Bill Cosby’s 3 to 10 year prison sentence reeks of unfairness and sets a dangerous precedent for the future … so says fellow comedian Joe Torry. We got Joe at LAX Sunday and he told us it’s crazy to see what the judicial system is doing to…
Monday, October 1, 2018
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
"LazyTown" Robbie Rotten Actor Stefan Karl Stefansson Honored With Acting Academy
Stefan Karl Stefansson — the actor who played Robbie Rotten on the popular children’s show “LazyTown” – will have a performing arts academy built in his honor … TMZ has learned. The Stefan Karl Academy & Center…
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
"LazyTown" Robbie Rotten Actor Stefan Karl Stefansson Dies from Bile Duct Cancer
The actor who played Robbie Rotten on the popular kid’s show “LazyTown” has died after a long battle with cancer … TMZ has learned. A spokesperson for the family of Stefan Karl Stefansson tells us the actor died Tuesday surrounded by friends…
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Travis Scott to Kylie Jenner: Stop Spoiling Stormi ROTTEN!!
Despite rumors that Kylie is planning to dump Travis Scott for being “too controlling,” these two new parents seem to be going strong.
But a report says that, behind the scenes, these two are clashing over one major part of their parenting styles.
Travis is said to be worried that Kylie is already spoiling Stormi, and worries that this could mess up their daughter for life.
In an explosive report from Life & Style, a source says that Travis wants Kylie to stop spoiling Stormi.
“Kylie’s spending a fortune on Stormi’s designer carriers, strollers, clothes, and accessories.”
She definitely is. These things are conspicuously nice.
“But Travis thinks it’s too much.”
“And wants her and her family to stop spoiling Stormi.”
So it sounds like Kylie isn’t the only one who buys their baby gifts by browsing the most expensive items.
“She’s just a baby.”
She sure is. In fact, Stormi is only a few days past being four months old.
The source continues.
“Travis didn’t have everything handed to him as a child and he wants the same for his baby.”
A couple of things.
One, Travis (whose real name is Jacques Webster, by the way) grew up in Houston in a middle class neighborhood.
When he dropped out of college to pursue music, his parents strongly objected, and they cut him off financially.
It took years for him to build up his career to where it is now. So we get where he’s coming from with that.
Two, obviously, the source’s phrasing is kind of funny.
Stormi is a baby and, obviously, should not have to work for anything. No babies should. That’s … well, that’s how babies work.
The source continues.
“He worked for everything he has.”
His baby mama, though she has definitely put in work to build her own personal fortune the way that she has, was also born into wealth.
“And feels Kylie’s parenting skills are over-the-top because she’s had a silver spoon in her mouth since birth.”
Apparently, Travis worries that Kylie just isn’t looking at this the right way.
“He wants Kylie to have some perspective.”
He allegedly thinks that the constant extravagant gifts and accessories need to stop.
“And stop spending so much on the baby before it’s too late.”
Too late … for what?
This sounds like it runs a little counter to Travis’ reported demands that Kylie become a stay-at-home mom in order to devote more time and energy to their daughter.
But let’s point out a couple of things:
One, this is not confirmed. It’s not as though Travis is tweeting this.
So there is always the chance that Travis made a comment about Kylie’s ludicrously expensive baby accessories and that a friend or acquaintance overheard it and blew it out of proportion.
Two, Stormi is four months old. So you might say that she’s, well, four months old.
Not only is it not possible to spoil a four month old baby, but all of the items listed — strollers, carriers, and so on — aren’t really gifts for Stormi.
Those are Kylie’s tools and accessories.
Obviously, there are lines that a parent should not cross with respect to their child. Giving your child everything that they want as they get older could compromise their safety.
But many would say that part of the joy of becoming wealthy is to be able to provide your children with nice things throughout their lives and to secure their future.
But the real issue here may be this:
If Travis Scott really feels this way, does that mean that he doens’t think that Kylie turned out alright? And if that’s the case, why is he with her?
Something to consider.
Friday, July 28, 2017
The Emoji Movie Earns 0% on Rotten Tomatoes. This is Why.
The Emoji Movie is about a city called Textopolis in which every emoji lives.
It tells the tale of one emoji named Gene who is determined to only have one facial expression, just like his animated friends.
And it may be the worst movie of all-time.
We’re not being hyperbolic.
The movie review website Rotten Tomatoes, which cobbles together critiques from professionals around the country, has given it a 0 percent.
This means that not a single movie critic in the world has a positive thing to say about The Emoji Movi.
Not. A. Single. One.
How can a film flop so badly? What could make it such an abhorrent experience?
Let’s turn to the experts, shall we? Scroll down for a look at why critics think The Emoji Movi is even worse than After Earth.
There could be far worse ways to spend 86 minutes. But maybe, just maybe, it’d be the better choice to spend those 86 minutes outside, or reading a book, or talking face-to-face with another human being.
Because The Emoji Movie could not be more meh. – Katie Walsh, The Los Angeles Times.
The Emoji Movie shows how low Hollywood will sink for easy.– Jordan Hoffman, The New York Daily News.
This movie’s “believe in yourself” message is borne out, in a perverse way, by the very fact that it even exists. And yet the whole thing remains nakedly idiotic. – Glenn Kenny, The New York Times.
Excuse me while I scan my phone for the vomit emoji. – Mara Reinstein,
Do yourself a favor, and swipe left on this one. – Mike Reyes,
As far as expanding on smartphone-related IP, this is an even weaker starting point than Sony Animation’s recent The Angry Birds Movie. – Vadim Rizov, AV Club.
Looking back, it seems so obvious. We should have seen The Emoji Movie’s utter awfulness coming.
But as with so many other things in 2017, hindsight is not so much 20/20 as a giant regret generator. – Alissa Wilkinson, Vox.
A film as mindless and disposable as most smartphone apps (and nowhere near as addictive), “The Emoji Movie” is a calamity that inadvertently shows how difficult it is to pull off the witty, imaginative world-building that Pixar makes seem so breezy. – Tim Grierson, Screen International.
The good news is The Emoji Movie, co-written and directed by Tony Leondis, is not evil. The bad news is it’s just mediocre, or in emoji parlance, simply “meh.” – Lindsey Bahr, The Associated Press.
Hear that? It’s the end of the world. – Johnny Oleksinski, The New York Post.
Incredibly, there appears to have been one thing worse than the actual The Emoji Movie:
The marketing campaign for The Emoji Movie.
See what we mean below… and prepare to recoil in horror!
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Petrossian Caviar and Champagne Bar at LAX Sued by Ex-Chef, Claims They Dished Rotten Eggs
Petrossian Caviar and Champagne Bar in LAX was serving bad caviar to its schmany food-loving customers according to an ex-cook … who says he was fired for calling out the bad eggs. Donald Gray filed a lawsuit against his former bosses, and…
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Fabolous Drops $40k To Fix Rotten Mouth (PHOTOS)
Fabolous has put his money where his mouth is by dropping $ 40k to fix his teeth, and the before and after pics show it was worth every penny. Loso has rapped about the chip in his front tooth on 2001’s “Right Now &…
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Farrah Abraham Spoils Sophia Rotten on Christmas: See the Pics!
Farrah Abraham likes to show off just how wealthy she really is.
In late December, 2016, she took to social media to show off the whole host of gifts she got her daughter, Sophia Abraham for Christmas.
Some parents go too far, but that"s not quite as far as Farrah Abraham went.
If you want to see just how spoiled one child can be, then scroll down for some of the expensive items Sophia was gifted with.
1. Sophia Abraham In Her Pink Golf Cart

