Showing posts with label Commercial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Commercial. Show all posts

Friday, May 4, 2018

Kevin Hart Demanded Alleged Extortionist J.T. Jackson Get Commercial, Acting Gigs

Kevin Hart wasn’t just a close friend of his alleged sex tape extortionist, J.T. Jackson — he acted like a devoted agent for the guy … getting him roles in commercials and a lot more. Sources close to Kevin say case in point … a 2013 Coke…


Monday, February 12, 2018

Chrissy Teigen Showing Extreme Cleavage for Commercial Shoot

Chrissy Teigen is on a commercial shoot … but from the looks of it, her dress is doing all the work. Chrissy, John Legend and daughter Luna all showed up Monday for the shoot, which apparently requires Mom to show off some MAJOR cleavage.…


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Keanu Reeves Busts Terrifying Motorcycle Stunt for Super Bowl Commercial

Keanu Reeves channeled his inner Johnny Utah from “Point Break” to pull off this thrilling — and incredibly dangerous — Super Bowl ad. You can see Keanu stand on the bike as it’s going at a high rate of speed. Then, out of nowhere, the bike…


Friday, September 1, 2017

CNN Harvey Coverage, Commercial Boasts, "Americans are Loving the HurryCane!"

CNN has been covering Hurricane Harvey almost nonstop, which makes a commercial that ran Friday night at 9:30 PM PT all the more shocking … a 60-second spot for the HurryCane. It’s an ad hawking a cane that helps people walk with ease  For a…


Monday, August 14, 2017

Kendall Jenner Faces MORE Backlash Over New Commercial!

It"s not tacitly supporting smoking or that stupid nightmare of a Pepsi commercial, but yet another Kendall Jenner advertisement is getting backlash.

Yes. Again.

We have the video for you below so that you can decide for yourself whether this warrants outrage.

Kendall jenner wears a lot of red

Kendall Jenner has appeared in a short advertisement for Adidas.

That sounds innocuous enough, right?

But so did Pepsi.

Adidas is a brand that caters to athletes but, obviously, plenty of people wear Adidas.

The short, dramatic ad shared by Adidas" Twitter account looks fine on the surface.

And then you look and see the backlash.

(The angry comments absolutely refer to the Pepsi debacle)

Kendall jenner topless freedom panty ad

These tweets were direct responses to the Adidas tweet, but even so they did not mince words.

"This is so pandering to a market you"ll never have! So not "original" back to Nike with Serena, Nadal and other real athletes. Pepsi got it."

We don"t think that Adidas is replacing Serena or whatever.\

Companies can make lots of ads with lots of different people. They"re not "cheating" on Serena Williams.

But it seems that, to some of Adidas" more passionate fans, the brand represents something that Kendall cannot achieve.

"To me, adidas means: athlete, fitness, committed to hard work; impressions not personified by k jenner. you"re just another brand. yawn."

Well … they have a sense of brand loyalty. We"ll give them that.

(Also: Adidas is also a brand, folks)

People seemed genuinely angry, even:

"Kendall Jenner???? Really?!??? There is NOTHING original about having this ridiculous image front your brand…come on adidas!! Do better!!"

The most needless dramatic one was this one:

"#adidasOriginalsxAW literally just threw out everything adidas i owned after the @KendallJenner ad. Will never buy again"

Some people misuse the word "literally," but … it"s entirely possible that this Twitter user was being literal.

Kendall jenners pantless mirror selfie

Of course, this is yet again a case of Kendall Jenner doing her job.

She is a model. Her job is to model.

The only reason that she seems to get the backlash rather than the companies that hire her is because she"s famous on her own, and so also seems like a target for people"s ire.

Now, we"re not saying that Kendall Jenner is blameless.

She could refuse to take jobs — though that"s not really great for your career.

And Kendall and Kylie"s terrible and disrespectful shirts were a different story, because that"s a direct part of their brand instead of a gig for someone else.

But Kendall didn"t come up with this Adidas ad any more than she came up with that Pepsi commercial.

She"s a model, doing her job.

Kendall jenner in underwear only

Personally, I found the tone of this particular batch of backlash to be a little disturbing.

There"s a strong suggestion in those tweets that says that Kendall shouldn"t do an Adidas commercial because she isn"t an athlete.

First of all, anybody can wear "athletic" brands, folks.

You don"t need to do yoga to wear yoga pants.

Those tweeters were acting like Kendall was doing cultural appropriation (again).

That does NOT apply to workout clothes, folks.

Kendall doesn"t have to spend her whole career selling perfume and sexy underwear (though she can if she likes).

If models who aren"t athletes can"t sell athletic gear, what next?

Will they make models who sell clothes actually wear clothes in the posters?

We hope not.

Kendall jenner faces more backlash over adidas ad

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Bethenny Frankel Demands Payment for eBay Commercial, or Else

Bethenny Frankel never signed off on being in a commercial for eBay, but they went ahead and aired it anyway … according to new legal docs. Frankel’s camp claims she was in talks with eBay and an ad agency about running an ad featuring clips from…


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Hodor: Game of Thrones Favorite Resurrected For KFC Commercial

So, what are you doing for National Fried Chicken Day?

