Showing posts with label Stormi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stormi. Show all posts

Monday, October 29, 2018

Kylie Jenner Shares Throwback Pics Where She"s Totally Twinning With Stormi

Even though billionaire businesswoman Kylie Jenner no longer wants to marry Travis Scott, their baby girl still makes them a family.

Kylie is honoring her daughter by putting up side-by-side photos of Stormi with baby pics of herself.

Take a look at these baby photos. They’re twinning!

Precious little Stormi Webster will turn nine months old on November 1.

We treasure every baby picture of this cutie, but these photos you’re about to see are extra special.

Kylie took to Instagram to treat her fans and followers to a couple of side-by-side comparisons.

In the images that you’re about to see, half of the picture shows baby Stormi.

The other half are throwbacks to when Kylie herself was just a wee baby.

Look at them!

That is very obviously Stormi on the left, and baby Kylie in the late ’90s on the right.

They do look exceptionally similar.

“My baby and me,” Kylie captioned the photo.

After those words, she shared three well-deserved heart eyes emojis.

Kylie had no words to add with this image.

Instead, she wrote three heart eyes emojis and then a red heart emoji.

Those chubby cheeks on the left belong to Stormi.

On the right, dressed like the princess that she basically is, is Kylie.

They really do look so similar — which they should. They’re mother and daughter.

Unfortunately, we remember all too well this summer’s manufactured scandal.

A handful of Kylie’s fans created and spread a conspiracy theory that Travis wasn’t Kylie’s real baby daddy.

They noticed that Kylie’s bodyguard was hot and decided that baby Stormi’s features and skin were closer to his Asian features than to Travis’ black features.

(Yes, there was some implicit racism behind this hurtful conspiracy theory)

We hope that, if there are any more “Stormi truthers” out there, these twinning photos lay their doubts to rest.

Stormi doesn’t look like some other man. She looks like her mommy.

Back in July, Kylie mentioned that her baby was the spitting image of her.

“Stormi, she’s my twin,” Kylie gushed during a YouTube Q&A with bestie Jordyn Woods.

Kylie did admit at the time: “She’s looking a lot more like her dad.”

“She has the most perfect lips in the entire world,” Kylie shared.

Since you can’t genetically inherit lip fillers, that didn’t come from Kylie.

“She didn’t get those from me,” Kylie affirmed. “I think her dad has those.”

No baby should be the target of criticism, and no mother should have to choose between ignoring hate and defending her baby.

Kylie spent most of her life, including all of her teens and the end of her childhood, in the spotlight.

Stormi will spend her entire life as one of the most famous people on Earth.

She is already second only to literal royalty in terms of famous babies.

We hope that, along with her mother’s strong features, she inherited her mom’s resilience against the burdens of that fame.

But hey, at least she got her dad’s lips — that’s one fewer cosmetic procedure to consider.


Sunday, August 19, 2018

Nicki Minaj Slams Kylie Jenner & Stormi for Fueling Travis Scott"s Album to #1

Nicki Minaj is going nuclear, blaming Kylie Jenner and her daughter Stormi for Travis Scott’s victory over her on the charts. Nicki is furious because she believed she would soar to the top of the Billboard Chart with her new album, “Queen” … but…


Friday, August 17, 2018

Kylie Jenner: I"m Bringing Baby Stormi on Travis Scott"s Tour!

Kylie is using her unparalleled social media influence to promote her boyfriend and baby daddy, Travis Scott, using Instagram to promote his album art.

She’s even taking it a step further — by accompanying him on his Astroworld tour.

And Kylie has revealed that someone else will be joining them for the tour: baby Stormi Webster!

How old were you when you attended your first concert?

Well, Stormi only turned 6 months old a couple of weeks ago, but she’s preparing to tour with her mom and dad.

Kylie was promoting Travis’ Astroworld tour on Instagram when she shared the news.

“Me and storm ready for tour,” Kylie wrote.

She followed those words with a circus tent emoji and a black heart emoji.

Travis’ album, Astroworld, came out earlier this month, on August 3.

