Showing posts with label Express. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Express. Show all posts

Friday, August 10, 2018

Demi Leaves Rehab After Just 5 Days; Fans Express Concern on Social Media

In the weeks since Demi Lovato suffered an overdose that nearly claimed her life, the outpouring of support and concern from fans has been constant.

Millions were relieved by reports that Lovato had checked into rehab earlier this week after spending several days at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles.

Now, however, the latest update from Demi’s inner circle has led to a new round of fears for the beloved singer’s health.

According to Radar Online, Lovato checked out of rehab earlier this week after just five days of treatment.

Sources close to Lovato say she’s currently in Chicago with her mother.

Fortunately, the unexpected trip is not Demi’s way of avoiding the rigors of recovery — quite the opposite, in fact.

Lovato is in Illinois to visit Timberline Knolls, the facility where she sought treatment when she first decided to get sober back in 2012.

“Demi and her mom flew to Chicago together, where she is meeting with a team of doctors that were very influential to her in early recovery,” a source close to the situation tells Radar.

The insider adds that Lovato “trusts the team of doctors at the facility with her life.”

Even though it was at Timberline where Demi got sober for the first time, she was apparently reluctant to return to the facility due to feelings of shame regarding her relapse.

“The team at Timberline reached out to Demi to try and convince her to get treatment there after her overdose, but she was too ashamed and embarrassed to go there because of their long history,” says the source.

“After a lot of consideration, Demi and her mom wanted to talk to them because they wanted to see what they recommend for her treatment.”

Despite her closeness with the staff at Timberline, Demi is reportedly planning to return to Arizona this week where she has already begun treatment.

In other news, Lovato has canceled her remaining tour dates and plans to spend the next several months focusing on her recovery.

We wish her all the best as she navigates the hard road ahead.


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Weinstein Company Sued by American Express for Huge Unpaid Bill

More money woes for The Weinstein Company — one of its credit card companies is coming after it for a huge unpaid bill. American Express filed legal docs Wednesday claiming TWC’s corporate account has an outstanding balance of more than $ 1.38…


Monday, December 11, 2017

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 6 Recap: All Aboard the Shady Express

It was about time the Real Housewives of Atlanta went on a trip to stir up some drama. 

When The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 6 got underway, NeNe Leakes and Porsha Williams were embroiled in their biggest bust-up to date. 

“You couldn’t even be here if it weren’t for a bitch like me!” NeNe shouted at Porsha, reiterating the fact that she was Queen and everyone else was merely her minion. 

“You f—ed Kandi over. She had your back, bitch!” NeNe continued. “You sit on your show and you lie every day, but we good. The door is closed! The door is closed!”

With that, NeNe decided it was time to make a getaway from the dinner because things were just getting tenser by the second. Sheree felt bad for playing peacekeeper when she spoke to Porsha. 

“Who the f–k is perfect at this table?” Porsha cried to Sheree in the aftermath. To be fair, she had a good point. None of these women are perfect. 

NeNe tried to claim she did not mean anything by her comments to Andy about firing Porsha. She asked a question, and she answered it. 

The rest of the women seemed to think Porsha needed to stop acting like a kid and grow up. 

While Porsha felt she could cut the tension with a knife, she realized that she needed to change things up or she ran the risk of being ousted from the group. 

When the ladies met up, the drama seemed to dial back until Kenya started bawling and confirmed she was going to bury the woman who raised her. 

Cynthia noticed that Porsha was still upset and told her to speak with NeNe about what happened and accept responsibility for what happened. 

Porsha agreed, and said she would give NeNe some time to cool down before speaking to her. 

With Kenya upset because her dearly departed family member, Marlo, Sheree and Porsha thought it was a good idea to throw her a surprise wedding celebration. 

The ladies were not invited to the real wedding, and that was likely because Kenya wanted to keep it all quiet. They even managed to get Kenya’s husband, Mark in on the action. 

But, there was a twist. He was not there in the flesh, it was a cardboard cutout. Cynthia has been known to speak to everyone about other peoples secrets, so she was kept in the dark about all of this. 

