Showing posts with label Accepting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accepting. Show all posts

Monday, January 22, 2018

Amy Roloff & Chris Marek: Are Fans Finally Accepting This Couple?

Little People, Big World fans seem to love giving Amy Roloff a hard time, whether it’s accusing her of “exploiting” her son Jacob or asking if she banned her ex Matt Roloff from family gatherings.

But every hater’s favorite topic seems to be her boyfriend, Chris Marek. They either thing that she’s betraying Matt by dating again or that she’s some love-blind fool under Chris’ sway.

But Amy Roloff shared this sweet selfie, and it looks like some minds are finally changing about Amy’s “second act.”

Amy Roloff provided a little context behind this sweet selfie with her caption:

“Changing it up. Chris took the selfie.” [smiling emoji]

We’d say that he did a pretty good job with that selfie. Amy continues:

“Date night. Thai food and seeing a local play in downtown Hillsboro. Love it! #amyssecondactcontinues #datenightsaregreat #lovelocal”

That sounds like such a nice evening!

Amy Roloff received some really positive comments from fans.

“Great couple thanks for sharing with us.”

That one’s pretty run-of-the-mill, and Amy does get positive comments like it a lot.

“I love Thai food! Sounds like a great evening, have fun!”

Thai food is great. (In fact, Amy’s post reminded me to ask some friends if our dinner tonight should be Thai)

Another fan defended Amy from the hate that she so often receives.

“Great picture. You deserve to be happy in spite if all the rubbish haters post.”

Most significantly, it seems that Amy’s happiness has won over one of her relationship’s detractors:

“Amy, I always wanted you to get back together with Matt, but now that I see you with Chris, you look incredibly HAPPY. That is what is important!!!”

Sadly, not everyone who follows Amy Roloff has seen the light about her relationship.

“At least the kids seem to recognize wedding vows, even if their mother gave up. My own opinion. Not hating Amy, we have to live our own lives, but too bad the parents couldn’t hold it together.”

Weird to read a message by someone who thinks that divorce is a genuine wrongdoing instead of an unpleasant fact of life for, you know, half of all marriages.

“Goodness, I was really praying God would restore your marriage. I hate this.”

They hate what? Amy’s happiness?

“Look at his face….I’m sorry I don’t trust his face and we as women should watch out for each other and boost each other up. She’s too good for him! What’s so wrong w that????”

And, finally:

“Chris is a creep.”

We have to talk about the fans who say that they’re “just looking out” for Amy, like she’s a college freshman dating her married professor and not a grown-ass adult and grandmother who knows what she’s doing.

For a long time, we’ve had the sick feeling that some of Amy’s haters who can’t stand her relationship with Chris Marek are actually concerned about a little person dating someone who isn’t disabled.

Maybe, even if it’s deep down on a subconscious level, these haters don’t believe that a man of Chris’ height could find a little person attractive. That’s … a horrifying way to view the world.

One of the comments under the adorable selfie seems to confirm that tragic worldview:

“You saying ‘she’s happy’ is an assumption and judgement all in one. I remain leery of men taking advantage of kind ppl like Amy.”

And there you have it, folks.

At least some of the people who love to give Amy a hard time are concern-trolling her because they infantalize her because she’s “kind” (so, probably because she’s a little person).

While we were delighted to see that a fan had come to understand that Amy’s making choices for her own happiness, it’s clear that some others haven’t yet come to understand.

And that probably won’t change until they stop seeing the Roloff family matriarch as a helpless child without any judgment and see her as a real woman with real feelings.

None of us really know Chris Marek. But Amy Roloff does.


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Britney Spears on Anxiety: I"m Far More Accepting of Myself

Britney Spears has had some some very public rough patches. 

After having a meltdown in 2007, it appeared that the Princess of pop would never return to the limelight.

Everyone was super worried about her, but she’s continuing to prove that she’s great at comebacks. 

After “Britney Jean” failed to get much traction with critics or in the sales department, Spears focused on her residency in Las Vegas. 

However, she recently returned with a brand new album that just so happens to be her best one in years.

If you haven’t listened to it, you should. It’s vintage Britney Spears. 

Britney took to the MTV VMAs stage on August 28. There was a lot riding on the performance due to an unpopular performance in 2007 that had her stumbling through a dance routine. 

Thankfully, her latest performance went down a storm with fans. The downside was that she was overshadowed by Beyonce. 

Britney also chose to mime her way through the performance, but her dancing was an energetic affair that got mostly everyone talking for all the right reasons. 

What more could Spears want?

We do know that she didn’t want a smooch of G-Eazy. As much as she denies it, her performing partner definitely leaned in for a kiss with her. 

If you missed it, here it is:

Since the dust settled on her performance, Britney has been doing the rounds with interviews to promote “Glory.”

It serves as her ninth studio album. 

