Showing posts with label Mock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mock. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Did She Really Just Mock Emma Gonzalez?

Jenelle Evans really loves her guns.

Therefore, it’s reasonable to wonder whether the Teen Mom 2 star dislikes anyone who is pushing for comprehensive gun control.

And it’s even more reasonable to wonder about this after Evans shared a questionable meme on Facebook yesterday.

The controversial MTV personality at least appeared to be mocking outspoken Parkland shooting survivor Emma Gonzalez via a photo that featured a young woman with a buzz cut blowing smoke in the face of someone.

Along with this picture, the meme included a message that read:

Emma Gonzalez puffing vape smoke into a classmate’s face after calling him a racial slur.

The image was taken from a Facebook account that belongs to “Dolan Trump,” which does bill itself as being a “progressive [and] independent Bernie Sanders supporter.”

“Can anyone verify this picture?” the original caption reads. “Just saw this on conservative Facebook. Huge if true.”

Put those latter facts/sentences together and it’s pretty clear the meme is meant to mock those who have been disparaging Gonzalez…

… but it’s a strange and confusing way in which to accomplish this goal.

jenelle smoke

Gonzalez is a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida.

She was inside the school on February 14 when a gunman opened fire, killing 17 of her classmates and teachers.

In the days and weeks since, Gonzalez has been among the most vocal proponents of gun control legislation, appearing on talk shows and doing all she can to pressure Congress to pass various laws along these lines.

She helped organize the March for Our Lives on March 24 and gave one of the most memorable speeches at this event, largely because she held a six-plus minute moment of silence at one point for the Parkland victims.

(She remained quiet for the same duration of time it took the shooter to kill all 17 of these young men and women.)

So you can probably understand why Evans is being dragged for the impression that she is dissing Gonzalez in any way.

Except that Evans swears she isn’t doing so.

Yes, the Teen Mom cast member is now a member of the NRA.

And, yes, she was featured in a social media photo shooting a gun the day after this tragedy occurred in Parkland.

But Evans is aware of the backlash she’s received for her post and made it clear in the Comments section of her Facebook page that the meme was only meant as a “joke.”

evans claims

We actually believe her this time around.

Jenelle has not done much to engender good will around here, but if you look back at the original source of the meme, it is hard to argue that this was intended to be a parody.

Perhaps a poor parody, but a parody nonetheless.

With her husband having recently been fired by MTV, the other major question now surrounding Evans is whether she’ll continue to film Teen Mom 2.

Insiders say Evans thinks she holds a lot of leverage over the network and is refusing to shoot upcoming scenes until they meet her demands.

We can’t say we’re  big fans of Jenelle as a human being.

But as a source of entertainment? Come on! How can you not be?!?

Give her anything she wants, producers.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Miz Says He Won"t Mock CM Punk"s UFC Return Anymore

The Miz has had a change of heart about CM Punk’s UFC career — now, he’s SUPPORTING the guy … despite mocking Punk after his brutal debut loss back in 2016.  Remember, the DAY after Punk lost to Mickey Gall at UFC 203 … Miz and Dolph…


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Bill Maher and Bob Saget Mock Al Franken Groping Photo

Bill Maher couldn’t contain himself, or his hands, and decided to mock Al Franken’s infamous mid-air groping photo. LOL? Maher was flying private with Bob Saget when he snapped the shot reaching out for Saget’s man boobs. No doubt he nailed the…


Bill Maher and Bob Saget Mock Al Franken Groping Photo

Bill Maher couldn’t contain himself, or his hands, and decided to mock Al Franken’s infamous mid-air groping photo. LOL? Maher was flying private with Bob Saget when he snapped the shot reaching out for Saget’s man boobs. No doubt he nailed the…


Monday, September 18, 2017

Sean Spicer Crashes the Emmys to Mock Donald Trump

Sean Spicer seems to have fully turned on Donald Trump … ‘cause he just made a cameo at the Emmys to dog his former boss alongside Stephen Colbert.  Colbert, who’s hosting this year, was going in on the Prez at the start of the show…


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Marshawn Lynch & Macklemore Mock Tom Brady In New Music Video

Macklemore is using Marshawn Lynch to fire shots at Tom Brady — with ball deflating jokes and a jersey theft … and it’s all in his new music video.  M & M know each other from Seattle — and hooked up for Macklemore’s new track with Lil…


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Blac Youngsta Posts Mock Crucifixion, Internet Destroys Him

Blac Youngsta put himself on a cross, and now he’s actually getting $ 10,000 offers … to delete the damn photo. The rapper/master s**t stirrer posted the pic Monday of himself fully mocking the crucifixion with Tupac’s lyrics, “HAIL MARY COME WITH…


Friday, June 23, 2017

Lamar Odom Blasts Stephen A. Smith, How Dare You Mock Crack Addiction?!

