Monday, July 2, 2018

John David Duggar and Abbie Burnett: ALREADY Breaking Family Courting Rules?!?

John David Duggar and Abbie Burnett are wasting no time at all.

Falling in love and planning a family?

Sure, maybe. We guess.

But we mean it more along these lines:

John David Duggar and Abbie Burnett are wasting no time at all… in breaking family courtship rules. Uh-oh!

As any celebrity gossip follower likely know well, the Duggars are a rather strict family.

We don’t mean this as a statement of judgment, just a statement of fact: Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have put strong guidelines into place for their loved ones.

These include making a relationship official via a courtship announcement, such as the one John David and Abbie made last week; along with requirements that you cannot kiss before marriage and even cannot go anywhere while courting without a chaperone.

And one source now claims that this new couple managed to break BOTH these rules after just a few days of courting.

The Facebook group titled “Duggar Family News: Life is not all pickles and hairspray” has shared multiple photos on its account of Duggar and Burnett taking a trip last Tuesday to Walmart.

This was the same day on which they announced their courtship.

According to an onlooker, John David and Abbie were NOT accompanied by a chaperone, for starters.

But… wait! It gets even more scandalous:

“My source also says that it looked like John grabbed Abbie’s ass before he noticed there were other shoppers around and moved just before this photo was taken,” reads the controversial post on this side, adding:

“My source also says he whispered to Abbie after he walked past a lesbian couple. Doesn’t Jesus condemn whispering? It’s rude!”

(NOTE: Does Jesus condemn whispering? We’re actually asking.)

John David has often been seen as one of the more rebellious of Jim Bob and Michelle’s children.

There’s even been talk that he may be the first relative to simply walk away from reality television.

We can’t verify that rumor just yet, but we can say that this relationship is serious enough that John David and Abbie have opened both a Twitter account and an Instagram account.

The first two photos in this article are taken from the latter.

“The Razorbacks lost, but I’m still feeling like a winner!” John David wrote as the caption to the second picture above; it has already been Liked over 21,000 times.

Fans, meanwhile, seem unconcerned about John David and Abbie’s possible rule-breaking.

They’re just happy the 28-year old has finally found love.

“So happy you found your girl, John David! You guys seem like such a great fit… she’s everything I thought your girl would be,” wrote one Instagram user, whole anothed added

“John, you have such a big smile these days! You and Abbie make a cute couple.”

Burnett lives in Oklahoma and works as a nurse.

And her potential in-laws seem pretty psyched that she’s in their son’s life.

“John David brings our hearts so much joy and we’ve watched him faithfully pray, wait, and trust God for the right girl to come along!” said Jim Bob and Michelle in a statement, adding:

“Now, a beautiful relationship has blossomed between the two of them. We can’t wait to see what the Lord will do in the future.”

Click PLAY below to watch the first interview between John David and Abbie:
