Showing posts with label Grows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grows. Show all posts

Thursday, March 29, 2018

#BoycottRoseanne Movement Grows in Wake of Comedian"s Return, Nazi Comment

Roseanne Barr is very much back.

The veteran comedian and actress – who fell so far out of the spotlight and grew so desperate for attention over the years that she tried to seduce Kanye West – returned in a major way this week:

The revival of her beloved sitcom attracted 18.2 million viewers on Tuesday night, a truly astounding figure in this day and age of entertainment.

But is Roseanne Barr back… and better than ever?

Yes, if one is referring to the effective ways in which Barr stirs up controversy.

An outspoken Donald Trump supporter, Roseanne has modeled the fictional version of herself after this real-life version…

… but it’s something Barr recently said in real life that has many folks around the Internet pushing for a boycott of her series.

On March 24, Parkland shooting victim David Hogg addressed a huge crowd at the Washington D.C. March for Our Lives and, at one point, raised his fist high in the air.

He did so to inspire those around the country to rally around him and other school shooting survivors on the topic of sensible gun control.

But some folks out there somehow interpreted this as a Nazi salute.

Roseanne was apparently among these folks.

At least one Twitter user captured screenshots of Roseanne’s verified Twitter account (which is named Roseanne Barr with the handle “therealroseanne”) sending a message that tagged Hogg and read simply:


See for yourself:

(NOTE: If we need to explain to you how this is NOT a Nazi salute… well.. we just can’t. We don’t have the mental energy. You’re already a lost cause.)

As a result of this Roseanne statement, a movement has grown around social media; or a hashtag, to be more precise and relevant.

A handful of critics are encouraging others to #BoycottRoseanne, while railing against the sitcom and its star in general:

It came out on Thursday, meanwhile, that President Trump actually called to congratulate Roseanne on the success of her television return.

She said as much during an appearance on Good Morning America.

“It was pretty exciting, I’ll tell you that much,” Barr said on air. “I’ve known him for many years and he’s done a lot of nice things for me over the years.”

On her rebooted series, Roseanne’s family has been torn apart by the 2016 Presidential election.

Tension and anger runs high among all relatives, most notably Roseanne and her sister, portrayed by Laurie Metcalf.

“I just wanted to have that dialogue about families torn apart by the election and their political differences of opinion and how we handle it,” Barr told the New York Times in an interview published on Tuesday.

She added that it was her idea for the Roseanne character to be a Trump supporter.

This is why:

“It’s an accurate portrayal of these people and people like them.

“In terms of what they think,and who they feel when they are the ones who send their kids over to fight.

“We’ve been in wars for a long, long time, which everybody seems to forget, but working class people don’t forget it because their kids are in it.”

As a reminder, this is how Roseanne once sang the national anthem:


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Rain Brown Thanks Fans for Support, Grows Emotional Over Mother

Rain Brown refers to her social media followers as “Rainbows.”

And she’s forever grateful that these Rainbows have been coming out in full, supportive, beautiful force over the past several weeks.

As we’ve sadly been documenting, Rain and all Alaskan Bush People cast members have been living a nightmare for nearly all of 2017:

Matriarch Ami Brown has been diagnosed with lung cancer and the latest update on her condition is a tragic and frightening one:

According to a Facebook page dedicated to the Brown family, Ami’s cancer has reached Stage 4, the most grave of all the stages.

Her tumor is not operable and we can’t say for certain how much time she has left. But it may not be very much.

In order to get Ami the best treatment possible, the family took the significant step of leaving its enclave in Alaska many months ago, flying down to California to admit Brown to a hospital.

We hope and pray she is comfortable and feeling the best she can be under these circumstances.

For understandable reasons, Rain is hesitant to get into much detail regarding her mother.

But the 15-year old did share a video on Instagram that touched on the situation and that also offered a message of gratitude to her loyal followers and fans.

“All of your support and love is amazing and it’s great to know there are so many Rainbows out there,” said the teenage reality star, fighting back tears.

Aware that viewers are concerned and curious about Ami, Rain did bring up her sick parent. She did acknowledge the very unfortunate circumstance.

And she did say she’ll provide a health update “when I can,” but that was the extent of it for now.

As a caption to another snapshot, Rain wrote the following, seemingly in regard to her family’s strife these days:

I still struggle some days and today was one of those days, but once I took a step back and realized it’s just another beautiful piece of life, just maybe one I don’t like…

If you are struggling with something that seems impossible, just know you can make it out of this and find your true self no matter how hard it seems…

And you do have people that love and care for you and if you don’t, you’ll always have me.

We send our prayers to Rain and her loved ones.

We can only imagine what they are going through right now.


Friday, June 23, 2017

Eminem Grows Beard; Internet Loses Its Damn Mind

Eminem is bonafide rap royalty, so even if you’re one of those OGs who’s of the opinion that he peaked with 2000’s Marshall Mathers LP, it’s not to see why so many continue to stan out over Slim Shady.

These days, most of the focus is on Em’s personal life, which is understandable for a couple of reasons:

1. See our earlier comment about dude hitting his creative peak like 17 years ago.

(We love you, Em, but you know it’s the truth.)

2. Mr. Mathers tends to shy away from the press these days, which lends him a J.D. Salinger-esque recluse mystique.

(Hard to argue that anyone who appears in public as often as Eminem does could be considered a proper recluse, but in 2017, if you go a day without posting a selfie, you’re basically Emily Dickinson.)

Anyway, the point is, the 44-year-old has achieved permanent headline-maker status.

Even new photos of daughter Hailie Jade Mathers get social media all in a tizzy.

So we suppose it’s not a huge surprise that a major shakeup in the rap legend’s facial hair status has caused the Internet to lose it’f f–king mind:

Eminem Beard

Yes, that’s Em looking less like that the blonde trash-talker that rose to fame two decades ago and more like the guy who works the counter at your local vape shop.

The beard is working for him, but it’s a shock to see the man making such a significant change after being beard-free for his entire adult life.

Maybe Em got a memo from El-P, Action Bronson, Post Malone, Mac Miller, and Riff Raff, informing him that in 2017, white rappers rock facial hair.

Or maybe he remembered that he has a daughter in college, which means it’s time to flex his beard muscle.

Either way, the look is definitelt contributing to his mysterious reculse status.

Em was on the red carpet to promote The Defiant Ones, an upcoming HBO documentary about the collaborative relationship between Dr. Dre and hip hop mogul Jimmy Iovine.

Enjoy it, because it’s probably the last look you’ll get at dude this year. 

But don’t worry, we’ll let you know when new photos of Hailie Jade surface.

(She turns 22 this year, you can ogle without shame.)