Did you take the day off to spend some quality time with a bucket of Extra Crispy?

Will you be honoring the fallen hen heroes who gave their lives in the name of deliciousness by watching some Foghorn Leghorn cartoons?

We kid, of course, but believe it or not, July 6 actually has been declared National Fried Chicken Day.

We"re generally opposed to this "every day is some sort of dumb holiday" trend, but as lovers of what Tom Haverford calls "fry-fry chicky-chick," we"re actually okay with the idea of National Fried Chicken Day.

So we don"t know why KFC had to go and ruin the whole thing by forcing us to flashback to the death of one of TV"s most beloved character!

If you watch Game of Thrones online, then the words "hold the door" likely conjure memories of a scene that will forever live in infamy.

We"re talking, of course, about the death of Hodor.

(Our apologies if the demise comes as news to you, but we"re pretty sure with shows as popular as GoT, the statute of limitations on spoilers is like a week.)

Anyway, we didn"t think any good could come from the demise of our favorite gentle giant, but then Hodor actor Kristian Nairn teamed up with the UK branch of KFC to deliver what is unexpectedly a pretty damn funny commercial.

Check out below … just don"t say we didn"t warn you if you end up all triggered and whatnot:

Hodor game of thrones favorite resurrected for kfc commercial

Kristaps Porzingis Stars in Weirdly Sexy Latvian Commercial

What happens when you mix credit cards, erotica and Kristaps Porzingis?  Arguably the best commercial of the NBA offseason.  Feast your eyes on a Latvian ad for the Visa “X” card starring the New York Knicks phenom — where Porzingis gets…


Kristaps Porzingis Stars in Weirdly Sexy Latvian Commercial

What happens when you mix credit cards, erotica and Kristaps Porzingis?  Arguably the best commercial of the NBA offseason.  Feast your eyes on a Latvian ad for the Visa “X” card starring the New York Knicks phenom — where Porzingis gets…


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Jenelle Evans: See Her Absolutely Insane New Commercial!

Jenelle Evans is many things.

She"s a mother. She"s a daughter. She"s almost someone"s wife. She"s a habitual offender.

While Jenelle has many roles in this life, being an actress is not one of them. But somehow, someway, she was still cast in a commercial for a product called Laboraide.

And it is seriously the dumbest thing you"ll ever see in your whole entire life.


OK, so Laboraide is this natural, drug-free device for pregnant women to wear while they"re in labor. It"s supposed to allow them to be able to push more effectively and to avoid surgical interventions.

It"s essentially a glorified mouth guard.

But we"re not here to talk about the product — though why someone thinks a woman would want to bother with this nonsense while she"s in the middle of labor is unexplainable — we"re here to talk about Jenelle.

Specifically, we"re here to talk about Jenelle, her creepy boyfriend, David Eason, and their ridiculously cheesy acting.

At the beginning of the commercial, we see David wheel Jenelle into the hospital. You"d think she"d be in pain, or at least a little anxious, but no. Not Jenelle.


She is calm and serene, ready to shove a hunk of plastic in her mouth and push that baby out.


When she gets to her hospital bed, she hops in, then puts that fancy mouth guard right in her gob. She"s ready now!

Right in the middle of labor, she"s so in control of it all that she"s able to take a moment from her steady breathing to share a sweet smile with her third baby daddy.

And then, when that baby is finally born, she"s able to sit back and relax, not a drop of sweat or blood or any other bodily fluid in sight, and just cuddle that child.

Did we mention that she"s rocking giant pearl earrings all throughout her delivery? Because she is.

None of it makes sense, and Jenelle is a horrible actress, especially for pretending to do something she"s done three times now in real life.

But that"s the magic of it.

See Jenelle"s acting chops in what could very possibly be the worst commercial of all time:

Jenelle evans see her absolutely insane new commercial

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Kendall Jenner: Devastated by the Reaction to Her Pepsi Commercial?!

Kendall Jenner, bless her heart … she tried with that Pepsi commercial, she really did.

She tried to be inspirational and progressive, but it just didn’t work out for her. It worked out for literally no one.

Well, except for the people who like to laugh at stupid things, those people are probably doing OK right now.

Somehow, someway, Kendall agreed to do a Pepsi ad in which an ice cold can of soda could bring an end to years of conflict and strife, how she could rip off a wig, wipe off her lipstick, and save the world. With Pepsi.

It sounds ridiculous, and that’s because it is, but still, it happened.

And now Kendall seems to be full of regret and shame and all sorts of general sadness.

She’s deleted all the tweets about the commercial, and she was photographed landing in Paris yesterday, trying to cover her face as much as possible.

On top of that, a source spoke to People — a source close to Kendall, but who has not spoken with her since the Pepsi mess went down — about how she’s likely handling things.

“Kendall would have been absolutely mortified,” the source claims. “Anything offensive is just not her. She means well, always.”

“She would have called Kris SO upset and freaking out. And then Kris would go into mom mode and approach it like ‘Let’s do something about this, NOW."”

