Monday, August 29, 2016

Man F-cks McChicken Sandwich, Internet Reacts in Horror


Google the word "McChicken" at your own risk now now.

Someone has shared a video of himself totally going to town on one of these sandwiches.

His penis is hanging out of his shorts and is placed between the top and bottom bun.

A wrapper is lying on the bed, along with small pieces of lettuce that have fortunately been spared the fate of having this dude squirt his manhood all over them.

The McChicken Banger then thrusts his crotch back and forth through this McDonald"s classic, scarring every viewer for life in the process.

We aren"t about to post the video here.

But we are going to share the reaction of those who have seen it… in the hopes they help you think better of going online to track it down.

1. So NOT Lovin It

So not lovin in

Our eyes! Our eyes! Our eyes are permanently damaged!

2. Nice Buns, Hon

Nice buns hon

Eh, you’ll do.

3. You Want WHAT?!?

You want what

Come on. What about McNuggets?????

4. We Now Pronounce You…

We now pronounce you

Man and Sandwich. We guess.

5. Come Again?

Come again

Actually… no. Please do not come again.

6. Too Easy

Too easy

And yet still… too funny.

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