It was not until Thursday, August 16 that he announced the Astroworld: Wish You Were Here Tour.

A lot of Travis’ fans are excited that they’ll get to see him in concert — his is known for putting on wild, even meme-worthy performances.

But you can bet that some of Kylie’s more diehard fans are going to want to attend for her sake.

If Kylie and Stormi go on tour with Travis, there’s always a chance that one or the other might make a guest appearance … especially if that might drive up ticket sales.

It makes sense that Kylie might be part of the tour, since she comes up in multiple songs, including a reference to her Forbes cover in “Sicko Mode.”

“Passes to my daughter, Imma show her what it took,” Travis raps. “Baby mama cover Forbes got these other b–ches shook.”

Though that one referred to Kylie and Travis, he also sings about his earlier relationship with Kylie in “Skeletons.”

“We just rocked Coachella, I gave her of half of the check,” Travis raps. “It was good sex, I didn’t mention to the net/Didn’t pass the loud, that was out of respect.”

Kylie also appeared, in person, in his music video for “Stop Trying to Be God.”

It’s great that Kylie is promoting Travis’ album!

But … some wonder if she has an ulterior motive for coming along.

Back in June, there was a report that Kylie had used private detectives to monitor Travis after she became concerned that, being a young celebrity, he might give in to temptation on the road.

So is she tagging along to support her man … or to make sure that he doesn’t do what so many men have done to her sisters by cheating?

Kylie could come along for both reasons, honestly.

But maybe not. Kylie’s been supporting Astroworld enthusiastically since it dropped.

“You didn’t have to go this hard baby,” she wrote when the album was released.

Kylie gushed: “Astroworld just dropped and it’s the craziest ride of my life.”

We’re glad that she is enjoying it. We’re sure that Travis is proud of his work and glad that she is proud of him.

That said … we do have to acknowledge that it’s possible that Kylie and Stormi will not physically be with Travis for every part of his tour. Sometimes, social media posts are not literal.


Friday, August 10, 2018

Travis Scott Dances with Daughter Stormi on Kylie"s Birthday

Travis Scott can switch it up from beast mode to cuddly daddy mode pretty quick … dancing with and kissing daughter Stormi in a new vid.  Kylie — who turned 21 on Friday — posted the quick clip of her baby daddy holding 6-month-old Stormi…


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Travis Scott Bonds with Kylie & Stormi in Hawaii Before Starting New Album

Travis Scott busted a Kanye West … taking the fam on a retreat before getting the creative juices flowing and starting work on his new album. Sources close to the situation tell TMZ … Travis, Kylie Jenner and their…


Saturday, July 7, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Stormi RUINED My Body!

OK, so it’s been five months now since Kylie Jenner gave birth to her daughter, Stormi.

She’s been a mother for five months, and it’s still just too wild to believe, right?

In 2028, we will still be talking about how wild it is?

Probably, yeah, to be honest.

Kylie Jenner gave birth to her first child at 20 years old, the father is some guy she’d been dating for a couple of weeks before getting knocked up, and it’s literally always going to be a crazy story.

But this is just the way things are now, so at some point, we just have to get used to it and carry on.

And judging by this new video Kylie shared on her YouTube channel, she’s carrying right on with her classic vain ways.

The video is a Q&A with her best friend, Jordyn Woods — they asked for questions on Twitter, picked some out, then discussed them.

First, they talked about how they met (through mutual friends in middle school, nothing too thrilling there).

Then they answered a question about which one takes the longest to get ready (Kylie) and a question about Kylie Cosmetics.

But then someone asked Jordyn about her weight loss, and that’s where things got interesting.

Jordyn said that at first, she wasn’t intentionally trying to lose weight, but when she did start trying, being consistent was key, as was figuring out a way to enjoy working out.

Kylie told her that she motivates her, then revealed that she’d “planned my first workout on Monday” — it sounds like she hasn’t worked out at all since giving birth.

“I’m not even doing it to get in shape,” she explained, “even though after Stormi I feel like people think that I like bounced back super fast, which I guess I did.”

