Showing posts with label Nightmare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nightmare. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Anthony Scaramucci Says Liberals Better Brace for Trump "Nightmare" if GOP Wins Midterms

Anthony Scaramucci is chalking up all the recent finger-pointing at President Trump to liberals being pissed they can’t beat the guy, especially ahead of the midterms. We got the Mooch out Monday at Reagan National Airport…


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Ariana Grande: Living a "Nightmare" Following Mac Miller Death

On Friday, the world learned of the passing of rapper Mac Miller, who died of an apparent drug overdose at the age of 26.

The outpouring of love for Miller and the support for his grieving family has been nonstop in the days since his untimely passing.

And today, two new developments serve as reminders of just how many lives Mac touched in his short time on earth and how keenly his loss is felt by those who loved him.

First, People magazine reported that Miller’s former girlfriend Ariana Grande is devastated by his death, to the point that she’s shown no interest in leaving the house, and loved ones have begun to fear that she’s neglecting her health.

“She completely broke down after she found out about Mac,” a source told People of Grande’s state.

“She can’t believe he isn’t here anymore. He was such a special person to her. She is very, very sad.”

The insider concluded:

“This is a nightmare for her.”

While few were as close with Mac as Ariana was, millions felt a kinship with the rapper, largely due to the confessional, soul-baring nature of his work.

Though he never achieved the mainstream superstardom so many felt he deserved, Miller remains an icon in his hometown of Pittsburgh.

And last night, the city paid tribute to Mac with a candlelight vigil in Frick Park Blue Slide a location made famous as the title of Miller’s debut album.

“We would like to bring the city together in full force for this legendary icon,” read a Facebook post about the event, which was hosted by Nightfall Records.

“Mac deserves to be sent off with an evening of celebrating his life, discussing his struggles, and remembering his stories; most importantly for his iconic work that brought joy into the lives of everybody who listened,” the post continued.

“We are welcoming all artists to come and paint, create, draw, live tribute art for this event.”

On social media as well as in the physical world, many paying tribute to Miller say their intentions are twofold:

They wish to call attention to the music of an underappreciated talent, as well as to raise awareness of the struggles that led to Mac’s untimely passing, so that others might avoid the same fate.

We wish them luck in those endeavors, and our thoughts go out to all who have been affected by the passing of Mac Miller.


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Ben Seewald"s Sister Is Jim Bob Duggar"s Worst Nightmare

It should come as no surprise that the women of the Duggar family are a close-knit lot.

After all, it’s not as though they can go outside their family for female companionship.

The Duggar women follow a set of rules so strict that it basically forces them to stick to their own kind – which is probably the point.

But for all their father’s efforts to clip their wings, several Duggar women have left the nest, and in some cases, they’ve found themselves ill-equipped for the wider world – while in others, they’ve adapted with astonishing speed.

The best example of the latter case is probably Jinger Duggar, who began wearing pants in violation of her family’s strict dress code shortly after marrying Jeremy Vuolo.

Jinger’s oldest married sister, Jill Duggar, has pursued a more traditional lifestyle, in keeping with her family’s teachings.

And then there’s Jessa Duggar, who’s embarked down a middle path, not quite appeasing her parents, but not exactly rebelling, either:

Jessa is married to Ben Seewald, who leans slightly to the left of the ultra-conservative Duggars, in terms of his political and religious beliefs.

In the past, this has brought him into conflict with Jim Bob, such as the time Seewald endorsed the Black Lives Matter movement and expressed his belief in the right of NFL players to kneel for the national anthem.

Now, it looks as though Ben’s liberal (by Duggar standards) beliefs are no fluke.

In fact, it seems like the entire Seewald family espouses beliefs and lifestyles that would condemn them to hell under Jim Bob’s belief system.

That’s a photo of Ben’s parents standing alongside his sister, Jessica.

It was posted to the Seewald family Instagram page this week, along with the following caption:

“@jessicaseewald, congratulations on your new journey in law enforcement,” the Seewalds wrote.