2. Sophia Abraham & Her Jacuzzi

3. Sophia Abraham Has A Billion Reasons To Hate Her Mom

4. Sophia Abraham Has Custom Roses

5. Sophia Abraham & Starburst

6. Sophia Abraham Opens Macbook Pro

Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 3 Recap: Rotten Apples Return
If you watch Dance Moms online, you know the ALDC shot-caller has no shortage of enemies, but that one in particular stands out.
Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 3, which aired last night on Lifetime, showed Abby Lee squaring off with an old nemesis once again.
We picked things up with Cathy revealing she was not best pleased with her Candy Apples losing out to the ALDC. Would anyone be happy with anyone beating their own team?
The scene was pretty much only there to piss Abby off if she was watching at home. LOL.
Cathy did reveal she was happy to get under Abby’s skin, but when you think about it, Abby was the one who emerged victorious.
Cathy then tried to get her daughter to return to the stage in the hopes of securing a victory against the ALDC.
Umm, okay then.
Elsewhere, Abby was not the one eating humble pie at the ALDC.
Instead, she was busy praising her group about how well they did in the competition.
Ever since Abby kicked off the changes in the ALDC, she’s been way nicer to everyone.
Maybe she’s realized there’s a good chance this will be the final season of the show, or something.
Abby made the decision to bench the minis once more in order to try and win the next competition.
On top of that, she revealed that only one of the new gals might become a permanent member of the group.
Abby decided to give Kendall the only solo this time round, but made it clear she wanted it to be a show stopper.
She then claimed it would be a Maddie routine and that Kendall tends to waste all of the big numbers given to her.
Kendall’s main competition was revealed to be Black Patsy’s daughter, Nicaya.
On the day of the competition, Abby made it clear to Kendall that if her solo did not win first place, she would never be given the opportunity again.
The Candy Apples mothers burst into the ALDC changing room and took some time to trash Abby’s fraud case.
They just seemed like sore losers. It was pathetic.
Kendall’s performance flourished, while Nicaya’s was not that great.
The ALDC even did pretty great with the group routine.
In the end, Kendall won first place and the group performance won first place.
Cathy continued to act like a sore loser.
Abby took the high ground and decided to ignore her nemesis, who made it clear they would be meeting again at nationals.
Maybe Cathy can teach her girls how to dance and we’ll have a competition.
What did you think of all the drama?
Sound off below!
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Sex Pistols" -- Johnny Rotten ... "Memba Him? (PHOTO)
Johnny Rotten made the Sex Pistols punk rock pioneers, and was frequently covered in bodily fluids while he did it … but that was the 70s. Johnny’s trademark spiky hair — and just about everything else about him — has made a huge…
Sex Pistols" -- Johnny Rotten ... Look At Him Now! (PHOTO)
Fast-forward 40-something years, and Johnny Rotten becomes John Lydon — your run-of-the-mill grocery shopper … with a monochromatic sense of style. Here’s Johnny looking like your average Joe old guy, albeit with a hint of his punk rock past. His…
Friday, February 5, 2016
Axl Rotten Dies; Former WWE/ECW Star Was 44
Brian Knighton, a former WWE superstar who fought under the moniker “Axl Rotten,” has been found dead in Baltimore.
He was 44 years old.
Details are still coming in regarding the death, but PWInsider reports that Knighton was discovered by authorities in a McDonald’s in the vicinity of the motel he was staying in.
The ex-wrestler had just sent a message on Twitter 10 hours before his corpse was found.
Knighton was best known for his run in the original Extreme Championship Wrestling in the mid-1990s, establishing a feud at the time with his storyline brother and former tag team partner, Ian Rotten.
He was one of the first wrestlers to use barbed wire baseball bats inside the ring, turning that item into a common weapon of choice and helping to usher in an era of blood and violence.
“Thanks for letting me learn from you, but most of all thanks for being my brother,” Ian wrote in a Facebook tribute after learning of Brian’s death, linking to photos and videos from Knighton’s career.”
Ian said he saw this death coming:
“When Axl left my house Sunday night, I pretty much knew I would never see him again.
“He would always say to me that he had no idea why he was still here. That God must have been making him suffer. I told him that it was Gods plan for him to write his book, and maybe that book would change one person’s life.
“Unfortunately, now that book won’t be written. When he left my house, he told me he wrote this story and he knew how it ended.”
Knighton went on to appear in the WWE and that organization issued the following statement on his passing:
“WWE extends its condolences to Knighton’s family, friends and fans”