Lamar Odom is FURIOUS at Stephen A. Smith — and unleashed his lawyer to tear the ESPN star a new one for mocking his crack addiction on the air. Odom’s pissed at a segment from Wednesday’s “First Take” — when Smith was ripping NY Knicks…


Lamar Odom Blasts Stephen A. Smith, How Dare You Mock Crack Addiction?!

Lamar Odom is FURIOUS at Stephen A. Smith — and unleashed his lawyer to tear the ESPN star a new one for mocking his crack addiction on the air. Odom’s pissed at a segment from Wednesday’s “First Take” — when Smith was ripping NY Knicks…


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, Sarah Palin Hang With Trump, Mock Hillary

It’s a strange time to be an American.

We continue to provide the world with a number of crucial exports, such as Springsteen songs and Seinfeld reruns, but we’re in danger of losing our most cherished delusion and being forced to confront the reality that we don’t actually hold a position of respect and authority in the global community.

Part of the problem is that we went from a president who hangs with Beyonce and Kendrick Lamar to this guy:

Yes, that’s Donald Trump chillin’ with the biggest celebrities who will admit to voting for him. (Sorry, Scott Baio.)

The good news is that the phenomenon of aging, Trump-voting rockers in dumb hats seems to be mostly limited to the Detroit area.

The bad news is literally everything else about this photo.

Gaining the approval of celebrities might be the only thing more important to Donald Trump than convincing the world that his penis is actually quite adequate in size, so the fact that the best he can do in terms of famous friends is Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, and Sarah Palin means there’s probably a MOAB headed for Hollywood at this very moment.

Fortunately for Donnie, he was able to find playmates who share his obsession with his former rival:

Nugent uploaded the above photos to his Facebook page, along with captions such as this bonafide gem (*kisses finger tips like an Italian chef*):

“So today is the 242nd anniversary of The Shot Heard Round The World is it! Well well well looky looky here boogie chillin’, I got your Shot Heard Round The World right here in big ol greazyass Washington DC where your 1 & only MotorCity Madman WhackMaster StrapAssasin1 dined with President Donald J Trump at the WhiteHouse to Make America Great Again!”

He later added that the group dined on “incredible lobster salad & lampchops! UltraYUM!”

For our readers who aren’t fluent in Ted Talk, we think Nugent is trying to say that he got separated from his tour group and ate part of a lamp.

For some reason, he’s very excited about the whole thing.

We kid, of course.

Donnie is just enjoying having some friends over to his new place while his wife remains semi-permanently out of town, and we don’t blame him.

It gets lonely in the Oval Office.

Steve Bannon never wants to watch old DVDs of The Apprentice, and Jared Kushner always messes up the chorus of “Bawitdaba.”


Monday, March 13, 2017

Sen. Marco Rubio Warns Snoop Dogg About Mock Assassination Music Vid (VIDEO)

Senator Marco Rubio’s taking a shot at Snoop Dogg over his music video taking a more literal shot at President Trump. We got Rubio at Reagan National Airport, and he took a strong stance against Snoop’s “Lavender” music video … and the imagery of…


Friday, March 3, 2017

Rod Stewart Apologizes for Mock Execution Video

Rod Stewart has issued an apology for starring in a video that appears to make fun of ISIS-led executions.

(There"s a sentence we did not expect to write today.)

In the controversial footage, Stewart, his wife Penny and some friends are hiking in the desert outside Abu Dhabi.

When they reach the top of a sand dune, one of the members of this party kneels down in front of Stewart, who then pretends to chop the man"s head off.

It"s rather shocking and disturbing to witness.

Shared online by Penny, the video was deleted not long after raising the ire of many people on the Internet.

In light of this understandable backlash, Stewart has released a mea culpa that reads as follows:

"From re-enacting the Beatles" Abbey Road crossing to spontaneously playing out Game Of Thrones, we were simply larking about pre-show.

"Understandably, this has been misinterpreted and I send my deepest apologies to those who have been offended."

