Showing posts with label Unpaid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unpaid. Show all posts

Friday, October 26, 2018

Aretha Franklin"s Lawyer Files Docs with Estate for Unpaid Legal Bills

Aretha Franklin is getting dogged in death over legal bills … TMZ has learned. The late singer’s lawyer, Gregory Reed, says he had trouble collecting what Aretha owed him when she was alive … so he’s now hoping her estate will cough up…


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Bill Cosby on the Hook for $282k in Unpaid Legal Bills

Bill Cosby’s got a lot to think about while he’s behind bars … like figuring out how to pay his ex-lawyers who just reminded the disgraced comedian he owes them hundreds of thousands of dollars. Cosby’s former law firm – Schnader Harrison…


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

T.I. Ordered to Pay Restaurant Employees $75,000 in Unpaid Wages

T.I. will need to dive into his own pockets to pay the unpaid wages of his restaurant employees who lost their jobs when it closed its doors. Tip just settled with 9 of 11 employees who went after him after his Scales 925 shut down in 2016. Each…


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Johnny Depp Sued by Ex-Bodyguards for Unpaid Wages, Toxic Work Environment

Johnny Depp used and abused a couple of his security guards, then screwed them over on payday … according to a new suit. The now former bodyguards, Eugene Arreola and Miguel Sanchez, claim they took personal jobs with the actor in early 2016 after…


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Tony Robbins" Company Sued for About $23k in Unpaid Jet Fuel

Tony Robbins needs to get motivated — to take care of the fuel bill for his private jet … according to a new suit. The famed life coach’s company, Tony Robbins Productions Inc., is being sued by a jet fuel company called Associated Energy Group…


Tony Robbins" Company Sued for About $23k in Unpaid Jet Fuel

Tony Robbins needs to get motivated — to take care of the fuel bill for his private jet … according to a new suit. The famed life coach’s company, Tony Robbins Productions Inc., is being sued by a jet fuel company called Associated Energy Group…


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Weinstein Company Sued by American Express for Huge Unpaid Bill

More money woes for The Weinstein Company — one of its credit card companies is coming after it for a huge unpaid bill. American Express filed legal docs Wednesday claiming TWC’s corporate account has an outstanding balance of more than $ 1.38…


Thursday, January 25, 2018

H-Town"s Solomon "Shazam" Conner Arrested for Unpaid Child Support

H-Town’s Solomon “Shazam” Conner just got arrested, and it should teach him an important lesson — if you’re gonna knock boots, you better pay for the kids you might end up having. Conner was busted Wednesday in Texas for failure to pay child…


Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Game Sued for Unpaid Judgment of $216k to 40 Glocc

The Game’s been holding out on 40 Glocc … who says it’s time to the pay the hell up. 40 Glocc just filed a lawsuit against Game, seeking more than $ 200k he says he’s owed. In the docs, obtained by TMZ, 40 says he won the dough back in November…


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Bad Boy Singer Mario Winans Arrested for Unpaid Child Support

Former Bad Boy Records singer/producer Mario Winans got arrested for some serious deadbeat daddery … as in $ 178,000 … TMZ has learned. Sheriff’s deputies took Mario — who featured on Diddy’s hit, “I Need a Girl Part 2” — into custody Wednesday…


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Dean McDermott: Headed to Jail For Unpaid Child Support?!

We think it’s safe to say Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott aren’t great with money.

Despite the fact that Tori is the daughter of one of the most famous moguls in television history, and she and Dean both had relatively successful careers in entertainment at one point, the two of them are nearly always broke.

In the past year, Tori and Dean have been sued for unpaid credit card bills on multiple occasions.

They’ve downgraded from their posh mansion in Calabasas to a considerably less-swanky rental home in nearby Encino.

Tori has been reduced to doing informercials and cameos in Lifetime movies, while Dean … well, Dean is in even worse shape.

McDermott has a long history of failing to pay child support to Mary Jo Eustace, the mother of his first child, Jack.

In May, he was almost thrown in jail for delinquency, but Eustace graciously allowed him to pay off his debt in small incremebts of $ 1,500 so that Dean wouldn’t be forced to do time.

To the surprise of absolutely no one, however, Dean has already fallen behind on his payments.

Now, Page Six is reporting that Dean is once again facing prison time for failing to make good on his promise to the court.

“It’s crazy that all this is over $ 1,500. He could get a job at the Gap and pay that off every month,” an insider tells the outlet.

We think the insider is a little naive in his estimation of how much employees of the Gap get paid, but we see his point.

It’s a little crazy that a couple who was worth seven figures just a few short years ago is now struggling to come up with such a relatively small sum.

Of course, there are some extenuating circumstances at play here.

For one thing, Tori and Dean welcomed their fifth child back in March, and things and things are reportedly tighter than ever around the Spelling-McDermott household.

