Monday, August 29, 2016

Rudy Giuliani Slams Beyonce: Black Lives Matter More to Me Than to Her!

Look out, Rudy Giuliani.

The Beygency is totally coming for you.

On Monday morning, just hours after Beyonce had once again made herself the talk of an awards show, the former Mayor of New York made it clear just how impressed he was by the singer’s Video Music Awards performance.

Actually, “unimpressed” does not do Giuliani’s reaction justice.

Aside from her amazing 15-minute set (below), Beyonce made headlines for bringing the Mothers of the Movement as her guests to the event.

This is a group comprised of parents of who have lost a child to gun violence.

It includes the mothers of African-American teens Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Oscar Grant and Trayvon Martin.

But this symbolic gesture did not sit well with Giuliani.

“I ran the largest and best police department in the world, the New York City Police Department,” Giuliani whined on Fox & Friends, adding:

“I saved more black lives than any of those people you saw on stage.”

That’s undeniable.

Giuliani was the Mayor of a gigantic city and made a name for himself by being especially tough on crime.

Of course he was in a position to literally, directly save people’s lives.

It’s unclear what this has to do with a celebrity trying to draw attention to an issue of importance; or why anyone would find a problem with that.

But Giuliani went on to slam pretty much anyone who has anything negative to say about police brutality incidents.

He said it was a “shame” that Beyonce chose the VMA stage to push her agenda.

Back in February, Giuliani also laid into Beyonce.

Following the superstar debuting her track “Formation” – which contains references to Hurricane Katrina and the Black Lives Matter movement – during the Super Bowl 50 halftime show, Giuliani once again appeared on Fox News.

This time, he said the following:

“I thought it was really outrageous that she used it as a platform to attack police officers, the people who protect her and protect us and keep us alive.”

He continued:

“What we should be doing in the African American community, and all communities, is build up respect for police officers and focus on the fact that when something does go wrong, OK, we’ll work on that.

“But the vast majority of police officers risk their lives to keep us safe.”

We’re sure Beyonce would agree with that statement.

Last month, the superstar addressed the police killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile with a note stating:

“We are sick and tired of the killings of young men and women in our communities.

“It is up to us to take a stand and demand that they ‘stop killing us.’ We don’t need sympathy. We need everyone to respect our lives.

“This is a human fight.

“No matter your race, gender or sexual orientation. This is a fight for anyone who feels marginalized, who is struggling for freedom and human rights.”

Beyonce has been an outspoken proponent of the Black Lives Matter movement, much to the chagrin of the man who is likely angling to take over for Mike Pence after he quits as Donald Trump’s Vice President.

To her credit, though, she has also put her money where her mouth is.

TIDAL –  the streaming service Beyoncé’s husband Jay Z launched and in which she has an ownership stake – donated $ 1.5 million to Black Lives Matter and other social justice organizations in February.

Why do we somehow doubt Giuliani is aware of that?

In the end, however, there’s only one thing shocking about any aspect of this story.

And that’s that Giuliani went more than 90 seconds without mentioning the words “nine” and “eleven.”