Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Miss Germany Rips Into Miss Universe Outcome

We have another twist in the 2015 Miss Universe pageant saga.

On Sunday night, Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach was crowned the winner of this year"s Miss Universe competition.

But that reveal came after host Steve Harvey actually announced Miss Colombia as the winner, forcing him to awkwardly go back out on stage and explain his major faux pas.

OOPS! His bad, huh?

The mistake even promoted Donald Trump to weigh in, although it doesn"t really take much for Donald Trump to weigh in on anything these days.

How did the other contestants feel about the snafu?

Sarah-Lorraine Riek, who represented Germany in the pageant and who did not place among the top spots, spoke to Missosology about the outcome…

… and is clearly displeased about the champion.

“I really couldn’t believe it. I was so upset," Miss Germany says in this interview adding:

"For me [Miss Colombia was robbed] as the real winner … I was very happy for Miss Colombia because she really deserved it. I’m really not happy with the result and so are the other girls, I’m sorry to say it."

She goes on to explain why the contestants chose to comfort Miss Colombia following the mistaken announcement, as opposed to congratulations Miss Philippines.

What a total mess. Watch the exchange now:

Miss germany rips into miss philippines victory