“We sure do love you and are praying for the days ahead! #backtheblue.”

Becoming a cop might seem like just about the least rebellious thing in the world, but take a moment to reflect on what you’re seeing here:

That’s a young woman wearing pants and embarking on a career that’s been closed to women for most of its history.

Yes, Ben’s sister is basically Jim Bob’s worst nightmare come to life.

And Jessica’s rebellious (again, by Duggar standards) ways don’t end there.

The 21-year-old reportedly has a boyfriend named Philip, and the two of them do not follow the famous Duggar courtship rules.

And we think it’s safe to say Jim Bob would not approve of Jessica’s choice of attire:

Shorts! On a woman!

Michelle Duggar would probably need smelling salts if she laid eyes on this pic.

But if you’re worried that Jessica’s far-left views will tear the Duggar clan asunder, fear not:

As In Touch Weekly points out, Jessica is a gun-collecting Trump supporter who’s political beliefs lean far to the right.

Plus, her name starts with a “J,” so she’s probably just fine in Jim Bob’s book.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, April 2, 2018

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 18 Recap: Nightmare on Peach Street

Another season of The Real Housewives of Atlanta is in the can, and we can’t help but feel like the series is running out of steam. 

On The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 18, the ladies were all looking to the future after a season of crazy developments. 

When the episode kicked off, Sheree was excited about a lot of things: She had a boyfriend who was incarcerated, and she was finally getting her basement completed, so she had somewhere to hide him when any of her friends stopped by. 

We’re kidding about the “hiding” part, but seriously, it’s crazy that Sheree is still pressing on with this relationship despite all of the uncertainty. 

“I am super excited to finally just be able to show off my basement,” said Sheree to the audience about her basement. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online, you will know fine well these women have a knack for showing off their houses. 

That’s sort of what happens when you appear on TV on a regular basis. It becomes a competition about who has the nicest house.

Yes, these housewives are that shallow, but maybe that’s what the producers (and viewers!) like, or like to hate about them.   

One person, who probably isn’t getting invited to the basement is Porsha. Sheree learned that Porsha was running her mouth about all of the women to Shamea when she left Spain. 

The big kicker for Sheree was that Porsha allegedly said that she could not trust any of the other women on the show, and that included Sheree.

Sheree was blindsided because she felt like things were going good for them as friends. Sheree decided to skip Porsha’s performance on some tour in retaliation. 

Cynthia and Kenya were the only women who went to support her, but Kim could not stop running her mouth about both Porsha and Vivica. 

“I can’t tell you how much it warmed my heart,” says Porsha. “Knowing all we’ve been through in the past, them being here erases all that.”

Yeah, we’re going to bet things will change at the reunion because this is pretty shady of Kim. 

The final big event of the episode focused on Eva and Kandi bonding and throwing a Halloween party together. 

The drama kicked up a few notches when Porsha learned from Kim and Sheree that Shamea ‘fessed up about Porsha’s comments.

“After hearing what Porsha said, I don’t think she really knows how to be a friend,” Sheree said in a confessional. It makes sense because Porsha cannot seem to stop running her mouth.

NeNe tried to recruit Porsha to her side of the division among the housewives when she ran off. 

“What if all the girls came and stood right here and you apologized and took full accountability for whatever it is that you have done,” NeNe asked her. “No,“Because they’re fake.”

Yeah, we’re going to be watching the hell out of the reunion because things are going to be crazy!

What did you think of the episode?

Hit the comments below.


Thursday, March 8, 2018

"Narcos" Star Pedro Pascal Has Airline Luggage Nightmare

“Narcos” star Pedro Pascal had some Escobar-esque trouble getting his luggage on board his American Airlines flight — but it had nothing to do with drug smuggling, just cool technology. The airline wouldn’t accept Pedro’s state-of-the-art…


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Salma Hayek Details Harvey Weinstein Alleged Sexual Misconduct Nightmare

Salma Hayek said for years Harvey Weinstein was a monster who asked her, among other things, to let him give her oral sex … threatening to kill her and tormenting her career when she refused. The actress shared in detail the torture…


Friday, July 21, 2017

Woman Live Tweets Every Airline Passenger"s Worst Nightmare

When Jessie Char arrived at her seat on a recent JetBlue flight, she witnessed the most glorious sight any airline passenger could ever hope to see:

An empty middle seat and an empty window seat.

The surprise was so beautiful that Char had to Tweet about it, right then and there:

On her flight home Long Beach to San Francisco, the 30-year old would get to relax with no concern over anyone’s elbows or any fellow passenger forcing her up to use the bathroom.

It’s what we all dream of when board a flight, right?

But then Char’s fantasy turned into a nightmare.

Prepared to maybe even lie across all three seats and squeeze in a nap, Char wrote a mysterious Tweet.

“You guys will never guess what happened next,” she teased to followers.

“I noticed one of the armrests collapse and so I looked over only to see a foot emerge from the row behind me,” Char explained to People Magazine, adding in horror:

“It was writhing around on one armrest and there was a significant amount of toe wiggling.”

No. Oh God… no.

This didn’t really happen, did it?

Yes, it did:

Char says she crouched down into her seat “to remain undetected.” She couldn’t help but snap a photo of the bare feet that will forever haunt her sleep.

And then things got even worse!

“While I was logging onto the airplane Wi-Fi, I saw the left foot stretch over to open the window, and then close it again,” she told The Today Show, which also picked this story up.

“I looked to the front and back for the nearest flight attendant and caught someone’s eye, but by the time she reached me the feet discreetly retracted back into the abyss of row 6.”

Why didn’t Char say something to this individual?

“I was in literal shock,” she told People. “I think I needed another human with me in the moment to reassure me I wasn’t just seeing things.”

Char’s tweet of the feet has been Liked on Twitter over 26,000 times and received over 5,000 retweets.

Will she ever fly again? Yes, of course, don’t be silly.

But she does have some advice for anyone who encounters a similar situation.

“I tried not to breathe super heavily while [the bare feet] were present,” she said.

She’s a better person than we are, that’s for sure.

Forget breathing heavy. We’d have drank heavily and then “accidentally” spilled our beverage on the inappropriate appendages extended across the seats next to us. 

When she got up upon landing, Char said she spotted the woman who committed this traveling sin.

She’s in her mid 40s, Char estimates, and is approximately 5’3″.

So beware if you see someone who looks like this on your next flight! Prepare to take action!


Monday, May 15, 2017

Jenelle Evans Reveals Mother"s Day Nightmare: My Mom Won"t Let Me See Jace!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, then you’re probably aware of the ongoing feud between Jenelle Evans and her mother, Barbara Evans.

Barbara has custody of Jenelle’s eldest son, Jace, and like pretty much everything else in her life, Jenelle is very pissed off about it.

For weeks now, Jenelle has been claiming that Barbara has been keeping Jace from her by canceling scheduled visits and denying her permission to take him on family outings.

Earlier this week, she revealed that she was devastated to learn that she wouldn’t be allowed to 

“On Mother’s Day I won’t have him,” she tweeted.

“I’m torn. Was mad for too long then turned into tears the rest of my night.”

“She ignores my calls and texts and took Jace and hid from me all day in her house locked up. No lie.”

Yesterday, Jenelle updated fans via Instagram, and it seems Barbara made good on her threat to prevent Jenelle from seeing her son on Mother’s Day.

In fairness, Barbara doesn’t do social media, so we haven’t heard her side of the story.

But for once, fans are overwhelmingly siding with Jenelle.

It’s possible that Barbara had a perfectly good reason for her actions, but it’ll be tough to explain her way out of this one.

After all, it doesn’t get much lower than keeping a mom from one of her kids on Mother’s Day.

Fortunately, the day wasn’t totally devoid of pleasant surprises:

“The kids and David made me this homemade chalk board for our house and even drew one awesome picture on it,” Jenelle captioned the above photo of he favorite gift. “I’m in love!”

She added:

“This day didn’t go the way I imagined but there will be many more to come in the future. #Hopeful.”

Jenelle seems encouraged by the fact that, for better or worse, the Jace issue will be decided in the very near future.

Jenelle recently told Radar Online that she and Barbara are set to face off in court on May 25 to decide who will have primary physical custody of Jace.

Here’s hoping that for the boy’s sake, they’ll accept the outcome whatever it may be.


Saturday, April 15, 2017

"Survivor" Outing Makes "America"s Next Top Model" Alum Relive Her Own Nightmare (VIDEO)

Transgender model Isis King is taking a strong stance in support of ‘Survivor’ contestant Zeke Smith after his televised outing, because she went through the same thing on “America’s Next Top Model.” Isis was the first transgender…


Thursday, April 13, 2017

American Airlines Sued for Racism On Heels of United"s PR Nightmare

Move over, United … American Airlines has its own mess to deal with after a 75-year-old pastor claims AA blocked him from a flight just because he’s Korean. Benny Shin filed a lawsuit Thursday barely 2 hours after Dr. David Dao’s…


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Elon Musk"s Tesla Employee Parking Is a Nightmare and Hilarious (PHOTO GALLERY)

Elon Musk’s Tesla is now America’s most valued automaker, but you’d never know it from his employee parking lots … which look like a total over-packed disaster zone. The Wall Street Journal posted a report on 2 of the company’s parking lots — one…


Elon Musk"s Tesla Employee Parking Is a Nightmare and Hilarious (PHOTO GALLERY)

Elon Musk’s Tesla is now America’s most valued automaker, but you’d never know it from his employee parking lots … which look like a total over-packed disaster zone. The Wall Street Journal posted a report on 2 of the company’s parking lots — one…


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 2 Recap: Abby"s Worst Nightmare!

Last night on Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 2, Abby Lee Miller made it clear she’d be sticking to her original plan of culling the field.

Taking out the weakest competitors, in other words.

Meanwhile, Abby flipped the f–k out when her arch nemesis showed back up. If you watch Dance Moms online, you know who that is.

Yes, Cathy Nesbitt-Stein of rival dance company, the Candy Apples, made her grand return to the show, and naturally, needled Miller, who’s awaiting sentencing for fraud. 

Cathy ribbed Abby and upon her return, gifted the Dance Mom guru with a broom, as a mode of transportation.

Ha, ha, right?

Cathy dove deeper, then, and told Abby, “Better get used to that smack talk because you’re going to have a lot of it in jail.” 


As for the dance teams, Miller was hemming and hawing over who to send home and who to keep. 

Miller revealed that none of the Junior Elites would be going home, but that the Minis will be seeing a cut … and soon. 

Naturally, the moms of the Minis are in an outrage because they feel Miller is hanging a decision over their heads like a carrot and a horse, and the Minis are sent home, unable to participate in the upcoming competition. 

The Junior Elites travel to San Diego for the latest contest, and added two girls to the troupe on her mission to win — Cameron and Daliana. 

Miller revealed that the her hopes for “new blood” lie in the notion that the new girls will revitalize the existing team and inspire them to work harder … especially in competition against her nemesis’ Candy Apples. 

However, during rehearsals, the girls of the ALDC are outperformed by the Candy Apples, and it makes everybody — save for Cathy — nervous. 

At the competition, the Candy Apples and Miller’s troupe face off, throwing barbs at one another and generally amping each other up. 

The Candy Apples’ group routine slays … and everybody knows it. 

The ALDC’s group routine … well, it didn’t exactly slay by some watchers’ standards, but it definitely evoked feelings of nostalgia after years of departing from that which made the ALDC successful.  

Nostalgia as a schtick worked, however, as Miller’s group effort took first place, while the Candy Apples locked in a third-place standing. 

Cathy isn’t done with Abby, though, and rains on her parade ultimately. 

She cruelly ripped Miller, and said that even though Abby’s group won, they’re the real losers … as their fearless leader is jail-bound. 

The drama!


Monday, November 7, 2016

Cubs" Pedro Strop -- Nightmare Car Customization ... Drops $30k To Fix Bad Job (VIDEO + PHOTO GALLERY)

MLB pitcher Pedro Strop can breathe a sigh of relief after a custom car job gone bad … ‘cause the Chicago Cubs reliever gave his car a complete $ 30,000 makeover. Strop hit up Alex Vega at the Auto Firm to re-pimp his 2015 Infiniti QX80. We’re…


Thursday, November 3, 2016

J Lo -- I"m Your Inspiration and Your Worst Nightmare (PHOTO)

J Lo is living proof … when you take care of yourself you look better. She’s also living proof that you’ll never look as good as this at 47. Ms. Lopez posted this pic with the hashtag #loveyourselffirst. Everybody in the gene pool … hers.


J Lo -- I"m Your Inspiration and Your Worst Nightmare (PHOTO)

J Lo is living proof … when you take care of yourself you look better. She’s also living proof that you’ll never look as good as this at 47. Ms. Lopez posted this pic with the hashtag #loveyourselffirst. Everybody in the gene pool … hers.


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Stephanie March Reveals Unbearable Breast Surgery Nightmare

Her split from husband Bobby Flay prompted the need for a change.

Now, actress Stephanie March realizes that change should not have been a physical one.

In an essay for Refinery29, March recalled what made her decide to get a boob job in August 2014.

“I was 39 years old, and my life was disintegrating. Couldn’t get a job I wanted on camera, couldn’t get attention for my production projects, couldn’t travel the world far enough or fast enough or immerse myself in philanthropy enough to make it all go away.

“It was like watching a glacier cleave into giant chunks: massive and seemingly well beyond my control,” she wrote.

“See, the other thing that was happening was that my marriage of nearly 10 years (and 14 together) was falling apart. And nothing, nothing was helping me cope.

“Not therapy, not patience, not wine-soaked dinners with friends where I “got it all out.” Great spidery cracks widened over time. Boom. Boom. Boom.”

So, March underwent the surgery, but a few months later, one of her implants burst.

“One morning in early October when I sat up in bed and felt a sickening wet mucus sliding down my chest,” she wrote.  

“It was everywhere, soaking my shirt and the sheets. My right implant was infected and the seams of the scar on my right breast had burst.”

March rushed to her surgeon’s office, who stitched her up and sent her to an infectious disease specialist.

On Christmas Eve, March got another infection in the area, and ultimately decided to have them removed.

“The problem wasn’t something anyone could have prevented or predicted — it was that I am allergic to implants,” March wrote.

“Plain and simple. My body did. Not. Want. Them. I kept trying to ‘fix’ my body, and it kept telling me to leave it alone.”

It took awhile, but March began to realize that fixing herself physically would not help her heal from a broken marriage.  Slowly but surely, she did what she had to do to be happy again.

“All that I had, all that I was, from the beginning, was all I needed to be,” she wrote.

“And now, I anticipate summer of 2016 with great joy. I will be poolside, beachside, and swimming — and perhaps, in a more daring moment (with a margarita nearby), I will be topless.

“I have nothing to hide.”

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Kelly Ripa Makes Live! Return, Jokes About "National Nightmare"

Kelly. Ripa. Is. BACK!

Following the most tumultuous week of her professional life, Ripa made good on her promise of returning to Live! on Tuesday morning.

And she didn’t waste any time in addressing the gap-toothed elephant in the room.

Dressed in a sleeveless red pantsuit, Ripa walked out on the set hand-in-hand with Michael Strahan.

