Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Ariana Grande: Living a "Nightmare" Following Mac Miller Death

On Friday, the world learned of the passing of rapper Mac Miller, who died of an apparent drug overdose at the age of 26.

The outpouring of love for Miller and the support for his grieving family has been nonstop in the days since his untimely passing.

And today, two new developments serve as reminders of just how many lives Mac touched in his short time on earth and how keenly his loss is felt by those who loved him.

First, People magazine reported that Miller’s former girlfriend Ariana Grande is devastated by his death, to the point that she’s shown no interest in leaving the house, and loved ones have begun to fear that she’s neglecting her health.

“She completely broke down after she found out about Mac,” a source told People of Grande’s state.

“She can’t believe he isn’t here anymore. He was such a special person to her. She is very, very sad.”

The insider concluded:

“This is a nightmare for her.”

While few were as close with Mac as Ariana was, millions felt a kinship with the rapper, largely due to the confessional, soul-baring nature of his work.

Though he never achieved the mainstream superstardom so many felt he deserved, Miller remains an icon in his hometown of Pittsburgh.

And last night, the city paid tribute to Mac with a candlelight vigil in Frick Park Blue Slide a location made famous as the title of Miller’s debut album.

“We would like to bring the city together in full force for this legendary icon,” read a Facebook post about the event, which was hosted by Nightfall Records.

“Mac deserves to be sent off with an evening of celebrating his life, discussing his struggles, and remembering his stories; most importantly for his iconic work that brought joy into the lives of everybody who listened,” the post continued.

“We are welcoming all artists to come and paint, create, draw, live tribute art for this event.”

On social media as well as in the physical world, many paying tribute to Miller say their intentions are twofold:

They wish to call attention to the music of an underappreciated talent, as well as to raise awareness of the struggles that led to Mac’s untimely passing, so that others might avoid the same fate.

We wish them luck in those endeavors, and our thoughts go out to all who have been affected by the passing of Mac Miller.
