Showing posts with label Harrison. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harrison. Show all posts

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Friday, December 14, 2018

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Chris Harrison on Colton Underwood: The V-Card is Still Intact!

Chris Harrison has spoken in the past about how Colton Underwood"s virginity changes the whole narrative of The Bachelor.

Here, he may have a lot of opportunity and temptation to hook up for the very first time, especially when it"s time for the Fantasy Suites.

But Chris says that, so far, Colton sitll has his V-card.

Colton 26

"He"s doing good," Chris reveals to Mario Lopez on Extra.

That"s pretty vague, but at least means that Colton hasn"t snapped under the strain of making all of these difficult choices.

"I mean, we"re in the middle of shooting right now," Chris points out.

Meaning that there is still time for things to change for Colton. No one knows whether his ending will be happy or sad.

"So," Chris reasons. "I can honestly say I don"t know how it ends."

Colton underwood first bachelor promo

Mario of course asks if Colton has banged one of his lovely contestants.

"Not yet," Chris replies.

(You might expect a "watch and see" instead of a direct denial for that)

"I can still tell you that the V-card is still intact," Chris confirms.

"Will it be in the next couple weeks?" Chris asks, answering himself with: "I don’t know."

When it comes to fantasy suites and overnight dates, Chris thinks that things may change.

"I think it will be put to the test," he admits.

Colton underwood with a pen

Chris then addresses Colton"s bang-free life on a more serious note.

"One thing I will also say about his virginity," Chris says.

Chris admits that "it kind of became a cocktail joke and we are going to deal with that on the show."

Someone else"s personal sexual choices should never make them a target of ridicule. Unless it involves a fursuit.

"And," Chris says, the show will "deal with why he is the way he is and why he’s chosen to be who he is."

"And I think that will be compelling too," Chris explains.

Colton underwood is the bachelor in new promo

Mario asks if it"s just a spiritual thing.

Some religions (and religious denominations) may ask people adherents to abstain from sex before marriage.

"It goes deeper than that," Chris explains. "And I thought it was just religion too."

Sex can be a really big deal to some people, and more can go into a choice like Colton"s than religious convictions.

"And there was a part of that," Chris says. "He grew up very religious, and I think that was the beginning of it."

"It also had to do with prior relationships and situations," Chris reveals.

Colton underwood and his dog

That is all very vague. As it should be, because Chris Harrison wouldn"t be in a job for long if he spoiled the whole season.

We know that Colton famously dated Olympic gold metalist Aly Raisman for a couple of years.

Of course, in her book, Aly Raisman warned that Colton is a selfish jerk — though she never actually named him.

In general, people who enter adulthood without having had sex either never had the opportunity, never had the desire, or had the desire but chose to avoid it.

It sounds like he has plenty of desire, and one only has to look at him to know that he"s had opportunities to go to pound town.

Viewers will be interested to hear Colton elaborate on why he has abstained.

Colton underwood on gma

Of course, not everyone believes that Colton is a virgin.

Some believe that it"s simply a fabrication intended to make him stand out among other The Bachelorette suitors.

If so … it worked. He went on to Bachelor in Paradise and now he is the leading man on The Bachelor.

Colton has always seemed to be drawn to women who are already in the spotlight.



Chris harrison on colton underwood the v card is still intact

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Olympian Kayla Harrison Calls Out Cyborg Again, I"ll Murder 6 Women & Then You!!

A two-time Olympic gold medalist is doubling down on her challenge to Cris Cyborg … telling TMZ Sports she’s ready to run through 6 chicks to get a match with the UFC star!!! Remember, Kayla Harrison — a judo gold medalist in London (2012)…


Saturday, August 25, 2018

Olympian Kayla Harrison Challenges Cris Cyborg, I Ain"t Afraid Of You

If Cris Cyborg beats up Amanda Nunes … there’s a bad ass 2-time Olympic gold medalist who wants a piece of her … and she ain’t after a participation trophy. Kayla Harrison — who won gold in judo in London (2012) and Rio (2016) — and…


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Richard "Old Man" Harrison Cut Son Out of Will Before Death

If you’re a fan of the popular History Channel series Pawn Stars, then you probably know that the men of the Harrison family don’t always get along.

But while the on-camera conflicts are mostly good-natured, it seems there’s some serious bad blood behind the scenes.

Family patriarch and beloved Pawn Stars co-star Richard “Old Man” Harrison passed away last month at the age of 77.

