Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Kim Kardashian Just Broke the App Store

Kim Kardashian did not manage to break the Internet when she posed naked for Paper Magazine last year.

But the former sex tape star really did just take down Apple’s App Store.

Within hours of releasing her Kimoji line, Kardashian jumped on Instagram to apologize for such high demand actually causing the website to occasionally crash and often give users a difficult time downloading.

“Apple, I’m so sorry I broke your App Sore!!!” Kim Tweeted. “I can’t believe co many people downloaded my KIMOJI app that it affected the entire app store!”

The new Kimoji app costs $ 1.99 and features a customized collection of emojis that include more than 250 food, beauty and pop culture-related images… such as one of Kim Kardashian’s butt.

After expressing shock that she caused glitches in the App Store (“Ahhhhhhhh I still can’t believe we broke the entire App Store!!!! #KIMOJ), Kardashian also wrote a message to those who complained that the app itself as not functioning properly.

“We worked so hard on this app & we know there are some issues due to the massive downloads that the whole tech team is working on,” the reality star wrote.

“My KIMOJI app will be up and running again soon! They are also working on fixing the search so u can easily find it!” 

UPDATE: Following this widespread Internet panic, it appears as if the App Store and the Kimoji app are both once again all good.

“Ok! We’re back! Everything is fixed!” Kardashian wrote on Instagram late Monday.

“I’m so sorry guys! Thank you for being patient. Get KIMOJI now in the App Store!!”

Or save your money, time and reputation by not doing so. Either way, readers.