Sunday, February 12, 2017

Saturday Night Live Takes on Sean Spicer and Jeff Sessions in Hilarious Opening!

These are dark times, friends, and there"s no denying that.

But while these are dark times — maybe even the darkest, who knows? — we also have quite a few rays of light to carry us through.

One of those rays is Saturday Night Live and the brilliant work they"ve been doing with mocking and belittling the complete and utter mess that is the U.S. government these days.

And last night, they really went for it.

For the opening, Melissa McCarthy did her amazing impression of Sean Spicer, Donald Trump"s press secretary.

She was loud, unnecessarily aggressive, obnoxious — just like the real Sean Spicer!

Another highlight of the skit was Kate McKinnon"s simply incredible impression of Jeff Sessions, who sadly didn"t make it too long into his speech before he started getting racist, so he had to leave.

The whole thing is even more delightful when you remember that last week, we heard a report that Trump didn"t appreciate Melissa"s version of Spicer because "Trump doesn"t like his people to look weak."

And he looked weak, naturally, because he was played by a woman.

So with Melissa coming back as Spicer, plus Kate"s debut as Jeff Sessions, the White House crew must not be too happy right now.

Keep up the good fight, SNL.

Watch the hilarious video below:

Saturday night live takes on sean spicer and jeff sessions in hi