Showing posts with label Giuliani. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giuliani. Show all posts

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Rudy Giuliani Stuns NBC"s Chuck Todd By Saying "Truth Isn"t Truth"

Rudy Giuliani just added a new edition to the “alternative facts” library from the Trump White House — telling a reporter “truth isn’t truth” when it comes to … well, the truth. The President’s personal attorney was on NBC’s “Meet the Press”…


Monday, July 30, 2018

Rudy Giuliani Tweets the Word, "You" Gets Roasted By All of Twitter

Rudy Giuliani has a lot on his mind these days.

After all, he’s working for a guy whose employees keep getting fired and/or going to jail.

At this point, America’s Mayor is probably feeling like he has about the same job security as a defense against the dark arts teacher.

Paul Manafort is in jail; Michael Cohen has officially jumped ship; and at this very moment, Don Jr. is probably considering starting over in Moscow and dropping Kimberly Guilfoyle from some young Ruskie state propaganda mouthpiece.

That leaves old Rudy to swoop in and save the day, not unlike that time he came off the bench sacked the QB in his final game at Notre Dame.

We should probably fact-check that one, but who has the time?

Anyway, it looks like the pressure is starting to get to Rude Boy, who got mercilessly dragged over the weekend after experiencing his own “covfefe” moment on Twitter.

As you can see, Rudy tweeted simply the word “you.”

Now, as far as we can tell this isn’t some sort of profound statement about the importance of the ego in 21st century America.

In all likelihood, Rudy simply hit “send” when he didn’t mean to.

We like to think he was about to launch into a Seinfeld-ian “you ever notice”-type rant about the plastic things on the end of shoelaces. 

But that might just be an association we’re making because like the show, Giuliani should have stayed in 1990s New York.

This being 2018, Rudy was roasted within an inch of his life for his Twitter ineptitude.

Now, many of Ru-Giu’s defenders have pointed out that this is the sort of mistake that could happen to anyone.

And they’re absolutely right.

It’s easy to mess up on social media.

People tweet out the wrong thing all the time … just ask Anthony Weiner.

Which is a very good argument for politicians staying off of social media or at least being much more careful about the content that they post.

Sure, it’s not like Rudy threatened the president of Iran or anything, but it’s only a matter of time before someone in the Trump administration sparks an international incident, and it’s gonna be so embarrassing when future generations find out World War III started over an emoji.


Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Rudy Giuliani Says Working for Trump Won"t Tarnish His Legacy

Rudy Giuliani isn’t the least bit worried his post-9/11 rep might be ruined by representing President Trump. No doubt, Giuliani’s had some rough patches since joining the President’s legal team in April — but Monday in D.C., he had a pretty…


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Rudy Giuliani Slams Stormy Daniels: Porn Stars Are Worthless!!

Rudy Giuliani has been acting as Donald Trump"s personal attorney, and it has been a wild ride.

Funnier moments include when he accidentally admitted that Trump paid Stormy $ 130,000 of hush money, contradicting previous claims.

But in a new interview, he got decidedly less funny, and implied that Stormy and porn stars in general are so worthless that it is impossible to defame them.

Stormy daniels smirks

In an explosive interview, Rudy Giuliani begins by saying that the thoroughly unhappy Melania Trump doesn"t believe that the Donald would have an affair.

"She believes in her husband, and she knows it"s not true. I don"t even think there"s a slight suspicion that it"s true."

If his claim is true, that would make her just about the only person to believe that. Trump"s conservative white evangelical base has seemed to laugh off the claims, but only rarely out of disbelief.

He then says:

"When you look — excuse me — when you look at Stormy Daniels."

What Giuliani is hoping to convince people is that Stormy, a busty blonde who is only a few years older than Ivanka, is totally not Trump"s type.

"He"s had three wives. Beautiful women. Classy women. Women of great substance. Stormy Daniels?"

Rudy giuliani is dismissive

After dismissing Stormy"s appeal while upholding Trump"s three wives as paragons of virtue and class, Giuliani starts saying things that are less absurd and more downright mean.

He starts off with what may just be sarcasm.

"Yes I respect porn stars. Don"t you respect porn stars?"

He then takes that otherwise very acceptable sentence and uses it to suggest hat porn stars are not, in fact, worthy of respect.

"Or do you think that porn stars desecrate women?"

