Showing posts with label Nazi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nazi. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

WWII Nazi Plane Crashes in Flames on Highway 101 in the Valley

A vintage World War II fighter plane — for the Nazis, not the good guys — crash landed on one of L.A.’s busiest freeways … and miraculously the pilot survived. Video from Sky5 shows the fiery scene of a plane crash on the 101 Freeway in Agoura…


Thursday, March 29, 2018

#BoycottRoseanne Movement Grows in Wake of Comedian"s Return, Nazi Comment

Roseanne Barr is very much back.

The veteran comedian and actress – who fell so far out of the spotlight and grew so desperate for attention over the years that she tried to seduce Kanye West – returned in a major way this week:

The revival of her beloved sitcom attracted 18.2 million viewers on Tuesday night, a truly astounding figure in this day and age of entertainment.

But is Roseanne Barr back… and better than ever?

Yes, if one is referring to the effective ways in which Barr stirs up controversy.

An outspoken Donald Trump supporter, Roseanne has modeled the fictional version of herself after this real-life version…

… but it’s something Barr recently said in real life that has many folks around the Internet pushing for a boycott of her series.

On March 24, Parkland shooting victim David Hogg addressed a huge crowd at the Washington D.C. March for Our Lives and, at one point, raised his fist high in the air.

He did so to inspire those around the country to rally around him and other school shooting survivors on the topic of sensible gun control.

But some folks out there somehow interpreted this as a Nazi salute.

Roseanne was apparently among these folks.

At least one Twitter user captured screenshots of Roseanne’s verified Twitter account (which is named Roseanne Barr with the handle “therealroseanne”) sending a message that tagged Hogg and read simply:


See for yourself:

(NOTE: If we need to explain to you how this is NOT a Nazi salute… well.. we just can’t. We don’t have the mental energy. You’re already a lost cause.)

As a result of this Roseanne statement, a movement has grown around social media; or a hashtag, to be more precise and relevant.

A handful of critics are encouraging others to #BoycottRoseanne, while railing against the sitcom and its star in general:

It came out on Thursday, meanwhile, that President Trump actually called to congratulate Roseanne on the success of her television return.

She said as much during an appearance on Good Morning America.

“It was pretty exciting, I’ll tell you that much,” Barr said on air. “I’ve known him for many years and he’s done a lot of nice things for me over the years.”

On her rebooted series, Roseanne’s family has been torn apart by the 2016 Presidential election.

Tension and anger runs high among all relatives, most notably Roseanne and her sister, portrayed by Laurie Metcalf.

“I just wanted to have that dialogue about families torn apart by the election and their political differences of opinion and how we handle it,” Barr told the New York Times in an interview published on Tuesday.

She added that it was her idea for the Roseanne character to be a Trump supporter.

This is why:

“It’s an accurate portrayal of these people and people like them.

“In terms of what they think,and who they feel when they are the ones who send their kids over to fight.

“We’ve been in wars for a long, long time, which everybody seems to forget, but working class people don’t forget it because their kids are in it.”

As a reminder, this is how Roseanne once sang the national anthem:


Sunday, January 7, 2018

Stassi Schroeder Wears "Nazi Chic" Ensemble, Receives ALL the Hate

There are certain words in the English language that should never go together:

Donald Trump and genius. Justin Bieber and humble. Ryan Gosling and ugly.

Stassi Schroeder has managed to come up with a pair that we never would have thought of, let alone used as a description on social media to describe an outfit we were wearing…

Nazi chic.

The Vanderpump Rules star stepped into some scalding hot water on Saturday when she shared a photo on Snapchat of herself and friends Rachel O’Brien and Kristen Doute, presumably prior to hitting the town.

Describing the ensemble O’Brien is wearing, Schroeder wrote that it was “criminal chic.”

Sort of an odd phrasing, but broad and vague enough to not be offensive.

Doute, Schroeder added, was going with a “Tupac chic” look.

This was likely a reference to the bandana atop her head and it was only mildly offensive because Tupac was murdered, yes, but there nothing really insulting about what Stassi wrote.

As for herself?

As you can see below, Schroeder joked that her fashion choice was “Nazi chic.”

For starters, we have no idea what this even means.

Is the Bravo personality quipping that Hitler and his underlings rocked similar style hats back in the 1930s and 1940s when they were working to wipe out Jewish people from the planet?

Is this a reference to the initials “SS” on her purse, which stand for her name – but which were also the shorthand for “Schutzstaffel,” the foremost agency of security, surveillance and terror within Germany and German-occupied Europe?

It’s not entirely clear.

But was is clear, based on the negative reaction Schroeder has received online, is that perhaps one should not joke about Nazis, especially not in relation to them being “chic.”

Wrote one disgusted Internet user, addressing Bravo executive Andy Cohen:

“@Andy nothing but class from Stassi. I hope someone at your network is smart enough to fire her before you lose viewers.”

Added another critic of the description:

“@LisaVanderpump you may want to rethink employment opportunities for Stassi. Guess joking ab[o]ut the SS is hilarious in LA?”

Clearly aware of the backlash, Schroeder eventually deleted the picture and reposted it with a new caption that detailed her as “#Elsa-Indiana Jones Chic,” referring to the Austrian archaeologist portrayed by Alison Doody in 1989’s Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

She called the new caption an “appropriate redo.”

But was she really sorry? 

Does she really understand why so many people were offended by the initial photo?

It doesn’t appear that way, based on the following meme that she shared last night on Twitter:

Schroeder is basically saying here that people are way too sensitive these days.

Late last year, meanwhile, she also came under fire for making fun of the #MeToo movement.

In response to Matt Lauer, Kevin Spacey and MANY others being called out for their heinous actions, the Vanderpump Rules cast member wondered if there was a “witch hunt” against men going on in Hollywood.

On her podcast, she said no one could “make me suck a dick,” implying the victims in these cases were weak and not really victims, prior to walking back her stance as best she could.

“My podcast is an outlet for me to share my unfiltered opinion with my listeners,” she Tweeted in the wake of this scandal, adding at the time:

“But on my latest episode I crossed a line. It was irresponsible for me to make generalized statements about a very serious topic, such as sexual harassment, as it is not my place to speak about anyone else’s experiences.

“I apologize. I will continue to speak my mind on my podcast, but will put more thought behind my dialogue moving forward.”


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Mariah Carey, Security Guard Claims Sexual Harassment, Says She Also Called Him Nazi, Skinhead

Mariah Carey’s former security company has threatened to sue her … and the guy who owns the company says she constantly humiliated him by referring to him as a Nazi, a skinhead, a KKK member and a white supremacist.   Michael Anello’s…


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Nazi at Center of Protest is "Terrified" He May Get Arrested

A white nationalist who was featured prominently in a Vice News documentary about the "Unite the Right" really in Charlottesville, Virginia last weekend is very scared.

He"s also very sad and surprised and really, really, really wants you to feel sorry for him.

In the following video Christopher Cantwell shared on YouTube, the racist protestor complains about his ongoing plight, breaking down on multiple occasions over the fact that he may get arrested.

“I have been told there’s a warrant out for my arrest,” he says while crying in the footage, adding: 

“With everything that’s happening, I don’t think it’s very wise for me to go anywhere. There’s a state of emergency. The National Guard is here!”

Cantwell was one of hundreds of white supremacists who gathered in Charlottesville last Friday and Saturday to protest the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue.

In response, counter-protestors who are NOT awful bigots took to the streets and voiced their own opinions.

Things turned chaotic and violent and a 32-year old woman named Heather Heyer was killed by a car due to the actions of one of Cantwell"s fellow neo-Nazis.

“I want to be peaceful. I want to be law-abiding. That was the whole entire point of this,” Cantwell says below.

“I’m watching CNN talk about this as a violent, white nationalist protest. We have done everything in our power to keep this peaceful!”

Addressing the police, Cantwell asked that they contact him about any warrant.

“I am armed, I do not want violence with you," he says. "I’m terrified, I’m afraid you’re going to kill me, I really am."

Previously, another protestor named Peter Cvjetanovic came out and also whined about the negative coverage he was receiving as a result of his role in  Charlottesville.

He claimed that he was a non-racist white nationalist.

"I honestly believe I have been law-abiding," Cantwell continues, explaining:

"I have been engaged in violence, I have, there’s no question about it and I’ve done nothing to hide that but it was in defense of myself and others and I would not have done it for any other reason."

Cantwell has been banned from Facebook and Instagram, while a page connected to his podcast was removed.

Watch his tear-filled video below and ask yourself: Do you feel sorry for this man?

Christopher cantwell white nationalist in charlottesville protes

Monday, August 14, 2017

Peter Cvjetanovic: Charlottesville Nazi Swears He"s Not Racist

If you’ve been anywhere near social media in the past three days, then you’ve no doubt heard about the horrifying events that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend.

Bearing lit tiki torches (as though they’re not easy enough to make fun of without the Pier One props), dozens of white nationalists (read: Nazis) took to the streets in order to spread fear and racial hatred.

The protest soon turned violent, resulting in a shocking act of terrorism that claimed the life of counter-protester Heather Heyer and injured 19 others.

We know that James Alex Fields Jr. was the man who drove his vehicle into the crowd, killing Heyer, but not surprisingly, there’s been a concerted effort to put names to all of the hateful faces who helped create the tragic situation in Charlottesville.

The aptly-named Twitter account @yesyoureracist is spearheading a campaign to identify each of the citronella-scented bigots who assembled in Charlottesville to protest the proposed removal of a monument dedicated to Robert E. Lee.

Perhaps the most famous photo from the incident is the above shot that shows one young man holding his torch aloft and screaming his message of hate.

(The demonstrators reportedly chanted “white lives matter” and “Jews will not replace us.”)

The man has now been identified as 20-year-old University of Nevada, Reno student Peter Cvjetanovic.

Reached for comment, Cvjetanovic insisted that he’s not a racist, and offered up some BS about the importance of European culture as an explanation for his presence at the rally.

“I did not expect the photo to be shared as much as it was. I understand the photo has a very negative connotation,” Cvjetanovic said in an interview with Reno’s KTVN-TV

“But I hope that the people sharing the photo are willing to listen that I’m not the angry racist they see in that photo.”

He went on to justify his awfulness with the type of explanation that’s sure to put him up there with Martin Shkreli as one of the internet’s most hated villains:

“I came to this march for the message that white European culture has a right to be here just like every other culture,” Cvjetanovic said.

“It is not perfect. There are flaws to it, of course. However, I do believe that the replacement of the statue will be the slow replacement of white heritage within the U.S. and the people who fought and defended and built their homeland,” he added.

“Robert E. Lee is a great example of that. He wasn’t a perfect man, but I want to honor and respect what he stood for during his time.” 

Shockingly, Cvjetanovic had no comment with regard to his feelings on other generals who are most famous for wars they lost or the importance of preserving the cultures of continents that aren’t populated mostly by white people.

Thousands have called for Cvjetanovic to be expelled from the University of Nevada, but the school has yet to publicly respond.

Meanwhile, the troll who likely blames his persistent virginity on people with darker skin is standing by his beliefs: 

“I will defend tooth and nail my views as a white nationalist,” Cvjetanovic said. “I love my culture and will fight for it, but never in a violent way.”

We’re living in frightening times.

Stay safe out there, folks.


Friday, August 11, 2017

Jeffrey Lord Posts Nazi Salute on Twitter, Gets Fired by CNN

It took Jeffrey Lord outing himself as a possible Nazi sympathizer for him to finally be fired by CNN.

The contributor, who was hired by the cable network to defend Donald Trump at all times and through all tribulations, was let go by the company on Thursday after he Tweeted the Nazi salute “Sieg Heil!”

Despite protestations that he did so in order to make fun of fascism, Lord is now out of a job.

“Nazi salutes are indefensible,” a CNN spokesperson said simply. “Jeffrey Lord is no longer with the network.”

The back-and-forth that landed Lord in hot water took place between him and Angelo Carusone, the president of Media Matters for America, a liberal media watchdog organization.

It has been supporting an advertising boycott of Sean Hannity’s program on Fox News, which prompted Lord to pen a column in the American Spectator Thursday scolding the group as “anti-free speech bigots who, in typical fascist style, make it their mission to shut down speech they don’t like.”

