Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts

Friday, July 27, 2018

Michael Cohen Says Donald Trump Lied About Mysterious Russia Meeting


Michael Cohen has just dropped a bombshell on America.

Might it serve as the first step toward the impeachment of President Donald Trump?

On Thursday night, CNN reported that the President’s personal lawyer of over two decades is willing to testify to special investigator Robert Mueller that Mr. Trump knew in advance about a meeting in Trump Tower that took place two years ago.

In this June 2016 sit-down – which Donald Trump Jr. and other advisors close to then-candidate Trump have admitted to attending – Russians were expected to offer the campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Emails dug up by The New York Times about a year ago proved that Trump Jr. was made aware ahead of this meeting that the Russians wanted to discuss ways to bring down Clinton.

He responded with enthusiasm to that possibility.


After the meeting was exposed, Trump Jr. and other administration officials went on record with multiple claims that Cohen is now willing to dispute:

1. That the meeting was fruitless and no information about Clinton was brought up.

2. Far more damaging, that President Trump had no idea the meeting took place.

Cohen alleges he was present, along with several other inidividuals, when the elder Trump was informed of the Russians’ offer by Trump Jr.

By Cohen’s account, per CNN, Trump gave the green light to this gathering between his campaign staff and representatives from a foreign adversary.

To be clear, Cohen does NOT have any recordings that can back up his claim.

He is simply willing to testify under oath that he witnessed Trump give his son the go-ahead for the Russian pow wow.

This is pertinent because the attorney did tape Trump on numerous occasions back when he met frequently with his famous client; one recently-released tape features Trump and Cohen discussing payment to keep quiet a story about his affair with Karen McDougal.

What is discussed in the video below may violate campaign finance law. Take a listen:

Trump himself has repeatedly pleaded ignorance about this infamous meeting between his advisors and shady folks from Russia.

He has one said on more than one thousand occasions that there has been NO COLLUSION between his administration and the Vladimir Putin-led regime.

Contacted by CNN, one of Cohen’s lawyers, Lanny Davis, declined to comment.

As always, however, Rudy Giuliani was very happy to speak out and to make things a million times worse for his client, President Trump.

“He’s been lying all week, he’s been lying for years,” Rudy Giuliani said to Chris Cuomo on CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time” on Thursday night.

This is really the only approach Giuliani and his team can take, we suppose, but it’s an ironic one.

They are saying that the President’s personal attorney and close confidante is a liar.

One can’t help but logically wonder, therefore, just what is was lying about and for whom he was doing said lying.

“I don’t see how he’s got any credibility,” Giuliani added in response to Cohen’s allegation about this Russian meeting.

Several months ago, Cohen’s office was (legally) raised by investigator in New York who had obtained a search warrant.

He’s under scrutiny by federal prosecutors in Manhattan due to all the dealings he has been responsible for as the lawyer for Trump.

The June 2016 meeting at the center of this scandal was arranged after a publicist who knew Trump Jr. told him that a senior Russian official “offered to provide the Trump campaign” with damaging information about Clinton.

This email also said this information was “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

Trump. Jr. responded as follows, in a message made public about a year ago: “if it’s what you say, I love it.”

At the meeting, Trump Jr. was joined by his brother-in-law Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort, who was Trump’s campaign chairman at the time.

The President said on July 12, 2017, that he “only heard about it two or three days ago.”

A week later, Trump repeated that he “didn’t know anything about the meeting” because “nobody told me” about it.

Now, however, Cohen is saying the opposite, that Trump played a key role in approving this meeting and in pushing his staff to collude with the Russians.

Strap in, folks. The ride may just get even bumpier from here on out.


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Stormy Daniels: Did Trump Pay Her $130k With Funds From Russia?

There have been people who want Stormy Daniels to go away, either because they support Trump or because they view her as a “distraction.”

That latter group of people are now eating their words. Because the Stormy sex story has now been linked with Trump’s biggest scandal:

Russian collusion.

Michael Avenatti tweeted out this explosive statement:

“After significant investigation, we have discovered that Mr. Trump’s atty Mr. Cohen received approximately $ 500,000 in the [months] after the election.”

The alleged origins of that sizable transfer of funds make this story much bigger than it first appeared.

“From a company controlled by a Russian Oligarc with close ties to Mr. Putin.”

And he links it directly to Stormy’s legal battle.

“These monies may have reimbursed the $ 130k payment.”

In other words, he is saying that Russia itself put forward the money to silence Stormy … but only after funneling it through Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen.

Michael Avenatti tweet

So, what Avenatti is specifically claiming is that Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal attorney, received $ 500,000 from a company controlled by a Russian oligarch.

That money was then apparently deposited into an account that was used to pay Stormy Daniels her hush money.

While there are other deposits that Avenatti finds suspicious, from state-run Korea Aerospace Industries to Novartis to AT&T, the Stormy revelation is getting the most attention.

A lot of people are shocked and even amused that Cohen seems to have used the same account for all of this.

But the accusation — of knowingly using foreign funds to influence American politics — is no laughing matter.

Avenatti looks vindicated and resolute, but not amused.

This is huge, for multiple reasons.

See, while the Stormy Daniels sex scandal has left many of Trump’s critics feeling as entertained as Ivanka’s neighbor watching an LGBT protest in front of the First Daughter’s house … it’s had others worried.

What, they wondered, if this whole Stormy Daniels thing were just a distraction?

This has been a concern about a large number of things, from Trump’s outlandish Twitter rants to numerous other scandals in the Trump White House.

Others have countered, essentially saying that Trump isn’t clever enough to elaborately plot these things and that he’s just every bit the disaster that he seems to be.

But this claim is that the Stormy Daniels scandal intersects with the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential elections.

Which would mean that this isn’t a distraction or just another negative thing about Trump — it might be the key to his undoing.

In Avenatti’s words: “This thing’s ugly and it’s gonna get worse.”

But … will Michael Cohen flip on Trump’s involvement?

He has recently said that he loves his family and puts them first, and that this investigation and scandal has been making their lives miserable.

We hope that he will do the right thing and tell the truth, whatever that may be.

He is doubtless feeling a lot of pressure from multiple political forces.

He may also fear that he will go to prison if he confesses to any crimes — sometimes, even cutting a deal with the prosecution means spending time behind bars.

But telling the truth would have to be the right thing, right? Whether or not he would be revealing what so many hope or fear he will say.

For now, however, Cohen has claimed that “his document is inaccurate.”

Cohen’s attorney asserted “This is not a payment.”

Stormy is still not the only part of this story raising eyebrows.

It is worth noting that AT&T says that their donation was for “insights” into the Trump administration.

Of course, these donations began after Trump spoke against a merger that AT&T had been working on. Trump has not commented publicly on that merger since.

AT&T is also one of the massive companies expected to benefit from the tragic downfall of Net Neutrality, which Trump has set into motion.

Some believe that AT&T essentially paid bribes to — or through — Cohen in order to promote their business interests over the will of the American people.

AT&T is sure to continue to object to that characterization.

Still, there’s no part of this story more explosive than the alleged affair with and then silencing of Stormy herself.

Perhaps it only makes sense that a reality star president should be undone by a porn star.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

FIFA Fines Russia Over Racist Taunts at French Black Players

FIFA has fined the Russian Football Union roughly $ 30,000 over an incident in which Russian fans screamed racist slurs at black players during a Russia vs. France game in March. The players targeted by the scumbag racist fans include French…


Sunday, February 18, 2018

Donald Trump Exploits Florida Shootings, Saying FBI Was Preoccupied with Russia

Donald Trump did not disappoint … he has pissed off the the grieving victims and families of the Florida high school shooting by making the tragedy all about him. Trump jumped on the shocking lapse of judgment on the part of the FBI by ignoring a…


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Donald Trump: Steve Bannon Has "Lost His Mind" Suggesting Russia Meeting Was Treason

Donald Trump has completely turned on Steve Bannon — saying the guy has lost his mind … this after Bannon called a meeting the President’s son took with Russians “treason.” Bannon was quoted by author Michael Wolff in a sweeping new book…


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Lorde Cancels Israel Concert, Keeps Russia Tour Dates Intact

Lorde has a funny way of picking and choosing countries in which to perform — she canceled her show next year in Israel … but kept her tour dates in Russia.   Lorde pulled the plug Sunday in reaction to backlash over her upcoming Tel…


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Russia Banned From 2018 Winter Olympic Games

Russia is BANNED from the ’18 Winter Olympics after the country was caught running a MASSIVE doping scheme … the International Olympic Committee announced Tuesday. Athletes from Russia — across every sport — won’t be allowed to compete…


Friday, September 22, 2017

Morgan Freeman Pisses Off All of Russia with Anti-Putin Video ... Says Russian News

Morgan Freeman’s pissed off all of Russia and is now public enemy #1 at the Kremlin … if you’re buying what Russia’s state news is selling, anyway. Freeman is getting blasted by the media over there for starring in a Rob Reiner-produced video that…


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Ex-FBI Director James Comey Testifies About President Trump, Russia Investigation (LIVE STREAM)

Former FBI Director James Comey’s about to testify for the Senate Intelligence Committee — but we all know this is really about Comey vs. President Trump … and we’ll be live streaming. Comey’s opening statement — released Wednesday –…


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Tapped as Special Counsel for Russia Investigation

The Justice Department is bringing back former FBI Director Robert Mueller to lead the ongoing investigation into any potential Russian interference in last year’s election. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — who encouraged the…


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Donald Trump: Lashing Out at Steve Bannon Over Russia Scandal?

By now, you’ve almost certainly heard the  allegations that the Trump administration collaborated with Russia to manipulate the results of the 2016 presidential election.

Already, National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn has resigned from his post, and Attorney General Jess Sessions was forced to recuse himself from the investigation after it was revealed that he lied under oath about contacting a Russian ambassador.

At this point, if what appears to be happening is actually happening, then we my be at the beginning of what the most damaging political scandal in US history.

Needless to say, at this point, reports that the pressure is beginning to get to President Donald Trump are not particularly surprising.

From the time of the president’s scandal-plagued transition, rumors of dissent and disorder within Team Trump have been rampant, and now it seems the escalating animosity may have come to a head on Friday, as Trump reportedly lashed out at two of his most high-profile staff members:

According to CNN, Trump spent much of the past week infuriated by the escalating Sessions scandal, and he repeatedly took his anger out on top adviser Steve Bannon and Chief of Staff Reince Priebus just before departing for another weekend at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

“Nobody has seen him that upset,” a source tells the news network of Trump’s outburst, adding that the president’s speech was peppered with “lot of expletives.”

The insider adds that Priebus and Bannon were both scheduled to join Trump in Florida over the weekend, but the president decided at the last minute that both would remain in D.C.

Adding to Trump’s fury over the weekend was an unsubstantiated report by Bannon’s Breitbart News that claimed Trump Tower was subjected to surveillance ordered by President Obama during the 2016 campaign.

Despite a complete lack of evidence and the fact that Obama would need the justice department to establish probable cause before any such surveillance could take place, Trump reportedly flew into yet another rage.

Reports of this second outburst come courtesy of longtime Trump associate Christopher Ruddy, who described the incident to The Washington Post:

“I haven’t seen him this angry,” Ruddy tells the Post. “This will be investigated.”

The Trump administration has yet to comment on the president’s alleged emotional outbursts.

Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s daily briefing with White House correspondents is scheduled for this afternoon.


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Jeff Sessions Holds Surprise Press Conference Amid Russia Scandal (LIVE STREAM)

Jeff Sessions is about to address accusations that he lied to Congress about speaking to Russian officials during Donald Trump’s campaign … and we’re steaming live. Sessions is set to speak on the matter Thursday at 1 PM PT … this after reports…


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Vladimir Putin on Trump Scandal: Russia Has the BEST Hookers!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, the President-elect of the United State’s alleged fondness for golden showers made news last week, thanks to a Buzzfeed News report that Russia had damaging footage showing Donald Trump engaging in some pee play with a pair of Russian hookers.

You know it was a big deal, because the day after the report was released, Trump forgot to postpone his press conference and was forced to actually talk to the reporters he’s been dodging like he used to dodge his creditors.

Of course, instead of shooting down the accusations in a level-headed fashion and addressing other pressing matters, Trump basically just stood next to a pile of blank papers and bellowed “Fake news!” at anyone he disagreed with.

Fortunately, while Trump might be reluctant to discuss the scandal, his comrade from another mom-rade, Brosef Stalin himself, Vladimir Putin, is more than happy to share his thoughts about his nation’s top-notch prostitutes.

Putin is also no big fan of press conferences, but he climbed off his horse and buttoned his Brooks Brothers to speak with reporters at the Kremlin on Tuesday.

Not surprisingly, he defended Trump.

Even better, it seems he’s taking a page from his buffoonish Western counterpart’s playbook, using over-the-top The Onion quotables to gaslight a skeptical electorate.

“I find it hard to believe that he rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world,” Putin said, when asked about the saucy minxes of Mother Russia.

Putin added that he finds it hard to believe that Trump would have to resort to pausing prostitutes, since the guy’s surrounded by sexy dames all the time:

“[Trump is] a grown man, and secondly he’s someone who has been involved with beauty contests for many years and has met the most beautiful women in the world,” said the Russian president.

“People who order fakes of the type now circulating against the U.S. president-elect, who concoct them and use them in a political battle, are worse than prostitutes because they don’t have any moral boundaries at all.”

So if you’re keeping score at home, our president-elect has been accused of “perverted sexual acts” fourteen times in the last four months, but it’s okay, because the allegedly murderous despot in charge of a hostile foreign power has his back, and thinks our media is a bunch of whores.

And you thought 2016 was ridiculous!

2017’s got a full bladder and it’s all set to hose last year down with a steaming stream of sadness.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Donald Trump on Russia Scandal: What is This, Nazi Germany?!?

Donald Trump has been accused of having long-standing ties to Russia that he and the country have leveraged to undermine the recent Presidential election, along with U.S. democracy in general.

And, in response, Trump has the following to say about this scandal:

It’s not true! Because Russia says so!

(We’ll give you a moment to carefully remove your palm from your foreheadafter what we presume was a rather hard smack.)

We wish we were kidding, but Trump really did use Russia’s own response to this seemingly shocking report as a way to disprove the validity of said report.

Before we get into The Donald’s response in detail, however, a quick refresher:

On Tuesday evening, Buzzfeed published a 35-page dossier that has been circulating among intelligence officials, journalists and politicians for several weeks.

In this newly-leaked document, a former British MI-6 agent purports to reveal an extensive, harrowing, quid pro quo relationship between Trump and the Kremlin.

The dossier highlights alleged meetings that took place between Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, and members of the Russian government.

It outlines at length all the ways in which Trump’s team worked with Russia to hack into Democratic National Committee emails, with Trump accepting “a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin” throughout his Presidential campaign.

There’s also a section in the report that claims Trump once paid prostitutes to urinate on each other.

He did so (allegedly) while being bugged inside the same hotel room in which Barack and Michelle Obama once stayed during a trip to Moscow.

And he did so (allegedly) in order to defile the bed on which they slept.

Trump initially fired back against the report (which you can read HERE) by referring to it as a “witch hunt” on Twitter.

(Ironically, or maybe not ironically, a Kremlin spokesperson also referred to this report as a “witch hunt.”)

witch hunt tweet

But the President-Elect slept on it watched cable news all night long and fired up his Twitter machine this morning with even more scathing commentary.

First, as mentioned at the outset of this article, Trump cited Russian’s denial of its connection to Trump as proof that said connection doesn’t exist.

He Tweeted:

Russia just said the unverified report paid for by political opponents is “A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE.” Very unfair!

So there you have it, folks.

This was a fun story while it lasted, but because Russia did not come out and admit to its blackmailing of Trump and collusion with Trump, it’s clearly a fabricated report.

Next, Trump went ALL-CAPS to really emphasize his point:

Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA – NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!

He then once again acted as if the 45th largest margin of victory in Electoral College history (out of 58 total elections that used this system) was “easy” and enormous:

I win an election easily, a great “movement” is verified, and crooked opponents try to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS. A sorry state!

And, to cap it all off, Trump compared America to Nazi Germany:

Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to “leak” into the public. One last shot at me.Are we living in Nazi Germany?

DJT is angry

Many critics of Trump have been asking the same question, of course, considering his hiring of such Neo-Nazis to work in his White House as Steve Bannon.

Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, meanwhile, has also come down hard on this report.

He told NBC News that Trump was NOT briefed on the contents of this dossier at any point, adding:

“The first I had heard of any of these wild accusations was when someone printed it out from the BuzzFeed website,” he said. “This is not an intelligence document.”

Priebus said that he can say with confidence that Trump and his campaign had no conversations with Russia. Not ever.

“The other salacious garbage that was in this report didn’t happen. We’re talking about fake news. It’s shameful,” he said. “It’s all phony baloney garbage.”

Do you believe that Trump has been compromised by Russia?

Do you think he paid women to give each other golden showers?

Can you believe this is all any kind of topic for conversation in any way, shape or form?


Donald Trump Accused of "Perverted Sexual Acts," Blackmail at Hands of Russia

Donald Trump may be in serious trouble.

We’re talking serious, BIGLY trouble, like no politician has ever been in before.

On Tuesday night, mere hours before Barack Obama made us all cry during his Farewell Address, multiple news outlets reported that Trump may have been compromised by Russia.

In a stunning, 35-page document, anonymous sources allege that the foreign power has been blackmailing and colluding with the President-Elect over “salacious” personal and professional information it has cultivated on Trump over the years.

It’s important to note that the information contained in this report has not been verified by any U.S. intelligence agencies at the moment.

But Buzzfeed has actually published the full, unverified dossier – which has been circulating among elected officials, intelligence agents and journalists for weeks – that outlines how the Russian government has been “cultivating, supporting and assisting” Donald Trump for years.

