Showing posts with label Breaking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breaking. Show all posts

Friday, November 16, 2018

Sofia Richie and Scott Disick: Breaking Up Over Cheating Rumors?

According to a new report, there’s more to Sofia Richie’s fear that Scott Disick will cheat.

She’s apparently given him an ultimatum.

If he goes running back to Kourtney’s bed, he won’t get to return to hers.

Life & Style reports that though this couple is still together, but that their split may be inevitable.

“Sofia has made it very clear that if [he] strays, it’s over,” the insider reveals.

She is particularly worried that he’s banging his ex.

According to the source, “She’d hate to see Kourtney [Kardashian] get one up on her.”

“Although,” the insider admits. “Saying and doing are two different things.”

In other words, telling Scott to never cross that line isn’t the same thing as following up on her vow to end things if he slips up.

Apparently, she’s genuinely worried that he can’t resist his ex.

Honestly, a lot of past and present fans of Scott and Kourtney have also gotten that vie.

“Sofia has her suspicions about Kourt and Scott hooking up,” the source shares.

“But,” the insider continues. “He swears that nothing is going on between them.”

Well, as we all know, if a dude is cheating, he’ll totally fess up immediately if you ask him.

In all seriousness, though, they share years of history and three children. It’s normal for them to talk.

Apparently, a lot of Sofia’s alleged concerns come from a place of insecurity.

“Nothing seems to stop Sofia from feeling like the third wheel to Kourtney,” the source reports.

That is understandable.

Scott and Kourtney’s shared history (and children) means that they have so much life in common.

They have an easy chemistry, even as exes, and can naturally have smooth conversations.

Scott’s much-younger girlfriend would notice and might even feel left out of their conversations.

That sounds pitiful.

You know who is not helping this situation at all?


It wasn’t so long ago that Scott openly spoke about trying things again with Kourtney.

According to the self-styled Lord: “We always said we’d try to get back together when we’re 40.”

Well, Kourtney is going to be 40 in less than half a year — in April of 2019.

Sofia might be taking that as a very serious countdown.

Sofia was 19 when she and Scott first hooked up. She’s now 20.

Now, she’s an adult — Scott may be creepy, but he’s not doing anything illegal.

But at that age, she’s very likely still feeling all sorts of emotions more strongly than the guy 75% older than she is feeling.

We should also acknowledge that Sofia has already given Scott one of her best years.

She’s a young adult and a super hot model.

We hope that Scott is being sensitive to Sofia’s feelings regarding, well, everything, including Kourtney.

We also hope that Scott is not taking Sofia or his relationship with her for granted.

Ultimately, all relationships end, and we don’t expect that Scott and Sofia’s will be any different.

But it would certainly be better if no one, say, cheats or dismisses the other’s feelings. People should be nice to their loved ones.

That said, we cannot confirm that Sofia believes that Scott has been cheating.

Do a lot of people believe it? Sure. Has Sofia openly confirmed that it’s a suspicion of hers? Of course not.

So we’ll take this report with a grain of salt and keep an eye out.


Thursday, November 15, 2018

Josh Duggar Is Breaking the Law Again: Will He FINALLY Go to Jail?!

When Josh Duggar molested five young girls, he avoided arrest and prosecution with the help of his parents.

In the years since the scandal came to light, many Duggar fans have hoped that the long arm of the law would eventually catch up to Josh.

According to a new report from Radar Online, Josh has once again been caught breaking the law.

But it doesn’t look as though he’ll be imprisoned for his most recent infractions.

The site claims that Wholesale Motorcars in Washington County, Arkansas — which Josh has managed since 2015 — has been operating without a permit for the entirety of his tenure.

“We have one zoning designation in the county to allow single-family residential or agricultural uses,” a planning official in Washington County told Radar.

“Anything else requires a conditional use permit to request a zoning change.”

Officials claim Josh just started a business on non-commercial property without notifying the proper authorities.

When a local fire marshal noticed Josh’s failure to obtain the proper licensing, he reported the father of five.

As we’ve reported in the past, Josh is hated in his hometown, but his father, Jim Bob Duggar, still enjoys a tremendous amount of clout.

As such, Josh was given a second chance to comply with the law.

“The fire marshal wasn’t going to issue any more extensions,” the planning authority told Radar.

“He was requiring that Josh make a good faith attempt, or make effort, toward receiving a review and permit approval, so that’s what he did.”

And so, Josh was given time to apply for the mandatory permits and make the necessary repairs — of which there were many.

Reports indicate that Josh didn’t display the building’s address anywhere on its exterior (a shady detail if ever there was one)/

Also, his property had no smoke detectors and was generally in a state of disrepair.

Of course, the Duggars have violated local zoning laws before, most recently when Jim Bob attempted to open a “luxury RV park” without notifying local officials.

Like Josh, Jim Bob was in no way held accountable for his violations.


Saturday, November 10, 2018

Derick Dillard Comes Clean: We"re Breaking All of Jim Bob"s Rules!

We’ve known for some time now that Derick Dillard is not Jim Bob Duggar’s favorite son-in-law.

In fact, it’s been said that Jim Bob flat-out doesn’t like Derick — and frankly, it’s not hard to see why.

After all, other than Josh, no one in the Duggar clan has done more to compromise the family business than Derick.

The clearest evidence of Derick’s ineptitude is the fact that he got fired from Counting On and convinced his wife, Jill Duggar, to quit the show as a gesture of solidarity.

But leaving his family without a source of income was just the first in a long line of eff-ups for Derick.

From there, Derick’s bigoted social media tirades continued unabated, as he attacked other TLC stars such as Jazz Jennings ad Nate Berkus in the sort or ignorant tirades for which he’s become famous.

Jim Bob and company probably didn’t object to the belief system behind Derick’s unhinged rants, but the Duggars likely took issue with the public nature of his hate speech.

After all, not unlike the evangelical church that seems to have served as his business model, JB built an empire that’s based on strict adherence to a set of mostly arbitrary rules.

These days, Jim Bob’s offspring — particularly his daughters — are flouting his guidelines left and right, and the patriarch reportedly blames the men they married.

Jinger Duggar began wearing pants in defiance of the family dress code after she was granted permission by her husband, Jeremy Vuolo.

And now, Jill Duggar is allowing her kids to enjoy secular entertainment — a massive no-no in the Duggars’ world.

And not surprisingly, it seems the Duggars believe Derick is squarely to blame.

And it seems D-Dill may have just confirmed their suspicions on social media.

Earlier this week, a fan asked Derick, “Why don’t you guys get a TV?”

“How do you know we don’t have one?” Derick replied.

If you’re a longtime Counting On fan, then you’re probably already aware that the Duggars grew up in a house without television.

In recent months, Jill and Derick have taken flak for allowing their children access to such popular children’s characters as Peppa the Pig.

That may seem like just about the most innocent thing imaginable, but the Duggars are of the belief that all children’s entertainment that all children’s entertainment should have to do with fire and brimstone.

That way, kids like Henry and Spurgeon will understand why their dad is going to hell.


Friday, November 9, 2018

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Released from Hospital After Breaking Ribs

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is out of the hospital, but not back on her feet … quite yet. RBG was released from George Washington Medical Center in D.C. Thursday after spending the night.  As you know … she fractured 3 ribs…


Monday, October 15, 2018

Mac Miller"s Death Was Breaking Point for Ariana Grande & Pete Davidson

Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson hit a life-changing fork in the road last month when Mac Miller died — and his death was the tipping point that led to their split … TMZ has learned. Sources close to AG and PD tell us … Ariana was in an…


Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson Surprise Absolutely No One by Breaking Up

Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson have called off their engagement.

We’ll give you a minute to recover from the shock…

Wait? What’s that? You aren’t stunned at all because this was the most obvious break-up of all-time?

Fair point.

According to People Magazine, Us Weekly and other reliable outlets, the singer and the Saturday Night Live cast member have called off their short, albeit intense, romance.

The stars started dating late this spring and then announced their engagement, like, two weeks later, taking the celebrity gossip and entertainment universe by storm.

Most folks assumed Davidson and Grande were moving way too quickly and that the relationship would eventually fizzle out and… well…

… that’s pretty much what has happened.

“It was way too much too soon,” a source close to Grande tells People Magazine. “It’s not shocking to anyone.”

This same source says the decision to go their separate ways was mutually agreed upon by both halves of the famous couple.

While the split doesn’t really come as a surprise to anyone at all, there hadn’t been any recent rumors of tension at least.

The latest chatter, in fact, has been centered around whether or not Grande was pregnant with Davidson’s child.

The comedian himself even joked about knocking Grande up just a few weeks ago, as he and Ariana were certainly very open about the seriousness of their relationship during the four months it lasted.

Alas, it is now over.

“It happened this weekend,” an insider tells Us Weekly, adding:

“They realized it happened too quick and too early. The wedding is off, but they’re working things out. They’re not officially done yet.”

It’s unclear what Grande will do with the $ 100,000 engagement ring Davidson gifted her; and it’s also unclear whether the traumatic death of Grande’s ex, Mac Miller, played any role in the demise of this romance.

Over the past several days, it’s been clear that Grande has been going through a lot.

The artist has been Tweeting a handful of personal messages and saying she needs a break from the public spotlight, asking at point:

“can i pls have one okay day. just one. pls.”

Twitter users, meanwhile, reacted in many different ways to the break-up.

Some were taken aback. Some were delighted. Others yawned over how clear it was to see it coming.

“am i surprised that pete and ariana broke up? no. but am i supposed to be happy about that? no. imagine how she is doing right now,” wrote one person, while another added:

“if you’re celebrating ariana and pete splitting, you don’t care about ariana’s happiness. Bye.”

ag reacttion

Back on September 7, Miller died of a drug overdose.

He and Grande dated for about two years and didn’t split up all that long before Ariana got together with Davidson.

“Given the events of the past couple of years, Ariana is going to take some much needed time to heal and mend,” her team said in September.

“She will be staying close to home and using this period to spend time with her loved ones and work on new music without deadline. She thanks her fans for their understanding.”

This Saturday, Grande also canceled a scheduled performance, at F–k Cancer’s inaugural Barbara Berlanti Heroes fundraising gala, where her manager Scooter Braun’s wife Yael Cohen Braun received an honor for her work as co-founder of the group.

Said Braun in front of the crowd:

“One of the most amazing things about this organization is that they help people when they’re having the worst moments in their life, and they give sympathy and a calm nature to people in need in those moments.

“And you saw your invite, someone I’m very close to was supposed to come sing for you today, and because of things that she’s going through, she couldn’t be here today.

“And while I was frustrated, being the manager, my wife, being who she always is, just looked at me and she goes, ‘She needs this time."”

We continue to wish Ariana the best.

And now Davidson the best as well.


Thursday, October 11, 2018

BREAKING: Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner Suck at Baseball

Kim Kardashian has hit many home runs in her life…

… off the field, we mean.

As in: she"s slept with her fair share of men.

Many of these men have eveb been professional athletes, but it"s notable that none has played baseball.

Why is this notable?

Because Kim and her mother will play a random pickup game of that sport on this Sunday"s brand new episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians… and it will not go well.

As practice for an upcoming softball game, Kim, Kris Jenner and Khloe Kardashian trudge out to a diamond in the clip featured on this page in order to try pitching and hitting.

A pregnant Khloe stands on the sideline and offers her loved ones advice.

But it falls on deaf and untalented ears.

"Is this the mound?" a confused Kim asks her sister.

"No, the mound is there," Khloe responds. "That would be the pitcher"s mound."

(Editor"s Note: This is patently absurd. We don"t care how little baseball you watch; you know from where a pitcher pitches.)

"The first softball practice is terrifying," Khloe later says in a confessional. "It"s just chickens with their head cut off running around this field. It"s not good."

After Kim finally gets a hold of a Kris offering and runs to first base, it"s time for Jenner to grab a bat and for Kim to take the aforementioned mound.

Upon attempting to hit her first pitch, however, Kris wobbles backward and falls to the ground.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Kim asks as she rushes to her mother"s side. "Oh my god, did you hurt your wrist?"

Yes, Kris claims.

And it actually is possible.

As scripted and as dumb as this entire scene is, we"re not sure if Jenner is a decent enough of an actress to fake this fall.

It looks pretty legit!

Take a look at the footage feature here and see for yourself!

(And then visit our friends at TV Fanatic to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online.)

Kris jenner gets injured playing the lamest game of baseball eve

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

John David Duggar: Breaking Courtship Rules AGAIN? In Front of His Sisters?! While FLYING A PLANE?!?

In the two months since the world learned of John David Duggar and Abbie Burnett’s courtship, the couple has received far more scrutiny than the average Duggar couple.

This is partially due to the fact that at 28, John David is much older than the average first-relationship fundie.

But there are also much more intriguing reasons that fans are so fixated on JD and Abbie.

Throughout his time in the spotlight, John David has been regarded as one of the most conservative Duggars … which is really saying something.

The accepted narrative pertaining to John David has always been that he’s as much of a go-getter as his workaholic dad, and his lifestyle prevented him from finding the right partner.

In addition to pitching in with the family businesses, John David is a volunteer firefighter, a deputy with his local sheriff’s department, and a licensed pilot.

And it’s that last vocation that’s really caught the attention of Duggar Nation this week.

The photo above shows John David flying the friendly skies with Abbie as his trusty co-pilot.

Throughout their relationship, John David and Abbie have broken Duggar courtship rules on multiple occasions, and this latest pic seems to show the couple once again being more physical than his family generally allows.

As usual, some of the more prudish Counting On fans have given John David flak for violating his family’s code of conduct … and those folks really freaked out after laying eyes on the photo below:

Yes, since the photos were posted so close together that at first glance it seems that John David was allowing his fiance to get handsy (by Duggar standards) right in front of his sisters.

The youngest Duggar daughters have formed a singing group called The Duggar Girls, and they’re currently on tour promoting their debut album.

“The girls were flying with John-David while they were working on #HappyHeart,” the above pic is captioned on the Duggars Facebook page.

Some fans were incensed … until they learned the pics were actually taken several weeks apart.

Thankfully, for the most part, Duggar obsessives were effusive with praise, applauding John David for taking his sisters on tour.

“What can’t that guy do? Those kids are all so diversified,” one fan commented, according to In Touch Weekly.

“I have read so much criticism about this family. How many of you have a plane and can fly it?” wrote another.

“Hope none of the Duggars got motion sickness! I know they are all prone to it.”

Yeah, heathen! Where’s your plane?!

So it turns out all the fuss about John David tossing the rulebook out the window in front of his sisters was a whole lot of nothing.

But you can bet all eyes will still be on JDD and Abbie.

There have been rumors that the courtship rules don’t apply to John David at all, and for reasons we can’t quite understand, people have a big problem with that. 

Let us know if you figure it out.


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

"RHOC" Star Tamra Judge Has Naked Hot Tub Fun, Until Breaking her Foot

Gotta respect Tamra Judge’s hot tub game — get drunk, get naked and dive right in, baby! She just sucks hard at sticking the landing. The ‘Real Housewives of Orange County’ crew was down in Mexico on Monday night’s episode, and things got pretty…


Monday, July 23, 2018

Ryan Lochte Busted for Breaking Anti-Doping Rules After Snitching on Himself

Ryan Lochte has found himself in hot water again … this time, the Olympian has been busted for violating the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency’s rules … and he basically snitched on himself. Lochte — who was part of the Team USA swim team’s infamous gas…


Ryan Lochte Busted for Breaking Anti-Doping Rules After Snitching on Himself

Ryan Lochte has found himself in hot water again … this time, the Olympian has been busted for violating the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency’s rules … and he basically snitched on himself. Lochte — who was part of the Team USA swim team’s infamous gas…


John David Duggar & Abbie Burnett: Breaking Courtship Rules Left and Right!

It’s only been a few weeks since the world learned that John David Duggar and Abbie Burnett are courting, and yet, to look at photos of the happy couple, you’d think it had been much longer.

For one thing, they seem much more comfortable with physical contact than any of their predecessors.

Yes, John David and Abbie are breaking courtship rules — and they don’t seem to care who knows it.

Not only are they openly flouting his parents’ rules regarding limited physical contact, JD and Abbie seem to be blazing their own trail in just about every other respect, as well.

For starters, they both have multiple social media accounts.

This may seem perfectly normal for two people in their late twenties, but for the Duggars, it’s virtually unheard of.

While it’s not a hard and fast rule, Duggars typically don’t join social media until they’re engaged.

Which, as far as we know, John David and Abbie are not.

So that’s out of the ordinary, to be sure … but it’s the content on those social media pages that really has fans scratching their heads.

For starters, Abbie wears pants.

Again, in most of the world, that’s perfectly normal behavior for a 26-year-old woman (or anyone else, for that matter) to engage in.

But if you’re a fan of the Duggar family, you know that women are forced to wear long skirts until they get married, at which time, their husband determines their dress code.

It’s not the most progressive system in the world, but for years, John David’s sisters have participated in it uncomplainingly.

But Abbie is not a Duggar — and it seems she has every intention of sending that message loud and clear.

In addition to embracing John David in public, being active on social media and wearing jeans, Abbie has broken perhaps the biggest Duggar rule of all.

Okay, the second biggest (as far as we know, she and JD are not engaging in premarital sex).

Yes, John David and Abbie have been skipping church.

Online sleuths pieced together info garnered from the couple’s social media pages and determined that they’re often off doing their own thing while the rest of the Duggars are at Sunday services.

And we probably don’t need to tell you that church is quite a big deal in Duggar Land.

It’s enough to make fans wonder — why are John David and Abbie allowed to get away with so much more than his siblings?

The answer seems to have much to do with age.

John David is 28, which means he’s beginning the courtship process much later than expected.

As such, it seems that he’s being allowed much more freedom than Josh and Josiah, the two previous Duggar males to enter relationships.

Of course, the real reason that John David is given so much leeway can be found on his birth certificate — but it has nothing to do with when he was born.

Yes, JD is a man, and as such, he isn’t bound by the ridiculous set of rules that confined his sisters for so long.

Jim Bob and Michelle might have preferred that John David had ended up with a more traditional courting partner, but at the end of the day, he’s male, which means they trust him to do what’s right.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, July 2, 2018

John David Duggar and Abbie Burnett: ALREADY Breaking Family Courting Rules?!?

John David Duggar and Abbie Burnett are wasting no time at all.

Falling in love and planning a family?

Sure, maybe. We guess.

But we mean it more along these lines:

John David Duggar and Abbie Burnett are wasting no time at all… in breaking family courtship rules. Uh-oh!

As any celebrity gossip follower likely know well, the Duggars are a rather strict family.

We don’t mean this as a statement of judgment, just a statement of fact: Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have put strong guidelines into place for their loved ones.

These include making a relationship official via a courtship announcement, such as the one John David and Abbie made last week; along with requirements that you cannot kiss before marriage and even cannot go anywhere while courting without a chaperone.

And one source now claims that this new couple managed to break BOTH these rules after just a few days of courting.

The Facebook group titled “Duggar Family News: Life is not all pickles and hairspray” has shared multiple photos on its account of Duggar and Burnett taking a trip last Tuesday to Walmart.

This was the same day on which they announced their courtship.

According to an onlooker, John David and Abbie were NOT accompanied by a chaperone, for starters.

But… wait! It gets even more scandalous:

“My source also says that it looked like John grabbed Abbie’s ass before he noticed there were other shoppers around and moved just before this photo was taken,” reads the controversial post on this side, adding:

“My source also says he whispered to Abbie after he walked past a lesbian couple. Doesn’t Jesus condemn whispering? It’s rude!”

(NOTE: Does Jesus condemn whispering? We’re actually asking.)

John David has often been seen as one of the more rebellious of Jim Bob and Michelle’s children.

There’s even been talk that he may be the first relative to simply walk away from reality television.

We can’t verify that rumor just yet, but we can say that this relationship is serious enough that John David and Abbie have opened both a Twitter account and an Instagram account.

The first two photos in this article are taken from the latter.

“The Razorbacks lost, but I’m still feeling like a winner!” John David wrote as the caption to the second picture above; it has already been Liked over 21,000 times.

Fans, meanwhile, seem unconcerned about John David and Abbie’s possible rule-breaking.

They’re just happy the 28-year old has finally found love.

“So happy you found your girl, John David! You guys seem like such a great fit… she’s everything I thought your girl would be,” wrote one Instagram user, whole anothed added

“John, you have such a big smile these days! You and Abbie make a cute couple.”

Burnett lives in Oklahoma and works as a nurse.

And her potential in-laws seem pretty psyched that she’s in their son’s life.

“John David brings our hearts so much joy and we’ve watched him faithfully pray, wait, and trust God for the right girl to come along!” said Jim Bob and Michelle in a statement, adding:

“Now, a beautiful relationship has blossomed between the two of them. We can’t wait to see what the Lord will do in the future.”

Click PLAY below to watch the first interview between John David and Abbie:


Thursday, May 17, 2018

"Survivor" Contestant Punished for Breaking NDA, Just the Guy Though

‘Survivor’ producers have dropped the hammer after a couple contestants broke their NDAs by posing together for a photo — but only punished one of them … TMZ has learned. Sources close to the production tell us Alec Merlino got the short end of…


"Survivor" Contestant Punished for Breaking NDA, Just the Guy Though

‘Survivor’ producers have dropped the hammer after a couple contestants broke their NDAs by posing together for a photo — but only punished one of them … TMZ has learned. Sources close to the production tell us Alec Merlino got the short end of…


Saturday, April 28, 2018

Mike Vick Stoked for Lamar Jackson: Good Luck Breaking My Records!

Mike Vick is pretty happy for Lamar Jackson — telling TMZ Sports he’s thrilled the QB was selected in the 1st round of the NFL Draft … and challenged the QB to break his NFL records!! Of course, Vick holds the NFL records for most career rushing…


Mike Vick Stoked for Lamar Jackson: Good Luck Breaking My Records!

Mike Vick is pretty happy for Lamar Jackson — telling TMZ Sports he’s thrilled the QB was selected in the 1st round of the NFL Draft … and challenged the QB to break his NFL records!! Of course, Vick holds the NFL records for most career rushing…


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Lauren Swanson: Is Josiah Duggar"s Fiancee Breaking the Family Rules?!

It’s only been a month since the world learned that Josiah Duggar is engaged to Lauren Swanson, but it looks like the young couple is already tossing aside some of his family’s most strictly-enforced rules.

In fact, if you’re one of the more devout Duggar fans, you may want to sit down for this one…

Ladies and gentlemen, we give you – Lauren’s shins:

Yes, that outfit might not seem particularly revealing, but by Duggar standards, it’s downright risqué.

The famous Duggar dress code dictates that all unmarried women must wear skirts with hems that fall safely below their knees.

In the interest of playing it safe, Josiah’s sisters typically wore floor-length skirts and dresses.

As you can see from the photo below, Lauren has mostly followed suit.

