Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Danielle Bregoli Reality Show: Tragically Coming Soon!

The Cash Me Ousside girl is about to cash in on her unfortunate fame.

According to TMZ, Danielle Bregoli is deep in discussions to star in her very own reality show.

In other shocking news, Kylie Jenner just posted a photo of herself in a bikini on Instagram.

Bregoli is the 13-year old moron girl who tragically rose to viral fame in September when she appeared as a guest opposite Dr. Phil.

On stage alongside her mother, who was concerned about her child’s attitude and behavior, Bregoli did her best to act all tough and combative with the audience.

At one point, in response to endless jeering and a barrage of insults being hurled her way, Bregoli screamed some nonsense about whether anyone wants to “cash me ousside, howbowdah.”

That has been the best interpretation of Bregoli’s taunt at least.

And the catchphrase has since taken on a life of its own.

Earlier this month, Bregoli appeared for a second time on Dr. Phil, telling the host that she’s responsible for his fame.

See the clip below:

About a week after this footage aired, Bregoli spoke to a TMZ cameraman, trashing all the Kardashians and giving Kim Kardashian grief for her sex tape.

Sadly, in this day and age, it’s not hard to understand why networks would be lining up to give Bregoli her own series.

Danielle’s managers tell TMZ that they’ve been contacted by no fewer than seven production companies.

As we type, they are scheduling meetings for this week, with four of the companies interested in doing a program with Danielle and her mom.

Other companies, meanwhile, are pitching the idea of a scripted series to Bregoli.

Then again, we’re not really sure what the difference between a scripted series and a reality series actually is.

(If you believe Keeping Up with the Kardashians isn’t scripted, we’ve got some stock in MySpace we’d like to sell you.)

Three more tidbits of note, per TMZ:

  1. She is also getting paid offers to show up at strips clubs. She’s 13. That’s gross.

  2. Bregoli is demanding a minimum of $ 30,000 to appear as meet-and-greet type of events.

  3. If/when Bregoli does agree to some kind of television deal, she will likely move to Hollywood.

This means that she may run into Kim Kardashian someday.

We had been hoping that Bregoli’s 15 Minutes of Fame would have expired by now. But… alas.

We were clearly fooling ourselves.

This young girl is never going away. She’ll probably be President in 2042.

God help us all.