He"s not talking about disgraced male porn stars like James Deen. He"s suggesting that women who work in porn are somehow betraying themselves and perhaps all other women.

"Do you think that porn stars don"t respect women?"

Stormy daniels selfie

Giuliani tries to pivot.

"I respect all human beings. I even respect criminals."

But he then suggests that women who appear in porn are worse than, you know, actual criminals.

"But I"m sorry, I don"t respect a porn star the way I respect a career woman or a woman of substance."

How is a porn star not a "career woman," exactly? For that matter, how are they not a "woman of substance?"

We"re all made of the same kind of meat, dude.

He describes the sort of woman whom he imagines is worthy of respect.

"A woman who has great respect for herself as a woman and as a person."

Plenty of porn stars (and other sex workers!) have no shortage of self-respect.

"And isn"t going to sell her body for sexual exploitation."

Rudy giuliani speaks

Giuliani then turns this into a challenge aimed at Stormy.

"So Stormy, you want to bring a case, let me cross examine you."

Some genuinely question whether Giuliani can keep his thoughts and words coherent long enough for him to effectively cross examine someone in court.

"Because the business you"re in entitles you to no degree of giving your credibility any weight."

Porn stars may act for a living, but that"s not quite the same thing as lying for a living.

That would be more like a politician or perhaps an unscrupulous lawyer … oh, wait.

Stormy daniels smiles

Worst of all, Giuliani suggests that Stormy"s profession means that she cannot be defamed.

"And secondly, explain to me how she could be damaged. I mean, she has no reputation."

He"s essentially saying that she can"t sue Trump for defamation because she"s a sex worker.

"If you"re going to sell your body for money, you just don"t have a reputation."

We hope that we don"t have to explain to anyone that sex workers, whether they are strippers or do cam work or work in porn or engage in full service (prostitution), are not somehow less valuable than anyone else.

They have dignity and self-respect and personhood, no matter what Giuliani — or Trump — may believe.

And for the record, "selling your body" is an absurd way to try to shame a sex worker. Somebody working a coal mine is absolutely selling their body. That"s the American way.

Stormy daniels on 60 minutes

Rudy giuliani slams stormy daniels porn stars are worthless

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Rudy Giuliani Says Yankee Fans Booed Him Cause They Love Him

Rudy Giuliani says his feelings aren’t at all hurt he got BOOED ON HIS BIRTHDAY in Yankee stadium … telling TMZ Sports the boo birds are a sign of affection in the Big Apple. “I know Yankee fans … they boo you when they love you,” the former…


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Rudy Giuliani Doubles Down That Trump Can"t Be Indicted Even If He Shoots Someone

Rudy Giuliani said there’s no room for interpretation – Prez Trump can’t be indicted … even if he shoots someone. We got Giuliani arriving at Reagan National Airport on Thursday and reminded him what Trump said in January 2016,…


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Rudy Giuliani Dodges Trump"s Failure to Apologize to McCain

Rudy Giuliani stonewalled our photog who had a simple question … shouldn’t Trump apologize for the despicable remark one of his employees made about Senator John McCain? Giuliani arrived at Reagan National Airport Tuesday and our guy — like…


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Rudy Giuliani: Trump TOTALLY Paid Stormy Daniels Hush Money!

By now, you’re almost certainly familiar with the ongoing Stormy Daniels sex scandal.

And depending on where you land on the political spectrum, you’ve likely reached one of two conclusions about it:

Either you think it’s a witch hunt designed to bring an end to the Trump presidency, or you believe this is the loose thread that will cause Trump’s vast tapestry of corruption to finally unravel.

Whatever the case, Stormy and her charismatic lawyer, Michael Avennatti, won’t be going away anytime soon, particularly after comments Rudy Giuliani made during a recent interview with Sean Hannity.

In either a major slip-up or a baffling strategic move, Giuliani admitted that Trump reimbursed his attorney Michael Cohen for the $ 130,000 payment Cohen made to Daniels as part of a non-disclosure agreement.

“Funneled through a law firm, and the president repaid it,” Giuliani said of the hush money.

After the interview, Giuliani doubled-down on his statement, clarifying that his comment was no mere slip of the tongue, but a planned statement intended to absolve the president of violating federal election laws:

“That removes the campaign finance violation, and we have all the documentary proof for it,” he said.

In case you’ve been avoiding all forms of media like the proverbial Nero busting out a sick Charlie Daniels solo while Rome burns to the ground, here’s a rundown of what exactly that means:

Trump previously denied any knowledge of the Cohen payment, but getting caught lying is like eating a Big Mac for the president – he does it every day without a second thought about the consequences.

The reason this is such a bigger deal than all of those previous falsehoods is that Trump may be on the verge of getting caught in a major violation of campaign finance law.

Individual contributions to campaigns are limited to $ 2,700.

Obviously, Cohen’s payment to Daniels exceeds that by a large margin, and since the payment directly benefited the Trump campaign, Cohen looked to be in pretty clear violation of FEC regulations.

By admitting that Trump repaid the cash, Giuliani is essentially arguing that $ 130,000 was a zero-interest loan, not a campaign donation.

Obviously, this raises a lot of other questions, primarily:

Why does a billionaire need to borrow $ 130,000 from his lawyer; what did Cohen stand to gain from the arrangement, and why did Trump feel the need to lie about the whole thing?

Since Cohen’s office was raided by the FBI last month, these questions might be answered sooner rather than later.

So stay tuned for the exciting series finale of the bonkers reality show that is the Trump presidency!

It should be a doozy!


Rudy Giuliani Says Donald Trump Repaid Michael Cohen for Stormy Daniels" $130k

Donald Trump’s going to have even more questions to answer about his relationship with Stormy Daniels now … and it’s all thanks to Rudy Giuliani. 🚨 Giuliani says Trump repaid Cohen the $ 130,000 used as hush money for Stormy Daniels…


Friday, October 27, 2017

Rudy Giuliani "Shocked & Disappointed" at Yankees Firing Joe Girardi

There’s no way in hell Joe Girardi should’ve been canned by the Yankees — so says ex-NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani, who was “shocked” and “disappointed” by the move.  We got Giuliani leaving Michael’s restaurant in Manhattan, and he told TMZ…


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Rudy Giuliani Deflects Attorney General Questions, Job"s Not Open and Sessions Is a Friend

Rudy Giuliani insists he won’t stab Jeff Sessions in the back for the Attorney General post — and says President Trump should field all questions about the job … not him. We got the former NYC mayor at Reagan National in D.C. and…


Killer Mike"s Says Jeff Sessions, Rudy Giuliani Are Both Unfit to Be Attorney General

Killer Mike says America’s screwed when it comes to our Attorney General — while Rudy Giuliani might have a slight edge on Jeff Sessions … Mike says they both have a huge downside.  There’s buzz President Trump might tap his…


Monday, May 22, 2017

Rudy Giuliani Says He Believes Trump Over Comey (VIDEO)

Rudy Giuliani has worked with both Donald Trump and James Comey … and if push comes to shove over who’s telling the truth, Rudy’s squarely in Trump’s corner. The former NYC mayor arrived at LAX Sunday, and the photog grilled him hard … grilled…


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Rudy Giuliani Says Trump is Doing Great Job with North Korea (VIDEO)

Rudy Giuliani thinks Donald Trump is doing a brilliant job keeping North Korea guessing. Rudy landed at LAX Tuesday when our photog asked if we should strike North Korea first or wait until they engage in overt aggression against us or an ally. The…


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Rudy Giuliani -- A Little Chaos in White House is a Good Thing (VIDEO)

Rudy Giuliani thinks a little turbulence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is good for America. We got the former NYC mayor Tuesday at Reagan National Airport in D.C. and our photog asked the man who knows something about crisis management how to calm…


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Rudy Giuliani -- Struggles to Defend Trump (VIDEO)

Rudy Giuliani was on the ropes as he tried defending Donald Trump on a Sunday morning talk show. The former NYC Mayor was on “Meet the Press” as Chuck Todd grilled him about comments the candidate made on Howard Stern’s show … that he walked in…


Monday, August 29, 2016

Rudy Giuliani Slams Beyonce: Black Lives Matter More to Me Than to Her!

Look out, Rudy Giuliani.

The Beygency is totally coming for you.

On Monday morning, just hours after Beyonce had once again made herself the talk of an awards show, the former Mayor of New York made it clear just how impressed he was by the singer’s Video Music Awards performance.

Actually, “unimpressed” does not do Giuliani’s reaction justice.

Aside from her amazing 15-minute set (below), Beyonce made headlines for bringing the Mothers of the Movement as her guests to the event.

This is a group comprised of parents of who have lost a child to gun violence.

It includes the mothers of African-American teens Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Oscar Grant and Trayvon Martin.

But this symbolic gesture did not sit well with Giuliani.

“I ran the largest and best police department in the world, the New York City Police Department,” Giuliani whined on Fox & Friends, adding:

“I saved more black lives than any of those people you saw on stage.”

That’s undeniable.

Giuliani was the Mayor of a gigantic city and made a name for himself by being especially tough on crime.

Of course he was in a position to literally, directly save people’s lives.

It’s unclear what this has to do with a celebrity trying to draw attention to an issue of importance; or why anyone would find a problem with that.

But Giuliani went on to slam pretty much anyone who has anything negative to say about police brutality incidents.

He said it was a “shame” that Beyonce chose the VMA stage to push her agenda.

Back in February, Giuliani also laid into Beyonce.

Following the superstar debuting her track “Formation” – which contains references to Hurricane Katrina and the Black Lives Matter movement – during the Super Bowl 50 halftime show, Giuliani once again appeared on Fox News.

This time, he said the following:

“I thought it was really outrageous that she used it as a platform to attack police officers, the people who protect her and protect us and keep us alive.”

He continued:

“What we should be doing in the African American community, and all communities, is build up respect for police officers and focus on the fact that when something does go wrong, OK, we’ll work on that.

“But the vast majority of police officers risk their lives to keep us safe.”

We’re sure Beyonce would agree with that statement.

Last month, the superstar addressed the police killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile with a note stating:

“We are sick and tired of the killings of young men and women in our communities.

“It is up to us to take a stand and demand that they ‘stop killing us.’ We don’t need sympathy. We need everyone to respect our lives.

“This is a human fight.

“No matter your race, gender or sexual orientation. This is a fight for anyone who feels marginalized, who is struggling for freedom and human rights.”

Beyonce has been an outspoken proponent of the Black Lives Matter movement, much to the chagrin of the man who is likely angling to take over for Mike Pence after he quits as Donald Trump’s Vice President.

To her credit, though, she has also put her money where her mouth is.

TIDAL –  the streaming service Beyoncé’s husband Jay Z launched and in which she has an ownership stake – donated $ 1.5 million to Black Lives Matter and other social justice organizations in February.

Why do we somehow doubt Giuliani is aware of that?

In the end, however, there’s only one thing shocking about any aspect of this story.

And that’s that Giuliani went more than 90 seconds without mentioning the words “nine” and “eleven.”

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Rudy Giuliani Slams Beyonce Halftime Show: Find Out Why!

Rudy Giuliani will not be bowing down to Queen Bey any time soon.

Pretty much the opposite, in fact.

The Former New York City Mayor and Republican candidate for President appeared on Fox & Friends yesterday and explained what issues he took with Beyonce’s Super Bowl 50 halftime show, which was widely praised by most viewers.

“I thought it was really outrageous that she used it as a platform to attack police officers, the people who protect her and protect us and keep us alive,” Giuliani said on Monday.

The superstar debuted the new single Formation over the weekend, releasing its music video on Saturday, which contains references to Hurricane Katrina and the Black Lives Matter movement.

Her routine at the Super Bowl in Santa Clara included a squad of backup dancers who were dressed in what most interpreted as a nod to the Black Panthers.

Giuliani said this anti-police message missed a very important mark:

“What we should be doing in the African American community, and all communities, is build up respect for police officers and focus on the fact that when something does go wrong, OK, we’ll work on that.

“But the vast majority of police officers risk their lives to keep us safe.”

We don’t think there’s a single person on the planet disputing that statement.

With multiple acts of violence committed by police officers against African-Americans of late, however, many people would like to know: OK, WHAT are we doing to work on that?

Giuliani wondered overall why we even have halftime acts (“This is football, not Hollywood,” he said), but added that if the NFL insists on doing so down the line that the league ought to choose more “wholesome” acts.

“Just figure out who you’re putting on,” he said, concluding of Beyonce:

“This is a political position, she’s probably going to take advantage of it. You’re talking to middle America when you have the Super Bowl, so if you can have entertainment, let’s have decent wholesome entertainment and not use it as a platform to attack the people who put their lives at risk to save us.”

Do you agree with Giuliani?

Check out the Super Bowl 50 halftime show once again below: