Friday, June 1, 2018

Amy Duggar: I"ve Been Kicked Out of My Own Family!

We’re about to take you back to the dark days before Josiah Duggar began rebelling against his father’s strict rules and harsh disciplinary tactics. 

We’re talking way, way back to a time when no Duggar women wore pants — a time when if you wanted to find someone with the last name Duggar who wasn’t completely under Jim Bob’s thumb, you had to leave the Tontitown compound and travel to the Fayetteville home of Ms. Amy Duggar-King.

Newer fans of the family might not even remember cousin Amy, as her role in the Duggar media empire has been severely diminished in recent years.

And sources say that’s no accident.

According to Radar Online, Amy Duggar is now forbidden to publicly associate with her famous aunt, uncle, and cousins in any way.

She reportedly was not invited to Josiah Duggar’s bachelor party that took place over the weekend, and she does not expect to be invited to his wedding.

Furthermore, Amy has been asked to remove all photos of her cousins from her social media accounts and to refrain from speaking with the press about Jim Bob, Michelle, or their offspring.

In effect, like Josh Duggar before her, Amy has been exiled from the famous branch of her family.

“Amy is not allowed to talk about the Duggars anymore,” a source tells Radar.

“Amy went through her Instagram and had to delete all the pictures she had with her cousins.”

Insiders say Amy is heartbroken by the request, and despite her considerable humiliation she “still loves” her entire family.

Of course, this isn’t the first time that there have been reports of serious strain in Amy’s relationship with Jim Bob.

When Amy married Dillon King back in 2015, the Duggars attended the ceremony but left the reception almost immediately, per Jim Bob’s orders.

The father of 20 was reportedly upset by the fact that his niece had decided to allow alcohol and dancing at her wedding.

In a 2016 interview, Amy revealed that she’s only allowed to see her cousins at their home in Tontitown, as they’ve been forbidden from going to visit her in Fayetteville.

“It’s a rule,” she said at the time.

“f I want to spend quality time with them, I have to come see them.”

Insiders say that even though Amy has long known that Jim Bob does not approve of her lifestyle, she’s stunned by the latest steps he’s taken to cut ties with her completely.

Asked to comment on the situation by Radar today, Amy replied simply, “No comment.”

We’ll have further information on this developing story as more information becomes available.

In the meantime, watch Counting On online to relive Amy’s contentious relationship with her famous uncle.
