Friday, August 19, 2016

Ivanka Trump Pisses Social Media Off With Tweet About Unpaid Interns

Throughout her father’s campaign for the presidency, Ivanka Trump has played important roles as both organizer and mediator.

When Trump’s campaign appeared slapdash and disorderly, Ivanka reportedly spearheaded the effort to convince the real estate mogul to work with proven, experienced strategists.

When the GOP establishment wondered aloud how Trump would be able to convince women and working Americans that he understood their struggles, Ivanka stepped up to act as a go-between and interpreter of sorts, most visibly in her speech at the RNC last month:

Unfortunately, Ivanka’s days as the Trump campaign’s most valuable asset may have come to an end.

For starters, it appears that her father is no longer following her advice, hiring firebrands such as Steve Bannon and laughingstocks like Kellyanne Conway to help him close the widening poll gap between himself and Hillary Clinton.

Even worse, it appears that Ivanka has become almost as gaffe-prone as her dad.

Earlier today, Ivanka tweeted a link to an article she had posted on her website entitled “How to Survive as an Unpaid Intern.”

To accompany to the tweet, she posted this Emoji collage:

It’s one of those situations that are so problematic it’s hard to know where to begin.

But we’ll give it a go anyway:

For starters, unpaid internships have been widely criticized as a means by which the rich get richer and the poor stay oppressed.

Rich kids get ahead because they can afford to take these internships, while poor kids are forced to get paying jobs.

In addition, CEOs and business owners frequently exploit unpaid interns as sources of free labor.

But Ivanka thinks you should suck it up, stop complaining, and, in her words, find a way to “make it work.”

Especially if you’re a woman of color.

Yes, the Internet was none too pleased with the Emojis that Ivanka chose for her tweet, and they made their feelings crystal clear:

“PS: This meme of a Black Woman w/ Cash & a Light Bulb linked to a post about working 4 free is frankly BULLSHIT,” commented one Twitter user.

“What the hell do you know about being an unpaid intern? Or making it work? Why all your emojis black women??” wrote another.

Needless to say, Ivanka probably regrets this tweet, but she has yet to delete it.

We guess that’s not too surprising.

She wasn’t raised by a man who’s known for admitting his mistakes.