Showing posts with label Acting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Acting. Show all posts

Friday, December 14, 2018

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

"LazyTown" Robbie Rotten Actor Stefan Karl Stefansson Honored With Acting Academy

Stefan Karl Stefansson — the actor who played Robbie Rotten on the popular children’s show “LazyTown” – will have a performing arts academy built in his honor … TMZ has learned.  The Stefan Karl Academy & Center…


Friday, August 10, 2018

Kim Kardasian Doubles Down on Tyson Beckford Shade: Stop Acting Like a Bitch!

Last week, Tyson Beckford body-shamed Kim Kardashian after seeing a photo of the social media icon that apparently didn’t suit his very specific tastes. 

Kim clapped back without delay, but instead of being applauded for standing up to her bully, she was criticized for the homophobic nature of her comments.

Kim Kardashian-Tyson Beckford

“Sorry I Dont care for it personally,” Beckford commented on the photo.

“She is not real, doctor f—ked up on her right hip.”

“Sis we all know why you don’t care for it,” Kim shot back.

Kim added the frog, teacup, and fingernail-painting emojis, in case it was unclear that she intended to throw shade.

For obvious reasons, Kim was accused of homophobia.

That’ll happen when you imply that someone is gay as an insult.

For his part, Beckford affirmed his heterosexuality (would be nice if just once someone took a more “so what if I am gay?” stance, but whatevs) while boasting of his support for the gay community.

“I support LGBTQ, even though I’m not Gay,” he wrote in a since-deleted Instagram post.

“It’s just the Human thing to do.”

Kim remained uncharacteristically quiet on the matter until today, when she finally responded to the allegations of homophobia:

“Really, dude? Like, you’re going to body-shame me? Like, OK. OK. OK, sis. You’re going to body-shame me?” Kim said in a radio interview.

“People were sending me stuff on his page. He keeps on going and going and going, and I’m just like, ‘Dude, that’s so female lame to me. That’s just lame to me,’” she continued. 

“And for anyone to say that I am homophobic with the comment of saying ‘sis’?

“All my best friends are gay. I support the community. I love the community. They love me. That has nothing to do with this.”

Hmm … now, Kim has every right to defend herself from body-shaming trolls, but we think she’s intentionally misrepresenting the situation here because she knows she was in the wrong.

No one is saying Kim’s homophobic because she sued the word “sis.”

They’re saying it because someone insulted her, and she responded by suggesting that he’s gay.

Oh, and throwing around “female” around as an insult isn’t really helping matters.

All-in-all, 1/10 apology, would not listen to again.


Friday, July 13, 2018

Harvey Weinstein Denies Saying He Traded Acting Jobs for Sex

Harvey Weinstein says an article in “The Spectator” which just came out — purportedly quoting him as saying he traded acting roles for sex — is bogus, and the reporter who wrote the story seems to admit it. The article says Weinstein told the…


Harvey Weinstein Denies Saying He Traded Acting Jobs for Sex

Harvey Weinstein says an article in “The Spectator” which just came out — purportedly quoting him as saying he traded acting roles for sex — is bogus, and the reporter who wrote the story seems to admit it. The article says Weinstein told the…


Friday, May 4, 2018

Kevin Hart Demanded Alleged Extortionist J.T. Jackson Get Commercial, Acting Gigs

Kevin Hart wasn’t just a close friend of his alleged sex tape extortionist, J.T. Jackson — he acted like a devoted agent for the guy … getting him roles in commercials and a lot more. Sources close to Kevin say case in point … a 2013 Coke…


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Arie Luyendyk: Sorry for Acting Like a Jerk... Again!

Arie Luyendyk Jr. is getting really good at this apology thing.

The unpopular Bachelor star has been issuing mea culpas for weeks, it seems, ever since he shattered Becca Kufrin’s heart on national television to wrap up the latest season of this ABC reality show.

This time around, however, Arie did not blindside his fiancee with a break-up speech in front of network cameras.