She said that people “get the wrong idea on Instagram sometimes,” because everything is not totally back to normal with her body.

“Especially at such a young age, to see your body go through such a change,” she said, “and it is physically, emotionally and mentally a challenge.”

But she added that pregnancy is “also a beautiful thing, and it was such a great pregnancy and birth and I’m so happy and I would have done the same thing over again.”

She’s not the greatest at maintaining one train of thought, huh?

But she tries, bless her heart.

Getting to her original point, she revealed that “my boobs are like three times the size, which bothers me. I have stretch marks on my boobs, my stomach isn’t the same, my waist isn’t the same, my butt’s bigger, my thighs are bigger.”

“It’s just a change, and honestly I’m finding like I have to change my style a little because nothing in my closet fits my from before.”

“I really want to gain my core back,” she added. “I feel like I have fake abs now, like it’s just genetics, but I want real abs.”

“I know I can have a super fit body, but just for my health, I want to do this.”

It’s not surprising to hear any of this — we’ve heard rumors for a long time about how insecure her pregnancy had made her.

Which, to be fair, is totally normal, especially for someone like Kylie, a young woman who’s built much of her career on being hot.

It’s very possible that her body will never go back to the way it was before, even with the help of plastic surgery or Snapchat filters or whatever else.

But if working out is going to make her feel better, then more power to her, right?


Monday, July 2, 2018

Kylie Jenner is FINALLY Sharing Baby Stormi Pics Again!

Just weeks ago, Kylie Jenner deleted all photos of baby Stormi Webster from her Instagram.

She announced at the time that she wasn’t sharing pics of her daughter, though she didn’t explain why.

Well, it looks like she could no longer resist — because she shared a couple of new precious baby photos. Take a look!

Stormi Webster turned 5 months old on Sunday, July 1.

But fans have not gotten to see baby Stormi since early June. They’ve missed an entire fifth of this sweet baby’s life!

Kylie did not explain her reasoning behind her sudden embargo against her infant daughter’s face, but it is widely believed that she was punishing her fans for conspiracy theories about Stormi’s real baby daddy.

Fans got a look at Kylie’s hot bodyguard and ideas started swirling in their heads.

They noticed that Tim Chung, who is also a police officer with the LAPD, is super hunky.

They also pointed to Stormi’s facial features as “evidence” that she was Chung’s and not Travis Scott’s. Kylie didn’t care for that at all.

But it looks like her resolve has given way — because she shared these two precious pics.

Kylie Jenner Shares Stormi Webster Photo on Snapchat

“Nothing better,” Kylie writes under this photo of sweet baby Stormi resting on her.

The photo is cast in pink lighting.

It looks like she may have edited the photo with a pink filter, but Kylie has taken enough pink-lit selfies that we know that she has a pink light in her room.

(Colorful LED bulbs are a great addition to any home; good for Kylie)

Interestingly, Kylie shared the picture on Snapchat. We’ll talk about why that’s interesting in a moment.

First, look at this second, also adorable photo of Stormi sleeping in normal light.

Stormi Webster on Snapchat July 2018

In a cursive font, Kylie captions this darling image with “my little love.”

That is so sweet.

Like we said, both photos were shared via Snapchat.

Several months ago, when Kylie returned from her pregnant hiatus from the public eye, she questioned if anyone even uses Snapchat anymore.

Within 24 hours, Snapchat lost over a billion dollars in value. When they call Kylie an influencer, they’re not joking.

So … is Kylie backing down on her “not sharing” policy?

Maybe not.

As cute as those two photos are, we don’t get to see Stormi’s face in them.

In this picture, from two months ago, we get to see Stormi very clearly.

This image, shared to Instagram, was one of those to which fans pointed to draw similarities between Stormi and Tim Chung.

While those comparisons weren’t intended to be malicious — it was part ignorance, part thirst, and part desire for an interesting scandal since Kylie’s life seems so chill.

But it was clearly very hurtful to Kylie.

It may be that her no-Stormi rule was less about punishing fans and more about denying them further ammunition to accuse her of having a different baby daddy.

If Kylie was just trying to keep people from imagining similarities between her baby’s face and her bodyguard’s, then nothing has really changed.

But it may be that she’s easing her way closer to sharing photos of Stormi.

For the record, folks, Kylie has made it very clear that Travis is the father. No one seriously doubts that.

These hurtful conspiracy theories might seem fun to conjure up, but they can hurt Kylie’s feelings. Stormi herself could see them one day. And they really do seem to have some racist undertones. (Yikes!)

What’s more, they could absolutely hurt Tim Chung’s career as a bodyguard … even as the story admittedly raises his profile as a model.

Hopefully, when Kylie once again feels comfortable showing her baby’s face to the world, fans will exercise enough self-control to just admire the baby pictures and leave it at that.

Until then, we still have all of those photos that Kylie deleted.


Monday, June 11, 2018

Kylie Jenner: I"m Hiding Stormi to Punish My Fans!!

Kylie Jenner shamed her baby daddy truthers, but it looks like she wasn’t content to stop there. It looks like she’s punishing all of her fans.

Take a look at this new photo of Kylie. She looks great sporting this natural look. But she puzzled fans when she cropped out her own daughter’s face.

If you think that the picture is weird, you’re right. But Kylie’s explanation is even weirder.

Kylie looks great in this picture. Her low-makeup look really lets her freckles show. Natural looks are a rare thing for Kylie, and fans are always happy to see them.

She captioned the image: “I spy with my little eye…”

But … though she definitely got compliments in the comments, fans were quick to notice that this is a very conspicuous pic.

It appears that she just … cropped baby Stormi out of the image altogether.

There’s a little bit of healthy vanity, which is usually fine, and then there’s whatever would drive a mother to excluse her precious baby from what could be a sweet mother-daughter photo.

What’s going on?

Fans were shocked and troubled by Kylie’s unexplained edit.


That comment reflects the shock and dismay that many fans experienced when they saw the photo.

“It’s okay you can still see her eyebrow.”

That comment, we imagine, was intended as sarcasm rather than comfort.

“It’s not her baby, I don’t think. It looks like North to me.”

That … is a bit of a reach. Especially since North is a good deal older than Stormi.

(In fact, North will turn five years old later this week, on June 15)

Kylie herself stepped in, writing:

“Yeah I cut my baby out. I’m not sharing photos of my girl right now.”

Kylie’s response was an explanation … but leaves fans with even more questions.

But looking back, this is part of a pattern.

Kylie hasn’t shared photos of Stormi in a while, and she’s even deleted some adorable photos of Stormi from her Instagram page.

In fact, the last time that she offered an almost-clear photo of her baby (that has not since been deleted) was on April 19.

Why is Kylie suddenly so shy?

We may have a theory.

It has to do with this guy, Tim Chung.

Now, we know that Kylie’s hot bodyguard is not Stormi’s father.

Unfortunately, some of Kylie’s followers latched onto the idea that he was secretly Stormi’s dad.

They made a show of fixating on certain facial features of Stormi’s (she’s just a baby!!) and comparing them to both Travis Scott and Tim Chung, a police officer and part time model who is also Kylie’s bodyguard.

But really, this “theory” that was barely even a rumor arose from two things:

One, fans were bored with Kylie’s happily-ever-after narrative with the baby daddy she’s only been seeing for about a year and her cute little baby.

Two, fans were thirsting hard after Chung. Just look at him. And they found it easy to imagine a gorgeous 19-year-old (at the time) Kylie spending some one-on-one time with her bodyguard.

But that, folks, is why fanfiction exists. When people project their wishes on celebrities publicly, things get awkward. And we no longer get cute Stormi giggling videos.

Those rumors really upset Kylie (and honestly could hurt Chung’s career!!).

So … Kylie’s not letting the public see Stormi right now.

Is it because she just wants to avoid giving rumor-mongers any additional fodder to compare to anyone other than Travis Scott?

Or is it because she wants to punish people who make up stories about her life?

