Monday, July 2, 2018

Kylie Jenner is FINALLY Sharing Baby Stormi Pics Again!

Just weeks ago, Kylie Jenner deleted all photos of baby Stormi Webster from her Instagram.

She announced at the time that she wasn’t sharing pics of her daughter, though she didn’t explain why.

Well, it looks like she could no longer resist — because she shared a couple of new precious baby photos. Take a look!

Stormi Webster turned 5 months old on Sunday, July 1.

But fans have not gotten to see baby Stormi since early June. They’ve missed an entire fifth of this sweet baby’s life!

Kylie did not explain her reasoning behind her sudden embargo against her infant daughter’s face, but it is widely believed that she was punishing her fans for conspiracy theories about Stormi’s real baby daddy.

Fans got a look at Kylie’s hot bodyguard and ideas started swirling in their heads.

They noticed that Tim Chung, who is also a police officer with the LAPD, is super hunky.

They also pointed to Stormi’s facial features as “evidence” that she was Chung’s and not Travis Scott’s. Kylie didn’t care for that at all.

But it looks like her resolve has given way — because she shared these two precious pics.

Kylie Jenner Shares Stormi Webster Photo on Snapchat

“Nothing better,” Kylie writes under this photo of sweet baby Stormi resting on her.

The photo is cast in pink lighting.

It looks like she may have edited the photo with a pink filter, but Kylie has taken enough pink-lit selfies that we know that she has a pink light in her room.

(Colorful LED bulbs are a great addition to any home; good for Kylie)

Interestingly, Kylie shared the picture on Snapchat. We’ll talk about why that’s interesting in a moment.

First, look at this second, also adorable photo of Stormi sleeping in normal light.

Stormi Webster on Snapchat July 2018

In a cursive font, Kylie captions this darling image with “my little love.”

That is so sweet.

Like we said, both photos were shared via Snapchat.

Several months ago, when Kylie returned from her pregnant hiatus from the public eye, she questioned if anyone even uses Snapchat anymore.

Within 24 hours, Snapchat lost over a billion dollars in value. When they call Kylie an influencer, they’re not joking.

So … is Kylie backing down on her “not sharing” policy?

Maybe not.

As cute as those two photos are, we don’t get to see Stormi’s face in them.

In this picture, from two months ago, we get to see Stormi very clearly.

This image, shared to Instagram, was one of those to which fans pointed to draw similarities between Stormi and Tim Chung.

While those comparisons weren’t intended to be malicious — it was part ignorance, part thirst, and part desire for an interesting scandal since Kylie’s life seems so chill.

But it was clearly very hurtful to Kylie.

It may be that her no-Stormi rule was less about punishing fans and more about denying them further ammunition to accuse her of having a different baby daddy.

If Kylie was just trying to keep people from imagining similarities between her baby’s face and her bodyguard’s, then nothing has really changed.

But it may be that she’s easing her way closer to sharing photos of Stormi.

For the record, folks, Kylie has made it very clear that Travis is the father. No one seriously doubts that.

These hurtful conspiracy theories might seem fun to conjure up, but they can hurt Kylie’s feelings. Stormi herself could see them one day. And they really do seem to have some racist undertones. (Yikes!)

What’s more, they could absolutely hurt Tim Chung’s career as a bodyguard … even as the story admittedly raises his profile as a model.

Hopefully, when Kylie once again feels comfortable showing her baby’s face to the world, fans will exercise enough self-control to just admire the baby pictures and leave it at that.

Until then, we still have all of those photos that Kylie deleted.