Instead, he teamed up with his second fiancee to pull a lame, unoriginal and, according to some, offensive prank on Twitter followers this past Sunday.

In honor of April Fool’s Day, Arie and Lauren Burnham set out to play a joke on their shrinking number of fans.

Luyendyk shared a photo of someone’s baby bump, implied it belonged to Lauren and Tweeted:

“Secrets finally out, we have a bunny in the oven! @laurenburnham91.”

Take a look below at the picture that accompanied this caption:

bunny in oven

Just over an hour after uploading this image, Arie copped to the ploy, simply writing “APRIL FOOLS” and likely thinking he was the funniest person on the planet.

But many people out there disagreed.

Because infertility is sadly a common problem in America, a handful of critics on the Internet did not think this was a topic to base a joke around.

There are millions of women who would give absolutely anything to actually have a bun in their oven…and here is Arie, just having a grand ole time at their expense.

So the argument by quite a few social media users went, with one person referring to Lauren and Arie as “disgusting” and others adding:

hating on Arie

“You really are a douche canoe if this is an April fools [sic]!!” wrote another displeased commenter.

(Editor’s Note: Based on the way Arie treated Becca, many would say he’s a douche canoe regardless of this prank. But we digress.)

After initially blowing off the backlash, Luyendyk later jumped back on Twitter yesterday and recognized that he messed up, writing:

I do have sympathy for women struggling from infertility. My April Fools prank was in no way meant to offend women who struggle with that.

I apologize if you were effected personally by my post.

arie apology

That’s probably enough now, right?

We understand why this is a very personal and sensitive issue for folks out there, but we don’t doubt Arie and Lauren meant no harm by their joke.

They’ve hopefully learned some kind of lesson and should probably err on the side of being as sensitive as possible in general, considering how they’re viewed by most Bachelor viewers after the finale.

Maybe take a social media hiatus, guys.

There’s little good that can be done by you making your presence felt strongly in the public sphere these days.

We could all use a cooling off period from these two, no matter what you think of their pregnancy prank, couldn’t we?


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Senator Tim Kaine Tells Trump To Quit Acting Guilty in Mueller Investigation

Hillary Clinton’s ex-running mate, Tim Kaine, says Donald Trump should probably stop attacking Special Counsel Robert Mueller … ‘cause appearances (of guilt) are everything. We got the Virginia Senator Monday in D.C., where we asked…


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Justin Bieber"s Taking Acting Lessons with Famous Coach

Justin Bieber’s going hard into the acting world, working with a professional who’s helped some of the biggest names in Hollywood — but don’t count on seeing his skills on a screen anytime soon. Sources close to the Biebs tell TMZ … he’s taking…


Justin Bieber"s Taking Acting Lessons with Famous Coach

Justin Bieber’s going hard into the acting world, working with a professional who’s helped some of the biggest names in Hollywood — but don’t count on seeing his skills on a screen anytime soon. Sources close to the Biebs tell TMZ … he’s taking…


Monday, September 18, 2017

Mohamed Hadid"s Big Hollywood Break, Acting Debut in John Travolta Movie

Gigi and Bella can have modeling … their pops, Mohamed Hadid, is busting into movies, and the way he managed to land a debut opposite John Travolta is a classic Hollywood tale. “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” alum had never…


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Bella Thorne Slammed For "Acting Slutty" on Snapchat

If you follow Bella Thorne on social media, you know that like Miley before her, the former Disney star isn’t shy when it comes to showing a little skin.

Bella’s bikini pics are an almost-daily occurrence, and she’s basically the Martin Scorsese of short video clips featuring partial nudity.

Basically, going to Bella’s Instagram page and complaining about the prominently displayed boobs would be like going to a potn site … and complaining about the prominently displayed boobs.

But this 2017, a time in which someone will find cause to complain about literally anything you post online.

As a result, Bella has been on the receiving end of some truly ridiculous slut-shaming in recent weeks.

Her latest Snapchat uploads how Bella bouncing around in a sheer black dress.

Pretty tame stuff, but some folks are apparently shocked – shocked! – by Bella’s behavior.

“I love your acting but this constant need to parade yourself around acting slutty is beneath you,” commented one follower.

“U used to be better than this,” wrote another.

“Something about either her makeup or hair is too gimmicky for my tastes. Beautiful girl and I bet if she did more natural shots it would get more attention,” a third remarked.

You get the idea.

Bella has been doing a lot of one thing on her social media accounts for at least the past year, yet for some reason, people visit her page and are astonished to see her doing that one thing.

We can only assume the delicate flowers who posted these comments are engaged in Rumspringa – the rite of passage in which Amish folks enter the modern world for a few weeks and get frightened back to the farm.

We legitimately can’t imagine anyone else being shocked by the sight of a young woman dancing in a black dress.

Naturally, there were plenty of favorable comments, too, but you know how it goes:

You post something online, 75 people like it, 1 d-bag posts something mean, and you spend the rest of the day stewing about the d-bag.

Maybe it’s different for celebrities, but until Disney is busted manufacturing its starlets in an underground lab beneath Space Mountain, we’re gonna assume Bella is a human, and thus, has feelings.


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Daniel Day-Lewis Quits Acting

Sir Daniel Day-Lewis — one of the most iconic actors in the last quarter century with 3 Oscars to his name — has reportedly quit the biz. Daniel’s rep released a statement saying he will no longer be working as an actor. She added, “He is…


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Stephen Belafonte Says Mel B Acting Hysterically Over Storage Locker Drama

Stephen Belafonte claims Mel B is creating high drama that’s pure fiction by claiming he and their former nanny are in cahoots in holding her sex tapes and personal items hostage in a storage locker. Stephen’s lawyer, Grace Jamra, tells TMZ, both…


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

John Singleton Schools Us on Tupac"s Acting Skillz (VIDEO)

John Singleton’s always dropping knowledge … his subject this time around — Tupac. The famed director was leaving The London NYC on Monday when we asked about Pac’s many talents … and we’re not talking just rap skills. Remember, he co-starred…


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Justin Bieber to Fans: Stop Acting Like Animals!

Justin Bieber is at it again.

He’s taking his shirt off again on Instagram?

He’s sticking it to Kourtney Kardashian (where it counts!) again in bed?

He’s attacking members of the paparazzi for snapping photo?

Okay, good point. We need to be more specific here.

In this case, Justin Bieber is once again treating his fans like crap, making fun of them and mocking them simply because they are excited to be in his presence.

Heck, those descriptions may be too kind to Bieber.

He’s really trashing them in the clip below.

Filmed by a fan in Australia, where Bieber is currently on tour, the following footage features Justin addressing a loud group of supporters who surrounded him while he tried to eat a meal in peace in between concerts.

“The more you guys scream and act like animals, the less we can have a conversation,” Bieber condescends to his followers.

Just days prior to this incident, Bieber told a girl who asked for his autograph that she made him “sick.”

This has become a very strange, disturbing and unfortunate pattern for Justin Bieber.

In October, the artist blasted his own concert goes for dating to yell in support and excitement.

“Can you guys do me a favor? Can you guys just relax for about two seconds?” Bieber asked at the time, going on to put his fans in their place as follows:

“I get it, I get it, but I’m like two feet away from you. And I can hear you. I appreciate all the love, it’s amazing, but can you show it in a different way? Screaming is just so obnoxious…

“I don’t feel like I’m being heard sometimes, and it gets a little frustrating. When I’m speaking, can you guys not scream at the top of your lungs?”

A couple days later, Bieber dressed down another crowd, telling them he was “just trying to engage,” but if they kept being so loud, he’d stop talking and “just play the music.”

