Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Did She Really Just Mock Emma Gonzalez?

Jenelle Evans really loves her guns.

Therefore, it’s reasonable to wonder whether the Teen Mom 2 star dislikes anyone who is pushing for comprehensive gun control.

And it’s even more reasonable to wonder about this after Evans shared a questionable meme on Facebook yesterday.

The controversial MTV personality at least appeared to be mocking outspoken Parkland shooting survivor Emma Gonzalez via a photo that featured a young woman with a buzz cut blowing smoke in the face of someone.

Along with this picture, the meme included a message that read:

Emma Gonzalez puffing vape smoke into a classmate’s face after calling him a racial slur.

The image was taken from a Facebook account that belongs to “Dolan Trump,” which does bill itself as being a “progressive [and] independent Bernie Sanders supporter.”

“Can anyone verify this picture?” the original caption reads. “Just saw this on conservative Facebook. Huge if true.”

Put those latter facts/sentences together and it’s pretty clear the meme is meant to mock those who have been disparaging Gonzalez…

… but it’s a strange and confusing way in which to accomplish this goal.

jenelle smoke

Gonzalez is a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida.

She was inside the school on February 14 when a gunman opened fire, killing 17 of her classmates and teachers.

In the days and weeks since, Gonzalez has been among the most vocal proponents of gun control legislation, appearing on talk shows and doing all she can to pressure Congress to pass various laws along these lines.

She helped organize the March for Our Lives on March 24 and gave one of the most memorable speeches at this event, largely because she held a six-plus minute moment of silence at one point for the Parkland victims.

(She remained quiet for the same duration of time it took the shooter to kill all 17 of these young men and women.)

So you can probably understand why Evans is being dragged for the impression that she is dissing Gonzalez in any way.

Except that Evans swears she isn’t doing so.

Yes, the Teen Mom cast member is now a member of the NRA.

And, yes, she was featured in a social media photo shooting a gun the day after this tragedy occurred in Parkland.

But Evans is aware of the backlash she’s received for her post and made it clear in the Comments section of her Facebook page that the meme was only meant as a “joke.”

evans claims

We actually believe her this time around.

Jenelle has not done much to engender good will around here, but if you look back at the original source of the meme, it is hard to argue that this was intended to be a parody.

Perhaps a poor parody, but a parody nonetheless.

With her husband having recently been fired by MTV, the other major question now surrounding Evans is whether she’ll continue to film Teen Mom 2.

Insiders say Evans thinks she holds a lot of leverage over the network and is refusing to shoot upcoming scenes until they meet her demands.

We can’t say we’re  big fans of Jenelle as a human being.

But as a source of entertainment? Come on! How can you not be?!?

Give her anything she wants, producers.