Either way, we kind of doubt that it will act as an effective deterrent. People just love juicy rumors.

And sometimes those rumors make a lot more sense than reality. That’s what makes them so appealing to so many people.

In the mean time, though, fans can just enjoy photos of sweet baby Stormi here. Take a look:


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Travis Scott to Kylie Jenner: Stop Spoiling Stormi ROTTEN!!

Despite rumors that Kylie is planning to dump Travis Scott for being “too controlling,” these two new parents seem to be going strong.

But a report says that, behind the scenes, these two are clashing over one major part of their parenting styles.

Travis is said to be worried that Kylie is already spoiling Stormi, and worries that this could mess up their daughter for life.

In an explosive report from Life & Style, a source says that Travis wants Kylie to stop spoiling Stormi.

“Kylie’s spending a fortune on Stormi’s designer carriers, strollers, clothes, and accessories.”

She definitely is. These things are conspicuously nice.

“But Travis thinks it’s too much.”


“And wants her and her family to stop spoiling Stormi.”

So it sounds like Kylie isn’t the only one who buys their baby gifts by browsing the most expensive items.

“She’s just a baby.”

She sure is. In fact, Stormi is only a few days past being four months old.

The source continues.

“Travis didn’t have everything handed to him as a child and he wants the same for his baby.”

A couple of things.

One, Travis (whose real name is Jacques Webster, by the way) grew up in Houston in a middle class neighborhood.

When he dropped out of college to pursue music, his parents strongly objected, and they cut him off financially.

It took years for him to build up his career to where it is now. So we get where he’s coming from with that.

Two, obviously, the source’s phrasing is kind of funny.

Stormi is a baby and, obviously, should not have to work for anything. No babies should. That’s … well, that’s how babies work.

The source continues.

“He worked for everything he has.”

His baby mama, though she has definitely put in work to build her own personal fortune the way that she has, was also born into wealth.

“And feels Kylie’s parenting skills are over-the-top because she’s had a silver spoon in her mouth since birth.”

Apparently, Travis worries that Kylie just isn’t looking at this the right way.

“He wants Kylie to have some perspective.”

He allegedly thinks that the constant extravagant gifts and accessories need to stop.

“And stop spending so much on the baby before it’s too late.”

Too late … for what?

This sounds like it runs a little counter to Travis’ reported demands that Kylie become a stay-at-home mom in order to devote more time and energy to their daughter.

But let’s point out a couple of things:

One, this is not confirmed. It’s not as though Travis is tweeting this.

So there is always the chance that Travis made a comment about Kylie’s ludicrously expensive baby accessories and that a friend or acquaintance overheard it and blew it out of proportion.

Two, Stormi is four months old. So you might say that she’s, well, four months old.

Not only is it not possible to spoil a four month old baby, but all of the items listed — strollers, carriers, and so on — aren’t really gifts for Stormi.

Those are Kylie’s tools and accessories.

Obviously, there are lines that a parent should not cross with respect to their child. Giving your child everything that they want as they get older could compromise their safety.

But many would say that part of the joy of becoming wealthy is to be able to provide your children with nice things throughout their lives and to secure their future.

But the real issue here may be this:

If Travis Scott really feels this way, does that mean that he doens’t think that Kylie turned out alright? And if that’s the case, why is he with her?

Something to consider.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Travis Scott to Kylie Jenner: Don"t Work! Stay at Home With Stormi!!

At this year’s MET Gala, Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott walked their first red carpet together as a couple. Because, a year earlier, they barely knew each other.

Now, Kylie and Travis are proud parents of precious baby Stormi Webster. But apparently, Travis has concerns.

He allegedly wants Kylie to refuse to go back to work building her brand … and stay at home with their baby. What?!

A source tells InTouch that Travis Scott wants Kylie to focus on motherhood … almost exclusively.

“Travis loves Kylie and they’re totally happy parents.”

That is wonderful to hear.

“He’s worried, however, that Kylie’s going to morph back into her socialite and partying ways.”

That certainly used to be Kylie’s lifestyle.

“And not put Stormi first.”

Well, that’s nuts. Stormi is Kylie’s whole world right now.

“Kylie’s already told Travis her schedule is about to get really busy.”

Right. She’s no longer pregnant and Stormi will be four months old on June 1.

“And that she’s going to throw herself back into her work and her branding.”

That makes sense. Though paid maternity leave should be universal (sadly, the US is one of few countries without that guarantee), many mothers look forward to getting back to work.

“Travis wants her to scale back her work and social life.”

Oh wow. That’s actually kind of alarming, if true.

“And be a stay-at-home mom for the time being.”

Travis does, after all, have his own … uh, career.

(Fans have pointed out that Travis Scott’s antics in this infamous performance remind them of Frankendoodle, a terrifying one-off Spongebob Squarepants character)

Wait … is he seriously suggesting that she stay at home while he plays the breadwinner?

Now, Travis Scott’s estimated net worth was recently upgraded to all of $ 8 million, which is a whole lot to us regular folks.

But Kylie is worth about $ 50 million … and Kylie Cosmetics is projected to be worth about one billion American dollars in about four-and-a-half years.

You would think that, if either of them were to hit the pause button on their careers, it would be Travis.

There are women in this world who would quit their high-paying jobs just to soothe their lower-income-bracket baby daddy’s ego.

But fans hope that Kylie Freaking Jenner is not one of them.

Apparently, Travis doesn’t want to rely on Kylie’s virtually infinite financial resources or her family support network.

“He doesn’t want Kylie to depend on nannies or Kris.”

This source claims that he wants Kylie to make sacrifices to be there for Stormi, full time.

“And would prefer if Kylie took major time off to raise their daughter.”

That’s quite a demand.

“He feels that’s important and should be Kylie’s main focus.”

Well, of course Stormi will be Kylie’s main focus. But Kylie also still gets to be a person, right?

“Travis is nervous and doesn’t want Kylie to put money and career before the baby.”

Isn’t the money and career also for Stormi’s benefit, though? When Stormi is a teen or older, surely she’ll appreciate the difference between her parents being millionaires and her mom being a billionaire.

We would like to believe that Kylie would not throw away her life in order to never use nannies or her mother.

We would like to believe that Travis Scott, who is clearly crazy about Kylie, would never ask her to.

For that matter, we’d at least like to believe that he wouldn’t be sharing his concerns with random friends.

Surely he and Kylie can see that Kim has continued to build her business empire without neglecting her duties as a mother.

And Kim is a mother of three.

Kylie can be an incredible supermom and continue to be a makeup mogul.

If Travis really is dead-set on Stormi spending all of her time with a parent, maybe he can be a stay-at-home dad. Bottles exist, dude.

Besides, does Travis really want Kylie to become a desperate housewife, at home alone with her baby and her hunky bodyguard? We didn’t think so.


Saturday, May 12, 2018

Kylie Jenner Bodyguard Actually Addresses Stormi Paternity Rumor

Tim Chung would like to have a few words with the Internet.

Who, some of you may be wondering?

Tim Chung, the heretofore unknown bodyguard of Kylie Jenner who has become an Internet sensation of late for two reasons:

1. He’s very attractive.

2. He may be the biological father of Kylie’s daughter, Stormi Webster.

And, yes, we know what you’re thinking:

Wait, isn’t Tyga the biological father of Kylie’s daughter, Stormi Webster?!?

LOL, just kidding. (Even though this was also a rumor that spread around the Internet shortly after Kylie gave birth to her first child.)

For whatever reason, folks simply refuse to accept that Travis Scott is the person who impregnated Jenner…

… despite the rapper’s lengthy relationship with the star and despite photos of him at the hospital on the day Jenner became a mother.

They really think Tim Chung is the dad.

Is there any evidence behind this claim? Any rational reason to hold this belief?

Not really. Not at all, actually. But whatever, right?!? It’s fun to consider!

Not if you’re Tim Chung it isn’t.

This chatter has grown so strong and so loud that Chung actually issued a statement on Instagram in response to the rumor.

And he confirmed it!!!

Just kidding again.

“I am a very private person and would normally never answer to gossip and stories that are so ridiculous that they are laughable,” he wrote online, adding of this wild speculation:

“Out of deep respect for Kylie, Travis, their daughter together and their families, I would like to set the record straight that my interactions with Kylie and her family have been limited in strictly a professional capacity only.”

So he never got himself all up in there?

Not once?

“There is no story here and I ask that the media no longer include me in any narrative that is incredibly disrespectful to their family,” the bodyguard concluded.

chung state

Chung also said as a caption to the above screen capture that this will be his “first and last comment” on the topic.

Which we understand.

We can see how this has been an awkward situation for him to navigate, especially when his attention is supposed to simply be on keeping Kylie safe.

His defensive statement comes shortly after Instagram users flooded social media with side by side photos of Chung and Stormi to point out the resemblance they saw between employee and the three-month old.

During this same time period, Kylie and Scott made their red carpet debut as a couple, posing as follows at the 2018 MET Gala.

They don’t look like two people overly concerned with this rumor, do they?

But it took on a (funny!) life of its own over the past week, forcing Chung to step up and address it at last.

Still, even if he didn’t have sex with Kylie, it seems as if Chung could now have sex with, like, any single woman on the Internet.

One Twitter user recently looked at his photo and wrote:

“Whoooo is Kylie Jenner’s bodyguard AND WHY IS HE SO FINE.”

Another added: “Sorry I was late to work, I was busy reading about Kylie Jenners bodyguard on twitter.”

So don’t feel too bad for Tim Chung that he’s been at the center of this ongoing storm.

Dude is gonna be just fine in the end.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Kylie Jenner Posts a PERFECT Beach Photo With Baby Stormi!

Travis Scott’s birthday was Monday. The rapper and new father turned 26. His daughter, Stormi Webster, turned three months old on Tuesday.

To celebrate, Kylie and Travis and their precious baby are celebrating in Turks and Caicos.

On Wednesday, Kylie uploaded some stunning new photos — of Stormi and of herself. Take a look!

Recently, Kylie explained why she named her daughter Stormi.

It was, she revealed, something that she and Travis came up with together.

(They can’t even figure out who came up with it first, if you can believe that)

Well, they’re also vacationing together, in Turks and Caicos, to celebrate Travis’ birthday. And Stormi’s.

On Wednesday, Kylie shared this stunning mother-daughter photo.

This is, quite simply, a fantastic picture.

Kylie looks great in this no-makeup look. Her post-baby body is out of this world.

(And look at those freckles!!)

She’s wearing a white two-piece bikini along with some matching white fishnets to make the ensemble much more interesting.

Sweet baby Stormi, sporting a white ruffled eyelet outfit, is looking every bit as fashion-forward as you’d imagine that Kylie’s infant daughter would.

This is a lot of beauty and a lot of cuteness in just one photo.

In the wee hours of Wednesday morning, Kylie shared this photo of Stormi, taken on the day that she turned three months old.

Stormi looks sleepy, a little chubby, and peaceful.

That’s exactly how babies should be.

She is so cute that you have to look away from the photo if you want to concentrate without some long-dormant nurturing instincts kicking into high gear.

This darling baby wasn’t the only one showing off her looks for the camera, however.

Her mom is getting back into the habit of posing for the camera.

Kylie also shared this photo of herself.

Like we said, her post-baby body is intensely gorgeous.

It looks like she ditched the mesh cover-up that she was wearing.

Probably wise.

It’s one thing to look stylish, but we’ve seen people tan and burn in odd patterns because of what they were wearing.

Hopefully, Kylie and Travis were careful that neither they nor Stormi got burned.

(And yes, everyone needs to wear sunscreen if they’re spending this much time in the sun, no matter their skin tone)

Wow, that really looks like an amazing place to be if you like warm weather, sunlight, and the beach!

Kylie and Travis lead the kinds of enviable lives where they can take a “staycation” whenever they like, but with one of them being from SoCal and the other from Texas, they need something extra special and extra warm for it to feel like a real vacation.

Turks and Caicos it is, we guess.

Good for them and good for baby Stormi.

We hope that Kylie decides to share many, many more photos in the coming days. You can never have too many photos … especially when your baby is as adorable as little Stormi Webster.

Also, happy birthday to Travis! (And, as we’ve already said, a very happy birthday to Stormi)


Kylie Jenner & Travis Scott Bring Baby Stormi on Paradise Vacation

Kylie Jenner had one helluva way to kill 2 birds with 1 stone — celebrating Travis Scott and Stormi’s birthday with one baller getaway. Kylie posted these pics of her brood enjoying a paradise vacation to celebrate Travis and…


Kylie Jenner: THIS Is Why I Named Her Stormi

Makeup mogul Kylie Jenner is busy being a mother to a three-month old … when she and Travis aren’t sharing photos of their topless PDA.

Now, Kylie is dishing all about what it’s like to be a mother, what she hopes for in the future, and why exactly she named her daughter Stormi.

And no, she did not name her baby after Stormy Daniels.

In Kylie’s interview for Evening Standard Magazine, conducted by none other than big sis Kim Kardashian, the 20-year-old mother gushes about new motherhood.

“It’s just been so amazing, and so much fun.”

She says that it’s really making her see herself in a new light.

“I’m learning so much more about myself and life, and it’s been such a great experience.”

That said, even as a parent with virtually unlimited resources and a huge family support network, Kylie says that it’s not all perfect.

“Of course, there’s hard times and stuff … even in the beginning, just not sleeping, the nights, like, baby blues … and all the ups and downs.”

Parenthood is complicated. Especially when you’re 20.

Kylie says that the hardest thing now is being apart from Stormi.

“And, it was so hard to leave this morning.”

Anyone with pets, especially dogs, can tell you that this is super relatable. And if you’ve listened to Stormi’s adorable giggles, you can understand.

“I’m like, ‘I’ll be right back, I’m so sorry, I have to leave!’ and she doesn’t even know what’s going on.”

If she hasn’t already (Stormi might be precocious, folks), 3-month-old Stormi will likely develop a sense of object permanence in the next few months.

It may take her longer to be able to understand why her mother, who is her entire world, sometimes has to leave her.

“I think about her all the time, anywhere I am.”

Again, people with dogs and cats can relate. Also certain Britney Spears fans.

“I can’t wait till she can come everywhere with me, because right when she’s old enough I’ll bring her everywhere.”

Then Kylie gets into Stormi’s name. She says that it started as a shorter version.

“I really don’t know how we thought of ‘Storm."”

Well, storms are beautiful and inspirational. Storm is also the name a prominent member of the X-Men.

“Her dad insisted it was him, but I feel like it was me. And that kind of just stuck with us.”

It’s kind of wild that they aren’t sure who came up with that. Most parents have very detailed stories of how they thought of baby names.

“And then I didn’t really like just Storm — I didn’t feel like that was her name. So then it became Stormi.”

Not everyone would see “Stormi’ as a logical jump from “Storm,” but okay.

“And it just stuck. I feel like there were a lot of other names that I might have even liked better to be honest, but I feel like Stormi picked her own name, like it was just her name..”


Kylie talks about her hopes for her baby’s future.

“She’s going to have her own challenges. I just hope that she’s strong and independent and confident.”

Those are good things for her to be.

“I think more about the future because of her. Every time I leave and I’m stressed about leaving her, I’m like, ‘I’m doing it for you.’”

That is so sweet.

“Everyone says you change completely when you become a mom, but I really feel the same, just better.”

And she says that life has changed similarly.

“So I don’t know what really has completely changed my world, besides her, of course. But I feel like it’s only gotten better.”

For those who imagine that a woman of Kylie’s means never has to change a diaper, think again. But it’s a choice, apparently.

“You’re less selfish — and I actually enjoy changing diapers. It’s really satisfying. To make her clean again.”

That’s a little weird, but so is being a parent.

“And I don’t know, the whole thing is really… it’s like such an amazing experience.”