In an interview with Marie Claire, Britney revealed some of the finer details about her crippling anxiety

“I moved to Los Angeles when I was very young. I was so under scrutiny,” Spears recalled.

“If a hair was out of place, I’d be so anxious. I would get very anxious about so many things.”

Spears went on to speak about how being a mother helped her overcome her anxiety. 

“Becoming a mother and being with my boys has made me so much more accepting of myself. I’m their mom, whatever,” the mother of two explained.

“That has been a really big thing for me over these last few years.”

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Kylie Jenner: Pissed at Sisters For Accepting Rob Kardashian-Blac Chyna Engagement?

Last week, Kris Jenner arranged a family ski trip so that her daughters wouldn’t have to be in the same state when the news about Rob Kardashian’s engagement to Blac Chyna went public.

Unfortunately, drama isn’t like a dog. You can’t just leave it at home and have someone else feed it while you’re on vacation.

While in Vail, the ladies of the Kard clan (and their dudes) apparently clashed over the best way to deal with the news that Rob planned to marry Kylie’s arch rival.

Apparently, Kylie thought she and her sisters would be having a mafia-style sit-down, at which they would hatch a plan how to break Rob and Blac up.

So she was understandably surprised to learn that Kris had come to terms with the relationship and wanted her daughters to do the same.

“Everyone on the trip was happy, except for Kylie and Tyga who left early, angry and abruptly,” a source tells Hollywood Life.

“Just a day into the trip and amidst the Rob & Blac engagement announcement, Kylie and Tyga had a major disagreement with several family members.”

Not surprisingly, the trip was cut short, as has been the fate of every Kardashian family vacation in history:

“Among several issues, Kylie was not happy about how everyone was reacting to the engagement news,” says the insider.

“After the dramatic argument, Kylie & Tyga jumped on a plane and aborted the family vacation. It was not cool and no one was happy about them leaving early.

“The whole blow-up was caught on KUWTK cameras and should be featured on the upcoming season.”

Gotta love how the source makes it sound like a camera crew just happened to be on have to catch the blow-out fight.

Watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians online at TV Fanatic for more totally un-scripted drama.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Kesha Appears Drunk While Accepting Award, Fans Express Their Concern Online

By now you"ve probably heard about Kesha"s legal battle with Sony and mega-producer Dr. Luke, whom she claims sexually assaulted her on several occasions.

Numerous celebrities have voiced their support for Kesha, and over the weekend, she received the Human Rights Campaign"s Visibility Award.

Unfortunately, the recent turmoil in Kesha"s life appears to have taken a toll, and it seems that for many who watched her acceptance speech, her unusual demeanor may have overshadowed her message.

"She must be on antidepressants or something. she suddenly put on a lot of weight," wrote one YouTube commenter. "Seems kinda distant and slurring speech. Typical of someone who"s body is still getting used to new meds. Hope she is ok."

"She looks so sad and broken. Its sad to see such a good person go through what she"s going through.," wrote another.

Thankfully, most fans focused on the content of Kesha"s speech, and not her apparent physical difficulties.

"Her speech was really meaningful even though something wasn"t right about her behavior," wrote one viewer.

Kesha acknowledged that she"s been struggling emotionally in recent weeks, saying, "As many of you know I am going through some personal things that have been really intense and hard lately and I just want to say thank you for any support I have received."

Her situation would be a difficult for anyone to endure, and such intense public scrutiny surely only compounds the pressure.

Here"s hoping Kesha receives whatever kind of help she may need.


Kesha appears drunk while accepting award fans express their con

Kesha Appears Drunk While Accepting Award, Fans Express Their Concern Online

By now you"ve probably heard about Kesha"s legal battle with Sony and mega-producer Dr. Luke, whom she claims sexually assaulted her on several occasions.

Numerous celebrities have voiced their support for Kesha, and over the weekend, she received the Human Rights Campaign"s Visibility Award.

Unfortunately, the recent turmoil in Kesha"s life appears to have taken a toll, and it seems that for many who watched her acceptance speech, her unusual demeanor may have overshadowed her message.

"She must be on antidepressants or something. she suddenly put on a lot of weight," wrote one YouTube commenter. "Seems kinda distant and slurring speech. Typical of someone who"s body is still getting used to new meds. Hope she is ok."

"She looks so sad and broken. Its sad to see such a good person go through what she"s going through.," wrote another.

Thankfully, most fans focused on the content of Kesha"s speech, and not her apparent physical difficulties.

"Her speech was really meaningful even though something wasn"t right about her behavior," wrote one viewer.

Kesha acknowledged that she"s been struggling emotionally in recent weeks, saying, "As many of you know I am going through some personal things that have been really intense and hard lately and I just want to say thank you for any support I have received."

Her situation would be a difficult for anyone to endure, and such intense public scrutiny surely only compounds the pressure.

Here"s hoping Kesha receives whatever kind of help she may need.


Kesha appears drunk while accepting award fans express their con