Showing posts with label #BoycottRoseanne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #BoycottRoseanne. Show all posts

Thursday, March 29, 2018

#BoycottRoseanne Movement Grows in Wake of Comedian"s Return, Nazi Comment

Roseanne Barr is very much back.

The veteran comedian and actress – who fell so far out of the spotlight and grew so desperate for attention over the years that she tried to seduce Kanye West – returned in a major way this week:

The revival of her beloved sitcom attracted 18.2 million viewers on Tuesday night, a truly astounding figure in this day and age of entertainment.

But is Roseanne Barr back… and better than ever?

Yes, if one is referring to the effective ways in which Barr stirs up controversy.

An outspoken Donald Trump supporter, Roseanne has modeled the fictional version of herself after this real-life version…

… but it’s something Barr recently said in real life that has many folks around the Internet pushing for a boycott of her series.

On March 24, Parkland shooting victim David Hogg addressed a huge crowd at the Washington D.C. March for Our Lives and, at one point, raised his fist high in the air.

He did so to inspire those around the country to rally around him and other school shooting survivors on the topic of sensible gun control.

But some folks out there somehow interpreted this as a Nazi salute.

Roseanne was apparently among these folks.

At least one Twitter user captured screenshots of Roseanne’s verified Twitter account (which is named Roseanne Barr with the handle “therealroseanne”) sending a message that tagged Hogg and read simply:


See for yourself:

(NOTE: If we need to explain to you how this is NOT a Nazi salute… well.. we just can’t. We don’t have the mental energy. You’re already a lost cause.)

As a result of this Roseanne statement, a movement has grown around social media; or a hashtag, to be more precise and relevant.

A handful of critics are encouraging others to #BoycottRoseanne, while railing against the sitcom and its star in general:

It came out on Thursday, meanwhile, that President Trump actually called to congratulate Roseanne on the success of her television return.

She said as much during an appearance on Good Morning America.

“It was pretty exciting, I’ll tell you that much,” Barr said on air. “I’ve known him for many years and he’s done a lot of nice things for me over the years.”

On her rebooted series, Roseanne’s family has been torn apart by the 2016 Presidential election.

Tension and anger runs high among all relatives, most notably Roseanne and her sister, portrayed by Laurie Metcalf.

“I just wanted to have that dialogue about families torn apart by the election and their political differences of opinion and how we handle it,” Barr told the New York Times in an interview published on Tuesday.

She added that it was her idea for the Roseanne character to be a Trump supporter.

This is why:

“It’s an accurate portrayal of these people and people like them.

“In terms of what they think,and who they feel when they are the ones who send their kids over to fight.

“We’ve been in wars for a long, long time, which everybody seems to forget, but working class people don’t forget it because their kids are in it.”

As a reminder, this is how Roseanne once sang the national anthem:
