Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts

Friday, August 10, 2018

Tour de France Winner Arrested for Attacking Prostitute In Germany

Former Tour de France winner Jan Ullrich has been arrested in Germany after officials say the cyclist beat up a hooker in Frankfort.  Yes. You read that correctly.  The 44-year-old — who won the Tour back in 1997 — allegedly had a…


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Donald Trump-Shaped Ecstasy Pills Seized in Germany

Donald Trump’s apparently the preferred face of drug dealers in Germany after thousands of ecstasy pills in the shape of the Prez’s head were seized by police. Cops in the northwestern city of Osnabruck found approximately 5,000 orange,…


Monday, March 20, 2017

Kim Zolciak, Daughter Rant Against Germany: What a Crappy Country!

It sounds like Kim Zolciak and Brielle Biermann wouldn’t shake hands with Angela Merkel, either.

In one of our favorite Twitter rants of 2017, the famous mother and her nearly-equally famous daughter WENT OFF on Monday against employees at Frankfurt Airport in Germany, claiming these individuals went ahead and actually stole some of their belongings.

The reality stars were on their way back from a European vacation when the alleged craziness went down.

“Crazy ass airport n [sic] Germany!” Tweeted Zolciak at the outset of her social media meltdown, adding:

“So extra Told me its my government thats why they r searching all my stuff! Throwing my wigs around & s—.”

Whoa there. Everyone should know better than to mess with a woman’s wigs. We’re not even making a joke there.

Which is good because neither Kim nor Brielle was in a laughing mood on Twitter anyway, as they alleged they were treated unfairly due to their U.S. citizenship.

“I went through security they searched my carry on, squeezing all my nutri grain bars, throwing my stuff around,” Zolciak whined at one point, claiming she made it to her gate and was then told she had to RETURN to security again.

“I said this was crazy,” she wrote, to which she added that an airport official replied: “It’s because of YOUR government.”

That seems a little hard to believe.

Yes, U.S.-German relations are not at an all-time high right now, following Donald Trump’s trainwreck of a meeting last week with Merkel.

But we still doubt Kim and Brielle were singled out for their nationality.

Try telling that to the distraught stars, however.

“SERIOUSLY @Airport_FRA all your employees need to get F—ed,” Brielle Tweeted, explaining:

“They stole ALL MY s— and are harassing a bunch of people! SO F—ing RUDE.”

In a series of expletive-ridden messages, the 20-year old also wrote that “every single person who works here can go f— themselves” and concluded:

“Don’t ever f—ing come to Germany. I hate this place.”

kim z tweets

Zolciak’s Twitter storm comes amidst rumors that she may return to The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

That would at least explain the outrage to some extent; perhaps she’s trying to remind producers that she’s an expert at stirring up drama.

Between co-stars. Between allied countries. Whatever. Bring them on!

Kim also may have been hoping to distract the public from the fact that her four-year old recently handled an actual gun.

Showing far more patience than we ever would in this kind of situation, the airport actually responses to Brielle’s Tweets, asking her to file a complaint to their customer service department.

“@BrielleZolciak Dear Brielle, sorry to hear,” reads a message from the airport’s official Twitter account.

“Those are serious accusations. Please tell me what happened.”

We really hope this incident doesn’t further harm relations between Germany and the United States.

That is so not what we need right now.


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Tim Allen: Hollywood is Like Nazi Germany!

To many people, Tim Allen is known for his role on the classic, beloved sitcom Home Improvement, or for providing the voice for Buzz Lightyear in the Toy Story movies.

Or maybe you know him best from The Santa Clause, or his work as a comedian, or from any other of his many endeavors in the entertainment world.

But after watching this new interview he did on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, you might remember him best as a Donald Trump supporter.

And that"s … well, it is what it is, we suppose.

Tim started out this segment of the interview by very, very hesitantly admitting that he attended Trump"s inauguration.

"You gotta be real careful around here," he laughed, referring to Hollywood. "You get beat up if you don"t believe what everybody believes. This is like "30s Germany."

He then went on to explain how Google Maps and iPhones are tools of the government used to spy on people, so …

Look, Tim can believe whatever he wants to believe, obviously. If he"s a Trump supporter, then good for him.

But maybe the issue he"s experiencing isn"t so much "like "30s Germany" as it is an issue of people strongly disagreeing with Trump"s backwards views and then assuming his supporters share those views.

You can appreciate and support people with different beliefs than yours, but if those beliefs are ones you find deeply morally wrong, then it makes things harder.

Check out Tim"s interview below:

Tim allen hollywood is like nazi germany

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Donald Trump on Russia Scandal: What is This, Nazi Germany?!?

Donald Trump has been accused of having long-standing ties to Russia that he and the country have leveraged to undermine the recent Presidential election, along with U.S. democracy in general.

And, in response, Trump has the following to say about this scandal:

It’s not true! Because Russia says so!

(We’ll give you a moment to carefully remove your palm from your foreheadafter what we presume was a rather hard smack.)

We wish we were kidding, but Trump really did use Russia’s own response to this seemingly shocking report as a way to disprove the validity of said report.

Before we get into The Donald’s response in detail, however, a quick refresher:

On Tuesday evening, Buzzfeed published a 35-page dossier that has been circulating among intelligence officials, journalists and politicians for several weeks.

In this newly-leaked document, a former British MI-6 agent purports to reveal an extensive, harrowing, quid pro quo relationship between Trump and the Kremlin.

The dossier highlights alleged meetings that took place between Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, and members of the Russian government.

It outlines at length all the ways in which Trump’s team worked with Russia to hack into Democratic National Committee emails, with Trump accepting “a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin” throughout his Presidential campaign.

There’s also a section in the report that claims Trump once paid prostitutes to urinate on each other.

He did so (allegedly) while being bugged inside the same hotel room in which Barack and Michelle Obama once stayed during a trip to Moscow.

And he did so (allegedly) in order to defile the bed on which they slept.

Trump initially fired back against the report (which you can read HERE) by referring to it as a “witch hunt” on Twitter.

(Ironically, or maybe not ironically, a Kremlin spokesperson also referred to this report as a “witch hunt.”)

witch hunt tweet

But the President-Elect slept on it watched cable news all night long and fired up his Twitter machine this morning with even more scathing commentary.

First, as mentioned at the outset of this article, Trump cited Russian’s denial of its connection to Trump as proof that said connection doesn’t exist.

He Tweeted:

Russia just said the unverified report paid for by political opponents is “A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE.” Very unfair!

So there you have it, folks.

This was a fun story while it lasted, but because Russia did not come out and admit to its blackmailing of Trump and collusion with Trump, it’s clearly a fabricated report.

Next, Trump went ALL-CAPS to really emphasize his point:

Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA – NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!

He then once again acted as if the 45th largest margin of victory in Electoral College history (out of 58 total elections that used this system) was “easy” and enormous:

I win an election easily, a great “movement” is verified, and crooked opponents try to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS. A sorry state!

And, to cap it all off, Trump compared America to Nazi Germany:

Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to “leak” into the public. One last shot at me.Are we living in Nazi Germany?

DJT is angry

Many critics of Trump have been asking the same question, of course, considering his hiring of such Neo-Nazis to work in his White House as Steve Bannon.

Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, meanwhile, has also come down hard on this report.

He told NBC News that Trump was NOT briefed on the contents of this dossier at any point, adding:

“The first I had heard of any of these wild accusations was when someone printed it out from the BuzzFeed website,” he said. “This is not an intelligence document.”

Priebus said that he can say with confidence that Trump and his campaign had no conversations with Russia. Not ever.

“The other salacious garbage that was in this report didn’t happen. We’re talking about fake news. It’s shameful,” he said. “It’s all phony baloney garbage.”

Do you believe that Trump has been compromised by Russia?

Do you think he paid women to give each other golden showers?

Can you believe this is all any kind of topic for conversation in any way, shape or form?


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Miss Germany Rips Into Miss Universe Outcome

We have another twist in the 2015 Miss Universe pageant saga.

On Sunday night, Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach was crowned the winner of this year"s Miss Universe competition.

But that reveal came after host Steve Harvey actually announced Miss Colombia as the winner, forcing him to awkwardly go back out on stage and explain his major faux pas.

OOPS! His bad, huh?

The mistake even promoted Donald Trump to weigh in, although it doesn"t really take much for Donald Trump to weigh in on anything these days.

How did the other contestants feel about the snafu?

Sarah-Lorraine Riek, who represented Germany in the pageant and who did not place among the top spots, spoke to Missosology about the outcome…

… and is clearly displeased about the champion.

“I really couldn’t believe it. I was so upset," Miss Germany says in this interview adding:

"For me [Miss Colombia was robbed] as the real winner … I was very happy for Miss Colombia because she really deserved it. I’m really not happy with the result and so are the other girls, I’m sorry to say it."

She goes on to explain why the contestants chose to comfort Miss Colombia following the mistaken announcement, as opposed to congratulations Miss Philippines.

What a total mess. Watch the exchange now:

Miss germany rips into miss philippines victory