Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Britney Spears on Anxiety: I"m Far More Accepting of Myself

Britney Spears has had some some very public rough patches. 

After having a meltdown in 2007, it appeared that the Princess of pop would never return to the limelight.

Everyone was super worried about her, but she’s continuing to prove that she’s great at comebacks. 

After “Britney Jean” failed to get much traction with critics or in the sales department, Spears focused on her residency in Las Vegas. 

However, she recently returned with a brand new album that just so happens to be her best one in years.

If you haven’t listened to it, you should. It’s vintage Britney Spears. 

Britney took to the MTV VMAs stage on August 28. There was a lot riding on the performance due to an unpopular performance in 2007 that had her stumbling through a dance routine. 

Thankfully, her latest performance went down a storm with fans. The downside was that she was overshadowed by Beyonce. 

Britney also chose to mime her way through the performance, but her dancing was an energetic affair that got mostly everyone talking for all the right reasons. 

What more could Spears want?

We do know that she didn’t want a smooch of G-Eazy. As much as she denies it, her performing partner definitely leaned in for a kiss with her. 

If you missed it, here it is:

Since the dust settled on her performance, Britney has been doing the rounds with interviews to promote “Glory.”

It serves as her ninth studio album. 

In an interview with Marie Claire, Britney revealed some of the finer details about her crippling anxiety

“I moved to Los Angeles when I was very young. I was so under scrutiny,” Spears recalled.

“If a hair was out of place, I’d be so anxious. I would get very anxious about so many things.”

Spears went on to speak about how being a mother helped her overcome her anxiety. 

“Becoming a mother and being with my boys has made me so much more accepting of myself. I’m their mom, whatever,” the mother of two explained.

“That has been a really big thing for me over these last few years.”

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments.