Showing posts with label Sessions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sessions. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Ringo Starr Says Beatles" Masturbation Sessions Were Before His Time

Ringo Starr found a silver lining in NOT being one of the OG Beatles when we asked him about Paul McCartney and John Lennon’s hands-on bonding sessions. We got the drumming legend at LAX and brought up Paul’s recurring dreams about…


Sunday, June 17, 2018

Todd Chrisley Rips Jeff Sessions for "Twisting" Bible to Support Immigration Policy

If there’s one thing Todd Chrisley knows best … it’s that Attorney General Jeff Sessions does NOT know best when it comes to Bible scriptures about separating kids from their parents. The “Chrisley Knows Best” star was at LAX on Saturday, and we…


Todd Chrisley Rips Jeff Sessions for "Twisting" Bible to Support Immigration Policy

If there’s one thing Todd Chrisley knows best … it’s that Attorney General Jeff Sessions does NOT know best when it comes to Bible scriptures about separating kids from their parents. The “Chrisley Knows Best” star was at LAX on Saturday, and we…


Saturday, January 20, 2018

Roger Stone Thinks Trump Should Fire Sessions Over Weed Crackdown

Roger Stone wants Donald Trump to let the American people legally toke, like he promised in the campaign — and if Jeff Sessions is standing in the way … smoke him out. We got President Trump’s former adviser in NYC, and he had a hot take on…


Friday, January 5, 2018

California Rep. Adam Schiff Slams Jeff Sessions" Crackdown on Legalized Pot

Rep. Adam Schiff says it’s surprising Jeff Sessions nixed Obama-era rules letting states deal with legal marijuana on their own terms … because the Trump team claims to be all about states’ rights. The California Congressman…


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Rudy Giuliani Deflects Attorney General Questions, Job"s Not Open and Sessions Is a Friend

Rudy Giuliani insists he won’t stab Jeff Sessions in the back for the Attorney General post — and says President Trump should field all questions about the job … not him. We got the former NYC mayor at Reagan National in D.C. and…


Killer Mike"s Says Jeff Sessions, Rudy Giuliani Are Both Unfit to Be Attorney General

Killer Mike says America’s screwed when it comes to our Attorney General — while Rudy Giuliani might have a slight edge on Jeff Sessions … Mike says they both have a huge downside.  There’s buzz President Trump might tap his…


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Saturday Night Live Takes on Jeff Sessions Scandal: Watch!

OK, so Kate McKinnon is easily one of the best parts of Saturday Night Live these days, right?

And Kate McKinnon as Jeff Sessions, as we saw last month, is just brilliant.

So Kate McKinnon as Jeff Sessions as Forrest Gump?

Yeah, it"s pretty much guaranteed to blow your mind.

In last night"s cold open, Kate put on that spectacular costume, sat at a bus stop, and told Jeff Sessions" story to a series of strangers.

"I"m the Attorney General of the whole United States," SNL"s Jeff said at one point, his mouth stuffed full of chocolates.

And it really only gets better from there.

Where Forrest Gump had Jenny, Jeff has Kellyanne, his "best good friend." He pulls out the now-infamous picture of Kellyanne Conway kneeling on the Oval Office couch, saying "She ain"t got no legs."

"I always say life is like a box of chocolates," he says, taking another of Forrest Gump"s catchphrases. "Sure are a whole lot of brown ones in there!"

Well, that last part isn"t exactly how it went in Forrest Gump, but it"s fitting for the character of Jeff Sessions, right?

Jeff also talked about that little scandal he found himself in a few days ago, the one where it turned out that he may have committed perjury during his confirmation hearing by lying about meeting with a Russian ambassador during Trump"s campaign.

At one point, Putin himself even showed up.

Watch the glorious, glorious skit below:

Saturday night live takes on jeff sessions scandal watch

Jeff Sessions Does Forrest Gump on SNL (VIDEO)

Jeff Sessions became Forrest Gump on Saturday Night Live … and the bust stop bench spoof couldn’t have been funnier. Kate McKinnon did her best impression of the Attorney General, who was forced to recuse himself this week from any Trump-related…


Friday, March 3, 2017

John Legend Wants Jeff Sessions Out, Russia"s Not the Only Problem (VIDEO)

John Legend ain’t buying what Jeff Sessions is selling, and says the Attorney General used the wrong “RE” word when he recused himself from investigating President Trump’s campaign. Legend was fired up in Bev Hills when we asked him…


John Legend Wants Jeff Sessions Out, Russia"s Not the Only Problem (VIDEO)

John Legend ain’t buying what Jeff Sessions is selling, and says the Attorney General used the wrong “RE” word when he recused himself from investigating President Trump’s campaign. Legend was fired up in Bev Hills when we asked him…


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Jeff Sessions Holds Surprise Press Conference Amid Russia Scandal (LIVE STREAM)

Jeff Sessions is about to address accusations that he lied to Congress about speaking to Russian officials during Donald Trump’s campaign … and we’re steaming live. Sessions is set to speak on the matter Thursday at 1 PM PT … this after reports…


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Saturday Night Live Takes on Sean Spicer and Jeff Sessions in Hilarious Opening!

These are dark times, friends, and there"s no denying that.

But while these are dark times — maybe even the darkest, who knows? — we also have quite a few rays of light to carry us through.

One of those rays is Saturday Night Live and the brilliant work they"ve been doing with mocking and belittling the complete and utter mess that is the U.S. government these days.

And last night, they really went for it.

For the opening, Melissa McCarthy did her amazing impression of Sean Spicer, Donald Trump"s press secretary.

She was loud, unnecessarily aggressive, obnoxious — just like the real Sean Spicer!

Another highlight of the skit was Kate McKinnon"s simply incredible impression of Jeff Sessions, who sadly didn"t make it too long into his speech before he started getting racist, so he had to leave.

The whole thing is even more delightful when you remember that last week, we heard a report that Trump didn"t appreciate Melissa"s version of Spicer because "Trump doesn"t like his people to look weak."

And he looked weak, naturally, because he was played by a woman.

So with Melissa coming back as Spicer, plus Kate"s debut as Jeff Sessions, the White House crew must not be too happy right now.

Keep up the good fight, SNL.

Watch the hilarious video below:

Saturday night live takes on sean spicer and jeff sessions in hi

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

"KKK" Members Mock Jeff Sessions at Senate Hearing (VIDEO)

Two men dressed as hooded Klansmen just disrupted Jeff Sessions’ Senate hearing on Capitol Hill. The chaos ensued almost immediately after Sessions — Donald Trump’s pick for Attorney General — entered the chambers for his confirmation hearing ……


"KKK" Members Mock Jeff Sessions at Senate Hearing (VIDEO)

Two men dressed as hooded Klansmen just disrupted Jeff Sessions’ Senate hearing on Capitol Hill. The chaos ensued almost immediately after Sessions — Donald Trump’s pick for Attorney General — entered the chambers for his confirmation hearing ……


Friday, November 18, 2016

Jeff Sessions Selected to Be U.S. Attorney General

It looks like Jeff Sessions will be our next U.S. Attorney General.

The senator from Alabama has been nominated to this vital position by President-Elect Donald Trump, who has once again stirred up quite a bit of controversy before getting into the Oval Office.

Sessions is a 69-year old staunch Conservative who often campaigned alongside Trump.

He has been an outspoken supporter of the former Celebrity Apprentice star for months.

But that is not the controversial part, unless you think scandal ought to follow around anyone who advocated Donald Trump for President.

Sessions formerly worked as a prosecutor and was elected into the Senate in 1996.

He currently serves on the Judiciary Committee and is best known for his strong opposition to immigration reform, along with his objection to bipartisan proposals to cut mandatory minimum prison sentences.

He has supporter Trump’s proposal to build a wall along the Mexican border and he is all about deporting illegal aliens from America.

According to The New York Times, Sessions was nominated in 1986 by the late president Ronald Reagan for a federal judgeship.

However, this nomination was rejected due to a series of racially charged comments the politician had made in the past.

At the time, Sessions’ nomination was only one of two to be rejected by the panel in almost five decades.

What sort of divisive remarks has Sessions been accused of uttering?

He had earlier branded civil rights organizations such as the NAACP and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference as “un-American” and “Communist-inspired.”

He also once said that the Ku Klux Klan was fine by him, although he lost some respect for its members when he learned they smoked pot.

(Sessions does not deny making this comment, but says it was made in jest.)

Then there’s the case of Thomas H. Hughes.

An African American prosecutor, he alleges that Sessions referred to him as “boy.”

“Jeff has been a highly respected member of the U.S. Senate for 20 years,” Trump said in a statement.

“He is a world-class legal mind and considered a truly great Attorney General and US Attorney in the state of Alabama. Jeff is greatly admired by legal scholars and virtually everyone who knows him.”

Millions of people around the globe are growing more and more concerned by the kinds of people Trump is assigning to key White House positions.

He previously announced that Steve Bannon would serve as a chief advisor and… well… you can learn more about Steve Bannon here:

Sessions was one of President Barack Obama’s loudest opponents, voting against his nominees to the Supreme Court from his post on the Judiciary Committee and opposing Obama’s other major domestic initiatives.

He also seems to be in favor of Trump’s ban on Muslims.

“He simply said, and the way I understand it is, that we should slow down. Let’s have a pause and begin to analyze where the threats are coming from,” Sessions told CNN in June, amidst questions about whether or not Trump’s position was shifting.

“We have a toxic ideology, hopefully very small within Islam; certainly most people, most Muslims don’t agree with this violent, jihadist approach.

“And we need to figure out a better way to identify that.”

What do you think of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General?

What about Mike Pompeo as CIA Director?

Learn more about the latter below:
