Showing posts with label Beard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beard. Show all posts

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Dodgers" Justin Turner Shaves the Beard!

Here it is … this is what Justin Turner’s face looks like without his glorious red beard.  Drink it in.  The Los Angeles Dodgers star was grubbin’ with his wife Kourtney Turner at Vivian’s Millennium Cafe in Studio City on…


Saturday, October 13, 2018

Kevin Love Shaves His Beard, Nicks Himself Twice

Who is this 6th grader and what has he done with Kevin Love?! That clean-shaven dude you’re lookin’ at is actually the Cleveland Cavaliers superstar (seriously, we promise it’s him) … and he showed off a VERY youthful look on Friday. Before…


Monday, October 23, 2017

Cubs" Jake Arrieta: Lose the NLCS? Lose the Beard

Can’t have a playoff beard when you’re not in the playoffs.  After the L.A. Dodgers beat up on the Chicago Cubs in the NLCS, pitcher Jake Arrieta decided to axe his October face warmer … and dammit, he’s beautiful.  Jake’s wife Brittany…


Monday, June 26, 2017

MLB"s Brian Wilson: The Beard Is Dead, Probably

R.I.P. Brian Wilson’s luscious, strong, beautiful beard … ‘cause the MLB pitcher says his face-warmer is officially gone forever. Probably.  The ex-SF Giants/Dodgers fireballer was lookin’ all jacked in L.A. this week — sippin’ on a blender…


Friday, June 23, 2017

Eminem Grows Beard; Internet Loses Its Damn Mind

Eminem is bonafide rap royalty, so even if you’re one of those OGs who’s of the opinion that he peaked with 2000’s Marshall Mathers LP, it’s not to see why so many continue to stan out over Slim Shady.

These days, most of the focus is on Em’s personal life, which is understandable for a couple of reasons:

1. See our earlier comment about dude hitting his creative peak like 17 years ago.

(We love you, Em, but you know it’s the truth.)

2. Mr. Mathers tends to shy away from the press these days, which lends him a J.D. Salinger-esque recluse mystique.

(Hard to argue that anyone who appears in public as often as Eminem does could be considered a proper recluse, but in 2017, if you go a day without posting a selfie, you’re basically Emily Dickinson.)

Anyway, the point is, the 44-year-old has achieved permanent headline-maker status.

Even new photos of daughter Hailie Jade Mathers get social media all in a tizzy.

So we suppose it’s not a huge surprise that a major shakeup in the rap legend’s facial hair status has caused the Internet to lose it’f f–king mind:

Eminem Beard

Yes, that’s Em looking less like that the blonde trash-talker that rose to fame two decades ago and more like the guy who works the counter at your local vape shop.

The beard is working for him, but it’s a shock to see the man making such a significant change after being beard-free for his entire adult life.

Maybe Em got a memo from El-P, Action Bronson, Post Malone, Mac Miller, and Riff Raff, informing him that in 2017, white rappers rock facial hair.

Or maybe he remembered that he has a daughter in college, which means it’s time to flex his beard muscle.

Either way, the look is definitelt contributing to his mysterious reculse status.

Em was on the red carpet to promote The Defiant Ones, an upcoming HBO documentary about the collaborative relationship between Dr. Dre and hip hop mogul Jimmy Iovine.

Enjoy it, because it’s probably the last look you’ll get at dude this year. 

But don’t worry, we’ll let you know when new photos of Hailie Jade surface.

(She turns 22 this year, you can ogle without shame.)


Eminem Shows Off New Beard with Dr. Dre and Kendrick Lamar

Will the real Slim Shady please stand up … because that dude with the beard standing between Dr. Dre and Kendrick Lamar can’t be him, can it? Eminem posed for a pic with his fellow rap gods and label mates … along with famed West Coast hip-hop…


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Ex-NFL Lineman Comes Out as Gay, "Used Football As a Beard"

Ex-NFL lineman Ryan O’Callaghan — who played for the Patriots and the Chiefs — has come out as gay … and says it was an NFL team staffer who helped save his life.  O’Callaghan was selected by New England in the 5th round of the 2006 NFL…


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Cody Garbrandt Says Dominick Cruz"s Crappy Beard Won"t Protect His Weak Chin (VIDEO)

More insults, more fun! This time it’s UFC star Cody “No Love” Garbrandt taking aim at Dominick Cruz’s facial hair … saying his newly sported stubble won’t save his chin when they face off at UFC 207 on Dec. 30.  These two guys have been…


Friday, June 3, 2016

Kit Harington Shaves Beard, Internet Loses Its Effing Mind!

It felt a bit anti-climactic when Jon Snow came back to life just as every single Game of Thrones fan on the planet expected, but the demise of actor Kit Harington’s famous beard clearly came as a total shock:

Yes, Kit took to the stage for a West End production of Doctor Faustus last night, and audience members who were lucky enough to grab a selfie with the retired Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch were shocked by his smooth-faced appearance.

As for the reaction online, picture the death of Hodor combined with the Red Wedding combined with the tragic (and thankfully untrue) reports that Emilia Clarke had stopped doing nude scenes.

Some choice tweets from heartbroken Snow Birds (our new term for ladies who love the Bastard of Winterfell) below:

“Nope nope nope. Kit Harington, you look hotter and sexier with a beard. You look like some…idk without it.”

“Kit Harington looks so emo scene with long hair and no beard.”

“Kit Harington shaved his beard and i could feel the tears in my eyes.”

Interestingly, Harington recently spoke out about his disgust with being judged by his appearance:

“If you said to a girl, ‘Do you like being called a babe?’ and she said, ‘No, not really,’ she’d be absolutely right. I like to think of myself as more than a head of hair or a set of looks,” Harington told a London newspaper.

“It’s demeaning. Yes, in some ways you could argue I’ve been employed for a look I have. But there’s a sexism that happens towards men. There’s definitely a sexism in our industry that happens towards women, and there is towards men as well.”

You know nothing about sexism, Jon Snow.

Anyway, the reactions haven’t been all negative.

One fan summed up the feelings of thousands of Snow Birds (We’re gonna make that work, dammit!) when she tweeted, “Even without his beard, Kit Harington is perfect.”

Well, he’d be more perfect if he lost the guyliner, but we understand he just got off stage.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Nick Jonas Is Nearly Unrecognizable With A Wig And A Beard On The Set Of Scream Queens!

You definitely don’t see this every day!

Nick Jonas is appearing on Scream Queens, which premieres Tuesday, September 22, and he sure could’ve fooled us with his recent look on set!

Related: Nick Gets A #TBT Surprise From Bro Joe On His B-Day!

While working hard at filming for the show, Jonas stopped out to talk on his cell phone… while donning a wig and a fake beard! We swear, we had no idea it was him at first — LOLz!!

Jonas is playing a preppy frat boy in the series, which is also set to star Jamie Lee Curtis and Keke Palmer. Just in time for Halloween!!

[Image via Pacific Coast News Online/Judy Eddy/WENN.]

Nick Jonas Is Nearly Unrecognizable With A Wig And A Beard On The Set Of Scream Queens!

You definitely don’t see this every day!

Nick Jonas is appearing on Scream Queens, which premieres Tuesday, September 22, and he sure could’ve fooled us with his recent look on set!

Related: Nick Gets A #TBT Surprise From Bro Joe On His B-Day!

While working hard at filming for the show, Jonas stopped out to talk on his cell phone… while donning a wig and a fake beard! We swear, we had no idea it was him at first — LOLz!!

Jonas is playing a preppy frat boy in the series, which is also set to star Jamie Lee Curtis and Keke Palmer. Just in time for Halloween!!

[Image via Pacific Coast News Online/Judy Eddy/WENN.]