She then stood by herself, to the right of the table, and soaked in wild applause from the audience.

“Our long national nightmare is over,” Kelly said with a smile.

“I first want to honestly, sincerely thank you for welcoming me back to the show. The show of support in this bizarre time has been overwhelming.”

Ripa, of course, has been off the air since last Tuesday, largely in protest of how ABC waited until the last moment to inform her that Strahan would be leaving Live! in September for a full-time job with Good Morning America.

Ever since, there’s been talk of whether or not ABC would cancel the program… whether Ripa would ever return… and chatter over just how badly she got along with Strahan.

“I needed a couple of days to gather my thoughts. After 26 years with this company, I earned the right,” Ripa went on to say, prior to joking that half the audience had likely called in sick to attend Live! as well.

“So, we get each other,” she quipped.

Kelly went on:

“What transpired over the course of a few days has been extraordinary, in the sense that it started a much larger conversation about communication and consideration and most importantly respect in the workplace.

“And since we’re being honest, I don’t consider this just a workplace. This is my second home.”

At various times, as you can see above, Strahan could be heard laughing and supporting Ripa off screen.

Referencing the apology she allegedly received from ABC and the subsequent long talk she had with them, Ripa added:

“Our parent company has assured me that Live is a priority.”

What about Strahan?

“I am thrilled for Michael. I am thrilled for you. This is a tremendous opportunity and I couldn’t be, and we couldn’t be, prouder of you and everything we’ve accomplished together.

“This is entertainment, it’s supposed to be entertaining, so let’s get back to what we do best and start the show.”

And, with that, Ripa concluded as follows:

“My dad, who was a bus driver for 30 years, thinks we’re all crazy. And I think he’s right!”

What did you think of Ripa’s speech? Did she strike the right tone? 

Will you continue to watch the show? Or did you not watch in the first place?

Friday, February 26, 2016

Barbara Evans: Divorce From Jenelle"s Father Was a NIGHTMARE!

Jenelle Evans may have been a demon teen, but we’re now learning that her childhood may have been a veritable hell.

Her parents Barbara and Robert divorced when Jenelle was just four years old, but reports obtained by Radar reveal that it was anything but amicable.

Robert filed for divorce in May 1996, claiming his wife made “his condition intolerable and life burdensome.” He also wanted custody of their three kids Jenelle, 4, Colin, 6 and Ashleigh, 7.

However, Barbara countered by filing papers requesting full custody, citing that Robert had walked out and that his time with the kids should be “limited or restrained completely” because of his “drinking problem.”

According to court documents, Barbara accused Robert of being an unfit parent due to the following:

  • “A long-term impairment from resulting from drug, alcohol, or other substance abuse that interferes with the performance of parenting functions”

  • “The absence or substantial impairment of emotional ties between the parent and child”

  • “The abusive use of conflict by the parent which creates the danger of serious damage to the child’s psychological development”

Basically, she was saying that Jenelle’s dad was a drunk who had virtually no relationship with his kids but had been a dick enough to cause them mental trauma.

Babs told the courts she wanted to take the kids to counseling and for Robert to complete a program to address anger management and domestic violence issues.

Robert countered by claiming that SHE was the bad parent who caused psychological damage to the children… but wanted her to have custody if he could have every other holiday.


We wish it ended there, but this back-and-forth in the courts continued for more than a year.

Barbara claimed Robert wouldn’t show up for his scheduled visits with the kids, which at one point caused so much emotional trauma to Jenelle’s sister Ashleigh that she pulled her hair out of her head.

Not a shock that screwed up parents = screwed up kids.

Jenelle’s been in trouble with the law at least 18 times and has had substance abuse issues of her own.

Earlier in the week, another Teen Mom opened up about her troubled early family life. Farrah Abraham broke down to Dr. Drew about how her parents abused her when she was a child.

It almost makes you feel sorry for them – except that they’re the parents now, and need to get their sh*t together before their kids head down the same path.