Friday, August 12, 2016

Simone Biles: Olympian Crushes On Zac Efron, Efron Crushes Right Back

Being noticed by your crush – nay – your celebrity crush might be better than winning a gold medal, depending on where your priorities lie.

Gold medal gymnast Simone Biles first went public with her crush on Zac Efron in 2014, when someone gave her a life-size cut-out of Efron for Christmas.

From there, the crush snowballed into something beautiful.  Let"s take a look at the history of Biles + Efron 4 Eva.

1. Christmas Present Goals

Zac efron cut out

Some kids want an iPad. Simone Biles just wanted a cut-out of Zac Efron.

2. Christmas Present Is Put To Good Use

Simone biles poses zac efron cutout

Christmas 2014 is one she’ll never forget. Until Efron shows up with a ring on Christmas Day 2016.

3. Ellen Knows How To Give a Gift

Simon biles ellen show zac efron leotard

Unfortunately, the leotard did not pass IOC inspection.

4. Ellen Brings People Together

Zac efron heads up ellen show simone biles

I have a crush on Prince Harry. Ellen, call me…

5. He Called Her Phenomenal

Zac efron simone biles thanks tweet

OMFG 4 Life alskdjfa;lsdfja;sldfjk;alsdkfj;alsdj

6. OMG He Totally Knows Who You Are

Zac efron wishes simone biles good luck

He tweeted at you, which is basically like going to first base.

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