Showing posts with label Shaves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shaves. Show all posts

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Dodgers" Justin Turner Shaves the Beard!

Here it is … this is what Justin Turner’s face looks like without his glorious red beard.  Drink it in.  The Los Angeles Dodgers star was grubbin’ with his wife Kourtney Turner at Vivian’s Millennium Cafe in Studio City on…


Saturday, October 13, 2018

Kevin Love Shaves His Beard, Nicks Himself Twice

Who is this 6th grader and what has he done with Kevin Love?! That clean-shaven dude you’re lookin’ at is actually the Cleveland Cavaliers superstar (seriously, we promise it’s him) … and he showed off a VERY youthful look on Friday. Before…


Friday, May 11, 2018

MLB Star Francisco Lindor Shaves Head After Losing Bet!

To the victor go the shears! Cleveland Indians star shortstop Francisco Lindor had made a bet with his old high school baseball team … you guys go undefeated, I’ll shave my entire head!  Well, guess what … the Montverde Academy squad in…


Saturday, March 31, 2018

Anthony Davis Shaves His Unibrow?

Anthony Davis’ famous unibrow is now broken in two … unless this is a slightly early April Fool’s joke. The NBA star, aka “The Brow,” posted a vid of himself shaving off the middle section of his moniker, but the footage is a little sketchy. The…


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Tom Brady Shaves Head, Raises Millions for Cancer Research!

What would it take to get Tom Brady to shave his glorious hair?! How about $ 7.5 MILLION for cancer research!? That’s how it went down in Massachusetts on Thursday — where the QB took an electric razor to the dome at an event benefiting the…


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Kate Hudson Shaves Her Head for New Movie Role with Sia

Kate Hudson has pulled a G.I. Jane (and countless other badass Hollywood heroines) by completely shaving her famous golden locks … and like all of them, she looks great.  Kate was seen on set Tuesday in L.A. for a new flick she’s working on…


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Shannen Doherty Finishes Chemotherapy, Shaves Head

Shannen Doherty has completed chemotherapy treatment. 

The 45-year-old took to Instagram to share a video of her hair being shaved off in the wake of her treatment coming to an end. 

Doherty has kept fans in the loop about her treatment across her social media accounts. 

The brave actress managed to keep the event upbeat and even compared her new look to that of Bart Simpson. 

“This day….. laughing thru the tears. Thank you @annemkortright for jumping in and doing what needed to be done. @themamarosa,” she captioned. 

Have a look at the video below…

A post shared by ShannenDoherty (@theshando) on

“Oh my God, what have you done?” Doherty asks her friend. ‘Right now I look like Bart Simpson!”

The Charmed star was diagnosed with cancer in February 2015

Shannen previously shaved her head when she started radiation treatment back in November. 

That was around the time she released a video of her doing a very energetic dance routine. 

The star was also battling a bitter lawsuit with her management after it emerged that they had not been paying her medical insurance premiums. 

This meant the star’s condition went undetected for longer than it should have done because she did not have the appropriate cover. 

Her diagnosis was even revealed via the lawsuit, so it’s probably something the iconic star wanted to keep under wraps from the media. 

Unfortunately, it did not work out that way thanks to the lawsuit. 

We think it’s safe to say that Shannen has had a horrible time over the past two years, but at least she’s making the best of it. 

She has been kicking cancer’s butt at every opportunity she can. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Kristen Stewart Goes Blonde, Shaves Head

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Don’t run for cover, THG readers. There isn’t a bee in your vicinity.

But there is a new look on the top of Kristen Stewart’s head, and it’s a vastly different look from the one she wore for many previous years.

Ready to check out the buzzcut? Here goes…

Oh, yes, the former Twilight Saga star has gone both blonde and short, dyeing her hair and making like old school Britney Spears by shaving most of it off.

Stewart surprised fans by debuting this major change at the Personal Shopper premiere inside the Carondelet House in Los Angeles on Tuesday night.

“We tried something a little different today,” wrote hairstylist Bridget Brager on Instagram as a caption to the photo above.

She then added quite a few hashtags:

#KristenStewart for #PersonalShopper Gorgeous #makeup @jilliandempsey Styled by @taraswennen and #BridgetBragerHair #punky #perfectlyimperfect #getwhatyouwant Thanks @hairbyashlynb.

The actress herself is yet to speak on the change, although she’s been speaking out more than usual over the past several weeks.

In the latest issue of V Magazine, for example, Stewart opened up about hosting Saturday Night Live, while she recently told The London Sunday Times why she told the world on that show that she’s gay.

“I didn’t talk about my first relationships that went public because I wanted things that are mine to be mine,” she told that publication, adding:

“I hated it that details of my life were being turned into a commodity and peddled around the world. But considering I had so many eyes on me, I suddenly realized [my private life] affects a greater number of people than just me.

“It was an opportunity to surrender a bit of what was mine, to make even one other person feel good about themselves.”

Prior to dating women, of course, Stewart was best known for her romance with Robert Pattinson.

What does she have to say about that relationship now?

“If it didn’t seem like a relevant topic, like something that needed help, I would have kept my life private forever,” Stewart says about her dating life in general.

“But then I can’t walk outside holding somebody’s hand, as I’m followed everywhere.

“When I was dating Rob, the public was the enemy – and that is no way to live. It wasn’t this grand statement, ‘I was so confused! Now I’ve realized who I am!’ I have not been struggling.”

And the Winner is?

Kristen Stewart has gone blonde! And short! Do you like this hair color and style better than her natural locks? Vote now! View Poll »

As for why she decided to come out publicly now?

“It just seemed important, and topical,” she tells The Times.

Stewart has starred in many independent movies of late, receiving strong reviews from critics around the nation.

Where does she see her career going? What does she want from it?

“I want to push myself. In my life, when I’m emotional about something, I’m an extreme person. Subtlety is not my go-to.

“I just don’t want to fake anything, but the best opportunities for me are whenever I feel a little bit scared.”

Reports indicate that Stewart dyed and cut her hair for an upcoming role.

She recently signed on to star in Underwater, a subsea thriller that chronicles the story of an underwater scientific crew fighting for survival after a disastrous earthquake.

Production is expected to start later this month in New Orleans.

Sounds interesting. We’ll be curious to see it.


Monday, August 8, 2016

Courtney Stodden Shaves Head, Posts Nudes, Thanks Fans For Support

Last month Courtney Stodden suffered a miscarriage just weeks after confirming that the rumors of her pregnancy were true.

Naturally, there was talk that Courtney had faked her pregnancy, but in all likelihood, we’ll never know for sure exactly what happened, and that’s okay.

Some (like Courtney’s mom) will continue to maintain that the “pregnancy” was a publicity stunt and that Courtney was never actually expecting.

Others will insist that what we’re seeing here is a young woman hurting in a very real way, and to question her pain is to invalidate the suffering of millions of women who have suffered miscarriages.

Whatever the case, it’s safe to say that Courtney has been exhibiting some truly troubling behavior in recent weeks.

We won’t get into whether or not she faked her pregnancy – but the question of whether or not she’s reveling in the attention she’s been receiving in the aftermath is totally open to debate.

You see, it’s not just that Courtney is grieving – it’s that she’s doing so in an extremely public, and seemingly very self-aware fashion.

Last week, Courtney basically told fans that she planned to develop a drinking problem in the wake of her miscarriage.

This week, she not only kept the Tragic Boozy Blonde theme going (open letters to Marilyn Monroe, photos of champagne glasses complete with Lana Del Rey lyrics as captions), she also went a puzzling step further:

In the clip above, Courtney announces her intention to shave her head.

She doesn’t go into much detail as to the connection between her hair and her miscarriage, but we’re sure she’s equipped with some response about grieving in her own way if anyone should question it.