Kenya was ecstatic and found it all to be pretty funny. It was great for her because she got to speak some more about the big wedding. 

Porsha even tried to change things up between her and Kandi, but Kandi did not seem impressed. 

“I want to be able to have a good time amongst the group,” Kandi said. “I’ll give you your space and have a good night,” Porsha said.

At the end of the trip, Kenya was gone, and the ladies wasted no time in chatting about her wedding. Kandi said that she and Todd tried to get a glimpse of Mark while they were in New York. 

She then went on to say that it was odd Kenya was keeping him in private, and it all turned into another big argument. 

Marlo argued that Cynthia was not that close to Kenya or she would have known in advance about the wedding. 

Cynthia ultimately stormed out and told NeNe the other women needed to quit dragging Kenya. 

“I don’t want them to make fun of her in front of me,” Cynthia said. “I think they’re questioning why a friend would not introduce another friend to their husband.”

Cynthia eventually confirmed she was hurt that she did not get to attend the big wedding. 

Will this come back to bite her?

Hit the comments. 


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Kendra Caldwell: Fans Express Concern For Joseph Duggar"s Wife

Just months after announcing their courtship, Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell got married in front of over 1,500 guests in a lavish ceremony in Arkansas earlier this month.

It’s customary for members of the Duggar clan to tie the knot soon after beginning a relationship (Young folks tend to hurry the process along when they’re denied any sort of premarital sexual contact. Go figure.), but in many other ways Joe and Kendra have broken with tradition.

For starters, Kendra courted Jedidiah Duggar before she became romantically involved with his brother Joseph.

Additionally, the young couple skipped their honeymoon, which may lend credibility to the rumors that Kendra is already pregnant.

Whatever the case, something unusual is taking place with these two, and the situation has many fans concerned for Kendra.

Whether they’re members of the family by birth or marriage, all Duggar women are expected to be subservient to the men in their lives.

First, they follow the rules set by their father, then by their husbands.

Due to both her age (Kendra is just 18) and the unusual nature of her circumstances, Kendra has piqued the interest of Counting On viewers — and not necessarily in a good way.

Though she seems eager to pursue marriage and motherhood, the consensus amongst Duggar detractors is that Kendra has been forced to rush into both without time to decide if she’s ready.

“She doesn’t get to pursue an education or explore other avenues. She has been raised to be subservient to a man and to be nothing more than a breeder,” wrote one fan on the Duggars’ official Facebook page.

“It isn’t something to celebrate. It’s incredibly sad,” commented another follower.

A third took things a step further, describing Kendra as a “poor, young, brainwashed girl.”

But one person who doesn’t seem worried about taking on such tremendous responsibilities at such a young age is Kendra.

In footage from Joseph and Kendra’s first date, the woman seems giddy with excitement.

In interviews for the Duggars’ reality show, she speaks of Joseph in glowing terms and pines for their future together.

It’s true that she likely has no idea what she’s getting herself into, but that’s true of virtually all 18-year-olds in all situations.

Of course, in most cases, teenagers have the ability to change their minds if they realize they’ve made a terrible mistake — a luxury that will not be afforded to Kendra. 

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump: Thousands Now Express Regret Over Voting for Him!

Donald Trump has been president for such a short time, but so many people are already over it.

From his whiny little hissy fits over the crowd at his inauguration — or the lack of a crowd, we should say — to the decisions he"s made to … it"s all bad, OK?

We could take the time to break down all the developments over the past week, or over the past couple of months since he won the election, but we don"t have the heart.

Instead, let"s just check out some pitiful tweets from some unfortunate souls who actually voted for the guy.

Yep, there"s a lot of regret over on Twitter these days …

1. "A Small Minded Petulant Baby"

A small minded petulant baby

May be time to work on your perception skills, bud.

2. "You’re Out of Control"

Youre out of control

… Because before he became president, he was the very picture of self control?

3. "Obama Had Me Covered"

Obama had me covered

Next time, it might be a good idea to do a little research for the jackass you’re voting for, huh, Glenda?

