Showing posts with label Olympian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Olympian. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Olympian Kayla Harrison Calls Out Cyborg Again, I"ll Murder 6 Women & Then You!!

A two-time Olympic gold medalist is doubling down on her challenge to Cris Cyborg … telling TMZ Sports she’s ready to run through 6 chicks to get a match with the UFC star!!! Remember, Kayla Harrison — a judo gold medalist in London (2012)…


Saturday, August 25, 2018

Olympian Kayla Harrison Challenges Cris Cyborg, I Ain"t Afraid Of You

If Cris Cyborg beats up Amanda Nunes … there’s a bad ass 2-time Olympic gold medalist who wants a piece of her … and she ain’t after a participation trophy. Kayla Harrison — who won gold in judo in London (2012) and Rio (2016) — and…


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Olympian Kayla Harrison Says MMA Fighters Are Afraid of Me

U.S. Olympic legend Kayla Harrison — who won gold in judo in ’12 and ’16 — is finally making her MMA debut this week … and says she’s ready to wreck shop.  Kayla is a beast — and she tells TMZ Sports it was hard to even lock down an…


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Ghanaian Olympian: Africa Can Take Over Winter Games, But We Need Support!

A history-making Ghanaian Olympian says Africans can do BIG things at the Winter Games … but only if their countries step up and give ‘em what they need. We spoke to Akwasi Frimpong — the first ever Skeleton athlete for Ghana — after the…


Monday, February 26, 2018

Olympian Mark McMorris: Olympic Village Was "Dry" Despite Condom Overload

Turns out, stocking a “f*ckin’ insane” amount of condoms did NOT lead to a ton of action inside the Olympic village — so says Canadian snowboarder Mark McMorris. You know the deal — with over 2,000 hot, young athletes in an enclosed space (and…


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

S.I. Model Chase Carter And Olympian BF Flaunt Abs & Ass In Miami

Here’s the perfect images for the day after you’ve stuffed your face … two completely perfect human beings flaunting their ridiculous bodies on the beach. The specimens are S.I. swimsuit model (and Rookie) Chase Carter, who scorched the sand in…


Friday, November 10, 2017

"Black Power" Olympian John Carlos Meets Colin Kaepernick, Calls Him "This Generation"s Ali"

Muhammad Ali. Jackie Robinson. Colin Kaepernick. These names belong together in the history books — so says Olympic legend John Carlos — one of the two Americans behind the iconic “Black Power” salute at the ’68 Games. Carlos — who…


Monday, October 16, 2017

"Black Power" Olympian Says Colin Kaepernick"s Done in the NFL, But He"s Beyond That Now

One of the Olympians who iconically raised his fist at the 1968 games says Colin Kaepernick will not play in the NFL again, but adds … it won’t impact his legacy. John Carlos – who, along with Tommie Smith, made the most…


Monday, October 2, 2017

U.S. Olympian: Across the Street from Vegas Shooting, 5 Hours in Lockdown

U.S. Olympic pole vaulter Sandi Morris says she was “across the street” from the Vegas shooting Sunday night — and was kept in lockdown at the Luxor Hotel for 5 hours until officials deemed it safe to leave.  The Luxor is actually closer to…


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Ryan Lochte: My Son"s Gonna Be an Olympian, Too!!

Ryan Lochte’s son is just 2 months old, but that ain’t too early for the Team USA star to know his kid’s potential … telling TMZ Sports his boy will follow in daddy’s footsteps and be an Olympic swimmer!! Lochte and his Playboy model fiancee…


Ryan Lochte: My Son"s Gonna Be an Olympian, Too!!

Ryan Lochte’s son is just 2 months old, but that ain’t too early for the Team USA star to know his kid’s potential … telling TMZ Sports his boy will follow in daddy’s footsteps and be an Olympic swimmer!! Lochte and his Playboy model fiancee…


Monday, May 8, 2017

Olympian Tom Daley Marries Oscar Winning Screenwriter at English "Castle"

Big weekend for British medal winning Olympic diver Tom Daley — who married Hollywood power player Dustin Lance Black at a lavish ceremony at a “castle” in England.  FYI, DLB is a very big deal — he won an Oscar for writing the screenplay for…


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Hayden Panettiere To Olympian: Hell Yeah I"d Play You In A Movie (VIDEO)

How do you make a dream come true for someone who’s already won 4 Olympic gold medals? “Nashville” star Hayden Panettiere might’ve just found a way … telling TMZ Sports she’d totally bring Olympic champion Laura Kenny’s life to screen in a…


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Olympian Tyson Gay -- Daughter Killed In Shooting

Olympic sprinter Tyson Gay’s 15-year-old daughter, Trinity was shot and killed early this morning in Kentucky. According to police … Trinity was shot in the neck during a shootout between 2 cars in a Lexington restaurant parking lot. Police…


Friday, August 12, 2016

Simone Biles: Olympian Crushes On Zac Efron, Efron Crushes Right Back

Being noticed by your crush – nay – your celebrity crush might be better than winning a gold medal, depending on where your priorities lie.