He had previously this week compared MMFA to the propaganda machines in Hitler’s Germany and Mussolini’s Italy.

After Carusone replied to Lord and mentioned that name was misspelled in the headline of Lord’s piece… Lord responded, “Sieg Heil!”

Seems like a bit of an overreaction, no?

jl tweet

In a multitude of follow-up message, Lord argued that invoking the Nazi salute was a way of “mocking” Carusone and the organization.

Shockingly, this contention did not sway his bosses at CNN.

Following the controversial “Sieg Heil!” tweet, Carusone issued a statement on Twitter asking for Lord to be fired.

It read as follows:

Carusone tweet

To many CNN viewers and media critics, the only surprising development here is that it took so long for CNN to give Lord his walking papers.

The pro-Trump pundit has said many things over the past several months that many people thought would get him fired.

On Super Tuesday in 2016, he described the Ku Klux Klan as “the military arm, the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party, according to historians.”

In reference to Democratic congressman Bakari Sellers, an African-American, he once asked:

“When is Bakari going to get around to apologizing for slavery? I’m still waiting on that.”

With a serious face, he said at one point:

“Think of President Trump as the Martin Luther King of health care.”

More recently, Lord brushed off Trump’s encouragement of police brutality by saying that was simply a “New Yorker” having a “sense of humor” and he had gone on record by defending the President against talk of collusion with a foreign adversary.

“I don’t care what he says to the Russians,” Lord says of Trump.

The only positive to the existence of Jeffrey Lord is that he got into an on-air tiff with Anderson Cooper a few months ago, which led to Cooper saying to the biased non-journalist:

“If he took a dump on his desk, you would defend it.”

We’re almost glad CNN hired Jeffrey Lord just for that one exchange.

But he’s a horrible human being.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tim Allen: Shamed for Nazi Comments, Urged to Apologize

Tim Allen was already an unfunny comedian prior to sitting down for an interview with Jimmy Kimmel last week.

But then the actor went ahead and compared modern society to the Holocaust, actually claiming that Republicans in Hollywood these days have something in common with Jews in Nazi-occupied Germany…

… and now he’s gone from merely being unfunny to becoming a national embarrassment.

Appearing Thursday on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Allen discussed attending Donald Trump’s inauguration and offered his thoughts on the polarizing political climate.

As one of the few Conservatives in show business, he told the host and his audience:

“You gotta be real careful around here. You get beat up if you don’t believe what everybody believes. This is like ’30s Germany.”

Yes, like ’30s Germany. When it was run by Adolf Hitler. And when millions of Jewish people were rounded up, thrown into concentration camps and killed by the Nazi regime.

You can see Allen make these actual, real-life comments in the video below:

In response to these remarks, hopefully any level-headed human being was aghast and appalled.

But the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect has specifically called out Allen for what it has deemed to be his “deeply offensive characterization” of the situation, adding in further detail, via a statement from the organization’s executive director:

“Tim, have you lost your mind?

“No one in Hollywood today is subjecting you or anyone else to what the Nazis imposed on Jews in the 1930s – the world’s most evil program of dehumanization, imprisonment and mass brutality, implemented by an entire national government, as the prelude for the genocide of nearly an entire people.”

The statement concluded:

“Sorry, Tim, that’s just not the same as getting turned down for a movie role.  

“It’s time for you to leave your bubble to apologize to the Jewish people and, to be sure, the other peoples also targeted by the Nazis.”

That pretty much says it all, but it’s still worth emphasizing:

1. Over six millions people were killed in the Holocaust. As far we we know, not a single Republican has been killed in Hollywood for expressing his or her viewpoint.

2. Allen is (somehow) STILL working on the ABC sitcom Last Man Standing. It’s filmed over 100 episodes!

3. He’s been the voice of Buzz Lightyear in all three Toy Story films. He starred in one of the most beloved shows of its era, Home Improvement, during the mid-1990s.

In other words: The guy is not hurting for work.

This would be a ridiculous, inappropriate, hurtful statement to make by anyone.

But it’s especially off-base and tone deaf when coming from an actor who has been regular employed (and VERY well compensated) for well over 20 years.

The Anne Frank Center is named after the young Jewish girl who kept a now-published diary while hiding from the Nazis and says its mission is to call out “prejudice” in the world.

The group also “counters discrimination and advocates for the kinder and fairer world of which Anne Frank dreamed.”

Allen is yet to speak out on his controversial quip.

But he’d be well-served to issue a mea culpa and move on.

What a stupid thing to say.

Can the world just agree to cease all comparisons to the Holocaust on a grand scale?

Until a dictator comes into power and starts rounding up individuals from a certain ethnicity for mass imprisonment and slaughter, NOTHING is like 1930s Germany, okay?


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Tim Allen: Hollywood is Like Nazi Germany!

To many people, Tim Allen is known for his role on the classic, beloved sitcom Home Improvement, or for providing the voice for Buzz Lightyear in the Toy Story movies.

Or maybe you know him best from The Santa Clause, or his work as a comedian, or from any other of his many endeavors in the entertainment world.

But after watching this new interview he did on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, you might remember him best as a Donald Trump supporter.

And that"s … well, it is what it is, we suppose.

Tim started out this segment of the interview by very, very hesitantly admitting that he attended Trump"s inauguration.

"You gotta be real careful around here," he laughed, referring to Hollywood. "You get beat up if you don"t believe what everybody believes. This is like "30s Germany."

He then went on to explain how Google Maps and iPhones are tools of the government used to spy on people, so …

Look, Tim can believe whatever he wants to believe, obviously. If he"s a Trump supporter, then good for him.

But maybe the issue he"s experiencing isn"t so much "like "30s Germany" as it is an issue of people strongly disagreeing with Trump"s backwards views and then assuming his supporters share those views.

You can appreciate and support people with different beliefs than yours, but if those beliefs are ones you find deeply morally wrong, then it makes things harder.

Check out Tim"s interview below:

Tim allen hollywood is like nazi germany

Friday, January 20, 2017

Trump Supporters Ban Nazi Salute at DeploraBall (PHOTO)

Donald Trump’s staunchest supporters — who’ve been labeled “deplorables” by some — won’t be making salutes that stink of Nazism at their DeploraBall … TMZ has learned. Mike Cernovich — a member of ultra conservative group MAGA3X — tells TMZ he…


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Donald Trump on Russia Scandal: What is This, Nazi Germany?!?

Donald Trump has been accused of having long-standing ties to Russia that he and the country have leveraged to undermine the recent Presidential election, along with U.S. democracy in general.

And, in response, Trump has the following to say about this scandal:

It’s not true! Because Russia says so!

(We’ll give you a moment to carefully remove your palm from your foreheadafter what we presume was a rather hard smack.)

We wish we were kidding, but Trump really did use Russia’s own response to this seemingly shocking report as a way to disprove the validity of said report.

Before we get into The Donald’s response in detail, however, a quick refresher:

On Tuesday evening, Buzzfeed published a 35-page dossier that has been circulating among intelligence officials, journalists and politicians for several weeks.

In this newly-leaked document, a former British MI-6 agent purports to reveal an extensive, harrowing, quid pro quo relationship between Trump and the Kremlin.

The dossier highlights alleged meetings that took place between Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, and members of the Russian government.

It outlines at length all the ways in which Trump’s team worked with Russia to hack into Democratic National Committee emails, with Trump accepting “a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin” throughout his Presidential campaign.

There’s also a section in the report that claims Trump once paid prostitutes to urinate on each other.

He did so (allegedly) while being bugged inside the same hotel room in which Barack and Michelle Obama once stayed during a trip to Moscow.

And he did so (allegedly) in order to defile the bed on which they slept.

Trump initially fired back against the report (which you can read HERE) by referring to it as a “witch hunt” on Twitter.

(Ironically, or maybe not ironically, a Kremlin spokesperson also referred to this report as a “witch hunt.”)

witch hunt tweet

But the President-Elect slept on it watched cable news all night long and fired up his Twitter machine this morning with even more scathing commentary.

First, as mentioned at the outset of this article, Trump cited Russian’s denial of its connection to Trump as proof that said connection doesn’t exist.

He Tweeted:

Russia just said the unverified report paid for by political opponents is “A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE.” Very unfair!

So there you have it, folks.