Some critics don"t believe this is enough, however.

They are calling for Stewart to be stripped of his Knighthood, which he was awarded in 2016. (See photo below.)

Former hostage John McCarthy, for example, told BBC Radio that the artist had turned "a grotesque thing into a kind of pantomime."

The journalist – who was kidnapped in Lebanon in 1986 – added that it was unclear whether Stewart was "larking about" or even realized what he was doing. Or how it might be interpreted.

Watch the video below and then share your opinion on it:

Rod stewart apologizes for mock execution video

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

"KKK" Members Mock Jeff Sessions at Senate Hearing (VIDEO)

Two men dressed as hooded Klansmen just disrupted Jeff Sessions’ Senate hearing on Capitol Hill. The chaos ensued almost immediately after Sessions — Donald Trump’s pick for Attorney General — entered the chambers for his confirmation hearing ……


"KKK" Members Mock Jeff Sessions at Senate Hearing (VIDEO)

Two men dressed as hooded Klansmen just disrupted Jeff Sessions’ Senate hearing on Capitol Hill. The chaos ensued almost immediately after Sessions — Donald Trump’s pick for Attorney General — entered the chambers for his confirmation hearing ……


Sunday, December 20, 2015

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler Mock "Bad Blood" Music Video

Remember when Taylor Swift told Tina Fey and Amy Poehler to go to Hell?

We wonder what the singer will say now…

The beloved actresses and real-life best friends hosted Saturday Night Live this weekend, taking a few moments in one sketch to mock Swift"s Bad Blood music video.

The sketch opens with Aidy Bryant doing an interview with the women and asking them about how they handle being working mothers.

Fey and Poehler reply by saying they get by with help from their squads, which includes nannied, their shared gynecologist and a few very famous faces.

Yup, that"s Amy Schumer over there!

And, look! There"s a Gayle King sighting!

The hosts even recreated the look of Taylor"s famous movie-esque video (sort of) by including wigs, tight costumes, post-apocalyptic walks, fire and also a rap about the PTA and UTIs by Bryant.

It was all rather amazing and definitely all in good fun.

But will Swift react to it negatively?

Or has she forgiven Fey and Poehler for the jokes they made at her expense in 2013 at the Golden Globe Awards?

Watch the hilarious video now.

Tina fey and amy poehler mock bad blood music video

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The View Co-Hosts Mock Miss America Nurse Monologue

Multiple co-hosts on The View showed their ignorance and their idiocy on Tuesday by making fun of Kelly Johnson during a particularly unfunny segment.

Johnson represented Colorado at this year’s Miss America Pageant.

Instead of showing off a talent such as singing, dancing or juggling, however, Johnson appeared on stage in her nurse’s uniform and talked about the challenges and the rewards of her profession.

You can watch her speech above.

Pretty cool, right? Nice and different and inspiring?

Not according to The View.

“There was a girl who wrote her own monologue and I was like ‘Turn the volume up, this is going be amazing, let’s listen,’” said Michelle Collins.

“She came out in a nurse’s uniform and basically read her emails out loud and shockingly did not win.”

Collins went on to say it was “hilarious.”

Joy Behar then inquired as to why Johnson had a “doctor’s stethoscope on,” a remark that drew ire and consternation on Twitter.

For the record, nurses around the world nearly all wear and use stethoscopes on a daily basis. They always have.

In the end, Betty Cantrell was crowned Miss America 2016, partly due to her opera singing.

She gave an impressive performance and all… but why The View panelists chose to focus on a nurse’s inspiring speech, as opposed to the mere fact that beauty pageants (with evening gown and swimsuit competitions) still exist is rather depressing.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Chris Cornell -- Burned On Music Video Set in Mock Hanging (PHOTOS)



0914-chris-cornell-chemical-burn-TMZ-01Chris Cornell took a turn as a stuntman on his latest music video and it ended with the rocker suffering severe burns.

It went down while Cornell was shooting the video for “Nearly Forgot My Broken Heart.” Production sources tell us the Soundgarden frontman insisted on doing his own stunts in the “Deadwood”-like video.

The big stunt …  a liquid chemical singeing a noose tied around his neck in a mock hanging (check 2:50 in the video).

It didn’t go as planned and they were forced to do it several times … with the chemicals eventually rubbing off on his neck and leaving the crooner with 2nd degree burns.

Don’t worry groupies … it didn’t affect his gorgeous chiseled face.