4. "Dude …"


Again, did these people simply never pay attention to Trump before voting for him? How could you miss this?

5. "I Voted for You to Make America Great Again!"

I voted for you to make america great again

Raise of hands, who actually thought that Trump would be a decent human being about this issue?

6. *Rage Tweet*

Star rage tweet star

Maybe ask around next time, Em. People would’ve told you.

View Slideshow

Monday, January 2, 2017

Johannah Duggar: Fans Express Concerns About 11-Year-Old Reality Star

The Duggars have been scrutinized and criticized many times throughout their years in the spotlight, sometimes for very good reason, and sometimes because those very good reasons have put the public on high alert for the slightest sign that something is amiss.

In the 19 months since news of the Josh Duggar sex scandals went public, the family’s every social media post has been dissected by skeptical followers in search of indications that Jim Bob and Michelle’s many, many children are still being mistreated.

The latest possible sign of trouble involves one of the couple’s lesser-talked-about kids – 11-year-old Johannah:

As you can see, Johannah appears to have suffered some sort of minor injury not long before this photo was taken.

The image was posted on Instagram by Johannah’s older sister Jill in celebration of her birthday back in October.

Jill made no mention of the sores on Johannah’s forehead in her caption, but many fans expressed concerns in the comments section.

The matter was mostly forgotten until last week, when a new photo of Johannah showed that the mysterious marks have not yet healed.

The above image was posted on the family’s official Facebook page, causing Duggar fans to speculated about the cause of the mysterious marks.

Comments included:

“Those red dots have been there for awhile so it’s not a bruise, acne, or stitches I’ve never seen anything like that.”

“Is Johannah ok? Anytime I see a picture of her lately, she has what appear to be injuries on her forehead.”

“Johanna had similar sores on her forehead in her birthday photos over two months ago. Time to see the doctor.”

Many have suggested that this another case of the Duggars ignoring a serious problem because they have more children than they’re able to properly care for.

It’s not the first time that the Duggars have been accused of neglect, and they’re handling the same way they have in the past – by completely ignoring it.

As the oldest of the Duggar girls who are still minors, perhaps it was inevitable that Johannah’s welfare would become a topic of interest to fans.

It’s possible that this is nothing more than en extreme overreaction to a very minor problem.

But it’s also possible that there’s legitimate cause to be concerned about Johannah.


Friday, November 4, 2016

Tori Spelling Sued by American Express AGAIN!

You know what they say: when it rains, it pours.

And for Tori Spelling, it’s been a veritable monsoon season for years now.

She and her husband, Dean McDermott, went through the hardest of times after he cheated on her with a woman named Emily Goodhand.

They had several screaming matches and emotional breakdowns over the affair, and we got to see it all on the worst reality show of all time, True Tori.

And relationship issues aside, Tori has struggled with her finances for a very long time.

Last year, Tori was so broke that she was begging her friends for money so that she could pay the bills for her children’s private schools and some storage units — you know, the necessities.

Then in January, Tori’s mother, Candy Spelling, revealed that she’d begun paying the bills for Tori and her family. Just for things like their house and their food, not for any “extras.”

Those “extras” that Candy was referring to apparently include nearly $ 260,000 that Tori and Dean owe in back taxes, and also their outstanding credit card debt.

About that credit card debt: just last month, Tori was ordered to pay nearly $ 38,000 to American Express to cover her overdue balance.

And now, American Express is suing Tori AGAIN.

See what we mean about the rain?

This time around, Tori’s being sued for $ 87,594.55, the amount that Tori owed when she canceled the card in April.

It seems like Tori must have had multiple AmEx cards, but right now, there’s no word on whether or not this lawsuit is connected with the other one.

Oh, and these feels like a good time to bring up the fact that, while Tori’s in all this debt, she’s also trying to raise four young children, and she’s also got a fifth baby on the way.

Tori has said that this pregnancy was “a total surprise,” but you’d think that a woman with hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt would be a little more careful about this kind of thing — kids are hella expensive, don’t know if you heard.