On top of that, sources close to Dean say he’s been spreading himself thin paying for Jack’s moving expenses as the boy starts college this week.

“It’s not like it came out of left field,” says the source.

“It was late because Dean was paying their son Jack’s first-month rent, security deposit and several other college expenses, which Mary Jo would not contribute to.”

Obviously, that’s a Team Dean source, but it’s worth noting the situation may be more complicated than it seems.

Still though, the most liekly explanation is that Dean’s a deadbeat.


Saturday, June 17, 2017

Juvenile Jailed Over $150k in Unpaid Child Support

Juvenile’s been busted in his hometown for failing to pay his baby mama $ 150,000 in child support … and he’s not going anywhere soon unless he forks over the money. The 42-year-old rapper is behind bars in a New Orleans where the judge gave him an…


Juvenile Jailed Over $150k in Unpaid Child Support

Juvenile’s been busted in his hometown for failing to pay his baby mama $ 150,000 in child support … and he’s not going anywhere soon unless he forks over the money. The 42-year-old rapper is behind bars in a New Orleans where the judge gave him an…


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Travis Scott Sued by Ex-Managers for Millions in Unpaid Fees

Much like Kylie Jenner’s ex, her new bf Travis Scott’s got a problem paying his bills … at least according to his ex-managers who claim he’s a couple million in the hole with them. Travis’ old pals at LCAR Management say the rapper signed a 3-year…


Friday, March 10, 2017

Dean McDermott: Going to Jail for Unpaid Child Support?!

That Dean McDermott, he sure is a catch, right?

Ha ha, just kidding — he’s actually a giant, unrelenting douchebag with, as far as we can tell, zero redeeming qualities.

Because, OK, remember how he has that son with his first wife, Mary Jo Eustace?

We learned last month that he’d fallen behind on his child support payments. He missed several months, so he owes thousands of dollars to Mary Jo.

It was such a situation that Mary Jo had to sue Dean to get the child support.

Now, Dean and his equally douchey wife, Tori Spelling, are pretty familiar with lawsuits at this point. After all, they’ve been sued multiple times this past year alone for not paying credit card bills.

But this one’s a little different in that Dean could very well be sent to jail.

See, Dean and Mary Jo had a court date yesterday about the child support and, surprise surprise, Dean still hadn’t paid.

Dean was charged with eight counts of contempt of court — one count for every payment he’s missed. He was read his rights and everything.

But just before he was carted off to jail, the judge was kind enough to let Dean work out a deal with Mary Jo so that perhaps he wouldn’t have to be incarcerated.

Mary Jo withdrew her complaint for now, and she’s giving Dean until Monday to give her half the money he owes her.

And if he doesn’t?

She’s prepared to re-file the very next day … meaning that Dean could very well go to jail next week,

At this point, we don’t see how he can avoid it. If he hasn’t been able to come up with monthly child support payments for all this time, how’s he going to come up with half of the lump sum over the weekend?

Can he get another reality show deal real quick? Can he hit up Candy Spelling for some money so her grandchildren, including that brand new little boy, don’t have to see their father carted off to jail?

Or, hope against hope, can Dean and Tori somehow come to the realization that they are inconceivably terrible with money, invent a time machine, and go back and just be reasonable enough to not waste hundreds of thousands of dollars on nonsense?

Unfortunately, we think we know the answers to all of these questions.

And we also think there’s a good chance that Dean could find himself in jail in just a few short days.


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Stevie J: Going to Prison For $1.3M in Unpaid Child Support?!

If you watch Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta online, you know Stevie J is always at the center of drama, on and off the smash hit VH1 show.

Crazily, he’s in so deep when it comes to his previous child support arrangements that his recent baby drama with Joseline feels tame.

He just had another kid with Joseline (and is possibly expecting another with Ms. Jackson), even as he’s struggling to support his others.

Stevie J’s unpaid child support stands at $ 1.3 million (!) and he’s so far behind, a federal prosecutor wants him to pay – with hard time.

U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara says the reality star’s track record of ignoring his child support responsibilities has been flagrant and disrespectful.

In court documents, Bharara points out that the music producer (real name Steven Jordan) has already gotten plenty of “second chances.”

Whether he fails drug tests or simply doesn’t learn his lesson, the situation has not improved, and Bharara is ready to throw the book at him.

The prosecutor wants him locked up for at least six months.

Given that’s he’s admitted flaking on child support payments and has a history of other legal lapses, Stevie is facing serious jail time.

Last fall, he confessed skipping child support payments for two of his kids, spanning 1999-2015 and totaling approximately $ 1.3 million.

Compounding the troubled reality TV personality’s issues is the fact that he also recently came clean about using drugs while on parole.

That would be a major no-no by any measure.

In his final statement with the New York District Court where the Stevie J child support trial is ongoing, Bharara requested that he do time.

