Showing posts with label Breast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breast. Show all posts

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Mom Arrested After Toddler Found Alone in Yard Sucking on Frozen Chicken Breast

Hallie Elizabeth Amick of Des Moines, Iowa, was arrested on Monday, August 8, after her young son was found alone in a back yard.

The two-year-old was sucking on a frozen chicken breast.

Amick, 30, was charged with child endangerment causing physical injury and drug possession after police were made aware of the situation.

An officer stopped Amick’s boyfriend for speeding, and the man told police he was rushing home because a child had been left alone.

Another officer was sent to check the house and found the child alone in the yard, with a full diaper, sucking on a frozen chicken breast.

A small dog, a terrier, was jumping at the boy, trying to get the chicken, police said, and sadly, this incident may not have been the first. 

Their neighbor told the Des Moines Register that she has previously seen the dog bite the little boy, and the boy hit the dog with sticks. 

IA Neighbor

“His diaper was almost down to his knees,” said Deborah Snyder, 57, who sees the yard from her apartment window (above and below).

Police who searched the home in question found a marijuana pipe, “blunts” and marijuana stems there, according to the Iowa newspaper.

Amick returned home almost two hours after the cops were called, claiming it was the first and only time she had left her child unattended. 

Not according to her neighbor, however.

Snyder said Amick often leaves the child alone at home, which seems even more difficult to believe than leaving children in a hot car.

“This is the first time he got out of the house, but ever since they moved in they (left) him alone,” Snyder said of the troubling situation.

Again, not necessarily the case.

IA Home

Another neighbor told police she once found the child alone in the middle of the street at one point, which would be a hard sight to invent.

Once confronted with the statements regarding her negligence made by her neighbors, Amick admitted she left the child alone on “occasion.” 

The Iowa Department of Human Services was dispatched to the scene, but would not discuss the custody of the 2-year-old at this time. 

Amick was released from jail after her first court hearing this week, and has declined public comment on the matter for obvious reasons.

The boyfriend may face charges as well, officials say.

IA Neighbor Too

La Baccam, who lives next to the house, says she heard the baby crying for a long time outside, but she thought the mother was home.

“I don’t know how in the world this mother can leave a baby like that,” Baccam said, echoing the sentiments of anyone reading this.

“If I knew that had happened, I’d ask police if I could keep the baby for myself, because I feel so sad for that baby.”

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Omaha Mom Donates 131 Gallons of Breast Milk to Honor Late Son

Demi Frandsen, an Omaha, Nebraska mom, is being hailed as an inspiration and hero to her community for an incredible feat of generosity:

She donated 17,503 oz., or 131 gallons, of breast milk to her local hospital in honor of her late son, who passed away at just 10 months old.

Frandsen spent months at the NICU at the Children"s Hospital and Medical Center after her baby son Leo was born two months premature.

Leo suffered from gastroschisis, from which he never recovered.

"There was no skin to pull over his exposed organs," Frandsen said, noting that "it was kind of a new case they had not seen before."

From the beginning, Leo had trouble taking in Frandsen"s milk.

It was one of the few ways in which his mother could feel like she was caring for him while Leo was covered in wires in the NICU, however.

"With a q-tip we"d put it in my milk and we"d swab his mouth," she says of Leo, who tragically passed away on October 22.

Frandsen and her family are still coping with his death.

"We"re still trying to figure out how to live a life without such a big part of it, a little piece of our soul," she says of the tragic loss.

"We miss our Leo," she laments, calling it ever-present.

"It"s not even day to day. It"s moment to moment."

Frandsen wanted to give back to the hospital that took care of her son for his entire life, so even before he died she started doing so.

She donated all the milk he couldn"t drink.

After he died, she kept up the effort, waking up every three hours to pump: "My final donation was 17,503 ounces, which is 131 gallons."

"So, a dairy aisle, basically."

Now Frandsen"s breast milk can go to babies developing in the NICU, just like Leo, and just maybe, nourish them to good health.

"He was worth it. He was worth all of this," Frandsen said.

"His life in 10 months was the best 10 months of mine."

Rest in peace, Leo – and bless his mom"s heart.

Nebraska mom donates 131 gallons of breast milk to honor late so

Monday, August 1, 2016

Shannen Doherty Reveals Breast Cancer Has Spread

It’s been nearly a year since Shannen Doherty revealed her breast cancer diagnosis to the public.

During that time, the actress has shared her daily struggles with fans in hopes of providing inspiration for others who are battling illnesses and raising awareness of a disease that remains one of the leading causes of death for women.

Last week, Doherty shaved her head and shared footage of the difficult moment on her social media pages.

Shortly thereafter, Doherty wrote a candid post about what an “impossibly tough day” it was and thanked her husband and friends for helping her through it.

Today, the 45-year-old shared the sad news that her cancer has spread and that she’s soon to undergo another round of difficult treatments.

“I had breast cancer that spread to the lymph nodes, and from one of my surgeries we discovered that some of the cancer cells might have actually gone out of the lymph nodes,” Doherty tells ET’s Jennifer Peros.

“So for that reason, we are doing chemo, and then after chemo, I’ll do radiation.”

“The unknown is always the scariest part,” she shares. “Is the chemo going to work? Is the radiation going to work? You know, am I going to have to go through this again, or am I going to get secondary cancer?

“Everything else is manageable. Pain is manageable, you know living without a breast is manageable, it’s the worry of your future and how your future is going to affect the people that you love.”

Doherty also opened up about her decision to be so public with her battle:

“It’s easier to live with having cancer if I know I helped at least one person,” Doherty says.

We wish Doherty all the best, and we hope that the knowledge that she’s helped many, many people makes this process somewhat more bearable.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Shannen Doherty Reflects On "Impossibly Tough Day" While Battling Breast Cancer

Once upon a time, viewers were either rooting for Kelly or Brenda on Beverly Hills, 90210.

These days, we’re all on Team Brenda.

Last week, Shannen Doherty shaved her head in preparation for chemotherapy, sharing it with fans via Instagram.

Today, Doherty shared another photo of herself with husband Kurt Iswarienko, her friend, Anne Marie Kortright and her mother.

“Thank you to these three who helped me thru an impossibly tough day and continue to be there every minute supporting and loving me,” Doherty wrote.

“@kurtiswarienko was in Mexico working but knew he left me in good hands. @annemkortright @chriscortazzo #mamarosa I love you. #mycrew #thisisasquad.”

Doherty confirmed the diagnosis in August 2015 after it was revealed in court documents that she was suing her management company for not paying her insurance premiums.  When her health insurance lapsed, she couldn’t receive medical care.  

As a result, the cancer went undiagnosed.

The documents, according to People Magazine, stated that Doherty “discovered that she had invasive breast cancer metastatic to at least one lymph node,” and that it had spread during the period when she was uninsured.

The actress “was also informed that, had she been insured and able to visit her doctor, the cancer could potentially have been stopped, thus obviating the need for future treatment (including mastectomy and chemotherapy) that [Doherty] will likely have to suffer through now.”

Kortright, who was there to help Doherty remove her hair, brought over the razor, a cupcake pan and chocolates, posted her own Instagram in support of her friend.

“Thank you for blindly trusting me today to help you with such a big step,” she wrote.

“I will forever be there for you no matter what.”

Other than the Instagram and an appearance on Dr. Oz earlier this year, Doherty has not given fans an update on the status of her health.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Shannen Doherty Shaves Head, Continues To Battle Breast Cancer

She’s shared her journey with fans, who have lent their support and love.

That may have prompted Shannen Doherty to share a very personal, very raw moment on Instagram, in which she decided to shave her head in preparation for chemotherapy.

Doherty was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2015 after legal documents were leaked, revealing that she was suing her former management company for not paying her insurance premiums.

This, Doherty claimed in the suit, prevented her from catching the cancer earlier.

Last night, she invited her mother and a friend over while she went through the emotional steps, as recorded via Instagram.

Doherty appeared on Dr. Oz back in February, and revealed that she might opt for a mastectomy.

“I’m actually going to a center, just to sort of get their general opinion and then I head back to L.A. and instantly go in with my doctors,” she explained.

“You know, I’m like ‘You guys make the final decision. What would you do if it was your wife? What would you do if it was your daughter?"”

If it came to that point, Doherty revealed she was at peace with the decision.

“Ultimately, they’re just breasts right?” she said.

“I mean, I love them, they’re mine, they’re beautiful, but in the grand scheme of things, I would rather be alive and I would rather grow old with my husband.”

After the appearance, Dr. Oz gave Entertainment Tonight an update on Doherty’s health.

“Shannen was very transparent about what’s going on in her breast,” Dr. Oz said.

“She has decided to have the breast cancer to removed surgically, and that is a big decision for a woman… It was really up to Shannen to decide she was ready to go through an operation she feared would be disfiguring.”

Doherty married photographer Kurt Iswarienko in October 2011.

Doherty’s decision to shave her head indicates that she’s begun or has already started chemotherapy, which can cause hair loss in some patients.

Crystal Hefner Removes Breast Implants: Find Out Why!

Crystal Harris Hefner has gone to extreme lengths to get better. 

The wife of Hugh Hefner has had her breast implants removed because of how unwell they were making her feel. 

The glamor model has went through years of pain due to the implants and decided she’s had enough,so got rid of them. 

Hefner took to Facebook in a post titled, “My Implants Slowly Poisoned Me.”

She started her post off by letting her fans know about about the symptoms she has come up against.

“Intolerance to foods and beverages, unexplained back pain, constant neck and shoulder pain, cognitive dysfunction (brain fog, memory loss), stunted hair growth, incapacitating fatigue, burning bladder pain, low immunity, recurring infections and problems with my thyroid and adrenals.”

It all sounds pretty horrible and it will no doubt have her thinking twice about cosmetic procedures in the future. 

There are risks to any procedure, but it sure sounds like Hefner’s life was changed forever when she opted for implants. 

“I ignored it, labeling myself a hypochondriac, despite truly worrying that there was something wrong with me,” the 30-year-old explains.

“I joked about losing my memory to age, and about getting ‘lazy’. I began to cancel appointments and shoots because everything exhausted me. Before everything went downhill I was at the gym five days a week, and always shooting and working.”

It’s perfectly natural for people to ignore health issues. Sometimes you’re worried at what could be causing you to not feel that great. 

Hefner was obviously worried about the underlying issues making her feel so ill. 

The star even spoke about how difficult it has been to get out of bed some days and noted that she was depressed at being left out of everything. 

Hefner had her implants removed on July 15 and felt the benefits instantly. 

“I know I won’t feel 100% overnight,” she adds. “My implants took 8 years to make me this sick, so I know it will take time to feel better. I also have other illnesses to address, but with the toxic bags removed, my immune system can focus on what it needs to.”

“Many of my friends have implants,” she adds in closing. “I worry for their health and hope that they, and everyone, can benefit from what I have experienced.”

Hefner’s experience will no doubt make people look into the downfalls of cosmetic surgery. 

What do you think of all of this?

Hit the comments below!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Kim Kardashian: I Want a Breast Reduction, But Kanye Says NO!

A quick search on this site would reveal that the terms “Kim Kardashian” and “boobs” come up in the same headline at least 20 times.

That’s because Kim is almost as known for her tremendous ta-tas as she is her bodacious booty.

But after having two babies, the mom’s mammaries have reportedly become a nuisance, and she’s talking about undergoing a breast reduction, according to Radar Online.

“Lately, Kim’s breasts have been giving her a lot of problems,” a source tells the site. “When Kim was young and her boobs were these perky things, it was different.”

“But after having two kids and breast feeding with the both of them, Kim really feels like her boobs have gotten out of hand,” the source continued.

And by “out of hand,” they mean her weighty chesticles are causing her pain and aren’t as smooth as they once were.

“Kim says that her boobs hurt her back and she cannot live with the fact that she is starting to get stretch marks on her breasts,” said the source.

Apparently, the selfie queen wants to do something about it surgically, but there’s one thing that’s stopping her.

Kanye West.

Kim’s husband has forbidden her to go under the knife for major surgery because that’s how he lost his beloved mother Donda.

“He told her ‘absolutely not,"” said the source. 

Kanye’s mom died of complications following breast reduction surgery and liposuction in 2009, and Kanye has spoken openly about his heartbreaking grief.

“Not only does Kanye worship Kim’s boobs, but having a boob job is the one thing that is completely off limits because that is how Donda died,” explained the insider.

“His biggest fear is something like that happening to his wife and the mother of his kids too.”

There’s no telling whether Kim will heed her husband’s warning or tell him it’s her decision and she can do what she wants, but we do know she hasn’t shied away from flaunting her gazongas on Instagram of late.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Debbie Rowe: Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

Debbie Rowe has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

In sad news broken by TMZ, the ex-wife of Michael Jackson was only recently informed by doctors that she has this disease.

She is expected to undergo surgery some time in the next several days.

Rowe, of course, is the mother of 18-year old Paris Jackson.

However, Paris is unaware that her only living parent has been diagnosed because she broke off contact with Rowe back in early 2015.

We’d have to imagine Paris is aware of the situation now, though.

Insiders do not point to one specific incident that fractured the relationship between Rowe and Paris Jackson.

After the legendary musician died, Debbie and Paris actually grew very close; so much so that it caused friction with the rest of the family.

But Paris then went through a number of personal issues, turning to drugs and alcohol to deal with the pain of losing her father.

As a result, her relationship with Rowe fell apart, partly due to the influence of other relatives, Rowe believes.

On Mother’s Day of this year, Jackson unfollowed Debbie via Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, leading to Rowe writing an open letter to her daughter on Facebook.

“One of the saddest things in this world is to see a child grow up hating one of their parents because they only got one side of the story,” Debbie wrote at the time.

The nurse married Michael Jackson in 1996.

She gave birth to two of the late artist’s kids, Paris and her older brother, Prince.  

The couple divorced in 1999, at which time Rowe signed over all parental rights to Jackson.

We send her our best wishes for a full recovery.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Stephanie March Reveals Unbearable Breast Surgery Nightmare

Her split from husband Bobby Flay prompted the need for a change.

Now, actress Stephanie March realizes that change should not have been a physical one.

In an essay for Refinery29, March recalled what made her decide to get a boob job in August 2014.

“I was 39 years old, and my life was disintegrating. Couldn’t get a job I wanted on camera, couldn’t get attention for my production projects, couldn’t travel the world far enough or fast enough or immerse myself in philanthropy enough to make it all go away.

“It was like watching a glacier cleave into giant chunks: massive and seemingly well beyond my control,” she wrote.

“See, the other thing that was happening was that my marriage of nearly 10 years (and 14 together) was falling apart. And nothing, nothing was helping me cope.

“Not therapy, not patience, not wine-soaked dinners with friends where I “got it all out.” Great spidery cracks widened over time. Boom. Boom. Boom.”

So, March underwent the surgery, but a few months later, one of her implants burst.

“One morning in early October when I sat up in bed and felt a sickening wet mucus sliding down my chest,” she wrote.  

“It was everywhere, soaking my shirt and the sheets. My right implant was infected and the seams of the scar on my right breast had burst.”

March rushed to her surgeon’s office, who stitched her up and sent her to an infectious disease specialist.

On Christmas Eve, March got another infection in the area, and ultimately decided to have them removed.

“The problem wasn’t something anyone could have prevented or predicted — it was that I am allergic to implants,” March wrote.

“Plain and simple. My body did. Not. Want. Them. I kept trying to ‘fix’ my body, and it kept telling me to leave it alone.”

It took awhile, but March began to realize that fixing herself physically would not help her heal from a broken marriage.  Slowly but surely, she did what she had to do to be happy again.

“All that I had, all that I was, from the beginning, was all I needed to be,” she wrote.

“And now, I anticipate summer of 2016 with great joy. I will be poolside, beachside, and swimming — and perhaps, in a more daring moment (with a margarita nearby), I will be topless.

“I have nothing to hide.”

Friday, April 29, 2016

Brooklyn Decker Misses Flight to Breast Pump, Is Not Happy About It

It’s not easy being a new mother.

And it’s especially not easy being a new, first-time mother.

You’re constantly tired. You’re often confused. And you’re a tad overwhelmed by the prospect of having to keep a tiny human being alive.

Just ask Brooklyn Decker, who gave birth to a son in October and who now has a new source of frustration to add to her list of parenthood complaints.

The model took to Twitter on Wednesday in order to vent about an incident that at an unnamed airport, where she was flying home after leaving little Hank for a night for the first time since he came into the world.

Even before any hiccups affected the trip, Decker wrote on social media that she felt like a “mess” for being away from her child.

“Moms: booze is my only solution,right?” she joked on Twitter.

But then she stopped laughing due to what happened next.

Writing that she was “#Spiraling” over confusion about whether to “pump in your seat on the flight” or in “the bathroom,” Decker explained to followers that there were a pair of mechanical delays.

As a result, passengers were told they could de-plane until the situation was resolved.

“I did,” she wrote. “Pumped in the bathroom. Returned 15 min later. Flight closed. Deeeeep breaths.”

For understandable reasons, however, those deep breaths only worked to a small extent.



Decker is not an avid Tweeter and doesn’t consider herself someone who complains or over-shares. But…

“I repeat-this is the FIRST TIME leaving my baby,” she added. “I don’t know why I’m sharing all of this. I’m just livid. And tweeting. Whilst drinking.”

And that booze may have played in a role in Decker next taking a broader view of the issues affecting mothers around the world.

“As women and as moms we try to do it all but it sure ain’t easy,” she wrote, adding:

“Crazy thing is I got off to pump thinking, ‘I don’t want to offend the guy next to me.’ But why? He probably sucked a boob too. #winemusings.”

They may be wine musings, but that doesn’t make them any less true.

Here’s to hoping Brooklyn did eventually make it home for some cozy cuddles with Hank.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Kristin Cavallari: Pumping Breast Milk in a Bikini!

Kristin Cavallari is on a mission to normalize breast feeding, no matter where you are.

In a new Instagram pic, the Laguna Beach alum and mother of three prepares to pump breast milk while lounging by the pool at a private club.

“Thank you @inspirato for this gorgeous view while I pump #DutyCalls #Inspirato,” she wrote in the caption.

While in the past, a photo like this would’ve drawn a number of angry comments from the anti-breast feeding brigade, but Cavallari’s pic generated mostly positive sentiments.

“Thank you for helping #normalizebreastfeeding I’ve always thought you were great. Now you are just top notch amazing!” wrote one fan.

“Awesome! You are such an inspirational mom!” said another.

Cavallari gave birth to her daughter Saylor in November, her third child with husband Jay Cutler.

However, Cavallari recently said that her baby-making days have come to an end.

She indicated that she and Cutler were now exploring permanent birth control measures, which might include a vasectomy for the NFL player.

“My philosophy is, we have to push the babies out,” she said. “We are the ones who have to go through everything. So you can do one little thing and get snipped.

“[I’ve] pushed three babies out the old hoo-ha. I’ve done enough.”

No complaints here.

Kristin Cavallari: Pumping Breast Milk in a Bikini!

Kristin Cavallari is on a mission to normalize breast feeding, no matter where you are.

In a new Instagram pic, the Laguna Beach alum and mother of three prepares to pump breast milk while lounging by the pool at a private club.

“Thank you @inspirato for this gorgeous view while I pump #DutyCalls #Inspirato,” she wrote in the caption.

While in the past, a photo like this would’ve drawn a number of angry comments from the anti-breast feeding brigade, but Cavallari’s pic generated mostly positive sentiments.

“Thank you for helping #normalizebreastfeeding I’ve always thought you were great. Now you are just top notch amazing!” wrote one fan.

“Awesome! You are such an inspirational mom!” said another.

Cavallari gave birth to her daughter Saylor in November, her third child with husband Jay Cutler.

However, Cavallari recently said that her baby-making days have come to an end.

She indicated that she and Cutler were now exploring permanent birth control measures, which might include a vasectomy for the NFL player.

“My philosophy is, we have to push the babies out,” she said. “We are the ones who have to go through everything. So you can do one little thing and get snipped.

“[I’ve] pushed three babies out the old hoo-ha. I’ve done enough.”

No complaints here.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Janice Dickinson Reveals Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Janice Dickinson has revealed that she is batting breast cancer.

The 61-year old former supermodel went into detail regarding the diagnosis, which took place during a routine exam on March 12, in an interview with The Daily Mail.

“The doctor noticed it immediately,” Dickinson said, explaining that she made an appointment due to a minor stomach issue and ended up receiving a mammogram and subsequent biopsy.

Added the Bill Cosby accuser:

“I’m always optimistic…  initially when the doctor found the lump it hurt, it became quite painful when you touch it, that’s the point when I knew this is serious, when the doctor touched this little lump in my right breast, about the size of a pea, and I went bingo, I have cancer.”

The ex-America’s Next Top Model judge says her initial concern was not for herself, but for her family.

“I became fearful for my two children [Savannah, 22, and Nathan, 28] my loving fiancé Rocky [Gerner]… we have a grandson, aged four, his name is Aby. I just thought they are gonna flip out.”

Dickinson says the exact diagnosis is stage ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).

“It’s still quite shocking. Today I got very scared… I just get very scared and it hit me,” Dickinson said, adding that her journey will be chronicled on The Doctors.

“But I am not gonna let that define me, the fear. I’m going to get through this.

“I don’t know what the doctors really told me because it goes in one ear out the other, that’s how I roll. I know that my fiancé is a doctor of the highest caliber, I have four specialists, I’ve been prodded and poked on the inside and out and I can tell you I’m very. very lucky.”

We send Dickinson our thoughts and prayers for a full recovery.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Ariel Winter: Breast Reduction Surgery Changed My Life!

“My surgery got a lot of criticism from some people, but I’m happier for it.”

These are the words put on paper by Ariel Winter, who opted to undergo breast reduction surgery last year after suffering from physical and emotional limitations.

“My life changed over the course of a summer,” Winter wrote in an essay on Motto.

“I came back to film season 3 of Modern Family, and I knew that I looked totally different than when we’d wrapped season 2.”

Winter’s height (just over 5 feet) and cup size weren’t proportionate, which she found to be excruciatingly difficult.

“You physically hurt,” she wrote.  “You can’t find clothes that fit right.I couldn’t find a cute bathing suit.  

“Women are already over-sexualized, and I grew into my body so young. I was 13, 14 years old, and I looked 19,” Winter continued.

“Suddenly, people didn’t want to talk about my job—they just wanted to talk about my cleavage.   I’d go to awards shows and the next day see everyone on the Internet telling me I shouldn’t look like this and dress like that. 

“The conversation became about my looks instead of my talent and work—everything that I didn’t want. I even started getting messages from older male fans, and let’s just say they were gross.”

Others accused Winter of trying to look sexy, but she had no control over her chest size.  So, the star opted for surgery because of how she felt, not “because of what anyone else thought.”

“Having so much weight on my frame was affecting me psychologically,” she added.  “I was uncomfortable and unhappy.”

Post-surgery, Winter felt the effects immediately.  The pain in her neck and back subsided, and she felt better in her own skin.

“The first thing I wanted to do was go clothing shopping because I was so excited to be able to find things that fit properly instead of hiding in a baggy sweater,” Winter wrote.  “That meant the world to me.”

“Don’t get me wrong: I don’t think women should ever change themselves based on anyone else’s standards,” Winter explained.  “In the end, I think it’s all about how you feel—not what other people think.”

Monday, February 1, 2016

Ariel Winter Proudly Displays Breast Reduction Scars on Red Carpet

The 2016 Screen Actors Guild Awards were held in LA on Saturday night, and while the cast of Modern Family may have gone home empty-handed, one of the show’s young stars won big on the red carpet:

Obviously, Ariel Winter looks stunning in a form-fitting black dress, but the outfit is getting a lot of attention online for reasons that go beyond her savvy style choices.

Last June, Winter underwent breast reduction surgery, taking her from a 32F to a 34D.

She’s spoken openly about the procedure and how it’s made her feel more comfortable in her own skin.

At this year’s SAG Awards, she went a step further, sporting a dress that revealed the faint scars from the operation.

Winter explained her decision to fans later that evening:

“Guys there is a reason I didn’t make an effort to cover up my scars!” she tweeted after the ceremony. “They are part of me and I’m not ashamed of them at all. :)”

Ariel has slammed body-shaming trolls in the past, and she’s generally served as a positive role model for young people who might be struggling with their self-esteem.

We applaud her for using her platform to send such a powerful message to her fans.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Jessie James Decker: So ... This Is My Breast Pump

She gave birth to her second child, Eric Decker II in September 2015, and country singer Jessie James Decker wants women everywhere to know that “bouncing back” from pregnancy is hard for celebrities as well.

Last month, Decker spoke up about the controversy surrounding her Instagrams, in which the 27-year-old shows off a thin frame just a month after giving birth.

In fact, Decker has shared her baby weight loss journey with fans, offering up tips and updates on how much she’s lost.

Decker recently went on Fox News to address the controversy regarding her rapid weight loss, and admitted that she was wearing Spanx on air to hide allegedly wobbly bits.

“I wanted women to see what my body looked like under the flattering clothes,” she said.

“Your body takes a beating and I wanted women to see what I was really like.

Jessie James Decker Instagrams Her Breast Pump

“I didn’t want to make women feel bad,” Decker said in defense of her Instagrams.  “We’re all in this together.  It’s hard being a mom, and we need to support each other instead of bash[ing] each other.”

Another Instagram featured a makeup-free Decker with only a sports bra on,  showing off her c-section scar from having Eric Jr.

“I appreciate all of the sweet comments about how tiny I look after baby! But I don’t want to mislead any mommy’s who just had babies and are stressing!’ Decker wrote.

“My tummy is still swollen and you can see my c-section scar and pooch! I had another due to my 9lb baby and petite frame. So no rushing and no stressing about losing weight! Wanted to make sure y’all saw what my tummy looks like under the tank top and blazer…I do wear a belly waist train thingy a few hours here n there which helps c section mamas and swelling to go down.

“I am so glad we all can support each other. Being a mommy is so rewarding but hard work so we need to stick together and help each other out.

“I’m not perfect but I do my best. That’s what it’s all about. So never be hard on yourself.”

Monday, September 14, 2015

Farrah Abraham: Did She Remove Breast Implants?!

Farrah Abraham’s penchant for plastic surgery is well documented, but did the Teen Mom star quietly have her breast implants removed?

She doesn’t quietly do anything, but they’re just looking so much less … giant and fake in this random Twitter photo she recently shared:

You don’t have to watch Teen Mom online (or more accurately, Backdoor Teen Mom online) to know Farrah has changed over the years.

She’s been quite open about how her breasts have increased in size twice with the aid of surgery, once to a C cup, then later to a D.

Farrah has even suggested that her daughter Sophia will get plastic surgery one day too, because this is how we strive to look our best.

No apologies to be found, in other words.

In the world of Farrah, it’s your body, you do what you gotta do, and you read pro-plastic surgery children’s books to your little kid.

We’re getting off-topic there, though.

Getting back to the issue at hand, it’s not clear if it’s the pose, the camera angle, or the outfit that may be making her assets look smaller.

You have to wonder if she’s had another procedure to, say, reverse some of the past mistakes she once gushed about like no tomorrow.

Just because Farrah had her chest enlarged to the point of porn star dimensions doesn’t mean she might not tire of that at some point.

Those things have got to be heavy after awhile, and if you love plastic surgery that much, maybe you just look for excuses to get more.

We’re reaching, admittedly, and this is a girl who, in all her infinite wisdom, just threatened to kill the entire cast of Celebrity Big Brother.

Not exactly predictable or stable.