A synopsis of this packet was reportedly given to Trump and Obama at some point this month.

Both have been made aware of the damning intel Russia has gathered on Trump.

The document was prepared by a former British intelligence agent. Among other shocking claims, it says:

– Trump was first approached by Russian officials in 2013 when he was in Moscow for the Miss Universe Pageant.

– His lawyer, Michael Cohen, held clandestine meetings with Russian officials in Prague in which he discussed pay-offs to Russia for the nation having hacked into U.S. email accounts in an attempt to sway the election toward Trump.

– Trump “accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin,” including on his Democratic and political rivals.

– During a trip to Moscow, in which he stayed in the same Ritz-Carlton room as Barack and Michelle Obama once stayed, Trump asked prostitutes to defile the bed on which The First Couple once slept by peeing on each other.

You can read the entire document HERE.

You may draw your own conclusions and you may read every detail of this alleged relationship between Trump and Russia.

But, as you might, expect, the Internet is focused on one specific aspect of the report:

The whole golden shower thing.

Here is the excerpt from the dossier that highlights this allegation:

According to Source D, where s/he had been present, Trump’s (perverted) conduct in Moscow included hiring the presidential suite of the Ritz Carlton Hotel where he knew President and Mrs. Obama (whom he hated) had stayed on one of their official trips to Russia, and defiling the bed where they had slept by employing a number of prostitutes to perform a ‘golden showers’ (urination) show in front of him.

Along with (great) jokes about R. Kelly now singing at Trump’s inauguration, Twitter could not help but go off on the assertion that Donald Trump asked prostitutes to pee all over each other in his presence.

To wit:

Chelsea Handler referred to Kanye West’s blonde hair, shared a photo of the rapper with Trump and wrote:

“Kanye’s new hair makes a lot more sense now #GoldenShowers.”

The following Joe Biden meme is also making the hilarious rounds:

Of everything listed in this document, Trump paying for golden showers may be the least important allegation.

It would simply paint the President-Elect as someone with unique sexual tastes, not as someone working with a foreign power to undermine the U.S. democracy.

But we’ll save the in-depth political analysis for CNN, Fox News and MSNBC.

We’re The Hollywood Gossip. What else are we going to focus on aside from Trump’s supposed desire to soil a bed in which the Obamas once slept with prostitute urine?

For his part, Trump has referred to this entire report as a “witch hunt.”

Sorry, as a “WITCH HUNT.”

He, along with Mike Pence, also linked to an article in something called titled “Fake News: BuzzFeed Runs ‘Unverifiable’ Trump-Russia Claims” as proof that the whole thing is BS.

This random website is run by conservative talk show host and outspoken Trump supporter Laura Ingraham.

And BuzzFeed itself wrote several times that the report is “unverified.”

This is all a lot to digest, we know. But don’t think too much about it.

Just look forward to Trump’s press conference today, hope the media does its job in pressing him on everything related to Russia…

… and enjoy some more golden shower jokes on Twitter!


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Roy Jones Jr. -- Putin On 1st Fight In Russia ... It"s Official, Comrade




Looks like that goodwill meeting with Vladimir Putin worked … because Roy Jones Jr. tells TMZ Sports he just booked his first fight in Mother Russia. 

RJJ just reached out and told us he’ll be fighting Welsh bigman Enzo Maccarinelli on November 28th.

Enzo is a former WBO cruiserweight champ … who’s fighting to regain his belt on October 10th.

If Enzo wins that belt, the Jones fight would be a title bout.  

This is big news because Jones just flew out to Moscow for a face-to-face with Putin — and asked for Russian citizenship so he could do business in Vlad’s country. 

Jones has said his ultimate goal is to help repair U.S./Russia relations.  

For more sports stories, check out!

Roy Jones Jr. -- Putin On 1st Fight In Russia ... It"s Official, Comrade




Looks like that goodwill meeting with Vladimir Putin worked … because Roy Jones Jr. tells TMZ Sports he just booked his first fight in Mother Russia. 

RJJ just reached out and told us he’ll be fighting Welsh bigman Enzo Maccarinelli on November 28th.

Enzo is a former WBO cruiserweight champ … who’s fighting to regain his belt on October 10th.

If Enzo wins that belt, the Jones fight would be a title bout.  

This is big news because Jones just flew out to Moscow for a face-to-face with Putin — and asked for Russian citizenship so he could do business in Vlad’s country. 

Jones has said his ultimate goal is to help repair U.S./Russia relations.  

For more sports stories, check out!