Showing posts with label Abby's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abby's. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Dance Moms Recap: Meet Abby"s Boy Toy!

Abby Lee Miller flew the coop on Dance Moms this week, leaving the country just a week prior to her sentencing.

To host a few dance events, that is.

She didn’t break any laws, but the host sure did piss off a bunch of parents in the process.

While she abandoned her girls for the next competition, Abby did show up for pyramid at the outset of the episode.

Faced with questions over her shirking of responsibilities to the team, however, Abby just remains silent.

We then learn that Kalani, Kendall and Brynn will have solos at the Sheer Talent DC in Phoenix, Arizona.

What about the promise from Dance Moms last week that Lilli and Elli would be awarded with solos after their won their duet?

Abby just forgets about it basically, which means she isn’t invested, Ashlee argues.

The group routine, titled “Food for Thought,” is all about being a vegan – and Abby uses the number to promote the music of a friend of hers named Jordy for it.

This also angers the moms, who aren’t happy that Abby is eager to use Jordy’s music when she’s never done that for Nia or Kendall.

The tension is as palpable as maybe ever before at this point.

And it gets ratcheted up even higher when we discovered that this Jordy guy is sleeping with Abby! Yes, as in… they’re having sexual intercourse!

This boy toy showed up with some vegan cookies and explains the concept of his diet to the students, all while the moms pretend they are fans of his music.

An argument over the eating of meat and “speciesism” ensues, with Jordy arguing this latter problem is as pressing as racism and sexism.

This idiot is quite the piece of irritating work.

Fed up with Abby, Jill confronts her over Jordy and the use of his music. The bully of a host claims she simply likes the song she chose and nothing shady is going on.

Need to catch up? Click above to watch Dance Moms online now!

But the parents aren’t convinced. Or satisfied.

What’s going to happen next time, they ask? Will the girls compete at all? Is Abby going to bring in a guest choreographer when she leaves for jail?

Ashlee tells Abby that Laurieann Gibson is available and willing to step in.  

“And you think I’m mean?” Miller replies.

(Editor’s Note: Yes. We do.)

Some of the moms proceed to discuss Laurieann, but the time then comes for Abby to bid farewell. For now, at least. To head out of the country, as mentioned above.

At the competition, Jill and Ashlee argue how Brynn and Kalani have been given every opportunity to flourish, while Kendall has supposedly been set up to lose.

Jill said this in front of her daughter, it should be noted.

In the end, Kendall comes in third for her solo, while Brynn earns second and Kalali the top prize. The ALDC also wins their group.

Following this victory, the Dance Moms debate whether or not they ought to call Laurieann (as if they have a say in the matter), leading to a cliffhanger in which viewers are left to wonder:

In what sort of hands will the girls be left after Abby goes to jail?


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 10 Recap: Abby"s Breaking Point

Abby Lee Miller is like the laughing stock of the ALDC these days. Whenever there’s an issue, the moms seem to want to bring up her looming jail sentence and it’s getting pretty sad. 

When Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 10 got underway, Abby revealed the pyramid and Jamie was livid that Maesi was second to last. She felt like Abby had gone too far when you consider the fact that Maesi had came first in her category recently. 

The other moms were pissed when Jamie started cursing because the kids were there, but if you watch Dance Moms online, you probably already know that the other moms have did so… on several occasions. 

Stacey and Yolanda were most annoyed because they have the youngest kids on the team and they felt that Jamie saying those words in front of them was going to corrupt them, or something. 

When Elliana was put in the group routine, there seemed to be a sense of peace, which was so damn weird. That peace quickly turned to anger when it became clear that the moms were annoyed by just how long it was taking to practice. 

The minis struggled to keep together in a straight line, so Abby put tape down. The elite mothers argued that it proved the kids should not be merging to dance. 

Abby was betting big on the solos, with Kalani, Kendall and Nia getting the honor of performing them. However, there was a complete breakdown in communication and it resulted in Abby spending very little time with them to perfect their routines. 

Did this mean she felt they were seasoned enough to wing it, or was she purposefully setting them up to fail?

The mothers went with the latter and more arguing ensued. it’s definitely tiring watching everybody constantly going at it. Do we all think if the cameras were nowhere in sight these moms would be better friends?

Of course. 

The mothers thought there was something odd about the way Abby was acting, so they called her out and it was the biggest mistake. Abby than smashed glass and argued with producers. 

She wanted to get fired and did not care about how she was going to go about it. This was obviously about the court case and the fact she would be returning home. 

People would be asking about the court case, making her feel worse. The mothers were worried that Abby was not going to show up for the competition, but they quickly learned the answer when she sat in the audience. 

Surprisingly, Kalani managed to win the whole thing and it made her feel glad that she did so with little arguments. The ALDC also won for the group routine, too.

Still, it seemed like the drama was far from over. Abby snapped and basically told them they were terrible. This prompted the mothers to step in to defend their daughters. 

What did you think of all the drama on the latest episode?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 2 Recap: Abby"s Worst Nightmare!

Last night on Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 2, Abby Lee Miller made it clear she’d be sticking to her original plan of culling the field.

Taking out the weakest competitors, in other words.

Meanwhile, Abby flipped the f–k out when her arch nemesis showed back up. If you watch Dance Moms online, you know who that is.

Yes, Cathy Nesbitt-Stein of rival dance company, the Candy Apples, made her grand return to the show, and naturally, needled Miller, who’s awaiting sentencing for fraud. 

Cathy ribbed Abby and upon her return, gifted the Dance Mom guru with a broom, as a mode of transportation.

Ha, ha, right?

Cathy dove deeper, then, and told Abby, “Better get used to that smack talk because you’re going to have a lot of it in jail.” 


As for the dance teams, Miller was hemming and hawing over who to send home and who to keep. 

Miller revealed that none of the Junior Elites would be going home, but that the Minis will be seeing a cut … and soon. 

Naturally, the moms of the Minis are in an outrage because they feel Miller is hanging a decision over their heads like a carrot and a horse, and the Minis are sent home, unable to participate in the upcoming competition. 

The Junior Elites travel to San Diego for the latest contest, and added two girls to the troupe on her mission to win — Cameron and Daliana. 

Miller revealed that the her hopes for “new blood” lie in the notion that the new girls will revitalize the existing team and inspire them to work harder … especially in competition against her nemesis’ Candy Apples. 

However, during rehearsals, the girls of the ALDC are outperformed by the Candy Apples, and it makes everybody — save for Cathy — nervous. 

At the competition, the Candy Apples and Miller’s troupe face off, throwing barbs at one another and generally amping each other up. 

The Candy Apples’ group routine slays … and everybody knows it. 

The ALDC’s group routine … well, it didn’t exactly slay by some watchers’ standards, but it definitely evoked feelings of nostalgia after years of departing from that which made the ALDC successful.  

Nostalgia as a schtick worked, however, as Miller’s group effort took first place, while the Candy Apples locked in a third-place standing. 

Cathy isn’t done with Abby, though, and rains on her parade ultimately. 

She cruelly ripped Miller, and said that even though Abby’s group won, they’re the real losers … as their fearless leader is jail-bound. 

The drama!