This was a fun story while it lasted, but because Russia did not come out and admit to its blackmailing of Trump and collusion with Trump, it’s clearly a fabricated report.

Next, Trump went ALL-CAPS to really emphasize his point:

Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA – NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!

He then once again acted as if the 45th largest margin of victory in Electoral College history (out of 58 total elections that used this system) was “easy” and enormous:

I win an election easily, a great “movement” is verified, and crooked opponents try to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS. A sorry state!

And, to cap it all off, Trump compared America to Nazi Germany:

Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to “leak” into the public. One last shot at me.Are we living in Nazi Germany?

DJT is angry

Many critics of Trump have been asking the same question, of course, considering his hiring of such Neo-Nazis to work in his White House as Steve Bannon.

Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, meanwhile, has also come down hard on this report.

He told NBC News that Trump was NOT briefed on the contents of this dossier at any point, adding:

“The first I had heard of any of these wild accusations was when someone printed it out from the BuzzFeed website,” he said. “This is not an intelligence document.”

Priebus said that he can say with confidence that Trump and his campaign had no conversations with Russia. Not ever.

“The other salacious garbage that was in this report didn’t happen. We’re talking about fake news. It’s shameful,” he said. “It’s all phony baloney garbage.”

Do you believe that Trump has been compromised by Russia?

Do you think he paid women to give each other golden showers?

Can you believe this is all any kind of topic for conversation in any way, shape or form?


Friday, December 2, 2016

Kellyanne Conway: I"m Not a Nazi! Clinton Supporters Are Just Sore Losers!

Political strategist Kellyanne Conway became a household name thanks to her work as one of the architects of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

In the weeks since Trump was elected, Conway has maintained her position as one of the President-elect’s most trusted advisors, even when breaking with the administration on matters such as the possibility of cabinet appointment for Mitt Romney.

But while Conway has no qualms about expressing her disagreements with Trump, she remains fiercely loyal to the controversial real-estate-mogul-turned-political-neophyte in most matters.

One of the most troubling aspects of Trump’s transition has been his appointment of far-right extremists like Steve Bannon to important positions on his staff.

Bannon has been unapologetic about his ties to white nationalism and the “alt-right” movement, the latter having recently become a sort of euphemism for neo-Nazism.

Conway participated in a Harvard political panel yesterday, and she was taken to task by former Hillary Clinton strategist over her alleged role in bringing hate groups to the mainstream.

“I would rather lose than win the way you guys did,” Palmieri said, referring to the Trump campaign as a “vehicle for white supremacists.

“How exactly did we win, Jenn? How exactly?” an indignant Conway shot back.

“I have a smile on my face at all times.”

She went on to decry

“Are you gonna look me in the face and say I ran a campaign that was a platform for white supremacists?” 

Conway refused to listen to responses, accusing her opponents of being ungracious in defeat:

“You guys are bitter,” Conway went on. “We are being very gracious. You’re bitter.”

It’s not the first time that Conway has been asked to answer for the more appalling actions and comments of Trump’s campaign.

Following a recent university lecture, Conway was asked by a young woman how she was able to justify working her part in electing a man who was recorded boasting about acts of sexual assault.

Conway conceded that Trump’s words were “disgusting,” but stated that she still considers him to be “gracious and a gentleman.”

In the weeks after the recording went public, Trump was accused of sexual assault by more than a dozen women.

Conway has consistently parroted her boss’ statements that the women are all lying.


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Tila Tequila Does Nazi Salute, Gets Suspended from Twitter

Twitter has had enough of Tila Tequila.

Last Saturday, an alt-right convention was held in Washington D.C., with Richard Spencer leading a gathering of the National Policy Institute in showering Donald Trump with praise.

But not for his views on gun control, taxes or abortion.

For the fact that the President-Elect is helping to once again make this an all “white country.”

Among the attendees at this disturbing event was Tila Tequila, the former model and reality star who has shown numerous signs over the years of having severe mental issues.

For example, Tila once said that Beyonce is a demon who is all about destroying the souls of children around the world.

In this same Twitter rant from May, Tila came right out and said she is a “white nationalist.”

She also once shared a photo of her infant daughter with a Hitler mustache.