TMZ cites a source stating that because the government believes he “repeatedly screws up” with no remorse, he deserves what he gets.

Stevie Tweets

That may be, but if he’s scared about being sent away, you wouldn’t know it by Stevie J’s twitter, where he continues to be pretty upbeat.

Reading those inspirational words is interesting.

On the plus side for Stevie, he’s trying to squash his beef with Joseline, and remains on good terms with recent baby mama Mimi Faust.

On the negative side … well, everything else.

He’s certainly swimming through troubled waters, but not a lot of people we know would be so optimistic under these kinds of circumstances.

That or the man is blissfully clueless.

Somehow we think that when it comes to prosecuting deadbeats, the U.S. and its representatives can swim fairly well in this metaphor.


Friday, August 19, 2016

Ivanka Trump Pisses Social Media Off With Tweet About Unpaid Interns

Throughout her father’s campaign for the presidency, Ivanka Trump has played important roles as both organizer and mediator.

When Trump’s campaign appeared slapdash and disorderly, Ivanka reportedly spearheaded the effort to convince the real estate mogul to work with proven, experienced strategists.

When the GOP establishment wondered aloud how Trump would be able to convince women and working Americans that he understood their struggles, Ivanka stepped up to act as a go-between and interpreter of sorts, most visibly in her speech at the RNC last month:

Unfortunately, Ivanka’s days as the Trump campaign’s most valuable asset may have come to an end.

For starters, it appears that her father is no longer following her advice, hiring firebrands such as Steve Bannon and laughingstocks like Kellyanne Conway to help him close the widening poll gap between himself and Hillary Clinton.

Even worse, it appears that Ivanka has become almost as gaffe-prone as her dad.

Earlier today, Ivanka tweeted a link to an article she had posted on her website entitled “How to Survive as an Unpaid Intern.”

To accompany to the tweet, she posted this Emoji collage:

It’s one of those situations that are so problematic it’s hard to know where to begin.

But we’ll give it a go anyway:

For starters, unpaid internships have been widely criticized as a means by which the rich get richer and the poor stay oppressed.

Rich kids get ahead because they can afford to take these internships, while poor kids are forced to get paying jobs.

In addition, CEOs and business owners frequently exploit unpaid interns as sources of free labor.

But Ivanka thinks you should suck it up, stop complaining, and, in her words, find a way to “make it work.”

Especially if you’re a woman of color.

Yes, the Internet was none too pleased with the Emojis that Ivanka chose for her tweet, and they made their feelings crystal clear:

“PS: This meme of a Black Woman w/ Cash & a Light Bulb linked to a post about working 4 free is frankly BULLSHIT,” commented one Twitter user.

“What the hell do you know about being an unpaid intern? Or making it work? Why all your emojis black women??” wrote another.

Needless to say, Ivanka probably regrets this tweet, but she has yet to delete it.

We guess that’s not too surprising.

She wasn’t raised by a man who’s known for admitting his mistakes.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tyga: Wanted By Police For Unpaid Rent! Facing Arrest!

Dude, pay your bills.

While Kylie Jenner is clapping and jumping up and down over the $ 200,000 Mercedes Tyga bought for her 19th birthday, a judge and some lawyers sat inside a Los Angeles courtroom today waiting for the rapper to show up (spoiler alert: he didn’t).

According to TMZ, Tyga was due to appear in court for owing his former landlord $ 480,000.  Lawyers for landlord told the judge that Tyga not only failed to pay rent, but he also left the Malibu property “in shambles.”

The house in question is one he rented for $ 16,000/month back in 2012.

After reading about his birthday present to Jenner, the landlord wants to know where the heck Tyga is hiding his assets if he hasn’t yet paid back what he owes.  Lawyers argued that Tyga’s “fraudulent transfer of assets should go to satisfy the judgment.”  

Tyga’s checked financial past is a bit of a headache, with at least one more other former landlord claiming that the rapper owed five figures in unpaid rent.

And that’s just in real estate.  As far as cars are concerned, Tyga is still on the hook for a lot of money.

TMZ reported back in April that Tyga owes Choice Motor Credit $ 357,000 in car payments for his 2013 Lamborghini Aventador, which the rapper denied.

“I sold my lambo aventador & Bentley mulsanne over a year ago. I got a hurracan Rolls Royce and Ferrari nice try @tmz,” Tyga tweeted.

CMC actually repossessed his 2014 Bentley Mulsanne, and are still expecting $ 91,000.

Back in February, Tyga was evicted from the $ 4.8 million Hollywood Hills home he had be renting since December for $ 17,000 a month, which forced him to shack up with Jenner in her Calabasas home.

While all this is happening, Tyga has been flaunting his faux wealth by buying Jenner cars.  In fact, last September it was revealed that Tyga actually leased a $ 450,000 in her name, and then gave it to her for her 18th birthday.

People with student loan debts owe less than this guy.