And then a couple days after this incident, a frustrated Bieber stormed off stage due to the enthusiasm of his audience:

Finally, after continually showing such little respect for the people who have made him rich and famous, Bieber posted a lengthy message on Twitter toward the end of last October.

“I simply feel like, if I didn’t use this platform to say how I truly feel, and if I didn’t use this platform to be the man that I know I am, and speak from what’s in my heart, then I’m doing myself injustice, and I’m not doing anybody in this audience any justice,” the singer rambled.

He continued:

“There’s going to be times where I say the wrong thing, because I’m human. But I don’t pretend to be perfect and I hope to God that, you know, I don’t say the right thing all the time because if that was the case then I’d be a robot, and I’m just, I’m not a robot.

“There’s times when I get upset … times when I get angry, there’s times when I’m going to be myself on this stage…

“All I was simply doing was wanting people to listen; to kind of hear me out a little bit. Certain people … certain cities aren’t going to want to hear me out, and you know, sometimes it’s my job to just say, ‘hey, I’m not going to try to force anything.’

“I just appreciate you guys tonight, listening to me and understand, and rocking with me. You guys are truly amazing.”

Look, JB.

We get it: it must be very annoying to feel like you are a piece of meat at times; to be gawked at and yelled at and maybe not really listened to as a human being.

But one way to solve this problem would be to post fewer shirtless photos of yourself.

Another way to solve this problem would be to gain some perspective.

All celebrities must trade some privacy for a lot of wealth. You get to live your dream of working as a very successful recording artist and, in exchange, you must eat lunch while sort of being treated like a museum display.

Case in point:

So either do not go out to eat so often, or embrace your celebrity.

You can’t have it both ways.

You’re only rich and famous because of these same people that you now see as “animals.”

If you need a break from the spotlight, go ahead and take it.

Otherwise, shut up, apologize to your fans and realize that you have it pretty darn awesome overall.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Cat Deeley"s Restaurant Server Admits Mistakes But Slams Her for Acting Like Trump (VIDEO)

The guy who waited on Cat Deeley at Tom George Restaurant on Sunday thinks she totally overreacted by publicly bashing the L.A. eatery … and leaving him a $ 0 tip. Joseph Vasko-Bezenek admits the restaurant flubbed the “So You Think…


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Paris Jackson Makes Her Acting Debut: Watch!

Paris Jackson is really coming into her own these days, huh?

Despite reports that her family is concerned about her mental health and her sobriety after dating an older man who is also rumored to be a white supremacist, she"s got her career on the right path.

And hey, that"s something, right?

For the past few months, Paris has been working as a model, which makes sense — she"s ridiculously gorgeous, after all, and having at least one famous parent seems to be a pre-requisite for modeling today.

And now, she"s building a career in acting, too!

She"ll make her acting debut on this week"s new episode of Star, a television show created by Lee Daniels.

And we even have this handy little video showing some of Paris" scenes, along with an interview with her about the show!

Paris will play a character named Rachel Wallace, who she describes as a "a social media photographer chick who"s really into herself."

As such, she says that "This role is really opposite to me and for it being my first on-camera acting, i think it"s a good way for me to show my acting capabilities."

From what we can see of those acting capabilities in this clip (plus, you know, the fact that she"s Michael Jackson"s kid), her new career is going to be off to a great start.

See Paris in action in the video below:

Paris jackson makes her acting debut watch

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Ron Howard Says Trump"s Team is Acting Un-American (VIDEO)

Ron Howard’s super disappointed by Trump and company … but he sees a solution. Ron was out in Beverly Hills Friday and was clearly upset by the latest … banning certain outlets from media briefings. Ron’s a big believer in the power of the…


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Ronda Rousey RETURNS TO ACTING ... Guest Role On "Blindspot"

Ronda Rousey’s back … to acting!  The UFC legend scored herself a guest role on the hit NBC show “Blindspot” — where she’ll play a tough prison inmate who’s serving time for transporting weapons across state lines.  A rep for the show…