Now, new information about Harrison’s will has prompted questions about his relationship with his children.

Harrison worked alongside his middle son, Rick Harrison, with whom he co-owned Gold & Silver Pawn Shop from 1989 until his death.

But it’s his relationship with youngest son Chris that’s making headlines this week.

For reasons that remain mysterious, Richard Sr. cut Chris out of his will entirely.

“I would like to express my love and affection for Christopher Keith Harrison,” reads the document obtained by Fox News. 

“However, for purposes of this Will, I have intentionally and with full knowledge failed to provide for him and his issue.”

The Harrison family has declined to elaborate. 

“The family had previously discussed this information and it is a private matter,” Rick Jr. said in a statement released today.

The younger Harrison previously paid tribute to his father in a moving eulogy:

“Richard Benjamin ‘The Old Man’ Harrison passed away this morning surrounded by those he loved. He will be tremendously missed by our family, the team at Gold & Silver Pawn and his many fans the world over,” reads a press release issued by Rick Jr. at the time.

“He was my hero and I was fortunate to get a very cool ‘Old Man’ as my dad. 

“That I got to share him with so many others and they got to see what a great family man he was is something I am grateful to have experienced with him.”

Harrison added:

“He lived a very full life and through the History television show Pawn Stars touched the lives of people all over teaching them the value of loving your family, hard work and humor.

“We appreciate everyone’s thoughts and prayers and ask that we are provided some privacy at this time.” 


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

James Harrison Blows 10-Foot Putt with 30-Foot Shot

Missed it by thaaaat much.  Actually, James Harrison missed his easy 10-foot putt by about thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat much.  The ex-Steelers linebacker took a break from hittin’ the weights to hit the…


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

"Pawn Stars" Shop Sets Up Memorial for Late Richard "Old Man" Harrison

The famed “Pawn Stars” shop is already honoring its TV patriarch, Richard Harrison, a day after his death … and fans can pay their respects in a number of ways. Sources close to the family of Richard, best known as “Old Man,” tell TMZ … a…


Monday, June 25, 2018

Richard Harrison, "Old Man" from Pawn Stars, Dead at 77

Very sad news today out of the television world:

Richard Harrison, the co-owner and founder of Rick Harrison’s Gold & Silver Pawn Shop and a lead cast member on History Channel’s Pawn Stars, passed away on Monday morning.

He was 77 years old.

Harrison was known as “Old Man” to all involved and to all who watched this long-running reality series, and his death was confirmed by his son today in a lengthy and emotional statement.

It reads as follows:

Richard Benjamin ‘The Old Man’ Harrison passed away this morning surrounded by those he loved. He will be tremendously missed by our family, the team at Gold & Silver Pawn and his many fans the world over.

He was my hero and I was fortunate to get a very cool ‘Old Man’ as my dad.

That I got to share him with so many others and they got to see what a great family man he was is something I am grateful to have experienced with him.

He lived a very full life and through the History television show Pawn Stars touched the lives of people all over teaching them the value of loving your family, hard work and humor.

We appreciate everyone’s thoughts and prayers and ask that we are provided some privacy at this time.

We do not know Harrison’s cause of death at the moment.

He hadn’t appeared much at all over the course of the past couple years on the aforementioned show, however, hinting at some kind of illness.

Old Man moved to Las Vegas way back in the1980s and opened the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop with his son, Rick, in 1989.

Producers eventually convinced the father and son to star in a show about their lives and their business, with Old Man cementing himself as a fan favorite ever since Pawn Stars premiered in July of 2009.

Says History Channel executives in a statement:

“We are deeply saddened by the loss of our friend Richard ‘The Old Man’ Harrison, a beloved member of the HISTORY and ‘Pawn Stars’ family. 

“He will be greatly missed for his wisdom and candor.”

A veteran of the United States Navy, Harrison was beloved for his witty comebacks, tough demeanor… and for his keen eye for picking treasures out of trash.

He had an impressive knowledge of history and often talked about his military background.

The pawn shop itself also shared a message on Facebook on Monday.

This is what it says:

It is with heavy hearts that we acknowledge the passing of Richard Benjamin Harrison (known as ‘The Old Man’ to Pawn Stars fans the world over) this morning. He was surrounded by loving family this past weekend and went peacefully.

The team at Gold & Silver Pawn and the Pawn Stars family is grieving his loss.

