Showing posts with label Pelosi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pelosi. Show all posts

Friday, January 25, 2019

Golden State Warriors Meeting with Obama ... And Nancy Pelosi

Breaking News

They boycotted #45 … but the Golden State Warriors got LOTS of love for #44 — with the entire team meeting with Barack Obama on Thursday before taking the court against the Wizards. 
Steph Curry, Kevin Durant, Draymond Green, Klay Thompson and the rest of the squad ...
Golden State Warriors Meeting with Obama ... And Nancy Pelosi

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Nancy Pelosi is Not Scared, "I"ve Been a Target for a Long Time"

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi — a favorite target of Donald Trump for years — seems to concede she’s on a list of possible targets for the bomber, but she says she’s used to it. We got Pelosi Wednesday night in WeHo leaving Craig’s, and her tone was…


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Ted Cruz Gives Nancy Pelosi Advice on Record-Long Marathon Speeches

Nancy Pelosi’s record-setting speech in the House of Representatives probably would’ve gone longer if she’d consulted with the modern-day king of filibusters … Ted Cruz. We got the Senator Thursday at the D.C. Prayer Breakfast, where we…


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren Blast Trump for Getting Political Over Terrorist Attack

Nancy Pelosi has a few choice words for President Trump after he blamed Chuck Schumer and the Dems for the recent terrorist attack in NYC … and he’s not going to like them. We got the House Minority Leader on Capitol Hill Wednesday … she…


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Nancy Pelosi Says Trump"s Being Ridiculous with Wiretap Claims (VIDEO)

Nancy Pelosi thinks says President Trump is up to his shenanigans with the new Obama wiretapping claims, and it’s all just “ridiculousness.” We got the Congresswoman in D.C. Sunday and was indignant over the President’s allegations … scoffing at…