Gold medal gymnast Simone Biles first went public with her crush on Zac Efron in 2014, when someone gave her a life-size cut-out of Efron for Christmas.

From there, the crush snowballed into something beautiful.  Let"s take a look at the history of Biles + Efron 4 Eva.

1. Christmas Present Goals

Zac efron cut out

Some kids want an iPad. Simone Biles just wanted a cut-out of Zac Efron.

2. Christmas Present Is Put To Good Use

Simone biles poses zac efron cutout

Christmas 2014 is one she’ll never forget. Until Efron shows up with a ring on Christmas Day 2016.

3. Ellen Knows How To Give a Gift

Simon biles ellen show zac efron leotard

Unfortunately, the leotard did not pass IOC inspection.

4. Ellen Brings People Together

Zac efron heads up ellen show simone biles

I have a crush on Prince Harry. Ellen, call me…

5. He Called Her Phenomenal

Zac efron simone biles thanks tweet

OMFG 4 Life alskdjfa;lsdfja;sldfjk;alsdkfj;alsdj

6. OMG He Totally Knows Who You Are

Zac efron wishes simone biles good luck

He tweeted at you, which is basically like going to first base.

View Slideshow

Simone Biles: Olympian Crushes On Zac Efron, Efron Crushes Right Back

Being noticed by your crush – nay – your celebrity crush might be better than winning a gold medal, depending on where your priorities lie.

Gold medal gymnast Simone Biles first went public with her crush on Zac Efron in 2014, when someone gave her a life-size cut-out of Efron for Christmas.

From there, the crush snowballed into something beautiful.  Let"s take a look at the history of Biles + Efron 4 Eva.

1. Christmas Present Goals

Zac efron cut out

Some kids want an iPad. Simone Biles just wanted a cut-out of Zac Efron.

2. Christmas Present Is Put To Good Use

Simone biles poses zac efron cutout

Christmas 2014 is one she’ll never forget. Until Efron shows up with a ring on Christmas Day 2016.

3. Ellen Knows How To Give a Gift

Simon biles ellen show zac efron leotard

Unfortunately, the leotard did not pass IOC inspection.

4. Ellen Brings People Together

Zac efron heads up ellen show simone biles

I have a crush on Prince Harry. Ellen, call me…

5. He Called Her Phenomenal

Zac efron simone biles thanks tweet

OMFG 4 Life alskdjfa;lsdfja;sldfjk;alsdkfj;alsdj

6. OMG He Totally Knows Who You Are

Zac efron wishes simone biles good luck

He tweeted at you, which is basically like going to first base.

View Slideshow

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Oscar Pistorius Found Guilty of Murder; Olympian Could Face 15 Years in Prison

Back in September of 2014 millions were outraged when Olympic sprinter Oscar Pistorius was found guilty of culpable homicide in the death of his girlfriend, model Reeva Steenkamp.

The charge is the South African equivalent of manslaughter, and the verdict essentially absolved Pistorius of the crime of knowingly murdering Steenkamp while she hid in the bathroom of his home, fearing for her life.

Culpable homicide carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison, and Pistorius was released in October after serving less than 12 months.

Today, however, a South African appeals court overturned a lower court’s ruling and found Pistorius guilty of homicide.

The 29-year-old Olympian will now be headed back to prison for a minimum sentence of 15 years.

“This case involves a human tragedy of Shakespearean proportions,” Judge Eric Leach said while announcing the court’s verdict.

“A young man overcomes huge physical disabilities to reach Olympic heights as an athlete; in doing so he becomes an international celebrity; he meets a young woman of great natural beauty and a successful model; romance blossoms; and then, ironically on Valentine’s Day, all is destroyed when he takes her life.”

Lawyers for Pistorius will appeal the decision, but it seems almost certain that Pistorius will be headed back to prison.

No date has been set for Pistorius’ sentencing hearing, and he will reportedly remain under house arrest until then.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Oscar Pistorius Released From Prison; Olympian Served Less Than One Year For Murder of Reeva Steenkamp

In October of 2014, Oscar Pistorius was sentenced to five years in prison after being found guilty of shooting and killing his 29-year-old model girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp.

Today, less than one year later, Pistorius is a free man, having been secretively released from prison late last night in order to avoid media attention.

Pistorius will now serve a four-year house arrest sentence at his uncle’s palatial mansion in Johannesburg.

Pistorius was originally slated to be released in August, but angry letters from hundreds of outraged South Africans – including Steenkamp’s grieving parents – persuaded the nation’s justice minister to hold him for another two months.

“We have forgiven Mr. Pistorius, read the letter from Steenkamp’s parents. “However, a person found guilty of a crime must be accountable for their actions. Incarceration of 10 months for taking a life is simply not enough.”

A lawyer for the family says the Steenkamps are still angry, and still believe that justice was not served.

Pistorius was found guilty of culpable homicide, which is comparable to manslaughter in the US justice system.

The sprinter – nicknamed “Blade Runner” by fans – earned international fame after becoming the first double-amputee to participate in the Olympics.

Many believe Pistorius received preferential treatment from the South African justice system.