Showing posts with label Johannah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Johannah. Show all posts

Monday, January 2, 2017

Johannah Duggar: Fans Express Concerns About 11-Year-Old Reality Star

The Duggars have been scrutinized and criticized many times throughout their years in the spotlight, sometimes for very good reason, and sometimes because those very good reasons have put the public on high alert for the slightest sign that something is amiss.

In the 19 months since news of the Josh Duggar sex scandals went public, the family’s every social media post has been dissected by skeptical followers in search of indications that Jim Bob and Michelle’s many, many children are still being mistreated.

The latest possible sign of trouble involves one of the couple’s lesser-talked-about kids – 11-year-old Johannah:

As you can see, Johannah appears to have suffered some sort of minor injury not long before this photo was taken.

The image was posted on Instagram by Johannah’s older sister Jill in celebration of her birthday back in October.

Jill made no mention of the sores on Johannah’s forehead in her caption, but many fans expressed concerns in the comments section.

The matter was mostly forgotten until last week, when a new photo of Johannah showed that the mysterious marks have not yet healed.

The above image was posted on the family’s official Facebook page, causing Duggar fans to speculated about the cause of the mysterious marks.

Comments included:

“Those red dots have been there for awhile so it’s not a bruise, acne, or stitches I’ve never seen anything like that.”

“Is Johannah ok? Anytime I see a picture of her lately, she has what appear to be injuries on her forehead.”

“Johanna had similar sores on her forehead in her birthday photos over two months ago. Time to see the doctor.”

Many have suggested that this another case of the Duggars ignoring a serious problem because they have more children than they’re able to properly care for.

It’s not the first time that the Duggars have been accused of neglect, and they’re handling the same way they have in the past – by completely ignoring it.

As the oldest of the Duggar girls who are still minors, perhaps it was inevitable that Johannah’s welfare would become a topic of interest to fans.

It’s possible that this is nothing more than en extreme overreaction to a very minor problem.

But it’s also possible that there’s legitimate cause to be concerned about Johannah.


Friday, December 9, 2016

Johannah Deakin Dies; Mother of Louis Tomlinson Was 42

Johannah Deakin, the mother of One Direction singer Louis Tomlinson, has passed away at the age of 42.

He family broke the tragic news in a statement issued Friday morning:

“It is with immeasurable sadness that Johannah Deakin’s family said goodbye to Johannah in the early hours of Wednesday 7th December 2016,” the statement reads.

“Earlier this year Johannah was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of leukemia that required immediate and continuous treatment. We respectfully request that the family are given time and space to grieve in private.”

In addition to Louis, Deakin is survived by six other children, Lottie, 18, Felicite, 16, twins Daisy and Phoebe, 12, and twins Ernest and Doris, 2.

Felicite tweeted a broken heart Emoji on Thursday night, the first public acknowledgment of Johannah’s passing.

Johannah became a grandmother in January of this year, when Louis and Briana Jungwirth welcomed a child.

Louis has yet to comment on the death of his beloved mother, but fans have flocked to social media to show their support.

“#RIPJohannah” is currently the number one trending topic on Twitter.

Among those offering condolences was Liam Payne’s girlfriend, Cheryl Fernandez-Versini:

“@Louis_Tomlinson my heart breaks for you. I am so sorry,” she wrote.

“My thoughts are with you and your loved ones at this incredibly tragic time.”

“So sad, she was so beautiful and gave birth to legends.. actually heartbroken #RIPJohannah,” tweeted one fan.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with Louis and his family right now. Heaven gained a beautiful, kind angel. #RIPJohannah,” wrote another.

#RIPJohannah this is all more reason to count your blessings and show love to the people in your life right now cuz you never know,” added another Directioner.

Tomlinson was scheduled to appear on The X Factor on Saturday, and sources close to the singer say he will be performins as planned, in part to honor his mother’s wishes.

The singer will be debuting his new solo single “Just Hold On”, a collaboration with famed DJ Steve Aoki.