But Tori and Dean are bad at everything else, it just makes sense that they’d be bad at family planning, too.

What a mess.


Monday, March 7, 2016

Kesha Appears Drunk While Accepting Award, Fans Express Their Concern Online

By now you"ve probably heard about Kesha"s legal battle with Sony and mega-producer Dr. Luke, whom she claims sexually assaulted her on several occasions.

Numerous celebrities have voiced their support for Kesha, and over the weekend, she received the Human Rights Campaign"s Visibility Award.

Unfortunately, the recent turmoil in Kesha"s life appears to have taken a toll, and it seems that for many who watched her acceptance speech, her unusual demeanor may have overshadowed her message.

"She must be on antidepressants or something. she suddenly put on a lot of weight," wrote one YouTube commenter. "Seems kinda distant and slurring speech. Typical of someone who"s body is still getting used to new meds. Hope she is ok."

"She looks so sad and broken. Its sad to see such a good person go through what she"s going through.," wrote another.

Thankfully, most fans focused on the content of Kesha"s speech, and not her apparent physical difficulties.

"Her speech was really meaningful even though something wasn"t right about her behavior," wrote one viewer.

Kesha acknowledged that she"s been struggling emotionally in recent weeks, saying, "As many of you know I am going through some personal things that have been really intense and hard lately and I just want to say thank you for any support I have received."

Her situation would be a difficult for anyone to endure, and such intense public scrutiny surely only compounds the pressure.

Here"s hoping Kesha receives whatever kind of help she may need.


Kesha appears drunk while accepting award fans express their con

Kesha Appears Drunk While Accepting Award, Fans Express Their Concern Online

By now you"ve probably heard about Kesha"s legal battle with Sony and mega-producer Dr. Luke, whom she claims sexually assaulted her on several occasions.

Numerous celebrities have voiced their support for Kesha, and over the weekend, she received the Human Rights Campaign"s Visibility Award.

Unfortunately, the recent turmoil in Kesha"s life appears to have taken a toll, and it seems that for many who watched her acceptance speech, her unusual demeanor may have overshadowed her message.

"She must be on antidepressants or something. she suddenly put on a lot of weight," wrote one YouTube commenter. "Seems kinda distant and slurring speech. Typical of someone who"s body is still getting used to new meds. Hope she is ok."

"She looks so sad and broken. Its sad to see such a good person go through what she"s going through.," wrote another.

Thankfully, most fans focused on the content of Kesha"s speech, and not her apparent physical difficulties.

"Her speech was really meaningful even though something wasn"t right about her behavior," wrote one viewer.

Kesha acknowledged that she"s been struggling emotionally in recent weeks, saying, "As many of you know I am going through some personal things that have been really intense and hard lately and I just want to say thank you for any support I have received."

Her situation would be a difficult for anyone to endure, and such intense public scrutiny surely only compounds the pressure.

Here"s hoping Kesha receives whatever kind of help she may need.


Kesha appears drunk while accepting award fans express their con

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tori Spelling: COMPLETELY Broke! Getting Sued By American Express!

Yesterday, Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott claimed to have the best marriage ever.

Apparently, money is not one of their keys to a happy union, because the couple is so broke they’re bouncing checks and falling way behind on their credit card bills.

TMZ is reporting that Tori is being sued by American Express for an outstanding balance of $ 37,981.97.

That’s chump change for most celebrity couples, but Tori and Dean have been continuously unable to come up with the cash.

According to the suit, Tori hasn’t made a payment in over eight months.

She reportedly sent a check in the amount of $ 1,070 in June, but it bounced.

You might say these days, Tori’s account number is 9021-OH, NO! but you would probably end up immediately regretting that joke.

Anyway, rumors that Tori and Dean are broke have been circulating for months, but we never realized just how dire their situation is.

The McDermott addressed their unfortunate financial situation on their recent Lifetime reality show, but we had no idea they were bouncing $ 1,000 checks!

Sounds like these two need to come up with another imaginary mistress so that Dean can have a fake affair ASAP!

We suppose they could just try to score some acting work, but that’s hard.