Anyway, as you can see, she totally went through with it.

Now again, it’s not our place to question if Courtney was actually pregnant or if she’s actually in the throes of depression.

However, since she’s chosen to mourn so publicly, we can’t help but think it would be a good idea if those closest to her encouraged Courtney to step away from social media, put down the bottle of Moet and the DVD of Some Like It Hot and take some time to experience these feelings in private for a while.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Shannen Doherty Shaves Head, Continues To Battle Breast Cancer

She’s shared her journey with fans, who have lent their support and love.

That may have prompted Shannen Doherty to share a very personal, very raw moment on Instagram, in which she decided to shave her head in preparation for chemotherapy.

Doherty was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2015 after legal documents were leaked, revealing that she was suing her former management company for not paying her insurance premiums.

This, Doherty claimed in the suit, prevented her from catching the cancer earlier.

Last night, she invited her mother and a friend over while she went through the emotional steps, as recorded via Instagram.

Doherty appeared on Dr. Oz back in February, and revealed that she might opt for a mastectomy.

“I’m actually going to a center, just to sort of get their general opinion and then I head back to L.A. and instantly go in with my doctors,” she explained.

“You know, I’m like ‘You guys make the final decision. What would you do if it was your wife? What would you do if it was your daughter?"”

If it came to that point, Doherty revealed she was at peace with the decision.

“Ultimately, they’re just breasts right?” she said.

“I mean, I love them, they’re mine, they’re beautiful, but in the grand scheme of things, I would rather be alive and I would rather grow old with my husband.”

After the appearance, Dr. Oz gave Entertainment Tonight an update on Doherty’s health.

“Shannen was very transparent about what’s going on in her breast,” Dr. Oz said.

“She has decided to have the breast cancer to removed surgically, and that is a big decision for a woman… It was really up to Shannen to decide she was ready to go through an operation she feared would be disfiguring.”

Doherty married photographer Kurt Iswarienko in October 2011.

Doherty’s decision to shave her head indicates that she’s begun or has already started chemotherapy, which can cause hair loss in some patients.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Kit Harington Shaves Beard, Internet Loses Its Effing Mind!

It felt a bit anti-climactic when Jon Snow came back to life just as every single Game of Thrones fan on the planet expected, but the demise of actor Kit Harington’s famous beard clearly came as a total shock:

Yes, Kit took to the stage for a West End production of Doctor Faustus last night, and audience members who were lucky enough to grab a selfie with the retired Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch were shocked by his smooth-faced appearance.

As for the reaction online, picture the death of Hodor combined with the Red Wedding combined with the tragic (and thankfully untrue) reports that Emilia Clarke had stopped doing nude scenes.

Some choice tweets from heartbroken Snow Birds (our new term for ladies who love the Bastard of Winterfell) below:

“Nope nope nope. Kit Harington, you look hotter and sexier with a beard. You look like some…idk without it.”

“Kit Harington looks so emo scene with long hair and no beard.”

“Kit Harington shaved his beard and i could feel the tears in my eyes.”

Interestingly, Harington recently spoke out about his disgust with being judged by his appearance:

“If you said to a girl, ‘Do you like being called a babe?’ and she said, ‘No, not really,’ she’d be absolutely right. I like to think of myself as more than a head of hair or a set of looks,” Harington told a London newspaper.

“It’s demeaning. Yes, in some ways you could argue I’ve been employed for a look I have. But there’s a sexism that happens towards men. There’s definitely a sexism in our industry that happens towards women, and there is towards men as well.”

You know nothing about sexism, Jon Snow.

Anyway, the reactions haven’t been all negative.

One fan summed up the feelings of thousands of Snow Birds (We’re gonna make that work, dammit!) when she tweeted, “Even without his beard, Kit Harington is perfect.”

Well, he’d be more perfect if he lost the guyliner, but we understand he just got off stage.