Showing posts with label I've. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I've. Show all posts

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Kanye West: I"ve Been Used! Eff You, Politics!

Kanye West is outta there, people.

As you may have heard over the past severak weeks, West has been a proud supporter of Donald Trump.

He"s worn a MAGA hat in public. He"s ranted on SNL. He"s even met with Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

But now Kanye says he"s finished with politics. He"s done. He"s sick of the whole thing.

What changed? What happened? Why does he now feel this way?

Scroll down to get caught up on the whole sordid story…

1. Make America Kanye Again!

Kanye in the oval

West has spent the past several weeks touting how awesome Trump is, even hugging the President in the White House and say he loves him. For real. This happened.

2. Screw My Race!

Kanye with trump

West has said slavery is a choice. He’s said we should abolish the 14th amendment and perhaps bring this practice back. He’s betrayed his race at every turn.

3. And Also His Wife

Kanye with passion

Numerous sources have said that Kim Kardashian has considered leaving West as a result of this MAGA madness.

4. And Yet… West Has Carried On!

Mr maga

Until now.

5. So, What Changed?

Kanye in the white house

In a Tweet storm on October 30, 2018, Kanye said he was going to distance himself from the political arena because he’s sick and tired of being used by those in the arena.

6. We’ll Let Him Explain…

Listen to me jared

Strap in, folks. Kanye is about to go full-on Kanye…

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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Kanye West Breaks From Politics and Says "I"ve Been Used"

4:15 PM PT — Kanye contacted us to make it clear he did not mention Donald Trump in his tweets, and he’s getting out of politics altogether. As for being “used” … he says he was specifically referencing Blexit, and that’s it. Kanye West says…


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Nancy Pelosi is Not Scared, "I"ve Been a Target for a Long Time"

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi — a favorite target of Donald Trump for years — seems to concede she’s on a list of possible targets for the bomber, but she says she’s used to it. We got Pelosi Wednesday night in WeHo leaving Craig’s, and her tone was…


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Too Short Not Backing Jon Gruden, I"ve Got Mixed Emotions!

Too Short ain’t exactly throwing Jon Gruden a vote of confidence … telling TMZ Sports he’s legit torn over the way the Raiders head coach is dismantling his favorite team. We got the legendary Bay Area rapper leaving Sirius in NYC on Tuesday ……


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Jill Duggar Comes Clean: Here"s How I"ve Been Making Money Since Quitting Counting On!

Back in 2017, Derick Dillard was fired from Counting On after launching a bigoted tirade against a fellow TLC star on social media.

Shortly thereafter, his wife, Jill Duggar, quit the show, thus leaving the Dillard clan with no apparent source of income.

These days, Derick is planning to attend law school, but fans are understandably curious about how he and Jill plan to support their two sons while he begins the very lengthy process of becoming an attorney.

Now, it looks as though we may have our answer.

Jump into the gallery below to learn the surprising secret behind Jill"s financial comeback.

1. The Breadwinner

Jill duggar nose pierced

In many respects, Jill is as traditional as her fundamentalist parents. But in one important way, she’s very much a woman of the 21st century.

2. One Ugly Rant

Derick dillard jill duggar

Last year, Derick was fired from Counting On after he launched an appalling tirade against fellow TLC star Jazz Jennings.

3. The Victim

Jazz jennings on instagram

Jazz is a transgender teen, and she became the surprise target of Derick’s wrath for reasons that remain a mystery.

4. The Subservient Wife

Jill duggar pregnancy

Jill quit the show shortly after Derick was fired, seemingly as a show of support for her husband.

5. A Tight Spot

Jill m duggar and derick dillard

The move left Jill and Derick without any visible means of support, and for months fans were baffled as to how the family was getting by.

6. Duggar Finances

Jill duggar hiding a bump

Sure, Jill’s parents are well-off, but they also have a LOT of kids to support. So how has Jill been supporting herself and her family this year?

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Sunday, August 19, 2018

The Situation: I"ve Been Sober for Almost Three Years!

Remember back in the old days of Jersey Shore, before any of the cast members had kids and they were just out there, living their messiest lives?

Those were wild times, right?

And, looking back, they were actually kind of sad times, too.

While Ronnie and Sam’s terrible relationship made for some fantastic reality television, it was also pretty remarkably unhealthy.

Since Ronnie’s in another remarkably unhealthy relationship these days, complete with domestic violence charges, things obviously haven’t changed too much for him.

Snooki and JWoww are both married with kids, and Deena is married and pregnant.

Sammi is trying to lead a more private life now with her boyfriend, and Pauly D and Vinny both seem happy with the lives they’ve made for themselves.

As for Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino … boy, he sure was a piece of work, huh?

He partied as much as the rest of his co-stars back in the day, maybe even more.

After all, he did go to rehab in 2012 to get help for an addiction to pills.

In 2015, he suffered an injury at the gym, and his doctor prescribed him painkillers, which led to a relapse.

He went to rehab again after that, and as he announced in a new post on Instagram, he’s been clean ever since!

In his post, he shared two photos — one of him in the neck brace he wore in season four after he ran headfirst into a wall during an argument with Ronnie, and one of him proposing to his now-fiancée, Lauren Pesce.

“33 Months Clean & Sober,” he wrote for his caption.

“Went from Running into a Wall to Down on One Knee. We do recover.”

It has been a pretty amazing transformation, honestly.

And most of his fellow Jersey Shore cast members have taken the time to praise him for his hard work.

“Proud of u my bro,” Pauly D wrote in a comment on Mike’s post.

“Love you Mike!!!!!” Deena told him. “So proud of you brother.”

Snooki said “I am legit crying im so proud of you,” which is really sweet.

Even Angelina popped in with a simple comment of “resilience,” and how crazy is that?

Besides the Jersey Shore crew, tons and tons of his followers flooded the comments to tell him how proud they were of him, what a great role model he’s become, that sort of thing.

And those people are right — he really has turned his life around in a major way.

Back in the day, he was really just a seriously obnoxious douchebag who got arrested and sued pretty regularly, and he even thought it was a good idea to commit tax fraud.

Just take a look at the top portion of that “then and now” photo he shared: that’s a photo of a guy who got into a dumb argument with his roommate and decided to ram his head directly into the wall for reasons that we still can’t quite understand.

But now, he’s settled down, he’s pretty likable, he’s getting his legal issues sorted (even if that means spending some serious time in prison).

He’s even getting married.

So good on you, The Situation. Good on you.


Friday, July 20, 2018

Jason Mraz: I"ve Totally Slept with Men!

Jason Mraz once famously sang “I’m Yours” to anyone who would listen.

In a new interview with Billboard, however, the artist explains why this is a tad bit ironic:

It turns out that, even while dating his wife, Mraz actually was NOT hers.

The dude slept around a lot before settling down — and not even with just one gender, either!

If you recall, the 41-year-old made headlines last month after writing the line “I am bi your side” in a love poem to the LGBTQ community in honor of gay pride month…

… and now we know why.

“Honestly, I didn’t realize it was going to be so telling,” he told the aforementioned publication about his poem, prior to dropping a rather explosive bombshell:

“But I’ve had experiences with men, even while I was dating the woman who became my wife. It was like, ‘Wow, does that mean I am gay?’”

Wait, whatt????

Mraz was sleeping with men while dating his very serious girlfriend and now-wife???


And he continued in this interview:

“My wife laid it out for me. She calls it ‘two spirit,’ which is what the Native Americans call someone who can love both man and woman. I really like that.”

Oh, ummm. Okay then. Two spirit sexuality. There you have it, folks.

According to The New York Times, “Two Spirit” was a term coined in the early 1990s at a conference for gay and lesbian Native Americans.

It was used then as an umbrella phrase with no specific description of gender or sexual orientation.

Might that explain why Mraz, as you can see above and below, often holds up two fingers for his fans?


Mraz and Christina Carano got married in October of 2015 after four years of dating; they exchanged vows at the time in an intimate outdoor ceremony in Virginia.

The songwriter announced the news on Instagram back then, gushing that he was “the luckiest man in the world.”

“I felt an instant connection to her and have admired her integrity and practices since day one,” Mraz said years ago of Carano.

“She is whole-hearted in every action, is extremely generous, completely drama-free, and has the most intuitive-genius-mind in the kitchen.

“Not to mention her smile absolutely melts me.”

It’s also worth noting that this isn’t the first time Mraz has opened up about his sexuality.

In a 2005 interview with Genre magazine, the singer said he was “bisexually open-minded,” telling the publication:

“I have never been in a sexual relationship with a man. If the right one came along, then sure.”

In this case, he concluded:

“I had a gay friend I was hanging out with just about every day. We were basically best friends. It took me about three months before I realized, ‘Oh my god, we’re dating.’

“Right before I moved to California, he gave me a pretty strong-willed kiss goodbye, which I have never experienced before.

“Unfortunately, he had a little bit more facial hair than I like.”


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Sterling Shepard Says Baker Mayfield"s Not Fat, I"ve Been Training With Him!

Baker Mayfield’s ex-Oklahoma teammate is going to bat for the Browns QB … with Sterling Shepard telling TMZ Sports his boy is really NOT fat — despite a very unflattering photo on social media.  The Cleveland Browns rookie has been getting…


Saturday, July 7, 2018

Roy Nelson Picks Cormier Over Stipe, I"ve Fought "Em Both!

There might not be anyone more qualified to pick the winner of the big Daniel Cormier vs. Stipe Miocic fight than Roy Nelson — he fought ‘em BOTH — and he’s putting his money on the underdog! The heavyweight brawler battled both guys back in 2013…


Monday, June 18, 2018

June Shannon: I"ve Gained Weight ... But ONLY Because I"m Going Blind!

Earlier this year, we learned that June Shannon is going blind in her one good eye. That is not good. But that’s not the only change in her health.

Recent From Not To Hot clips show that June has regained some of the weight that she so famously lost.

Now, Mama June is opening up about exactly how much she has regained … and how it happened.

Speaking to People, June Shannon reveals exactly what she’s experienced during her new brush with blindness.

“It’s been physically and emotionally draining,” June says.

Any health battle can takes it toll, but in this case, she has needed help from others to perform what were once simple tasks.

June explains: “Losing my independence and having to rely on other people for everything has been crazy.”

You ever get injured and suddenly you need someone’s help just to shower or get dressed? It can be maddening.

“I can’t do anything,” June explains. “And have to lay down most of the time and take care of my vision.”

That would definitely explain why has has regained weight. Obviously, recovering her eyesight has to take priority over her figure.

”I have to worry about that right now,” June emphasizes. “That’s my main concern.”

As for how much weight she’s regained?

25 pounds, she reveals.

That can be hard to lose, but considering that she lost hundreds of pounds, that’s like a drop in the bucket.

June explains that she’s not going to try to re-lose that weight right away, saying: “I’m just focused on getting my vision back.”

As she explained, she needs to rest. Sometimes, exercise can help the healing process — but sometimes, it can actively impede recovery or make things worse. That latter applies when you’re recovering from eye surgeries.

But June is confident that, when the time comes, she can shrink back down.

“I can lose the weight, I know that,” she says.

Good for her.

But she makes it clear that she will avoid gaining too much weight, even while she concentrates on her eye.

“And I know I don’t want to go back over 200 lbs,” she says. “I’m paying attention to it more.”

June is completely blind in her right eye, but she’s accepted that.

Losing vision in her left eye is serious business.

At prsent, June rates her left eye’s vision as “a four out of ten,”

That doesn’t sound great, but she sounds satisfied.

June makes it clear that she has realistic expectations for her eyesight, saying: “Nothing is guaranteed.”

That’s true enough.

“Even if it stays as good as it is now,” June says of her lingering eyesight. “I’ll be happy.”

June and boyfriend Geno Doak have temporarily relocated to North Carolina so that they can be close to Duke hospital, a world-class medical facility where they can monitor and treat her eye.

But while June is focused on recovery and managing her expectations, some of her fans are dismayed that, after all of the work that she did to transform her body, she has regained this weight.

First, this is a special circumstance. Injuries or ailments that impair mobility tend to interrupt regular exercise, from walking around the house to actively working out.

That can really throw you off of your rhythm and cause weight gain.

Second of all, the grim truth is that almost everyone who loses weight eventually regains at least some of it.

Human bodies adapted for survival during times of scarcity, and are very good at storing energy as fat. Not even weight loss surgeries are a guarantee.

June Shannon is a problematic individual with a worrisome history, but we obviously hope that her eyesight makes a full and speedy recovery.

While “grandma’s eyesight isn’t what it used to be” might sound like a normal thing to say, remember that though she is a grandmother, she is only 38 years old.

There’s no good age at which to go blind, but 38 would be a very bad age for it.

Let’s hope that she continues to get the rest that she needs. Exercise can come later.


Friday, June 1, 2018

Amy Duggar: I"ve Been Kicked Out of My Own Family!

We’re about to take you back to the dark days before Josiah Duggar began rebelling against his father’s strict rules and harsh disciplinary tactics. 

We’re talking way, way back to a time when no Duggar women wore pants — a time when if you wanted to find someone with the last name Duggar who wasn’t completely under Jim Bob’s thumb, you had to leave the Tontitown compound and travel to the Fayetteville home of Ms. Amy Duggar-King.

Newer fans of the family might not even remember cousin Amy, as her role in the Duggar media empire has been severely diminished in recent years.

And sources say that’s no accident.

According to Radar Online, Amy Duggar is now forbidden to publicly associate with her famous aunt, uncle, and cousins in any way.

She reportedly was not invited to Josiah Duggar’s bachelor party that took place over the weekend, and she does not expect to be invited to his wedding.

Furthermore, Amy has been asked to remove all photos of her cousins from her social media accounts and to refrain from speaking with the press about Jim Bob, Michelle, or their offspring.

In effect, like Josh Duggar before her, Amy has been exiled from the famous branch of her family.

“Amy is not allowed to talk about the Duggars anymore,” a source tells Radar.

“Amy went through her Instagram and had to delete all the pictures she had with her cousins.”

Insiders say Amy is heartbroken by the request, and despite her considerable humiliation she “still loves” her entire family.

Of course, this isn’t the first time that there have been reports of serious strain in Amy’s relationship with Jim Bob.

When Amy married Dillon King back in 2015, the Duggars attended the ceremony but left the reception almost immediately, per Jim Bob’s orders.

The father of 20 was reportedly upset by the fact that his niece had decided to allow alcohol and dancing at her wedding.

In a 2016 interview, Amy revealed that she’s only allowed to see her cousins at their home in Tontitown, as they’ve been forbidden from going to visit her in Fayetteville.

“It’s a rule,” she said at the time.

“f I want to spend quality time with them, I have to come see them.”

Insiders say that even though Amy has long known that Jim Bob does not approve of her lifestyle, she’s stunned by the latest steps he’s taken to cut ties with her completely.

Asked to comment on the situation by Radar today, Amy replied simply, “No comment.”

We’ll have further information on this developing story as more information becomes available.

In the meantime, watch Counting On online to relive Amy’s contentious relationship with her famous uncle.


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

LaMelo Ball Chops His Famous Locks, I"ve Got Waves Now!

LaMelo Ball just changed his image in a big way — losing his signature shaggy hairstyle … and replacing it with some killer waves!  There had been rumors LaMelo axed his Odell Beckham-style hairdo after he came back from Lithuania … but…


Monday, May 21, 2018

Audrey Roloff: I"ve Learned FIVE Things as a Mother

Audrey Roloff is still pretty new at this whole motherhood thing.

She gave birth to daughter Ember Jean in September of 2017 and has since written plenty about the amazing experience on Instagram.

Roloff has gotten into occasional trouble for some of the stuff she has said about having a child, but for the most part, she has simply gushed over her daughter and her family.

Now, via an Instagram post she posted in May of 2018, Audrey has shared with followers five lessons she has learned from being a parent.

Some may be obvious, others less so.

But perhaps you can relate to one or two of these tidbits?

1. Lesson #1:

Happy mommy and daughter

This is how Amber opened her informative and sort of fascinating post: “To love the body God gave me and to embrace its strength and beauty with gratefulness” is something she has learned.

2. How So?

Audrey roloff jeremy roloff and ember jean in maui

“Watching my body change and witnessing its ability to deliver a child taught me to appreciate my physical body in all of its God-designed complexities on a whole new level,” Audrey details.

3. A Lesson of Importance and Priorities

Audrey roloff and ember jean in maui

Concludes Audrey in this case: “Motherhood has taught me focus less on body-image and more on being an image-bearer. I am also now capable of getting myself ready in less than 5 mintes, which is an added bonus.”

4. Lesson #2:

Audrey and ember photo

“GRACE,” writes Audrey, expounding a bit as follows: “Motherhood has taught me to give myself loads of grace for all the things I see other mothers doing that make me feel less-than.”

5. Forget Social Media, She Adds

Audrey ember adorable

Yes, this is very ironic for a social media post to say, but Roloff continues on this point: “My standard for motherhood is rooted and established in the the Word [of] God not the world of Instagram.”

6. Let’s Turn to the Bible, Shall We?

With ember

Audrey often uses this as source material. In this instance, she wrotes: “Motherhood sure has a way of revealing my failures and flaws, but I’m refusing to let these discoveries steal my confidence in the grace of God who’s power is made perfect in my weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9).”

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Monday, April 16, 2018

James Harrison Retires, "I"ve Missed Way Too Much"

Great news for QBs … James Harrison says he’s finally retiring from football after 15 seasons in the league.  Yeah, you’ve heard the story before … because Harrison has retired before — but this time, Deebo says he meant it.  “I’ve…


Friday, April 6, 2018

Dana White Says Bus Attack Was Not Staged, "Dumbest Thing I"ve Ever Heard"

Dana White is adamant the UFC had nothing to do with planning the Conor McGregor melee — and slams theories it was all a publicity stunt gone sideways.  “I’m seeing tons of dummies out there saying this is something staged,” White said…


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Who Needs Teen Mom 2? I"ve Got a New Show!