It makes sense that she’d be mortified, right? It would actually be kind of shocking if she wasn’t.

And it also makes sense that Kris Jenner would be absolutely livid by the whole debacle … and according to another report, she really, really is.

According to an insider, Kris “thinks that Kendall is being made to look an idiot and is frightened that her daughter is getting blamed.”

“Kendall was to make money every time the ad ran,” the source explained. “Now she will not and Kris is livid.”

“Kris is also frightened other brands will not want to use Kendall now. This could cost her millions and maybe end her career.”

She reportedly wants Pepsi to pay Kendall not only for the ad, but for “distress that she is suffering.”

Look, Kendall is going to be OK. She’s going to get made fun of for a while, and deservedly so — she didn’t come up with the idea for the commercial, but she did go along with it.

And it’s clear that Pepsi is concerned about their relationship with the Kardashian/Jenner clan. In the statement they made after pulling the ad, they specifically apologized to Kendall.

So she’ll be mocked for a while, and Kris will possibly lose some money, and we will all giggle at Pepsi for the rest of our days.

The world keeps turning, dumb as it may be.


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

TMZ Live: Kendall Jenner: Pepsi Commercial Backlash

ON TODAY’S SHOW Mel B Pleads With Friends: “He’ll Kill Me” David Spade & Naya Rivera: Dating? Drake Endorses Chance For Chicago Mayor Rick Ross Gets Off Easy!


Charlamagne tha God, Kendall Jenner Pepsi Commercial is Outrageous (VIDEO)

Kendall Jenner jumped into the Black Lives Matter movement in the worst way possible, and Pepsi should be ashamed of itself for orchestrating it … so says Charlamagne tha God. “The Breakfast Club” host echoed a chorus of outrage over the ad,…


Kendall Jenner and Pepsi Get Huge Backlash for Protest Commercial (VIDEO)

Kendall Jenner’s new Pepsi commercial — in which she joins a protest or rally of some sort and then hands a cop a can of soda — is being torn to shreds online. The commercial’s faced immediate backlash since being released on Tuesday, with many…


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Kendall Jenner: SLAMMED For Tone Deaf Pepsi Commercial!

The Kardashian-Jenner clan has always had trouble staying on message politically.

After being hailed as an advocate for the trans community, Caitlyn Jenner stuck by her conservative, Republican views.

Kim and Kris supported Hillary in the 2016 presidential election … but then Kanye West met with Donald Trump during the president"s shady transition.

But no matter where you fall on the Kard clan political spectrum, one thing we can all agree on is that Kendall Jenner"s new Pepsi commercial is dumb as hell.

The ad seems to be aiming for a tone similar to that of the famous "I"d Like to Buy the World a Coke" commercial of 1970 by acknowledging the current climate of political strife while encouraging unity.

But man did it miss the mark by a mile.

For an indication of how mind-blowingly tone deaf the spot is, look no further than these side-by-side screengrabs:

Yes, that"s a bunch of cops recoiling in horror from a black woman while accepting the gift of ice cold Pepsi from Kendall.

It"s not hard to see why social media responded with a collective WTF?

The intention of the ad seems to be to give an approving nod to both protesters and police while … giving Kendall Jenner woke points?

We"re not really sure.

Whatever the intention, having Kenny save the day with with a crispy can of sugar water is just downright confusing.

When your ad could"ve benefited from the social consciousness of Don freakin" Draper, you know you messed up bad.

Kendall jenner slammed for tone deaf pepsi commercial

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Anheuser-Busch Sued for Spuds MacKenzie Super Bowl Commercial (VIDEO)

Anheuser-Busch has no business using the ghost of Spuds MacKenzie to sell Bud Light because that doggy don’t bark for the beer giant anymore … according to a new lawsuit. Spuds Ventures says it currently owns the rights to the…


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tom Brady & Gisele Touch Down in Boston, Super Bowl MVPs Don"t Fly Commercial (PHOTO GALLERY)

Tom Brady returned to Boston looking every bit the conquering hero — Super Bowl wins and private jets never get old for this guy. Mr. 4-time SB MVP flew back with Gisele and their kids on the Under Armour private jet. Check out the gallery … TB…


Sunday, February 5, 2017

"Wassup" Guy in Budweiser Commercial "Memba Him?

Charles Stone III is best known for delivering the classic lines in the foremost football commercial ‘Wassup’ for Budweiser … which got its start from Stone’s short film entitled “True.” Guess what he looks like now!


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Lisa Vanderpump Putting Her "Dog"s Purpose" Commercial Money to Good Use (VIDEO)

Lisa Vanderpump’s excitement about promoting “A Dog’s Purpose” was crushed when she saw the disturbing video of a terrified German Shepherd on the movie’s set. We caught Lisa in Bev Hills, hours after TMZ first posted the footage of Hercules ……


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Carrie Fisher Heart Failure a Real Problem on Commercial Flights

Carrie Fisher’s heart failure aboard a United jet is the latest fatal incident in what has become a real problem on commercial airliners. Several EMTs who work LAX tell us … they frequently encounter passengers with heart problems, and a number of…