But on her recent trip to San Antonio with Josiah and family, Lauren favored a slightly less conservative look:

“Enjoyed a beautiful evening in San Antonio on the river walk, and checking out the Alamo with Lauren and the family!” Josiah captioned the photo.

Typically, Duggar kids aren’t allowed to have social media profiles until after they’re engaged, but a special exception has been made for Josiah due to the fact that this is not his first relationship.

Josiah courted Marjorie Jackson back in 2015, but the romance ended abruptly and without explanation.

Fans still aren’t sure what led the couple to call it quits, but the breakup helped bolster Josiah’s reputation as being much more progressive than his siblings and taking an almost-modern view of dating and relationships.

The fact that his girlfriend feels comfortable wearing playing fast and loose with the Duggar dress code has only cemented that view of the 21-year-old reality star:

“Pls let her wear whatever she wants! You seem to be the cool Duggar!” commented one fan on Josiah’s photo.

“A woman should be able to express her self anyway she want! There is nothing wrong with a good pair of jeans! Break free from this ridiculousness!”

As In Touch Weekly points out, planning for Josiah and Lauren’s wedding is already underway, and it seems Si can’t wait for the big day.

On a recent outing, he and Lauren were chaperoned by his younger brother Jason.

Josiah posted a pic of the excursion with a caption reading, “Third wheel problems.”

We guess Jinger’s not the only rebel in the family!

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial clan.


Monday, March 19, 2018

"Breaking Bad" Star Anna Gunn Scares Off Potential Home Burglar

Anna Gunn’s home alarm system came through in a big way by alerting her that a potential thief was lurking outside, and Anna was able to scare the perp off … TMZ has learned. The “Breaking Bad” actress was at her L.A. pad in the Valley Thursday…


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Josiah Duggar & Lauren Swanson: Breaking Courtship Rules In Front of his Parents?!

Last week, we learned that Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson are engaged.

Obviously, this means another Duggar wedding is on the way.

But for the young couple, it might mean something even more immediate and important

You see, according to Duggar courtship rules, Josiah and Lauren are allowed a bit more physical contact know that they’re engaged.

In other words, the couple went from barely being able to touch at all to holding hands for brief periods and engaging in “side-hugs.”

What they are not allowed to do, however, is paw at each other like lustful wildebeests in heat!

And from the way fans are reacting to a new video of the couple, you’d think that’s exactly what they’re doing:

The clip below appeared on the Duggars’ website earlier this week:

“I know Josiah feels very honored that you have accepted him as your fiancé,” Michelle tells an obviously nervous and reticent Lauren.

“I’m really looking forward to marrying you,” Josiah says at one point.

“And starting a new life and a new journey together with you along that path with me.”

Lauren continues to smile sheepishly, and at one point manages to remark that she’s “speechless.”

Then she saves herself by blurting out “God is good” at the end of the video.

Needless to say, even at a scant 90 seconds, it’s a pretty boring clip.

Or at least it would be, were it not for the fact that Josiah and Marjorie maintain physical contact the whole time, which has caused some Duggar fans to lose their freakin’ minds.

As you can see, Lauren has her hands on Josiah’s arm throughout the clip.

Since this is the Duggars we’re talking about, that was sufficient to whip some fans into a frenzy:


“I can feel the sexual tension between these 2 from here! They wanna do it, ASAP,” wrote another.

Yes, a little thumb-on-arm action is all it takes to get Duggar fans envisioning the wedding night.

It’s an extreme read on a very innocuous video, but in a sense, the Duggars invite this sort of fixation by talking so much about their premarital restrictions.

So are Josiah and Lauren breaking the rules of courtship here?

Not exactly, but they’re probably going a bit further than Michelle and Jim Bob would prefer.

Though come to think of it, just by being in the same room, they’re going further than Michelle and Jim Bob would prefer.

Watch Counting On online for a refresher course on the Duggar Rules For Sexual Frustration. 