We hate to give her any kind of platform or attention, but Tequila made national headlines over the weekend when she Tweeted a photo of herself holding up the Nazi salute during a dinner at Maggianos Little Italy restaurant.

She did so alongside other members of National Policy Institute, as you can see below:

In response to this outrageous image, the restaurant posted a statement on Facebook apologizing for Tequila’s actions… and her Twitter account was later suspended.

“On Friday night, Maggiano’s in Friendship Heights was the inadvertent site of a protest that caused us to close our restaurant to protect the safety of our Teammates and Guests,” wrote the eatery on social media, adding:

“The protesters were upset because of a banquet we were hosting for a group called the National Policy Institute (NPI). This was a last minute booking made Friday afternoon, and the reservation was made under a different name, therefore we were not aware that NPI was dining with us or what the group represents.

After the event, an attendee sent a tweet in which she made a “Sieg Heil salute” in support of Hitler and white supremacy.

“This expression of support of Hitler is extremely offensive to us, as our restaurant is home to Teammates and Guests of every race, religion and cultural background.

“We want to sincerely apologize to the community of Friendship Heights for inadvertently hosting this meeting, which resulted in hateful sentiment.

“We want you to know that at the suggestion of one of our Guests, we are donating the profits from our restaurant sales on Friday, $ 10,000, to the DC office of the Anti-Defamation League, which for decades has been working to bring people together in peace and understanding.”

Of course, no one is really focused now on the role of Maggiano’s here. 

Although the restaurant has released an admirable statement and taken admirable actions.

Below, meanwhile, we’ve shared a video of Spencer’s speech.

In it, he leads the crowd in a chant of “Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory.”

Tequila is somewhere in this crowd.

We can’t exactly say we’re surprised.

But we can say the following:


Please come out and strongly denounce them, President-Elect Trump.


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Taylor Swift: Is She Really Akin to "Nazi Barbie?"

Ask Selena Gomez about Taylor Swift and you’re likely to hear her toss around words such as loyal, kind and giving.

Ask any celebrity who has joined Swift on stage during a concert about the singer and they’ll probably respond with words such as talented, fun and generous.

ASk Camille Paglia, a culture critic and self-proclaimed feminist, about Taylor Swift and… well… you’ll get a very different kind of response.

In an article penned for The Hollywood Reporter, Paglia argues that the group dynamic between Swift and the beautiful members of her “Squad” do not empower women in any way, shape or form.

Instead, claims Paglia, this is an example of elitism.

“Girl squads can help women advance if they avoid presenting a silly, regressive public image,” writes Paglia.

She goes on to note the “tongues-out mugging of Swift’s bear-hugging posse,” adding:

“Swift herself should retire that obnoxious Nazi Barbie routine of wheeling out friends and celebrities as performance props.”

We’re pretty sure Taylor just likes to hang out with her friends.

We’re also pretty sure once you compare anyone to a Nazi, you lose any semblance of a point.

Paglia goes on to explain that friendship squad such as this serve more to exclude women who aren’t members, as opposed to uniting the women of the group.

“If many women feel lonely or overwhelmed these days, it’s not due to male malice,” Paglia says. “Women have lost the natural solidarity and companionship.”

The columnist claims Swift’s “twinkly persona is such a scary flashback to the fascist blondes who ruled the social scene during my youth.”

Ummm… okay then.

Is there a doctor reading this who can order Paglia a chill pill?

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

TV Network Uses Nazi Badge for Yom Kippur -- How Could You Nazi This??


0923-wgn-yom-kippur-twitterLooks like WGN has some serious atoning to do today … because for some reason, the network used infamous NAZI  imagery for a news story about Yom Kippur

Check out the graphic used during a segment about the Jewish high holiday on Tuesday night. That yellow star look familar???

Yeah, it’s because it’s the same yellow badge the Nazis forced the Jews to wear during the 1940s. 

A Chicago lawyer took notice and called out WGN — writing, “Holy crap, @WGNNews, this is your stock photo for a Jewish holiday?? Nobody thought that’s a bad choice of photo?”

WGN responded, “We are truly sorry for inadvertently using an offensive image in our story. We apologize and deeply regret the error.”

Oy vey.