.

3. Not Beyonce, Too!

Not beyonce too

Oh dang, Kristi. This is getting too real.

4. Unbelievable


Kristi, how COULD you?!

5. Unfathomable


This guy gets it.

6. For Real

For real

… Well?

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