He will be remembered as the best father, grandfather and great-grandfather you could have by his family and by fans as the sometimes grumpy (always loving, however), often wisecracking, and voice of absolute reason on the History television show Pawn Stars.

Services are pending and the family appreciates your prayers and kind words.

Pawn Stars is currently in Season 15.

We send our condolences to the friends, family members and loved ones of Richard Harrison.

May he rest in peace.


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Olympian Kayla Harrison Says MMA Fighters Are Afraid of Me

U.S. Olympic legend Kayla Harrison — who won gold in judo in ’12 and ’16 — is finally making her MMA debut this week … and says she’s ready to wreck shop.  Kayla is a beast — and she tells TMZ Sports it was hard to even lock down an…


Friday, May 18, 2018

Chris Harrison Teases "Most Ridiculous Fight" in History on Bachelorette Premiere


According to Chris Harrison, it is about to be on next Monday night.

Between whom? This is the question we’re now left to ponder.

Earlier this week, the reality show host with the absolute most stopped and talked to Entertainment Tonight about the May 28 premiere of The Bachelorette.

It will kick off at 8/7c on ABC, but it sounds as if we ought to say the show will PUNCH off instead.

Just consider how Harrison teased the premiere in his chat with the aforementioned gossip and news outlet:

“Maybe the most ridiculous fight you’ve ever seen in the history of our show, which is saying a lot.

It’s just magnificent to watch.

“It’s going to be one of those [seasons where] you’re watching through your fingers because you’re embarrassed for everybody involved, but you can’t stop watching.”

Now THAT’S what we call a tease.

Is it any wonder Chris Harrison is the very best at what he does?

While recent The Bachelorette spoilers have actually revealed the final four men chosen by Becca Kufrin, ABC announced the FULL list of all 28 suitors on Thursday.

We’ve posted their official portraits above and referenced their official occupations.

There are multiple football players… one sports analyst… a guy who plays the banjo… and some dude who says he’s a social media participant.

We somehow doubt the latter is involved in this fight.

“The arrivals are great because, for the guys, it’s very much out of our comfort zone to make these grand entrances,” Harrison also said of the premiere, adding:

“We make fools of ourselves, that’s what we do. And some of these guys do just that.”

Kufrin, of course, has quite the backstory when it comes to this franchise.

She was proposed to by Arie on the season finale of the latest Bachelor season — and then dumped by Arie on the After the Rose Special.

Becca responded in that moment the same way anyone in her situation would respond (Are you f-cking kidding me, she asked Arie many times), but has since handled the public break-up with maturity and grace.

“He’s a good person, I don’t think he’s a monster and purposely did this to hurt me and make me feel this way,” Kurfin told People Magazine shortly after The Bachelor season concluded, adding at the time:

“I don’t think he thought it through, but I don’t think he did it maliciously to break my heart.”


The guy seems like a giant douchebag in our opinion.

But Arie is the past and one of the 28 men featured above is the future.

“Let’s do the damn thing,” Kufrin excitedly says in the following Bachelorette preview, making it clear that she’s ready to move on.

And if she’s ready to move on, so we are. Let’s do the damn thing indeed!

Check out the fun teaser now:


Saturday, May 12, 2018

Harrison Ford Chats with "Solo: A Star Wars Story" Star Alden Ehrenreich and Ron Howard

Harrison Ford made up for no-showing at the Hollywood premiere of “Solo: A Star Wars Story” by getting a little quality time with the film’s star … who’s playing the role he made famous. As we reported … Ford said he’s seen the movie and thinks…


Friday, May 11, 2018

Harrison Ford a No-Show at "Solo: A Star Wars Story" Premiere

Harrison Ford not showing up to the “Solo: A Star Wars Story” premiere would be like Ron Howard not showing up to anything remotely related to “Happy Days” … so it begs the question — where the heck was Harrison? The entire cast and crew –…


Monday, April 30, 2018

Bill Cosby Juror Harrison Snyder says Comedian"s Words Sunk Him

Bill Cosby fell on his sword the moment he opened his mouth and long before his sexual assault trial started … so says one of the jurors. Harrison Snyder appeared on ‘GMA’ Monday and said the unimpeachable evidence that led to the…


Bill Cosby Juror Harrison Snyder says Comedian"s Words Sunk Him

Bill Cosby fell on his sword the moment he opened his mouth and long before his sexual assault trial started … so says one of the jurors. Harrison Snyder appeared on ‘GMA’ Monday and said the unimpeachable evidence that led to the…