Teen Mom 2 fans know that Jenelle could be fired any day now. Her awful husband David Eason was already fired and many wonder if MTV will continue filming Jenelle’s life without her husband

But it looks like Jenelle is already setting up another potential revenue stream.

Is she just being uncharacteristically careful, or … does this mean that she’s actually been fired?

Jenelle took to social media to share the good news with her followers.

Well … to share the news, anyway.

“I’m back! Check out new videos on my YouTube soon,” she wrote.

She followed it up with further details.

“The adventures start this Friday on 03/16/2018 at 8pm. Go subscribe now.”

Oh, and of course this image.

Social media users were quick to roast Jenelle, first zeroing in on the fact that Teen Mom 2 costar Kailyn Lowry also has a YouTube channel.

“Try harder to be Kail it’s hilarious.”

Some even brought memes into the mix.

“Damnnnnn Jenelle, back at it again with the copying @KailLowry.”

Obviously, comparisons between Jenelle and Kail are unfair.

As evidence when Kailyn slams Jenelle for the latter’s bigoted beliefs and actions, Kail is a much kinder and more accepting person than Hurricane Jenelle.

Also, one has to wonder if Kailyn could be as bad of a parent as Jenelle is if she tried.

David Eason was fired for his homophobic and transphobic Twitter tirade.

The strangest thing about that situation may be that he decided, of his own accord, to bring up and promptly condemn LGBT+ parents (for existing) in an attempt to deflect from his own parenting “inadequacies.”

And by “inadequacies,” we mean that he’s allegedly an abusive terror who shouldn’t be allowed around a pet rock, let alone a human child.

When David Eason lost the moral high ground to Farrah Abraham, a lot of fans knew that he was toast.

While David’s hardly Jenelle’s only bad choice — her personal history is a series of disastrous decisions, one after the other like rungs on a ladder — fans wonder if his bigoted tweets will end her career.

If Jenelle shares that fear — or if she already knows that she’s been fired and the rest of us just haven’t heard yet — that could definitely explain why she’s venturing onto YouTube.

Of course, if Jenelle is hoping to rake in that sweet, sweet Teen Mom money on YouTube … she may be in for a nasty surprise.

YouTube can turn streamers into millionaires, sure … but they’re the exceptions.

For starters, if you want to actually make money off of your YouTube channel to any real degree, it’s said that you need about a million subscribers. Minimum.

Not views, not likes. Subscribers.

Teen Mom may be a popular franchise, but Jenelle is just one star among many.

It’s unclear how many followers her YouTube channel, which has been sitting around gathering proverbial dust for years with barely more than 40,000 followers, is going to attract.

And it’s similarly unclear what Jenelle means by “off the grid.”

Is she going to be vacationing to exotic locales? Venturing into the wilderness? Both of those are expensive, especially for a busy mother. Not exactly ideal for someone who might get sacked from MTV.

Perhaps Jenelle should be venturing onto the “grid” at some point. She wouldn’t even need to leave her home state. She could visit cities or either of North Carolina’s world class universities and meet people who are different and come to understand and not fear them.

Maybe that “grid” just means MTV, and she’ll be “off” of it because she knows that she’s getting canned.

We’ll have to wait and see.


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

TMZ Live Oprah: I"ve Been Rejected By Hollywood

ON TODAY’S SHOW Trey Songz: Accused Of Striking Woman  Frances McDormand: Oscar Theft Plot Twist! Migos Sued For Inciting Wild Concert Riot  Stacey Dash Going To War With Compton Mayor 


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

"Shirtless Tongan" Guy to Be Shirtless Model, "I"ve Got Things Lined Up!"

Great news if you’re a fan of greased up topless men … the “Shirtless Tongan” dude from the Olympics tells TMZ Sports he’s gunning for a career in topless modeling!  “I’ve got a few things lined up,” Pita Taufatofua told us at LAX.  Of…


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Warrick Dunn: Saquon Barkley Will Crush the NFL, But I"ve Got Some Advice

Ex-NFL star Warrick Dunn believes Saquon Barkley is gonna run roughshod over the NFL, but it ain’t gonna be a cakewalk — so, Warrick’s giving him some RB-to-RB real talk. We got the 3-time Pro Bowler at LAX … and he gushed about Saquon…
